A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1)

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A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1) Page 3

by King B

  While concealed behind a bush, the chief’s hawk-eyes observed Julie’s every movement. The sway of her hips as she walked, the way she so modestly bent down to the water and the way her hands moved, everything had some gentle erotic aura to them; it was as if her every movement was femininely refined .

  As the chief marveled at the view and wondered how such a large woman could be so elegant, Julie suddenly stood up, looked around very carefully as if she has sensed someone spying on her. He suppressed even his breath and erased his presence while wondering may the pale woman was quite sharp in her senses after all. Then, she relaxed, but a little bit hesitantly peeled off the thin fabric she had been wearing all the time; the layer that had been hiding her womanly assets from the chief’s eyes.

  An electric shock went from the chief’s heart to the tip of his penis as his eyes feasted on the glorious sight it was presented. Her pale skin glowed against the bright light of the sun as if she was the moon itself. Then, he was mesmerized by how her ample breasts seemed to defy the gravity as they reacted to her every movement; they were full, round and held their perfect shape while bouncing with every step. Her pink colored nipples were pointing to the sky as if they were trying to point at the morning sun; he had though every woman has brown colored nipples, but the pink color gave those little flower buds a whole new level of attractiveness. Her blue eyes reminded him of the rare gemstone he wears on his braided pubic hair. Her narrow waist and wide hips rivaled the goddess of fertility. Her slender and well shaped long legs were inviting him to get in between them and bury each of his six bumps into her awaiting depths.

  As Julie dipped in the water and came up, water grabbed onto her body as if it didn’t want to let go, and highlighting her fertility to the chief’s hungry eyes, flowed down along her contours. At that moment, he felt jealousy towards even the water that dripped down her body; her skin was so smooth, the water seemed to run down effortlessly as it rejoined the river.

  The chief was at a loss for words on how erotic and sensual the pale woman was. He had come to lay rest to the attraction he felt towards this strange woman, but instead, he ended up being enchanted by her other-worldly beauty. Her sexual allure was strong enough to redefine his standards for a beautiful woman. She was the avatar of the goddess of fertility. She was the finest vassal to carry a man’s legacy: his legacy.

  At that moment, the chief realized if he was to feast his eyes upon this exquisite female any longer, his desire to breed her would make him go feral; as the chief, he had his pride to protect. The pale woman was already mated with the pale man she had come with and if he tries to have sex without a proper reason, he doubted she would consent. His immense pride wanted the pale woman to offer herself and beg him to breed her, just like all the women he had bred. For that, he needed to at least let her know his intentions and the benefits that would come with his seed . So, just as quietly as he had come to the river, he left and walked back to the village.

  Blossoming Love

  That evening, by the time Sam returned, Julie was cooking dinner with what they had in the hut. Given the simplicity of the ingredients and the cooking methods, despite not having any experience doing house chores in her life, she was managing well. After a long and lonely day, she was happy to see her husband. Even though she had a visit from her little friends from the village on that day, nothing could make her happier than seeing her husband at the end of the day; having to go through such hard times together was starting to bond them emotionally.

  After the dinner, the couple got ready to sleep since, after the dark, there wasn’t much to do. Even if they weren’t exhausted from the chores by the night time, there were no televisions or entertainments in the middle of a jungle. So they always preferred to sleep as soon as the darkness overwhelms the surrounding.

  As they both lay together on the straw mat, Sam’s hand slowly crept on to Julie and while kissing her neck and whispering his need to be in her, started massaging her succulent breasts through the dress ; after all, this was supposed to be their honeymoon. They have had sex many times after the wedding, but Julie found that the newly experienced sex wasn’t something go crazy about as her friends had told; her real sexual experience had been zero before the wedding, and even after experiencing the real thing, she couldn’t grasp what was so special about it. She enjoyed the developing love between her and her new partner more than the sex. For Julie, she found sex a pleasant experience that aided to improve their relationship as a married couple, and mostly regarded it as a duty of a wife. So unlike Sam, she had a clear head through all the stimulation and remembered something very important.

  “Sam, we can’t do it now. With that plane, we lost my birth control pills and your condoms. I don’t want to risk a pregnancy now; not while we are in the middle of a jungle. I’m sorry.” Julie whispered while stopping Sam’s hand that was going down toward her loins.

  With a frustrated grunt, Sam removed his hand . Most of his frustration was due to realizing she was right; her getting pregnant in the middle of the jungle where there was no available medical help was a worst case scenario for both Julie and him.

  Sensing Sam’s frustration, Julie said again, “I’m really sorry, honey. I wish we could do it...this was supposed to be our honeymoon too, but you understand the situation, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I understand, Julie. You don’t have to apologize for anything. I’m sorry forgetting about the situation. It’s just you are so beautiful and it’s impossible for a man to not get tempted while he has such a doll in his arms,” Sam replied and ended with a playful tickle.

