Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters

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Sinfully Delicious: Six Scintillating Stories of Sweets, Treats, and Happily Ever Afters Page 15

by Gauthier, Crystal L.

  A part of me was absolutely terrified I was going to wake up at any moment and have my heart broken…


  The look in his incredible blue eyes was honest…so genuine that I felt my throat constrict with tears.

  I shook my head. Better to wake up now than risk more heartache if this continued.

  Only he was still there when I opened my eyes. And his stare made me feel like the most desirable woman on the planet.

  I could see the need in his eyes.

  It was raw and powerful and snapped and crackled around him like a force of nature…but there was also something else…something I just couldn’t quite put my finger on.


  “Are you hungry?” he asked, his voice rough and husky and he kissed the tip of my nose and I could breathe again.

  “Have you not seen me?” I joked. “Of course, I’m hungry!”

  I watched as the smile left his lips and his brow creased.

  His eyes scanned my face a moment before sweeping back up to mine. “Why do you do that?” He finally asked.

  “Do what?”

  “Put yourself down like that,” he replied. “Lacy, you are a beautiful, intelligent woman. I only wish I could make you see yourself as I see you. Not to mention the fact that you are warm and funny and…shit, just your touch calms me like nothing ever has before.”

  I gulped slightly at his softly spoken confession.

  What do you say in response to that?

  I reached up and cupped his face in my hand, then watched in wonder as his eyes slid closed and he took a deep, shaky breath.

  He trembled against me, and damned if my heart didn’t just about squeeze the life out of me right then and there.

  For reasons unknown, Jack Dupree liked me. He thought I was beautiful.

  What. The. …

  I decided to take a giant leap of faith, prayed I wouldn’t regret it, and said: “You have to understand. All of my life it was pretty much pounded into my head that I just wasn’t good enough,” I whispered shakily, biting my cheek to keep from crying. “My mother has always made it perfectly clear what a disappointment I was to her and never held in letting me know that I needed to be thinner, prettier…smarter .”

  I saw his eyes flash. His jaw clenched.

  To say that he was sexy under normal circumstances was nothing compared to how completely edible he looked when he was pissed.

  Talk about hot and smoldering!

  He studied me silently for a long moment before pulling me into his arms and hugging me to him so tightly I could barely breathe.

  My breasts were smashed up against his chest and I could feel my nipples pebble at his touch.

  “Lacy Cooper, you are one of the most amazin’ women I have ever met,” he breathed against my ear, his warm breath tickling the few stray strands of hair that had come loose from my braid.

  “Thank you,” I whispered back, turning my face to bury it in his neck.

  He held me that way for a long while, our bodies pressed together, and I had never before felt such tenderness.

  He leaned back and smiled, kissed me quickly on the cheek. “Let’s eat.”

  He rolled away from me slightly and grabbed the picnic basket as I sat up and adjusted myself.

  My hands were shaking, and intense heat was still running wildly through my veins making me feel flush.

  “Do you like sushi?” He asked, taking out a small covered container.

  I nodded happily, but it wasn’t until he held out the thermos of coffee and mugs that I squealed with delight.

  The sound I made when he pulled two cupcakes from the basket and gave me a wink I won’t even try to describe.

  He was a saint!

  “We don’t have cheesy movies, but I figured two out of three’s not too bad.”

  He set the cupcakes to the side and opened the container of sushi as I poured the coffee. He picked up a piece and lifted it to my lips, his eyes sparkling.

  I dutifully opened my mouth and he popped the piece in, his finger running along my lower lip in the process.

  My toes curled in my boots and I chewed as I watched his devil-may-care-grin touch his lips.

  We ate, laughing and getting to know each other.

  He really didn’t seem to like talking about his past, but then who could blame him?

  I wasn’t exactly dying to hash out all the kicks and giggles I had with Mommy Dearest growing up.

