A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1)

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A wife and the Amazon Tribe (Book 1) Page 5

by King B

  “I understand your anger, Julie. Unfortunately, this is not the outside world. It pains me to see you have to go through this, but the chief is a dangerous man. I’ll go tell him that you humbly rejected the offer. So, please, for the sake of both you and Sam, don’t do anything irrational,” Jack said while picking up the gem from the clay floor.

  “Please go, Jack. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”Julie said while turning away and holding back tears in her blue eyes.

  The chief's wrath

  Some time later, back at the main hut, the chief was furious. No women had ever rejected him. He had even offered his blue gem: his most valuable possession. Who was this woman to deny his gift and humiliate him?

  “I’ll take what I desire, with or without consent. Just like how I took this from that outsider.”He thought while rolling the blue gem between his fingers.

  “Tell the outsiders that they will no longer receive free food from this village. If they are brave enough to insult me, surely they are able enough to feed for themselves,” the chief announced, still furious about Julie’s rejection.

  Jack already knew the chief was going to do that. He knew Julie also knew it when she rejected the chief’s proposal. He was planning on providing Sam and Julie with some food until Sam could learn to provide for themselves.

  “Yes, I will let them know, chief,” Jack said.

  Without saying anything, the chief kept looking at Jack and after thinking for a while, with a little smile, the chief told, “Our shaman is in need of another hut to house patients. Since you show some promise in building, I’m appointing you as the builder. During the build, you will get your meals from my family. So, starting from tomorrow, start building the hut. The shaman will show you how it needs to be built.”

  Jack winced, realizing the old cunning fox had seen through his plan to feed the outsiders.

  “Chief, right now, I’m still in the middle of teaching the pale man about hunting. He’s still not capable enough to survive alone in the jungle and provide for his family. I will need at least two more weeks to teach him the basics,” Jack said.

  “Didn’t you understand me? The hut needs to be built as quickly as possible. Do I need to repeat myself?” the chief countered with a threatening voice.

  “Yes, chief. I’ll start building the hut from tomorrow,” Jack said while leaving. Given how furious the chief seemed, arguing anymore with him would have ended bad.

  Jack realized the chief was planning on starving Sam and Julie till they accept his proposal, but he also knew people like Sam and Julie would rather starve to death than accept something like that. Since he had no stored food, if his meals were going to be provided from the chief’s hut, there was no way he could give some for Julie and Sam. It was the custom for the chief to provide food for people who do community work, so he couldn’t refuse it.

  By the time Jack reached the couple’s hut, Sam was already back and was waiting outside. From the look of horror on his face, Jack knew Julie had told him about the chief’s indecent proposal.

  “Jack, what the fuck is happening?” Sam demanded from Jack.

  Jack explained to Sam how, in the chief’s mind, the proposal was a normal one and panicking about it wasn’t going to solve anything. After listening to his reasoning, Julie came out from the hut.

  “Jack, I’m sorry I yelled at you. It wasn’t your fault. I know you did what you had to,” Julie apologized.

  “No, you don’t have to apologize, Julie. I deserved it. I am ashamed of what I had to say to you,” Jack said, head hung with shame.

  “So how did the old pervert react to Julie’s refusal?” Sam asked, obviously angry with the chief, like any husband should be.

  Jack had to tell how the chief took it as an insult and about the scheme he’s putting together to force Julie to accept.

  “I’ll rather die from starvation than letting Julie go through that,”Sam shouted, failing to contain his anger.

  Julie stayed quiet and in deep thinking. Jack knew an elegant, high-class, conservative girl like her would rather die than going through such a disgrace.

  “Who does that pervert think he is? Out there, I wouldn’t hire a man like him to even polish my shoes,” Sam said.

  “This is not out there, Sam. The chief is essentially the god in this village. We have to be very careful. Not only strong and powerful, he’s a very cunning man too. A single mistake could cost all three of our lives,” Jack said worriedly.

  “Anyway, Jack, what are we supposed to do now?” Sam asked Jack.

  “Until the chief’s anger wear off, you two will have to somehow survive the next few weeks.He’s going to try his best to prevent me from meeting you guys, but I'll at least try to come see you at night. The chief has given a command to seclude you two, so don’t count on any villager to feel pity and help you out. You two are going to be on your own,” Jack said in a serious tone.

  “We’ll survive, Jack. Don’t put yourself in danger for us,” Julie said.

  “You don’t have time to worry about me, Julie. Put all your energy into surviving this. I have faith in you two,” Jack said.

  The couple nodded.

  “Sam, you can try to hunt at the edge of the jungle, but never try to go into the thick jungle. Julie can try to forage around the village. This evening, I’ll show you some plants you can forage. It’s not going to be enough, but it’s something. I’ll try my best to find a way to get you out of this bind. I’m sure you two can overcome this,” Jack said in an encouraging manner.

