Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters Page 9

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  “For starters, STOP! Jeez. You are working yourself into a frenzy for nothing. He could be just down playing on a machine or taking a nap himself.”

  One long, bleach-blonde curl hung down on to Lacey’s forehead. She blew it out of the way.

  “I suppose you are right. It’s just getting married is a big thing and I wanted it to all be perfect.”

  Putting her arms around her best friend, Christie hugged Lacey, kissing her on the cheek while she tried to reassure her that all was well.

  “Chris, tell me about what happened with Mark? You are acting like a beaten puppy?”

  Putting the brush down on the table, Christie grabbed the hairspray and started winding curls around her fingers to create a soft look. She was then going to put white silk ribbons along the lines of the curls so that it looked like she had streamers from each one. Spraying the Aqua net, she blasted Lacey’s head, creating a sticky, smelly cloud around them both.

  “Mark refused to meet you guys. I asked him to come with me to the cove, and he said no. He was kind of mean about it. I do not know why he would not want to meet the people who mean the most to me, but he just acted so weird.”

  “Is he hiding something do you think?”

  “Well, there is one thing he is hiding. But not from me. From others.”

  “What is that?”

  “I can’t tell you that! It would not be right. It should be his decision to tell people.”

  “Christie, you know everything about me and Dave. Tell me about Mark. What is he hiding?”

  “What makes you think he is hiding something?”

  “Obviously, he doesn’t want to meet your friends for a reason. So what do you think it is?”

  “No. Lacey, I can’t say. He would hate me. I have already cussed him and called him a nasty assed bea….” She caught herself before blurting it out. But Lacey was no dummy and was actually listening to her for once.

  “A nasty assed what, Christie? Come on. Spill it.”



  “No, Lacey. That would be betraying him, and I won’t do that.”

  “He betrayed you by not wanting to meet me and our friends. How is that any different?”

  “Ugh. My life sucks!” Christie lay back on the bed, arms stretched out. “I don’t know what I am going to do. I love him. He is everything I have ever wanted.”

  “Yet, has a secret he would keep from you in return for something?”

  “Yeah. Sounds stupid when you put it that way.”

  “Well, Christie, it is. I mean, if he were any kind of decent human, he would try and get hold of you and explain.”

  “That’s just it, Lacey. He isn’t exactly human.”

  The wedding too k place at a little white chapel near down town Las Vegas—a cheesy little place, but cozy. David had been gone for two hours because he had arranged a special surprise for his bride. It was just the seven of them in a one room chapel. Lacey and Dave did not have a singing Elvis, but they did have the Beach Boys music playing as Lacey made her way down the short aisle on her father’s arm, carrying a beautiful bouquet of pink peonies and baby’s breath. She wore a white, satin, sleeveless gown—simple and perfect for her tall slim body. Her hair, of course, was pulled up at the sides but worn down to fall in curls and waves to her waist, and interwoven curls and white satin ribbon gave her an elegant look. She was the most beautiful bride ever. David had the black tux with black tie on just like his wife-to-be instructed. He was going to make a great husband. He already listened to her. Christie cried big crocodile tears, wishing in one breath Mark was at her side and then in another wanting to be Lacey. Sadness moved over her like a great shadow of doom. As the bride and groom said their I dos and the ‘til death do us part ... part, Lacey thought of a bear who loved to eat Divinity and her heart shattered.

  After the ceremon y , everyone walked outside to find a Cinderella Carriage and four white horses waiting to whisk them down to Caesars Palace where they would have a private, elegant wedding reception. They toasted to Mr. & Mrs. David Langum. Lacey was very surprised at what David had done for her. The Cinderella Carriage was one of her dreams come true. The couple were, indeed, meant for each other. Christie watched as David looked on adoringly at his wife. At times, Christie would catch Lacey watching David like he was the only man on earth. Christie wanted that with Mark. She wanted him to look at her the way David looked at Lacey.

  They partied, gambled, and rode around in the carriage until the sun started to come up over the mountains. They were all taken back to their hotel where they ate a short sunrise breakfast, then headed back to their individual rooms. Christie happened to catch a glimpse of David picking up Lacey to carry her across the threshold of their now shared hotel room. Jealousy took hold of Christie like a vice to her stomach. Closing her door, she slid down to the floor and had a good cry.