  I love my mother – I truly do. I just don’t like her very much. But the way he kept looking at me and asking me about myself…

  Mom never entered the conversation, and it was easy to let myself begin to fall in love with the real Jack Dupree.

  God help me!

  I helped hi m pack up the basket when we were done before we settled on the blanket. He pulled me down so that I was lying with my head on his stomach as we stared up at the gathering clouds.

  The air was getting cooler and I couldn’t even begin to know what time it was.

  Time just didn’t seem to matter much.

  He lay there quietly, twisting the end of my braid between his fingers. “I’ve got a favor to ask,” he said, leaning up a bit and catching my gaze.

  “Sure,” I responded. I hoped he didn’t realize that I would have agreed to anything he asked if he just kept looking at me like that.

  Need a kidney? You got it! Bury a body? How deep should I dig?

  “I have this Midnight Ball coming up and I would really love for you to accompany me.”

  Oh, God a ball…

  I turned away and stared up at the sky, trying to ignore the nervous pit developing in my stomach.

  That meant a gown and having to pretend to be elegant and graceful… which I so was not .

  But, it also meant seeing Jack Dupree in a tux.

  I fought my inner battle for about two full minutes before breaking out into a grin.

  I knew I had two people I could count on to help me out.

  “Yes…um…I mean sure,” I breathed, trying not to sound too excited. Who in the Hell was I kidding? I was ecstatic. “When is it?”

  “This coming Saturday.”

  I turned back with what had to be the look of horror in my eyes.

  “I know that it’s short notice and all, but…I didn’t know you when I accepted the invitation. I had planned on just making an appearance and gettin’ the hell out of there as quickly as possible. But, now…I’d like to spend the night with you, Lacy. I can’t think of anyone I would rather take.”

  “All right,” I agreed, nodding slightly and trying to figure out how I was going to find a gown in a week.


  I felt him settle back down on the blanket with a relieved sigh and it made me feel a little better.

  There was a low rumble off in the distance and I looked down toward his legs, only to be greeted by two things. First- a rather dark thundercloud in the distance, and second - a considerable bulge in his jeans.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off option number two. My cheeks burned when I realized how close I actually was, and I cleared my throat nervously.

  “Looks like rain’s coming,” I said in a rush.

  Dear God! Talk about temptation! I wanted nothing more at that moment than to jump the poor man!

  It was an urge that seemed to be popping up more and more of late…no pun intended.

  He leaned up on his elbows, which caused my head to dip dangerously closer to his groin. and I fought off every desire welling up inside of me valiantly.

  I sat up and gave him a quick smile, trying my best to get my breathing under control.

  “Guess we should be headin’ back.”

  Jack stood up and helped me to my feet, pulling me in close to his body, his mouth just a hairsbreadth away. He crushed his lips to mine and I responded immediately with abandon.

  Our teeth clashed together as I pressed myself closer, feeling the proof of his desire press itself seductively against my belly.<
br />
  The breath left my body in a rush to mingle with his as he held me firm in his embrace, his hands sliding down to the curve of my backside. He ground himself against me and, every damn nerve ending in my body was zinged with electricity.

  Holy Hell!

  He broke our embrace and shook his head, as if trying to clear it. “I swear to God, I have absolutely no control around you,” he rasped out in amused apology.

  Inside, I was doing the Happy Butt Dance !

  There’s not a whole Hell of a lot in this world that is better than having the man of your dreams tell you that!


  “Come on,” he said, gathering up the blanket and basket and taking my hand. He led me over to the bike and handed me the helmet once again.

  I couldn’t hide my grin when he stopped me from sliding it over my head.

  “Hold it!” He leaned in, kissed me, and winked. “Needed one for the road,” he explained devilishly.


  By the tim e we pulled up to my building, we were both soaked to the skin.

  We dashed upstairs, and I ushered him into my apartment. I mean, I couldn’t very well let him go home soaking wet, now could I?

  “Here,” I laughed, coming out of the bedroom with a pair of sweats.