  That evening, Jack tutored both Sam and Julie about some basic things they needed to do to survive. At the end of the day, he gave them few more encouraging words before leaving.

  That night, before going to bed, for the first time in five years, Jack prayed to the gods to protect the couple.

  From the next day, Jack started building the new hut, and as he expected, the chief made sure to keep him busy even through nights. Since he had to acquire the raw materials all by himself, the project was going to take few weeks to finish.

  Sam tried his best to use what little he had learned from Jack and be successful in finding some food. All the good games were in the jungle and at the edge of it, so even when he was lucky, the best he could get from the traps were one or two small rodents which weren’t enough to keep two people happy, but it was enough to avoid starvation.

  Even from Julie’s foraging, all she could find were some edible leaves and berries. She had to rely on her memory to find trees Jack had shown as safe for consumption. He had strictly advised her against trying to eat anything from unknown plants even if they were starving.

  Through the first week, one or two times, Jack managed to sneak in at night and visit Sam and Julie to see how they were fairing. To make sure the outsiders become helpless, the chief had gone as far as to force Jack sleep at the shaman’s place.

  From how weak and exhausted the couple looked, Jack knew they weren’t getting enough to eat. He knew what little food he sneaked in with him weren’t going to do much. All he could do was give them some more tips and encouraging words. He knew if they give the chief what he wants, they would never have to go hungry again, but it wasn’t something he could take a decision on, and he could never suggest them that option; in this situation, it would be cruel to even mention it to them. For now, all he could do was to have faith in them. While working at the shaman’s place, he had found a glimmer of hope and was working on a plan. He needed time and hoped the couple could last that long.

  Never having had to go hungry in her life, Julie found the constant burning in her belly a living hell. Both she and Sam were getting weak by the hunger they weren’t accustomed to. Which in return, dampened their efforts to find more food. It was a vicious circle, and she was starting to see death as a real possible outcome of this. When Jack had warned them about it, having never gone through hunger, she never gave it a serious thought at that time, but now, she was being painfully reminded of it whene
ver her belly growled and cramped in hunger.

  In their second week of attrition, Julie and Sam were lying on their mat, weak from hunger and exhausted from their efforts. Once again, Sam had failed to catch anything, and they had to eat some berries Julie had found and fill their stomachs with water. It was a living hell for both of them.

  In each other’s arms, they tried to find some comfort and tried to fall asleep. It had been more than a week since Sam had reached an orgasm, but even with his beautiful wife in his hands and intimately close, he didn’t feel the need of a sexual release. The hunger was dictating every aspect of their life now. Sex had become an afterthought as they struggled to survive.

  Sam’s belly gave a loud groan and was quickly followed by a one from Julie too. It was a sound they both have come to get used to during the past week.

  “Sam?” Julie asked.

  “Hmm?” Sam replied.

  “Are we going to die?” Julie asked in a defeated tone.

  “Of course no, honey. We are going to get through this,” Sam tried to encourage her, but he also was starting to doubt their survival. It has been four days since the last time Jack had come to pay them a short visit. Trapping was a game of probability and with his limited knowledge about animals and the low number of them at the edge of the jungle, his chances of getting a kill had come near to zero. They needed much more than few berries and leaves to live on.

  Julie remained silent for a moment and said, “Sam, I know you are trying to encourage me, but I can see that the things are pretty bad. If we are going to die, I was thinking maybe I should make a sacrifice to keep us alive.”

  Sam understood what Julie was meaning; In order to save their lives, his wife was considering letting an ugly, old man have sex with her. He doubted if that was even possible with the unnatural size of that man’s penis. He felt a sharp pain in his heart and cursed himself for being such helpless husband; his wife was considering sacrificing her dignity in order to keep them alive.

  “No! Never!,” Sam said, “I would rather be dead than letting you go through something like that. Please don’t even think about it, Julie. I’ll do something. Jack also said he has a plan. So don’t let that old pervert win.”

  Julie remained silent, but hugged Sam tight and softly cried into his chest.

  Devil's bargain

  From the next day, Jack started building the new hut, and as he expected, the chief made sure to keep him busy even through nights. Since he had to acquire the raw materials all by himself, the project was going to take few weeks to finish.

  Sam tried his best to use what little he had learned from Jack and be successful in finding some food. All the good games were in the jungle and at the edge of it, so even when he was lucky, the best he could get from the traps were one or two small rodents which weren’t enough to keep two people happy, but it was enough to avoid starvation.

  Even from Julie’s foraging, all she could find were some edible leaves and berries. She had to rely on her memory to find trees Jack had shown as safe for consumption. He had strictly advised her against trying to eat anything from unknown plants even if they were starving.

  Through the first week, one or two times, Jack managed to sneak in at night and visit Sam and Julie to see how they were fairing. To make sure the outsiders become helpless, the chief had gone as far as to force Jack sleep at the shaman’s place.