  Later on, tha t day, Christie did not want to bother Lacey and Dave, so she left a sticky note on their door.

  Hey, Happy Couple. I need to get back home.

  Congratulations. I love you both.

  When you get settled, let’s make plans to hang out.

  Love, Christie

  The flight hom e was rough. There was severe weather in every state they flew over. The plane rocked back and forth, and lightning and thunder made it feel like riding in a tin can. At one point, the face masks deployed from above the passengers and the plane’s Captain came on, saying they were going to have to fly at a higher altitude than normal, the air would be thinner, and all passengers were encouraged to use the oxygen masks. Her nerves were shot, and all she could do was pray to the Goddesses to save her from what felt like certain death. The plane rocked and bounced for four solid hours. Finally, they were cleared for landing. She had never been so glad to get off a plane. She thought about bending down and kissing the ground.

  Arriving home tired, Christie decided to just chill out for the rest of the day, make some tea, and get on her computer to see what had been going on since she was gone. She had three articles to write, due in one week. She unpacked her clothing upstairs, and put on a pair of white jean shorts and pink tank top. Oooh … it felt so good to just feel free of sticky, itchy clothing. Pouring her tea, she heard someone pull up in the driveway. Peeking out of the kitchen window through the shades, it did not register with her brain who would be in a red … truck… Oh, shit. Shit! He is here. How did I not know? Crap! Putting the cup of tea in the sink, she straightened her hair and adjusted her too revealing jean shorts. She waited until he knocked on the door. Her heart was pounding so hard she was sure he would be able to hear it. She slowly opened the door, peeking out at him.

  “Christie, can I talk to you, please?”

  “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” She opened the door wider for him to enter, but he shook his head.

  “Well … what?”

  “Just listen to me. I wanted to come over and apologize. In fact, the other day, I came by, but you were not home. Where have you been? I was worried.”

  Not sure if she liked his questioning like this, she relented and answered.

  “I went to Las Vegas. ‘My friends’ Lacey and Dave got married,” she said sarcastically.

  “Ouch. Yeah. I guess I deserve the attitude. Listen, I am sorry for what was said that night. I never meant to hurt you.”

  “Mark … I … I want to apologize, too. I should never have called you names. We should have talked it out. I am sorry, too.”

  “Yeah, well, there is something I want to show you. Can you come with me for a few minutes?”


  “Not far away. About thirty minutes away. You might want to grab your purse and a sweater or something.”

  “Look, Mark. I have three articles to write. Can we do this another time?”

  “Christie, please?” He stood in front of her with his beautiful pleading brown eyes.

  “Come on. I promise I will bring you straight home after I show you t

  Now she was curious. Sliding on her flip flops that were beside the door, grabbing her purse, then running to the laundry room for a sweater, she came walking back in to the entry way.

  Mark thought; man is she hot, look at those long tan legs, the sway of her hips drove him wild.

  They got inside of his truck. Christie could smell his cologne lingering in the truck. She loved the smell of Stetson. Always had. He was a wild animal. Free, and oh so handsome. She put on her seatbelt and they were off. Each were deep in thought as they drove until she asked him where they were going.

  “Pay attention to the road signs,” was all he said.

  Twenty-eight minutes in to the ride, she saw a sign that read Kalkasa Exit 31, 1 mile.

  Scrunching up her face, she looked at him. “Are we in the town you live in?”

  “Could be?” he said with a chuckle.

  “Alright, Mr. What is it you are going to show me?”

  “One more minute,” he said as he pulled down a long gravel road.

  Then it came in to view. Sitting up on top of a hill sat the most magnificent building Christie had ever seen. She squealed. “Oh my lands, that is a beautiful house.”

  Getting out of the truck, coming around to open her door, he smiled.

  “This is my home. Welcome, Christie!”

  “No fricking way. This is the cabin you built with your bare hands?”

  “Yeah; with my bear hands.” He laughed.

