Corrupted: A Hades and Persephone Romance

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Corrupted: A Hades and Persephone Romance Page 5

by Bella Klaus

  I pulled my foot back. “Well, you can stop—”

  He clamped his hands around my ankles and engulfed my toe in his mouth.

  A rush of heat surged between my legs, making me arch off the armchair with a yowl. His tongue ran gentle strokes on the underside of my big toe, sending wave upon wave of sensation up my thighs.

  Sparks of electricity danced around my core. My clit ached and pulsed, feeling twice its normal size. My libido surged to the surface of my mind, pushing aside my resentment, and I leaned back on the seat with my legs spread, moaning, panting, yearning for more.

  Hades hummed, the sound low and deep and resonant. He continued licking and sucking my toe until it felt like his tongue was directly on my clit.

  I stared down at him, meeting eyes that burned with molten fire. The way he lapped at my toe told me he had done this several times before. The fabric of his pants stretched across his muscular thighs, accentuating his thick, bulging erection.

  Reaching down with my free foot, I stroked my toes over his hot length, enjoying how his thick cock-head felt against my toes. He pulsed and thickened under my attentions, and I pressed into his length with the ball of my foot.

  His growl reverberated up my leg and into my sex—just where I needed him the most. Just as I was about to cry out, Hades released my big toe with a pop and kissed and massaged a path up my ankle, over my calves, and to my knees, which he parted with gentle fingers.

  “I can smell your arousal,” he rasped.

  I swallowed hard. “You’re wrong. That toe sucking had no effect on me whatsoever. Besides, you were only supposed to kiss my feet.”

  He pushed aside the leather strips that made up my skirt, exposing my soaking wet slit.

  “Beautiful,” he rumbled. “I love the way you glisten for me.”

  Heat rose to my cheeks. “This has nothing to do with you.”

  With an amused hum, he continued pressing a path of wet kisses between my inner thighs, spreading them farther apart.

  “I’m going to lick your pussy until you squirt,” he growled. “Then after you’ve coated my face with your juices, I’ll spank your delectable ass and fuck you over this armchair.”

  I bit down on my bottom lip, breathing hard through the tremors of my heart. This was the most erotic experience of my life, and I didn’t want it to end. A tiny voice in the back of my head screamed at me that this was a trick. If I allowed Hades to seduce me into silence, I would be forever doomed to tolerate his bad behavior.

  My lips parted, and a refusal rolled to the tip of my tongue, but he pressed a kiss on my clit that caused an explosion of desire and want and need.

  The fire at my side crackled and popped, mingling with the roar of my blood. His hot breath fanned across my folds, making my clit pound harder than a drum.

  “Do you want more?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I whispered, even though my inner warning systems screamed at me to say no.

  “Then you’ll help me find Persephone?”

  The mention of her name was the bucket of cold water that brought his treachery into perspective. Stiffening, I tightened my thighs around his head, trapping him in place. My nostrils flared. Even if Pirithous had confirmed that Persephone and I were the same person, part of me refused to accept that I could exist in two bodies.

  I clenched my teeth. “You were supposed to grovel. To apologize for lying to me that you had a wife. How on earth could you turn it around so I’m the one agreeing to your demands?”

  He drew back, his eyes blazing. “I will pleasure you with my tongue and give you a fucking that will give you aftershocks for the rest of the year. Take it or leave it.”

  Raising my leg, I channelled my magic into the sole of my foot and gave him a hard shove in the shoulder. When he fell back a foot before righting himself, my insides flared with satisfaction.

  “My answer is still no,” I said with a sneer.

  His eyes bulged, their pupils turning black. My heart skipped. I’d never seen him look this angry.

  “What do you want?” he said in a voice sounding like it came from the depths of Hell. “Speak.”

  I clamped my legs shut. “Give me what you owe me.”

  “Explain,” he snapped.

  “An apartment in London large enough for Dami and me, and an income.”

  “And you will help me find Persephone?”

