Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family

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Taken by the Boss: The Ruzzo Family Page 3

by Belle Winters

  “What bullshit are you into that has these rent-a-thugs making me miss class? I don’t have time for your bullshit Taylor.” Julie fumed.

  Taylor’s mouth dropped open, and her eyes went wide. She looked at me, and I could smell her fear. Now that’s a normal human reaction, I don’t know what the fuck her sister was.

  “Julie, what is wrong with you? You’re going to get us killed.” Taylor said shaking in fear.

  Julie rolled her eyes. “Yea, yea, yea. Big bad men with guns.” She looked at me. “Can I leave now so you guys can do whatever it is you do?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “We’re not done yet.”

  She sighed and began to walk off. “I am so over this shit.”

  Fuck no, nobody walks away from me. “I swear to fuck I will kill you if you take one more step.”

  She didn’t look like she was going to stop, and I took my gun out from behind me. “Julie, please.” Her sister pleaded, and she stopped cold. I don’t know, but I’m sure it was the fear that showed in her sister’s eyes that gave her pause. “That’s Giovanni Ruzzo, he will do it.” Her sister warned.

  Julie moved in slow motion turning back to face me all blood drained from her face. I felt that shit flood my body, fear excited the fuck out of me and to see it out of this little mouthy one sent adrenaline through my system. She stared at me, studying me like she couldn’t quite believe it but didn’t have a choice but to. Her eyes slowly moved down until they were focused on the Glock in my hand. Then things happened real fucking fast.

  Her face hardened, and that shit threw me, then I realized her intent too fucking late. She fucking lunged at her sister. “You fucking bitch, are you crazy?” She screamed as she landed on top of her taking her down. I’m not going to lie, I kind of underestimated her ass. There was no preamble, she just started wailing on her sister. I would call it a catfight, but this shit was more like a slaughter. Alex stood by dumbfounded like he couldn’t quite believe this shit either and I jumped into action. I grabbed onto Julie and tried to pull her off of her sister. She had a death grip on her, and the little hellcat was kind of strong.

  “Are you going to watch or help?” I asked Alex.

  He snapped into motion and pried Julie's hands off her sister's neck as I hauled her back. She was in full out warrior mode and fuck me, but she wasn’t easily restrained. “Chill the fuck out!”

  She went to turn and clipped my chin. Shit. I wrapped an arm around her waist and tossed her onto my desk. She never stopped fighting me, so I began trying to restrain her. I climbed over her and straddled her waist as I held her arms down above her head. When she couldn’t move anymore, she glared at me chest heaving.

  “What the fuck?” I asked. I never saw no shit like that before. She hauled off on her sister like she was public enemy number one. Not gonna front, I was a little bit in awe.

  “That’s what I want to know. What. The. Fuck?” she said. “You didn’t tell me who you were.” She said accusingly.

  I scoffed. “Would that have stopped you and your shit all day?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She said defiantly. I looked at her knowingly, I knew she probably couldn’t help herself. No person would taunt the man with the gun like she did whether or not he was a pussy if they were normal. “Maybe.” I continued staring at her. “Probably not, but I wouldn’t have called you names and asked you to fight me.” She confessed.

  I shook my head and looked back to her sister who was sitting on the floor pinching her nose to stop the blood. “Just how fucking touched is your sister?” I asked.

  She frowned. “What?”

  “Your sister is a fucking nut job, has she been to a doctor?” I asked.

  Taylor sighed. “She’s not mentally challenged if that’s what you’re asking. She’s a little crazy and has a temper and a big ass mouth. What’s wrong with her is her stupidity and her inability to control herself.” She glared at Julie. “You know, he’s going to fucking kill us because you had to insult him with your loose fucking mouth.” She spat.

  For some reason, that shit ain’t sit well with me. Julie went to speak, and I moved her wrist, so I could hold both with one hand and clasped a hand over her mouth. “Shut up,” I warned.

  She growled at me. She was fucking demented and fucked in the head. “You’re both here because of you.” I pointed out to Taylor. I looked down to Julie. “Your crazy ass can go,” I said ready to get rid of the headache. Her sister seemed much more pliable, plus she was probably still seeing stars. “If I let you go, are you going to go for round two?” I asked.

  She batted her lashes at me and gave me this fucking killer smile. What the fuck? “Yes. I’m fine if I can leave now.” She shrugged. “Guess I was cranky.”

  She was fucking bipolar. Call me a fucking doctor because I was that sure. I slowly released her and stood up. She smiled at me again as she stood up and got herself together. Her hair had fallen out from her ponytail at some point during her attack, and she just shook it out like she was in a goddamn shampoo commercial and began walking off like nothing ever happened.

  As she began to walk past her sister who was still on the floor, she looked down at her and went for a kick. Alex caught it and shoved her back, so she didn’t make contact. She stumbled, growled, then flew at him clocking him clear across his face. Holy fuck. I grabbed her before he did and had her pinned against the wall. “I thought you were done?”