  Julie laughed and struggled playfully with her husband. Then she kissed him and said, “You know, honey? Maybe I could one day really try that ‘blowjob’ thing you wanted. I still find the idea kind of too dirty, but I really want to make you happy.”

  “You wanna give it a try now?” Sam had hope in his tone.

  “Hm….I don’t know….I don’t think I’m still mentally prepared for that. Maybe not tonight, but I promise I won’t leave you hanging too long. It’s just, I’m not that used to this sex thing. I’m sorry,” Julie said apologetically.

  Sam Kissed her forehead and said, “It’s ok, baby. Take all the time you need. It’s not something to be sorry about. It’s one of the things I love about you. Tonight, I’ll take a rain cheque for that blowjob, but when cashing it, I'll take it back with added interest.”

  “Ooh, you dirty old man,” Julie said in a naughty tone, but embarrassed.

  Sam laughed. It was a name she normally called him whenever he made a lecherous tease and she wants to get back at him for that. He loved it and she knew it.

  “Now, please hold me while I fall asleep. It makes me feel safe,” Julie said while moving close to Sam and added, “Good thing I have this dress; with you naked, I’m sure you’ll do some naughty things to me if I don’t have this.”

  Sam laughed and said, “Even with that thing on, you are still giving me a ‘hard’ time.”

  This time, both of them laughed.

  After some time, Sam realized he couldn’t fall asleep due to the raging erection he has. It has been about a week after the last time he has had sex with Julie. He wasn’t a big fan of masturbating and due to being a wealthy guy, in the recent years, he never needed to masturbate because there was no lack of women who were eager to impress him. He had vowed himself to let go of that part of him and be faithful to Julie till he dies, and it wasn’t a vow he had to force himself; the love he has for her made him unable to be unfaithful to her.

  After making sure that Julie was asleep, Sam carefully got up from the mat while making sure to not disturb her and went outside. His innocent and very conservative wife was willing to give a try at oral sex for his sake, and he thought the least he could do was, like an unspoiled man, to masturbate when he has to and not trouble his already distressed and tired wife.

  In contrast to the hot, humid weather during the day, the night air felt cold and refreshing. S
ince Sam wasn’t wearing any clothes, there wasn’t any fumbling around with clothes. He grabbed his now erect and very hard manhood and started masturbating. Despite being a little nervous about the dark jungle that was just a few steps away, he closed his eyes and concentrated on some erotic images. For him, thoughts about his beautiful wife were enough to bring him over the edge and finish the business.

  As Sam’s seed left his body, all the tensions also went out and hit the dirt.

  Next day, as usual, Sam followed Jack into the jungle. He was getting used to the hard trekking through the jungle and avoiding poisonous plants. He was even starting to get a hang of setting traps and using the spear. Trapping suited him because it didn’t require good physical skills.

  As Sam and Jack walked on the path that leads to their usual hunting ground, Jack said, “even if you had enough bad luck to end up in this place, you are a very lucky guy to have a woman like Julie as your wife.”

  Sam replied smiling, “Yes, I am.”

  “Pardon me for asking this: despite being married, you two don’t strike me as a couple who has known each other for a long time,” Jack asked cautiously; he didn’t want to sound rude.

  “Wow, you are really sharp, Jack,” Sam said with a surprised expression.

  “I’m sorry, man. It was rude of me, and I shouldn’t have asked such a thing, ” Jack said apologetically.

  “Don’t be crazy, Jack. You are my only buddy here,” Sam said laughing, “Actually, you are right. We met only about a month ago and got married through a proposal. I’m doing things in reverse; I marry the girl first, then try to make her fall in love with me.”

  “Haha, you are an interesting man,” Jack said.

  “I don’t know if Julie has already fallen in love with you or not, but I’m positive that she respects and care about you a great deal. She’s a rare woman, Sam. No matter what, don’t ever let go of her,” Jack said with a little seriousness.

  “Uhm…ok, thanks,” Sam replied while being a little confused about Jack’s serious tone, but felt proud of his wife at the same time.

  “As a little hint from a veteran, bring some flowers to your new wife when you go home today,” Jack said with a wink as he led Sam into the jungle.

  In the evening, Jack and Sam were returning to the village. It had been a good day for them. Sam had made his first successful hunt using traps and he was carrying a small dead monkey. He couldn’t wait to show his achievement to Julie with the flowers he had picked for her.

  Julie had been waiting for him outside the hut and noticed what he was carrying.

  “Oh my god, you finally did it!” Julie said excitedly.

  Sam smiled and offered her the bunch of flowers. They weren’t as elegant and impressive as roses, but they were the best he could find.

  “For me? Oh, they are beautiful. thank you so much, dear,” Julie said overjoyed and hugged him while giving him a kiss. Sam remembered she never got this happy and excited when he had given her a diamond necklace.

  Suddenly, Julie pulled away, remembering about the dead monkey Sam still had in his hand.

  “Is...is it really dead?” Julie asked, giving it a doubtful look.