  Heavy breaths heaved in and out of my lungs. If Persephone had been any other goddess apart from the one whose body my soul used to occupy, I would refuse. But what if she hurt herself while traveling through Hell? If something happened to her, what would that mean for me?

  Nodding, I gulped. “And I want a shopping spree. And an apology and an explanation.”

  He bared his teeth and hissed, “Done.”

  Chapter Five

  Black spread across Hades’ eyes, and his features twisted with a fury that made my breath catch. Straightening, he rose from the floor like a tidal wave, reminding me that he wasn’t just any lying asshole. Veins protruded from his temples, and the muscles of his neck corded.

  Dread rumbled through my insides, but I tightened my stomach, reminding myself that I wasn’t the same person he’d abducted. Hades wouldn’t be trying so hard to get my help if he didn’t need me—and this angry display was just a show.

  I dug my heels into the wooden floor, daring him to smite me with his wrath. “Listen to me,” I said from between clenched teeth. “You might think you can sweet-talk women or pleasure them into submission with your silver tongue, but not me.”

  His nostrils flared, and he flashed sharper-than-normal teeth. “What will it take to satisfy you?”

  “Do I need to repeat myself?” I hissed.

  Hades went perfectly still, reminding me of the eerie calm before Mother unleashed a tsunami of temper. At any moment, he would erupt, and I would drown in indignation.

  Instead of lashing out as expected, he disappeared.

  I scrambled off my armchair with a scowl and headed toward the exit. “You still haven’t admitted you were wrong.”

  Namara, the redhead who worked in his adjoining office, rose off her desk chair and curtseyed. “Your Majesty—”

  “Where is he?” I said.

  She paused, tilting her head to the side before meeting my gaze. “Gone to run a few errands.”

  My lips tightened. “Does he communicate into your mind, too?”

  She inclined her head. “It’s the most efficient way for His Majesty’s staff to understand his orders. May I offer you something to eat or drink?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling hungry for the first time since leaving the palace for the Devil’s Ball. It had been nearly twenty-four hours since I’d last had a meal. If Hades returned to drag me back to Hell, I wasn’t sure if I’d get another chance for food.

  “Breakfast would be lovely, thanks.”

  Namara bustled around from her desk and toward a door that held a kitchen the size of her office. There wasn’t anything demonic about its ash-wood cabinets, stainless-steel appliances, and pristine white work surfaces.

  I followed after her, curious about the kinds of food she might serve Hades while he was at work.

  “We have hot chocolate, coffee, and tea,” she said. “What is your preference?”

  Placing a hand on my empty stomach, I bounced on my feet, now welcoming the prospect of food. “Could I try the hot chocolate, please?”

  Namara set the table, and served me a light breakfast of a toasted cheese sandwich made with sliced ham. The hot chocolate was sweeter than anything Pirithous had ever made for us, thick and creamy with more than a hint of hazelnut. It was the kind of drink a girl needed after having visited both Heaven and Hell in such a short space of time.

  My frazzled nerves calmed, and I accepted a glass of orange juice before realizing I’d just eaten food prepared by a demon. “Excuse me?” I whispered. “Will eating this condemn me to a lifetime in Hell?”

  She shook he
r head and smiled. “That rule only applies to items consumed in Hell. Eating it here renders it just as harmless as human food.”

  “But twice as delicious,” Hades drawled from the doorway.

  I spun around in my seat to find him dressed in a black suit with a matching shirt and tie, and sporting a wide grin. My spine straightened. What was he scheming now?

  “You demanded an apartment?” he said to me.

  I nodded. “And an income—”

  “And a shopping spree,” he drawled.

  “And an apology.”

  Ignoring my last request, Hades tossed an ebony credit card on the table. I turned it around, noting that it was missing a chip in the front and a magnetic strip at the back.

  “What’s this for?”

  “You.” He stretched out a hand. “Come with me, and I’ll show you to your new London penthouse.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Is this some kind of trick?”