  Her entire body melted against the wall. “I got pissed off when I saw her again. This is my life, I have a right.” I couldn’t argue with that shit. I’ve killed for less.

  “I’m going to escort you out to make sure you fucking behave,” I told her.

  When I went to move her, she resisted. “About that… I’m going to need my book out of that behemoth’s car and a ride home.”

  I could tell her to fuck off and walk home… but what did I do? “Come on,” I said dragging her out. I turned to Alex. “Keep her here. I’ll be back.” I said pointing at a now weeping Taylor.

  Chapter 3


  He was obviously pissed, but so was I and I felt I had every right to be compared to everyone else in this situation. She had me in the mix of some shit with Giovanni. No, not just any ol’ Giovanni from around the way… Giovanni mother fucking Ruzzo. He owned this town, hell he owned the City. Nobody in their right minds would fuck with that man and what does my sister do you ask? Put me right in his fucking hands, literally. She knows I didn’t have any common sense when it came to my mouth, and she put me in the most trouble she could’ve possibly gotten me into. Contrary to the rumors, this man must have some type of conscience and patience because the man I heard about would’ve put one between my eyes two minutes into our encounter. I frowned as I thought about it… why didn’t he?

  “Where am I taking you?” he asked.

  I rattled off my address and sank into the comfortable seat of his luxury car. He frowned but didn’t say a word as he made his way to my place. When he pulled up, I spotted the beat down pickup truck and laughed humorlessly under my breath. “Of course,” I said to myself at the sight of my father’s car.

  “What’s wrong?” Giovanni asked.

  I shrugged, I wasn’t ready to deal with this right now. “Can you just drop me off at the corner?” I asked. I could walk to the park and study or something and hope that this was just a quick visit and not another one of their ‘attempts’.

  “I thought you lived here?” He said as his eyes roamed the exterior with slight disgust and curiosity.

  “I don’t really feel like going home now, and I should study. I missed school today, and I have some papers to get started.” I told him, half-assing the truth.

  “You have your computer?” he asked.

  I scoffed. “My computer is fucking ancient and too fucking big to be lugging around with me. It’s not exactly portable, it’s barely functional.” I began to gather my stuff. “I’m good from here, I’ll walk to the park,” I said.

  When I went to open the door, he engaged the lock trapping me into the car. “Tell me.” He said.

  “Nothing to tell, I don’t want to go in there, so I’ll go to the park and catch up on school,” I said.

  “And what would you do if you went inside?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Work on school stuff.” Which was true.

  He nodded to himself and began to drive off. “Where are you taking me?” I asked as he passed the corner. “I was talking about this corner.”

  He grunted. “What did you call it… kidnapping you.”

  I gulped. I’m not sure how I exactly felt about that. He knew I wasn’t Taylor now, so what was it that he wanted from me?



  What the fuck am I doing?

  Yea, I thought that for the thousand time as I pulled into my parking spot in the garage of my building. I should’ve just dropped the nut off and drove away never to see her again. But then she made herself resemble a normal human. After she got into the car all of that fight and spitefulness drained out of her like she was just as much done with it as I was. Then when I pulled up to her house something changed in her. Something set her off. She didn’t go all smart-ass and feisty on me, but something definitely put her on edge.

  I saw where she lived, and I believed her when she said she didn’t have a computer or if she did it was one of those shits from the stone age. How the fuck was she going to be doing college work with one textbook and no computer? That didn’t make sense to me. She was avoiding going home, and I wasn’t going to leave a partially sane girl roaming the streets alone. What type of person would I be?

  “Where are we?” she asked. “Why are we here?”

  I grunted. I was still trying to figure out the answer to that question my damn self. “Just come on,” I said.

  She hesitated but gathered her stuff in her arms and followed me to my apartment. When I let her inside, she let out a low whistle. “Nice digs.”

  I know that I didn’t need her to tell me that shit. I walked into my living room and pointed at the table. “There’s a computer. Do your homework, and if you go through my shit, I will cut your eyes out.”

  She scoffed. “Why let me use it then if you have all your illegal shit in here? How’d you know that I won’t make copies and hand it over to the cops?”

  “Are you fucking bent?” I asked as I turned to look at her.

  “No. I don’t know why you keep referring to me as though I’m crazy or something.” She said pouting.

  “Do you not hear the shit that comes out of your mouth? If you’re ready to die, say so, and I’ll put you out of your misery. You don’t need to give me a headache.” I let her know seriously.

  She rolled her eyes. “What can I say? It’s a part of my charm… I’m just gracing you with my natural gift.”

  I scoffed and walked to the bar to pour me a drink. It’s only four in the afternoon, and crazy lady has me drinking. I studied her as she fiddled around with my computer. Now that she was quiet, I could take a moment to appreciate her looks. She was fucking hot, that was for sure. She wasn’t skin and bones, God I hated those types. What the hell can I do with a size 0 body? Nah, I needed curves. Something to hold onto while I banged her back out. This chick had that shit in spades.

  “Hey, mobster.” Of course, she had to remind me that she was dropped on her head quite a bit as a baby.