  “Oh no, it’s still alive, it’s coming to get you,” Sam said in a mischievous tone and pretended to throw the carcass at her. She screamed and started playfully, but kind of seriously running around the hut while Sam chased after her with a dead monkey.

  Jack kept watching the young couple for a while; they have totally forgotten about him. Their presence brought Jack an immense joy and hope to his stagnating. He smiled to himself and started toward his hut, leaving the couple for their playing.

  Cleaning and prepping the monkey had been horrifying and laborious, but at the dinner time, their efforts paid off. The food they would have normally found as repulsive and inedible, tasted like the best food they have eaten.

  While getting ready to sleep, Sam felt the satisfying dinner and the playful time he had shared with his wife have rekindled the fire in his loins. He looked at how beautiful and inviting Julie looked as she lies on her back beside him. There was enough moonlight seeping in through the small window and the doorway to see her beautiful womanly assets. He thought what Jack had said that day was right: he indeed was a lucky man to have a wife like Julie.

  Sam sent his hand caressingly atop her body, from her slender neck, the rise of her soft breast, the flatness of her midriff, and the firmness of her thighs. Julie let out a soft sigh, enjoying the light and almost tickling caress.

  “Hmmm….look who’s in the mood today,” Julie purred, giving Sam the green light.

  He leaned in and passionately kissed her soft lips while letting his hand explore more of her curves. While accepting his tongue into her mouth, she giggled sometimes when his sensual touches found some of her ticklish spots.

  Finally, Sam broke the kiss and looked into Julie beautiful blue eyes and saw traces of arousal in them.

  “You know you can’t get too naughty, right?” Julie asked in a playful but serious manner.

  “I know, sweety. Tonight, I want things to be about you, not about me. So relax and enjoy. You deserve this,” Sam said while pulling down the top of her dress to expose her now stiffening nipples.

  Julie let out a soft moan as Sam’s warm and wet mouth descended on one of her sensitive nipples. He listened to her soft, sweet and musical moans and sighs as she paid homage to his wife’s breasts that would one day nourish their child. Even though she was too shy to admit it, he knew Julie’s nipples were one of her main weak points.

  When Julie’s soft skin got covered in goosebumps and her thighs started rubbing together, Sam knew it was time for the main course. He gently let go of her breasts and started sliding down her body. While going down, he reached inside her dress and pulled on her underwear. She slightly raised her hips so he could pull them down and completely off legs. She parted her knees a little as he laid his chest on her thighs and chin on her lower abdomen while looking up at her face.

  “You want it, don’t you, you naughty girl?” Sam asked knowing she absolutely loved getting eaten out. On their wedding night, it actually scared her to find out how much her body loved such a non-conventional way of making love. He had had to convince her that she wasn’t a freak and almost every woman enjoy such things, but when he finally had her sex at the tip of his tongue, she sang a different song and became an instant fan.

  Even after experiencing it about dozen times, Julie still blushed bright red whenever Sam was about to go down on her. It felt and looked so dirty, but she loved the fact that she craved for Sam to do that naughty thing to her. With her sex open to his mouth, She felt so open and vulnerable than even having actual sex, and she hated and love the fact that every time, know she likes such a dirty thing, before going down on her, Sam forced her to accept that she loves it.

  This time, Julie felt even more hesitant since she knew she always loses control when Sam did it to her. Losing control meant they might do something that would lead to bad consequences in the long run.

  Seeing the hesitance on her face, Sam said, “Don’t worry. You know I wouldn’t do anything you don’t want.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m worried about,” Julie said while embarrassingly smiling and started opening her legs for her loving husband.

  Sam pushed up her dress over her wide hips, put the undersides of her thighs over his shoulders and lightly wrapped his arms around them. Now, as she held herself open with raised knees while lying on his stomach, like a bee hovering over a flower, he hovered his head close above her, breathing warm air onto her excited sex.

  Julie looked down at him while lightly biting her lower lip, expecting him to pounce on her opened sex at any moment.

  Giving a mischievous look at his wife, Sam dove down and heard her moan out, “Oh my god, Sam,” while feeling her strong thighs clamp on his head, locking him in place. He knew she wasn’t going to let him free until he satisfies her. Years of horse ridi
ng has given her strong, lean pair of legs that could seduce and crush any man.

  At first, Sam gently ran his flexible tongue along and in between her womanly folds, feeling and hearing her thigh muscles shiver every time he did it. When she started releasing her sweet nectar, he greedily sucked on her dripping flower, forcing it to produce even more.

  With both her hands, she held Sam’s head and pushed his mouth onto her sex as she kept feeding him what he longed. She felt her mind becoming blurred with strong emotions as her husband pleasured her while emitting such vulgar sucking and slurping sounds. The view of his head buried between her legs: in the dirty place, her legs wrapping around his neck, and her thighs clamping oh his ears, and her hips obscenely flexing up to feed him her sex, was too indecent to even look at. Her mother would have definitely shamed her for being such a naughty, dirty girl, but the fact the whole thing was so obscene, was the main thing that made it that much arousing and exciting for her.


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