  When he lifted his brow in question, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “They’re a few sizes too big,” I explained with a rolling of my eyes, “Just one of my mother’s ever so thoughtful gifts. It’s usually sweat pants that are way too big, or a membership to some gym. They should fit you and they’ve never been worn.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a nod. “Bathroom?”

  “Down the hall. First door on the left.”

  He headed off, and I couldn’t help but stare at that perfect backside of his. It just looked so damn good with those tight, wet jeans clinging to it.

  Yes…I was definitely becoming some kind of perv.

  “Bring me your clothes and I’ll toss them in the dryer,” I called out after him.

  “Will do.”

  When I heard the bathroom door close, I dashed into my bedroom and quickly changed into a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

  I stepped out of the doorway of my room and ran smack dab into Jack.

  I slammed into him with an oomph and he dropped his clothes on the floor with a squishy plop as he tried to steady my sorry ass.


  My gracefulness at its best.

  “Oh, crap !” I blurted, as I quickly bent down and scooped up the clothes. I straightened up to be greeted by his perfect, bare chest, looming there in all its splendid glory.

  Those damn sweat pants slung low on his tapered hips, and those inviting indents at his hips pointing downward to no man’s land…

  Double crap!

  The man had the body of a damn Greek God, and that just wasn’t playing fair.

  “You okay?” He asked.

  I nodded. “Um…go make yourself comfortable,” I stammered, feeling the effects of his nearness. It was raw and demanding and I was perilously close to making a fool of myself. “I’ll just go throw these in. Would you like a glass of wine?”

  He dropped a light kiss against my mouth and nodded. “I’d love one. Can I help?”

  “Sure. The kitchen is right through there.” I said, pointing. “Wine is in the rack on top of the fridge, glasses in the cabinet above the sink and opener in the drawer to the left of the dishwasher,” I rushed out, praying I didn’t sound as nervous as I felt. “Thanks.”

  “Sure thing,” he replied, taking off in the direction I had indicated, and my heart did a strange little flip in my chest at the thought of his puttering around my kitchen.

  It all seemed so…normal.

  I ran down the hall and threw his clothes into the dryer, thankful I had turned my spare bedroom into a laundry room. I detested and abhorred laundry rooms in buildings. They were always in the basement, poorly lit and just full on creepy! I had watched enough horror movies to know nothing good ever came out of those places.

  When I walked back into the living room, Jack was sitting on the couch, the bottle of wine and two glasses set out on the coffee table in front of him. He patted the space next to him and I happily complied. I snuggled up against his side as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me in close, and I couldn’t help but notice the man smelled amazing.

  I’m not talking Old Spice good. I’m talking full on woodsy, leathery, spicy fabulousness!

  He reached out and poured us each a glass of the Merlot he had found, handing me mine with a smile.

  “This is nice,” he whispered.

  “Mm hmm,” I murmured in reply, taking a sip from my glass and letting the wine, plus his nearness, warm my belly.

  I had to admit to myself that this was really nice.

  For the first time I could remember, I felt completely myself with a man. I didn’t feel like I had to be perfect. Or keep my guard up. And…no matter where this all took us, I was determined to enjoy the ride.

  “So,” he said, turning his head and kissing my temple gently. “We did the coffee and cupcakes. You game for a cheesy movie?”

  I looked up and grinned.

  “How cheesy are we talking?” I asked, arching my brow in challenge.

  I am the Queen of the cheesers! Right down to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes . Bring it!

  “Hmm,” he responded, his own brow rising, “Give me your best shot.”

  I could feel the smile cutting across my face as I mentally dove deep into my collection of DVR’d movies. I couldn’t help the giggle that passed between my lips as I reached for the remote and started hitting buttons.

  “Little Shop of Horrors?” He asked, snickering. “Seriously ?”

  I nodded happily, “And…the original no less. Jack Nicholson at his all-time crazy best!”

