Death and The Divide

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Death and The Divide Page 29

by Lara Nance

  Chapter Thirty

  Linc motioned for quiet in the lab, waving his arms. “Thanks for you congratulations, but we still have a lot of work to do. It would help us most if you guys could clear out now. Someone needs to take the victim to the infirmary so the medic can examine her. Tests show she’s clear of the virus, but very weak and disoriented.”

  Two of the soldiers took charge of the victim and rolled her out on the table. The others acted as if they had achieved this success, slapping each other’s backs and offering congratulations they’d made it alive as they filed out of the glass room.

  Ria rested a gentle hand on his shoulder. “How do you feel?”

  “Tired.” He gave a soft laugh then grew sober remembering his fight with the cannibal on the lower level. “I have a request.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I swallowed some blood from one of the cannibals. Can you test me for the virus?” He held out his arm.

  Her smile faded. “When did it happen? How long ago?”

  “When I went to find Min and the prisoners attacked us. I stabbed one and the rush of blood hit me in the mouth. I want to make sure I’m not infected.”

  She hesitated a second then went to the desk and loaded another vacu-probe. “Surely a little blood wouldn’t transfer the parasite.”

  “I want to be positive.”

  “All right. Hold still.” She pressed the cold metal tip to his arm. After a click and hiss, she removed it and implanted the sample in a test chip then inserted the chip into the analyzer.

  He laced his fingers together, squeezing hard as he waited. Even with a known cure, the idea of having the vicious bug inside him was disturbing. Could he really trust a little vibration to keep him turning into one of those monsters?

  The chip slid out on a beep. She read the screen, her eyes going wide. “It’s positive.”

  Heat radiated from his skin. He’d felt changes in the last hour: sort of an itching under his skin and a dizzy blurring of his vision. He’d initially related them to the tension of the moment. No wonder sweat continued to pour off of him. The little monsters were burrowing into his brain. The thought sent panic racing through him.

  “We have to hook you up.” She called to Min, “Help me. We need to run the vibration on Linc. He’s infected.”

  He didn’t want to lose control and freak out. The transformation shouldn’t take place yet, but no one could predict what further mutations had occurred. He forced his breathing to slow and counted to ten.

  Min lost his ebullient demeanor and scrambled to the other desk. “Shit, I hope you don’t feel hungry.”

  “Actually, I do.” Linc tilted his head to one side.

  Min skidded to a stop, clutching wires and electrodes to his chest, eyes big in a horrified expression.

  “But not for you. Just regular hungry,” he said and removed his shirt. “I want to get this done. Come on.”

  Min moved slower to Linc’s chair, keeping a wary eye on his movements.

  Linc adjusted the electrodes securely on his chest, eager to get this over with. He had important business waiting. “I think they’re all attached. Can you check the ones on my head?”

  Ria pressed her fingertips to the pads, and he felt the pressure on his temples and forehead. “They look good to me.”

  “I’m ready,” Min said, manning his vibration device.

  He nodded. Ready. He glanced at Ria who gave him a thumbs up and brave smile. “Do it.”

  The vibration tingled through his body. His vision blurred more for a moment, but quickly cleared. He flexed his fingers. It wasn’t bad at all.

  “I’ll take more blood,” Ria said, pressing a vacu-tube to his arm.

  He felt a pinch and a sting.

  “All done.”

  “Go ahead and run it while I’m still hooked up,” he said. Did he imagine the heat in his body dissipating? His attention stayed on Ria as she ran the analysis. “I suppose this was good to do so we have firsthand experience of the process.”

  “It’s good of you to stay positive.” She gave him a weak smile.

  “Well?” He stretched his neck as the report chattered from the output bin.

  She snatched it up and read with greedy eyes. Her body slumped, and she closed her eyes. “It’s clear. Viral RNA back to zero. Thank God.”

  “Hurrah!” Min pumped a fist. “Linc doesn’t have to eat people for the rest of his life. Yay!”