  From how weak and exhausted the couple looked, Jack knew they weren’t getting enough to eat. He knew what little food he sneaked in with him weren’t going to do much. All he could do was give them some more tips and encouraging words. He knew if they give the chief what he wants, they would never have to go hungry again, but it wasn’t something he could take a decision on, and he could never suggest them that option; in this situation, it would be cruel to even mention it to them. For now, all he could do was to have faith in them. While working at the shaman’s place, he had found a glimmer of hope and was working on a plan. He needed time and hoped the couple could last that long.

  Never having had to go hungry in her life, Julie found the constant burning in her belly a living hell. Both she and Sam were getting weak by the hunger they weren’t accustomed to. Which in return, dampened their efforts to find more food. It was a vicious circle, and she was starting to see death as a real possible outcome of this. When Jack had warned them about it, having never gone through hunger, she never gave it a serious thought at that time, but now, she was being painfully reminded of it whenever her belly growled and cramped in hunger.

  In their second week of attrition, Julie and Sam were lying on their mat, weak from hunger and exhausted from their efforts. Once again, Sam had failed to catch anything, and they had to eat some berries Julie had found and fill their stomachs with water. It was a living hell for both of them.

  In each other’s arms, they tried to find some comfort and tried to fall asleep. It had been more than a week since Sam had reached an orgasm, but even with his beautiful wife in his hands and intimately close, he didn’t feel the need of a sexual release. The hunger was dictating every aspect of their life now. Sex had become an afterthought as they struggled to survive.

  Sam’s belly gave a loud groan and was quickly followed by a one from Julie too. It was a sound they both have come to get used to during the past week.

  “Sam?” Julie asked.

  “Hmm?” Sam replied.

  “Are we going to die?” Julie asked in a defeated tone.

  “Of course no, honey. We are going to get through this,” Sam tried to encourage her, but he also was starting to doubt their survival. It has been four days since the last time Jack had come to pay them a short visit. Trapping was a game of probability and with his limited knowledge about animals and the low number of them at the edge of the jungle, his chances of getting a kill had come near to zero. They needed much more than few berries and leaves to live on.

  Julie remained silent for a moment and said, “Sam, I know you are trying to encourage me, but I can see that the things are pretty bad. If we are going to die, I was thinking maybe I should make a sacrifice to keep us alive.”

  Sam understood what Julie was meaning; In order to save their lives, his wife was considering letting an ugly, old man have sex with her. He doubted if that was even possible with the unnatural size of that man’s penis. He felt a sharp pain in his heart and cursed himself for being such helpless husband; his wife was considering sacrificing her dignity in order to keep them alive.

  “No! Never!,” Sam said, “I would rather be dead than letting you go through something like that. Please don’t even think about it, Julie. I’ll do something. Jack also said he has a plan. So don’t let that old pervert win.”

  Julie remained silent, but hugged Sam tight and softly cried into his chest.

  Falling pray to the beast

  Julie woke up to the sound of footsteps outside the hut. She got up and cautiously pushed her head through the straw curtain that covered the entrance. To her horror, in front of her, she found the chief and two guards with their spears.

  Without an invitation, the chief stepped into the hut, forcing Julie to move into the hut in order to make way for him. The two guards took their positions in front of the door to stand guard, facing away from the hut.

  The chief said something in the native language, and his tone had a hint of authority and impatience mixed in it. Due to his short stature, when he stood in front of Julie, his face was at her breast level which made her feel uncomfortable, but at the same time, she was a little relieved that he wasn’t intimidatingly big.

  In the close proximity, for the first time, Julie was able to observe her most hated man’s appearance up close. Even though his face showed his mature age, his body was surprisingly toned and ripped with muscles, rivaling even young athletes back at home. She looked at his skin tone, straight black hair, and wrinkles on his face, but avoided the part she desperately refused to acknowledge about. She had seen that part of him before, but not in
detail or in such a close proximity. Last night, scared for her husband’s life, she hadn’t even thought about it when she accepted the deal, but understanding the need to accept the reality, she slowly lowered her gaze.

  It was monstrous and abnormal enough to make Julie suspect if he was even human. The soft eight-inch penis with six bumps protruding from it, and the large scrotum that looked as if it contained two tennis balls, transcended reality to the point of being repulsive. They were surrounded by braided, long pubic hair locks that were decorated with numerous colorful feathers and stones that enhanced the whole view's bizarreness. It was then, she noticed a blue gem hanging on the top, touching the base of his penis; it was the same blue sapphire he had sent to her.

  While looking at the gem, Julie felt disgusted by the fact that she had actually touched that stone: a stone that had been in constant touch with such a vulgar thing; she felt the precious stone has lost its value due to this ill treatment.


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