  He pressed a hand to his broad chest. “You should know that Hades never leaves a bargain unfulfilled.”

  From the lilt in his voice when he said the word ‘bargain,’ I was sure he was using it as a euphemism for something else.

  I rose off my seat, crossed the room, and took his hand, hoping he wouldn’t drag me to Hell and seal its barriers until I agreed to search for his wife.

  A heartbeat later, the world flip-flopped, and I stood in a spacious apartment. Its decor was mostly white, with an entire wall of two-story-tall windows that overlooked Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and the River Thames. Across the water stood the London Eye, which was illuminated a brilliant blue.

  My heart skipped several beats before resuming twice as fast as usual. This apartment couldn’t be for me. There had to be a catch. A place like this would cost a fortune.

  “What is this?” I asked, my voice breathy with awe.

  “Your penthouse,” he said with a smirk. “Two double bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a study.”

  “Are you sure it’s for me?” I glanced around, taking in a pair of ivory-colored sofas long enough to sit twelve. A bank of low tables separated them, each balanced on square structures that appeared to be speakers.

  The rest of the furnishings and accessories were either made of glass or charcoal-gray with gold accents that provided a touch of color. Floating chandeliers illuminated the room, providing gentle lighting. It was tasteful and neutrally decorated, as though ready for me to add a personal touch.

  Hades placed a large hand on the small of my back, making my spine tingle from the notches beneath my skull to the tip of my tailbone.

  “That was our agreement,” he drawled. “The deed is in your name. As for the income, the credit card gives you unlimited access to the Fifth Faction’s coffers.”

  I swallowed hard, trying to calm myself. This was more than I had expected.

  A knock sounded behind us, jolting me out of my stupor.

  “Who’s there?” I whispered.

  Hades swept his arm toward the door, which swung open to reveal a man with a pointed goatee. He wore a long coat made of leather patches that he’d buttoned up to the collar. Behind him were a troop of women the exact same height and shape as me, each of them wearing different outfits.

  “And here is your shopping spree.” Hades took my hand and guided me to a loveseat barely large enough for two.

  Hades sat first, taking up all the space, and placed his palms on his lap. Behind him, the man with the goatee set up a tall screen that crackled with magic.

  My gaze darted toward the empty sofas. I was still mad at him, and he hadn’t yet apologized for concealing Persephone, so I perched myself on the arm of the sofa, staying close enough to enjoy what was looking to be a fashion show, but without giving him what he wanted.

  “Jean-René Jacques agreed to showcase his latest fashions.” Hades slid his arm around my back and rested his hand on my thigh. “After that, we have Grace Van Oberon, and then Le Scandale Lingerie. Choose anything you desire.”

  “Okay.” I settled into his side, watching the women walk a loop around the sofas in a variety of spring clothing. Some wore pants, others cocktail dresses, others beautiful gowns that skimmed the floor. I shook my head, marveling at the variety.

  Hades pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my middle. “I have provided you with the apartment, the income, and a shopping spree. I’ve even scheduled a consultation with the Dean of the University of Logris because you once mentioned wanting to complete your education.”

  “That’s…” I cleared my throat, trying to concentrate on the fashion show and not wriggle in his grip. Awesome couldn’t even begin to describe what he had done for me. “Thank you.”

  “Now, will you come with me to Hell?” His hot breath tickled my ear.

  “But you said there were more designers after this one,” I murmured.

  “After the show.” He made himself sound like helping me select beautiful clothing was a chore.

  I tilted my head to the side, looking for the man with the goatee. “Monsieur Jacques?”

  He jogged out from behind us with his hands clasped. “You called.”

  “Do you have smaller models?” I asked, and rattled off a description of Dami’s alternative form.

  The fashion designer frowned. “But of course, Mademoiselle—”

  “Madame,” Hades snapped. “You’re addressing a married woman.”

  He bowed low. “My apologies, Your Majesty, but all the customers you brought me have been unmarried.”