  He ripped the electrodes from his body and tossed them on the desk, relief washing through him like the saving grace of baptism. It took a few moments for him to absorb his near brush with cannibalism. It gave him the perspective of a victim. So many had suffered loss due to the pandemic. He gazed at Ria. What a fantastic, beautiful woman. He could have lost a chance with her along with so many other things.

  She sank to a chair, her hands holding the report shaking. “You’re going to be okay.”

  “You know what? I think we’ve done enough for the moment.” He rose, donning his shirt. “I’m ready for some decent food and a night of sleep without worrying I’m going to be attacked.”

  “Hear. Hear,” Ria said. “I think you promised me your famous lasagna when this was over.”

  “So I did. If the ingredients are here, I’ll definitely make one.” It would be healing to do something other than scientific programs, something simple and basic like cooking.

  “We can raid the kitchen.” Ria smoothed her hair from her face where it curled and obscured her eyes.

  “Sooo, I’m going to have that date with the pool and tiki bar I’ve been putting off. And I’m fairly certain I’ll drink more than I should,” Min said. “You guys have a great night.”

  “Thanks, Minlo,” she said with an indulgent smile. “Don’t drown.”

  Linc had hungered for a chance to be with Ria away from the stress of the parasite drama. He’d wanted to explore a possibility of a relationship between them. Now that he faced such an evening, doubts shook his confidence. Maybe she didn’t want what he did. Or, if she did, maybe she wouldn’t want it with someone from the South. So much had happened to them, it was probably best to take any progression slowly. If it was meant to work out, it would.


  Ria refused to turn off the water in the shower until she’d scrubbed every inch of her body and hair at least three times. The stench of death and the lingering sense of sticky infection seemed to penetrate her every pore.

  Fortunately, her closet contained stacks of clean clothes, although the unisex styling didn’t fit well. Still, the soft material and lose fit was exactly what she needed. Plush comfort came as a welcome change from her days rolling in dirt and dodging flesh-eaters.

  When she emerged from her bedroom, a wave of garlic and spices enveloped her. She closed her eyes and inhaled. Her stomach clenched and demanded she search out the source of this delicious aroma.

  Around the curve of the central wall, Linc stood beside a stove in the small kitchen. A couple of pots boiled on the stovetop, and he sprinkled spices in one of them. A variety of containers sat on the counter. He appeared to have found the ingredients he needed.

  He turned, and his face brightened. “That shower felt great, didn’t it?”

  She let out a long sigh. “I could have stayed in there an hour.”

  “I have a surprise.” He pointed to a green bottle sitting in a bowl of ice. “

  “Champagne?” She laughed. He was beyond great to take the time to make this night special for their celebration.

  “I think we can celebrate now.” After popping the cork, he poured the bubbly gold liquid into two glasses and handed one to her. “Cheers. Good job, Parasitologist Moralez.”

  She clinked her glass to his. “Cheers. Thank you. Good job yourself. This is nice. You didn’t have to do all this tonight. I know you’re tired, too.”

  “To be honest, I couldn’t wait to do something normal. I’ll collapse later. I needed the absorption of cooking to mute what we’ve been
through. I had to fill my mind with routine, simple tasks to push out the savagery I’ve witnessed. Does that make sense?”

  It was more than understandable. She’d gone from the tragedy of her sister’s death, to the drama of a world-devastating parasite. She hardly remembered what it was like to sit down with family and enjoy a meal, simply talking about how their day had went. Sitting here with him helped push away the savagery he’d mentioned. She couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather be with right now as they took time to heal from their ordeal.

  She took a deep drink that sent bubbles up her nose. She sneezed. “It makes perfect sense. Like I couldn’t scrub myself enough to be rid of the clinging film of hopelessness.”