  Slapping him on the arm, she wandered away from him, staring up at the red tin roof of the house and over to the red tin roof garage.

  “Sweet Mother of Jesus, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You actually live here? I mean, it is magnificent. I love the long porch, nice touch with the ferns, crepe myrtle and tea rose bushes. It looks like a woman had her hand in gardening here.” She looked up at him with a question in her deep gray eyes.

  Holding up his hands, he assured her, “No woman here. Just me and my bear paws.” He smirked.

  “Fabulous. I cannot believe you did this all by yourself. How long did it take?”

  “Nine long, hard years. But she is finally done. I call her my woman. She is temperamental, demands a lot from me, and gives me pleasure after a long day at work.”

  Feeling uncomfortable the way that statement turned out, she ran up the front steps. “Come on. Let me in. I need to see more of … your woman.” She laughed, tossing her blonde hair back over her shoulder. He stood and watched her butt jiggle as she went up the twelve steps to the porch. She arrived at the front door, clear beveled glass oval window framed by beautifully sanded and stained oak wood. Christie gently twisted the handle on the door to open it. As she walked in, she gasped.


  “Like what you see, babe?”

  Choking and sputtering as she walked in, to her right was a recreation area, complete with two recliners, a 65-inch television on the wall and a beautiful stone coffee table with matching end tables and lamps made of black iron. A shuffle board table and some sort of video game sat up against the wall. Christie turned again to the left side of the house.

  “Wow. This is incredible,” she said as she reached out to touch the river stone fireplace.

  Laughing, she said, “Really? A deer head? Oh. Wait. Is that a red ball on its nose?”

  “Yes; that is Rudolf. I found him on the side of the road Christmas Eve five years ago. He was mortally wounded so I shot him and brought him home to live above my fireplace.”

  “I love what I see! This is a dream home. Wow. You are talented to say the least, Mark. I am in awe.” Where she stood her eyes moved up the wall.

  “Oh my. Will ya look at that ceiling? Sheesh. What is it; twelve feet high?”

  “It’s fifteen, and, yeah, that was kind of a pain. But I got those beams up there good and tight.”

  Looking back down, she noticed the breakfast bar and kitchen beyond. All the cabinets were made of knotty pine and fashioned with black iron hinges and knobs. “I can’t believe it; these cabinets are just like the ones my Mamaw used to have in Kentucky. Red checked curtains, and matching table cloth over a large hewn board table with eight hand carved slatted round back chairs.” Christie thought the table would be perfect to roll out pie crust or biscuits on. She moved to the stove—a Heartland 48" Classic Dual Fuel Range with Electric Convection Oven in Cranberry Red. The stove of her dreams. It felt like all of this was taken from her brain and built to her specifications.

  “Oh, Mark. There are no words to explain how exquisite this all is.” She turned around to face him, but stopped dead. He was leaning against a wall post, grinning angelically at her.

  “Come here,” he said as he reached out to touch her, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her on the forehead. “It’s all for you, Christie. Many years I worked feverishly to get this house done. I do not know what drove me to work so hard; pour my life’s blood in to it. Keep going when there was no hope of sharing it with anyone. Now I know the answer. It was you, babe. This house was made for the love of you. Please say you forgive me.” He brushed the hair away from her face. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. That was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said to her.

  “Why the tears, babe? Hey now. I love you. I wanted you to see this to make you happy.”

  Bending down to lick the tears off her face, he nuzzled her, running his hands up and down her sides. Unable to stand the sexual fission running up inside of her, she pulled back.

  “Mark, no one has ever done anything so nice for me ever! For you to say such beautiful words to me, I take my heart and place it in your hands.” She kissed his hands one at a time. “These hands have created a place of beauty and peace. Bless them forever. I forgive you, Mark. I love you.”

  “Yahooooo!” he cried out, picking her up and spinning around until they were both dizzy. He sat down on the brown leather sofa facing the fireplace, which had a small flame burning bright. She sat on his lap.

  “Would you like a glass of Moscato?” he asked.

  “Mmm … Sure. My favorite.”

  “Yeah, I know. You told me on messenger, remember?”