  He squirmed around, settling himself into the sofa and pulled me up against him so tightly that I swore it was as if our bodies were fused.

  And, Lord help me, was it amazing!

  I curled my legs up under me and rested my head against his chest; my arm was draped across his firm, flat stomach, and the feel of his skin against my cheek was beyond comprehension.

  I don’t kno w if it was when Audrey-Two was telling Seymour to Feed Me , or when Jackie-boy was in the dentist’s chair, but at some point, I fell asleep in Jack’s warm embrace. It wasn’t until my subconscious recognized the buzzing of the dryer that I reluctantly opened my eyes. I blearily looked up to find Mr. Perfect asleep as well.

  It was breath stealing!

  His beautiful, perfect features were completely relaxed in sleep, and it was an amazing sight to behold.

  I tried not to breathe as I laid there and just gawked at his flawless, sensual face.

  Why on Earth was he spending time with me?

  Me !

  He must have sensed I was staring at him like some deranged stalker, or maybe I drooled on his chest, who knows, but his unbelievably long lashes fluttered, and his eyes opened; those incredibly blue depths caught mine and held firm.

  “Hey,” he murmured, his voice low and husky.

  Just that one simple word had blood rushing to every nerve ending I owned making me hotter than sin.

  He gave me a lopsided grin and pulled me up towards him, his mouth covering mine in the softest, sweetest damn kiss I have ever had.

  “Guess I fell asleep, sorry,” he apologized, nibbling at my lower lip in the most distracting way.

  “No worries, Sport,” I husked back, my eyes sliding closed. “I didn’t make it through either.” A small sound of encouragement slipped past my lips when his mouth traveled down my neck and he sucked lightly at the pulse beating there; his arms wrapped around me and stroked my back in slow, sultry circles.

  “Sport ?”

  I heard him chuckle against my skin, and goose bumps rose on my flesh as a most delightful shiver ran up and down my spine.

  “Yup,” I countered.
“I mean, you were really great about putting up with my love of bad movies.”

  “Mm…but I fell asleep,” he reminded me, his lips traveling over to that place right behind my ear.

  I had to keep my leg from shaking like a dog’s when you rub their belly and hit that one sweet spot.

  “So did I. I guess we’re even,” I mumbled, lost in the feel of what he was doing.

  His lips met mine once again and he kissed me with an urgency that was impossible to deny. His tongue teased and slid against me, warm, seeking, and I responded in kind.

  I kissed him back with everything I was worth.

  I have always been a fan of kissing… but with him ?

  It was on a completely different level.

  I could feel the muscles underneath my skin vibrating as we feasted on each other’s mouths. He had me so ready for him that it was swiftly becoming a deep, gnawing ache.

  Much to my chagrin, he broke away and sighed heavily, his eyes searching for, and finding, the clock on the wall. He groaned as if in pain.

  “Damn it,” he muttered, looking at me in apology. “I’ve really got to get moving. I’m flying to Ontario in a few hours to do some re-shoots,” He hugged me to him, and it seemed as if he were genuinely upset that he had to leave. “I’ll only be gone a few days.”

  I nodded my head against his chest, not wanting him to see my disappointment.

  I had to remind myself he had a life…a career. He didn’t owe me an explanation. He didn’t owe me anything.

  But, everything I was feeling for this man was so new to me…so frightening , that my emotions were all scrambled.

  Come on, girl , I silently reprimanded myself, time to suck it up.

  This might just be the thing I needed.

  Everything seemed to be happening so fast, maybe a little time apart would clear my passion addled brain.

  Yes, I told myself. I could take this time to figure everything out. See things from a perspective that wasn’t clouded by his sinfully wonderful lips…or strong, muscled arms.

  “What time do you leave?” I asked, thankful my voice didn’t tremble.

  “The plane takes off at ten,” We both glanced up at the wall and realized it was just after seven.

  Damn! Not any time at all. I sat up and stretched, trying to keep my raging emotions at bay.


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