  They had a companionable dinner, devoured the lasagna and polished off the bottle of Champagne. Her head buzzed with a pleasurable numbness, keeping her thoughts of death and violence at bay. Maybe she should keep drinking and never face reality again. Then her mind summoned Conner’s face. She still had responsibilities. Her nephew needed her. And there was Linc’s face, too. She needed him.

  Linc yawned. “I think I’ll turn in. A full stomach and exhaustion make for a great sleep aid.”

  His yawn was contagious, and she joined in. Tonight wasn’t the night for pursuing a relationship. They were both too tired and emotionally fried. She didn’t have the energy for much more than climbing in a bed anyway. “My eyes are so heavy I can barely keep them open.”

  They cleared their dishes and fed them into the cleaning unit in silence. Would the effects of the champagne last all night and keep her nightmares of cannibals and mad scientists at bay? That would be good.

  “Good night, Ria,” he said in a soft voice. “I hope you sleep well.”

  “You, too.” She touched his hand on the table, a brief warm caress to give her the dose of comforting contact she craved. It would have to do for now.

  His gaze lingered on her a few moments before he disappeared into his room. That look made her already weak knees even weaker. Before too many days, they had to talk about this attraction between them. He was too wonderful to allow out of her life. They had to find a way to make their differences as much a part of the past as that damned parasite.

  She drained the last few drops from her glass, almost afraid to go to bed alone. Too many demons had frightened her in the past few weeks. Could they really all be vanquished? She scanned the area and walked into the living room. This bunker, which had witnessed incredible upheaval the last few days, settled into the quiet of evening. Only a creak now and then broke the silence.

  She imagined Min in the lowest level, diving in the pool and drinking margaritas. He’d drink too many, she felt certain. He’d be able to mourn Lola and feel he’d help her soul rest by defeating the R.D. She smiled and wished him peace. Poor kid. He’d had a tough time with Lola’s death, but he’d come through for them on this adventure.

  What about her life? She still had a PhD to finish, and a future to mold. Her parents and Conner would surely be a part of it, and she hoped Linc would, too. There’d be some hassles to deal with also. She could only imagine all the questions she’d be put through over Manson’s actions. That she didn’t relish.

  No longer able to put off the inevitable, she padded to her room. She turned on the light and stared at her bed and the shadowy corners not reached by the lamp on her bedside table. She bent, lifted the spread, and peered under the frame.

  An icy remembrance of scarred bloody faces crawled into her mind. She shivered. She couldn’t sleep here. She still had a sense that cannibals lurked in dark, hidden places, humming and planning.

  Biting her bottom lip, she left the room. She stood in the hall. She might be able to sleep in the sunny atmosphere of the pool area, or maybe on the couch in the living room. Or maybe not.

  She went to Linc’s door and gave it a soft rap. “Linc?”

  “Yes?” came his muffled reply.

  She almost didn’t answer. Maybe he wouldn’t understand her need to be with someone tonight. She didn’t want to push him away by presumed forwardness. Oh hell, he could only say no. “May I come in?”

  After a long pause, he said, “Come.”

  She let out a huff of relief and opened the door. Inside, he lay on his back on top of the covers, his hands folded behind his head. He’d removed his shirt, and his muscled chest gleamed in the lamplight, decorated with a bruise or two.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, wrinkles creasing his forehead.

  “Aren’t you sleepy?” Her heart wrenched when her gaze landed upon the small cube on his bedside table—the Life-cube containing the remnants of their ill-fated embryo. Oh, Linc! His attachment to the remains gutted her. How touching that he would keep it and protect it. It tore down any remaining wall of resistance she might hold.

  “Seems I can’t slow my mind. I keep going over past events.” He frowned. “I suppose I’ll carry this nasty baggage for a while.”

  She nodded, her gaze traveling over him. He looked solid, reliable, a person she could depend on. Her arms ached to hold him, give him the healing love that she knew he needed. It didn’t matter if he came from the South or Mars. What was inside him was what mattered. She went to the bed, then hesitated, searching his face. His eyes said more than anything. A welcome, but no expectations.