  He left her sitting there while he went to grab himself a beer and her a large glass of wine.

  Upon returning, he sat the drinks on the table and pulled her back in to his lap, handing her the glass and taking a big swig of his beer. Just at that moment the phone rang. He reached in to his shirt pocket, looked at the screen, and groaned. He clicked the answer button.

  “Hello, Mom. I am kind of busy right now. Is there something you need?”

  “Mark, your father and I would like to apologize for the other day. Is there any way we can come over and talk to you?”

  Looking at Christie sitting on his lap, he smiled deviously.

  “Sure, Mom. Why don’t you and Dad come over Saturday night for dinner? I have someone I want you to meet.”

  Christie’s mouth popped open, but after the shock wore off, she smiled and nuzzled his neck.

  “Mark, are you serious? You want us to come for dinner to meet someone? Oh, son. That is the best news I have ever had. Of course we will be there to meet your friend. Is it a woman? Oh, Mark. Please tell me you have found someone?”

  “I will see you Saturday night around 6 pm. Bye, MOM!”

  “Mark, wait… Mark?”

  He hung up the phone.

  “I cannot believe you are going to let me meet your parents. OMG. I never expected that.”

  “Mark, now it is my turn to ask for your forgiveness. I am ashamed of the way I acted. I realize the reason why you did not want to meet my friends. It is because you’re a bear. For someone to find out could jeopardize your family’s existence. I was not thinking, and I am sorry.”

  “Babe, I have thought about that long and hard during the past week. I want to meet your friends. I mean, they do not have to know what I am or where I come from. If they are true friends of yours, then they are mine, too. I also want
to meet your mom and sisters.

  “You are such a special kind of man. I knew it the moment I saw you all those years ago.

  “And you, my dear lady, are everything a man could ever want.”

  It all comes down to this…

  Their love pla y escalated into a blind rush, pieces of clothing being ripped off and strewn haphazardly around the house. An urgent need for both of them. According to him, it had been a long time since he had made love. It had been the same for Christie. He whispered in her ear.

  “I love you, babe. I wish we would have done this years ago.”

  “We are here now, Mark, and that is all that matters.”

  “Let me love you.”

  He slowly reached down between her legs. Using two fingers, he separated her netherlips, stroking her clit. She was wet for him already. He groaned in satisfaction. slipping his finger inside of her. She about jumped off the bed. He stroked her sex with his thumb. It was rough from years of working with wood and stone, but she loved it. He massaged her small nub with his thumb in and out. She could not stand it. She had to let out a mewling cry. Then he added another digit to her swelling sex. Moving with the stroke of his able fingers, she reached down for his hard-swollen flesh. She got a thrill and a feeling of power by stroking his hardness. Her strokes matched his. She then put the tip of his cock in between her lips and circled it with her tongue, licking and kissing, blowing and nipping. He was well endowed, and she knew his whole member would not fit inside her mouth. She could tell it had been a long time since he had sex with anyone he was losing his self-control. He then flipped her over, and the swollen hot head of his cock pressed against the wet folds of her pussy. They were both animalistic, wild, full of need to be joined to one another like nature intended. He gave her a nip on the neck, rubbing his cock up and down the slit of her sex, teasing her until wetness ran down her leg. He pushed roughly against her throbbing clit, bringing forth a whimper from her. She had never felt such a crazy wild need for him to enter her. It was becoming so hard to hold on to her sanity. Leaving her on the brink of climax, she tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder, bucking up and pushing until he was sure he would slip inside. He grabbed hold of her breasts, all the while pinching and pulling her nipples until she moaned with pleasure, and with another big thrust, his hard member entered in to her snugly. She felt her whole life come full circle. The wanting and need that had been a constant shadow on her soul had been removed. He was inside of her, pumping and pushing her to have an orgasm, taking what he wanted and filling her with his love. She was bound and determined to never let him go. She screamed in pleasure as she squeezed the inner muscles of her vagina, coming all around him, squirting her juices to help him have his own release. Mark could hold out no longer. It had been a long time since he had been with a woman. He exploded inside of her, feeling hot, wet, and a welcoming rush of pure serenity.


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