  “Be grateful you have another seven years on your contract before I drag your supercilious carcass to Hell.” Hades gnashed his teeth, making the other man flinch.

  “Yes, sire.”

  I turned to him, my lips pursed in a tight line. “How many of these apartments do you have dotted around the world?”

  His features twisted into a scowl. “There hasn’t been a single woman for me since we locked gazes and I confirmed you were the one I sought.”

  “That was less than two months ago,” I snapped.

  He leaned back on the sofa, hummed his agreement, and tightened his arms around my middle. “Until then, I thought I was a widower, destined to spend an eternity alone.”

  “But you had Persephone,” I said.

  “Who was no better than a living corpse,” he hissed back.

  Clenching my teeth, I turned my gaze back to the fashion show. Young women the size and shape of Dami paraded among the redheads, wearing items more suited for her slender figure.

  I slid my hands beneath Hades’ arms and shifted on his lap, trying to wedge myself free. Why couldn’t he be a decent supernatural and just apologize for having misled me?

  “Kora.” He placed his hand on mine. “Will you please put aside your feelings and focus on your duties?”

  “The ones I didn’t sign up for?” I asked.

  “You accepted the power…” He let his voice trail off.

  “Which you’re free to draw upon,” I replied with a sniff. “That was the arrangement. Nothing else. Now, if you’d release me from your lap, I would be much obliged.”

  Ignoring me, he turned back to the show and watched in a stony silence. The second designer was a young blonde woman in a black jumpsuit, who appeared vexed that Hades wouldn’t respond to her flirtatious comments.

  Her selection consisted of gym clothes, casual gear for lounging about the house, jeans and tank tops that looked great on both types of models. At the end of her show, Hades purchased all the items in all colors and both sizes—just as he had done with the previous designer.

  A knock sounded on the door, and Dr. Atallus stepped inside, cradling Dami in one arm, and clutching a leather case in the other. Dami was alert, her green eyes bright, and her head swiveling in all directions, taking in the decor.

  “Let go of me.” I elbowed Hades in the ribs, adding a bit of electricity to strengthen my point.

  He released me with a grunt, and I rose to my feet, leaving the linge
rie show to approach the doctor and my best friend.

  “Feeling better?” I rubbed the tips of her ears.

  She gave me a bright nod and a perky meow.

  I turned to the doctor. “Did you find any injuries?”

  “Nothing we couldn’t handle,” he said with a soft smile. “Light bruising and a few plucked whiskers. For reasons I can’t fathom, whoever captured Damisa made her swallow seeds, which I’ve removed from her digestive tract.”

  My brows drew together. “What kind?”

  He shook his head. “That’s something I’ll need to give to a colleague for analysis.”

  Dami twisted around in the doctor’s arms and reached for me with her front paws. I scooped her up and cradled her to my chest.

  “Is there anything else?” I asked.

  “She also suffered considerable sensory deprivation, and her levels of magic were depleted.”

  I glanced down at her leopard skin head. “Why?”

  “Taking human form is taxing on Hellcats to begin with, and requires them to supplement their diets with bryanstan.”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “An extremely rare and expensive compound generated in the pits of Hell,” Hades said. “It occurs when brimstone reacts with the residue of magical souls. Fortunately for you, I control the world’s supply.”

  Ignoring him, I turned to the doctor. “Thank you. Is there anything else?”

  He reached into his leather bag and extracted a glass jar filled with yellow salt. “Give Damisa two pinches a day with her meals, regardless of whether she has shifted.”

  She meowed a protest, which I guessed was her way of saying she could look after herself.

  My lips curled into a smile, and I gave her a kiss on the ear. “I’ll make sure she takes her medicine.”

  The doctor inclined his head and strolled out of the apartment, passing the models streaming through the door. I turned to Hades, my eyes wide. “Will you get us some more bryanstan?”

  He tapped his lap and bounced his thighs up and down. “When you take up your throne, what’s mine will become yours.”


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