  It was what she needed. “Can I sleep with you? I’m still scared.”

  He scooted a little to make room, and she crawled in and curled on her side. She draped an arm over his chest and a huge weight of tension lifted from her.

  He curved an arm around her shoulders. “Good night, Ria.”

  “Good night, Linc.” His arm felt strong, but more than that, it was a shield to protect her from any danger. She smiled and closed her eyes, safe at last.


  Ria sipped her coffee and leaned over to nudge Linc. “Look at this. They have all the ships set up. I am so amazed with the way people can cooperate when their lives are at stake.”

  He left his computer and rolled his chair closer to hers. She took the opportunity to brush her lips against his cheek. It was so different from the scrubby beard he’d endured during their weeks of hunting a cure. It was nice, smooth but a bit prickly if she pressed hard enough. Kind of like him. She smiled. Linc had proven to be a tough, courageous man during their adventures, but he’d also showed his kind heart and gentle spirit.

  “This has been an organization of monumental proportions,” he said. He tickled her cheek with one finger. “I can’t believe they pulled it off in two days.”

  “Fortunately, they listened to us when we told them it was vital to start with the origin of the parasite.”

  “While we still hold a little power, do you think we could request this bunker be ours?” He adjusted the screen so they could see all the major news stations.

  “That might push it. They said we could stay until all levels of the cure are activated. That’ll take several months I’d say.”

  They settled back as Operation Sea-Vibe took place. The international community had shown unbelievable coordination and support in putting together a comprehensive plan to insure every inch of the world’s oceans received a simultaneous pulse of vibration. After establishing a grid to determine where to position ships for maximum penetration, each country used plans Min provided to produce equipment they could lower into the sea. People around the world had worked night and day to produce the devices and organize ships for this endeavor.

  “Here we go,” Linc murmured, rubbing her shoulder.

  The news stations announced that the plan had been carried out successfully.

  This was extra important to Linc, given his career as a marine biologist. However, in truth, the oceans had to receive treatment before they could completely focus on the land. Otherwise, they’d continue to have outbreaks.

  “Let’s hope it worked.” She took another drink of her coffee. “I have to put my faith in Minlo, though. He did the math, so I believe the grid is accurate

  “Somehow I think the virus was not going to thrive, anyway. Its method of survival was flawed.”

  “How do you figure that?” His statement surprised her. That bugger managed to stay one step ahead of them for quite a while. If it hadn’t been for that freak incident of her wrist-comm vibrating, who knew how long it would have taken to come up with a way to destroy it?

  “Think about it. Entities only able to sustain life by eating other people? It wouldn’t have worked after they ran out of non-infected ones to eat. Then they’d turn on each other. The end.”

  “Hmm. You don’t think its continued mutation would have allowed it to deviate and find other food sources when it came to that point?”

  “Honestly, no. It was smart, but not that smart.”

  “Wait a minute.” She formed a mock serious expression. “It had our DNA. I think it was plenty smart.”

  “Oh. I forgot about that. Okay, it would have ruled the world.”

  She returned to contemplation of the vid links. “So that operation is over. Now we can focus on the land. You know, I’m going to make one more request. I want my family here while we finish this project. I miss them.”

  “Good idea. The soldiers aren’t nearly as good at preparing food. Will your mom make more tres leche cake? I believe you promised me one when I promised the lasagna.”

  “Very funny, but more than likely yes. Especially if she thinks you and I have a future together. She’s wanted me to be in a relationship more than have a PhD.”

  His expression grew serious. “Do we have a future?”

  She looked away, embarrassed. It had always been hard for her to express her deeper emotions. Lola used to kid her about it and say she’d never get a boyfriend. “If you want to stay in the North. I don’t think I could tolerate the level of conservatism in the South. Sorry.”

  “If they gave us the bunker, we could have our own little world right here and make our own rules.” His voice grew husky and he traced a finger over the back of her hand.


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