  “I locked you out of your computer…” she shrugged sheepishly. “Accidentally.”

  I tossed my whole cup back and just stared at her. She was something else, that’s for sure. I can usually read people easily, see right through them but I was having a bit of trouble figuring her out. I know that a lot of this shit she was doing was intentional. She was fully aware that she was trying her fucking luck with me. It was annoying as fuck, but I gotta admit refreshing. Believe it or not, people as a whole get fucking boring when everyone is scared as fuck to speak up about anything. Afraid the wrong step might get their shit clocked. Well… I guess they should because it really could unless u shared my bloodline. In most cases.

  “You sure you’re in college?” I asked.

  She scowled. “You’ve been calling me crazy, and I let that slide. Now you’re saying I’m stupid? That’s where I got to draw the line bro.”


  She huffed and opened up her textbook and began reading it. She was writing notes in the book as well as on paper and highlighting stuff as she went. I wonder if my on-call doc is qualified to do mental evaluations. I watched as she got settled and her attention was focused intently on her book. Right now, she seemed normal. Shit, if we were in a club, she would definitely be a chick I pick out of the crowd to have a good time. Shit, come to think of it… her feisty ass is probably a good as fuck lay. If she could center all that crazy in the sheets… fuck. My cock was liking the idea of that a little too much.

  I needed a distraction. “What are you studying? You know, your major?” I asked.


  I choked. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?”

  She looked up at me and frowned. “What’s wrong with psychology?” she asked.

  I walked into the living room and sat on the sofa across from her. “Babe, you’re studying how to help people with their minds, and you’re severely fucked in the head.”

  She flung a pillow at me. “Shut up.”

  Alright, we needed to put a stop to this shit. I stood and began stalking her. She put the textbook down casually on the table, but I could see the slight tremble in her hands. Good, you better fucking be nervous. She had the balls to toss a fucking pillow at me? “Listen here, little girl. I’ve let you flap your gums all day… but when you start throwing shit, I throw shit back.”

  I wasn’t going to hit her. It was a pillow after all, and it was a playful reflex when she did it. But I didn’t get where the fuck I was today by letting shit go just because you didn’t think it through. In fact, being careless is what’s likely to get you brained. Just as I reached her, she hopped up on the couch and literally dived over the back of the chair and onto the floor. I just stared there, shocked as fuck as I watched her body slide chest first across my hardwood floors.

  “The fuck?”

  She turned onto her back and looked at me. “What are you going to do to me?” She asked.

  I cocked my head to the side. “Are you finally fucking scared?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “Uh, no… I’m just curious?”

  Curious my ass. I could hear the tremor in her voice. She probably thought I was gonna brain her ass. “I haven’t exactly made up my mind yet.”

  “Did you drag me to your lair to off me?” she asked.

  I frowned. “Where does that even make sense to you?” What fucking person would bring a person to their home of all places to murder them. A fucker gets offed in my crib, it would be completely impromptu. “No crazy girl. I have places for that.” I said and smirked when she shivered.

  “So, you’re not going to do anything to me?” she asked.

  I shrugged as I made my way around the couch. “I might pop you one, just to get it off my chest.”

  Her eyes heated and she leaped off the floor and took off. Little did she know, she was running to a dead end. There was nothing but closet space at the end of that hall. She realized it a little too late, and there was no way she was going to get past me.

  “You know I was playing right?” she said fluttering her eyelashes.

  I shook my head. “You’ve been playing with me all day. I think it's my turn to play with you.”

  She shrank back into the wall. “Can I politely decline?” she asked.

  I shook my head, and she tried to make a run for it. I gripped her by her upper arms and pushed her against the wall. “You still wanna fuck with me?” I asked.

  She shook her head. I got so close to her that if we breathed even a little bit deeper, we would touch. �
��I may never see you again after today… but I want you to fucking remember to watch your shit. You’re fucking reckless and a second away from getting your ass hurt.” I maintained eye contact with her for a beat. “Do you understand?” She nodded slowly. “Let me hear it.”

  “I understand.”

  I nodded. “Let’s go before you push me over the fucking edge. It would be a shame that you made it this far only to end the day with your brains on a wall.”

  She cringed at the visual and hesitantly walked past me to get her stuff together. I waited for her by the door and escorted her downstairs. When we got outside, she gave me a little wave. “I’ll walk home.” Yea, that’s right… the fear was there.

  “You live like 30 blocks away. Get in the damn car.” I ordered.

  She shook her head and opened her mouth to argue, and I held up a hand stopping. “Did you not learn anything today?” I asked, and her eyes went wide. “Get. In. The. Car so I can get rid of you.”

  She scrambled over to the car, and I unlocked the doors so she could climb in.

  Chapter 4


  Jesus, what is wrong with me? I got some sort of sick satisfaction with making a murderer crazy. I’m not dumb enough to think that he believed all of that was genuine crazy. Then again it must be, right?

  I’m not going to lie. When I realized exactly who he was, I was scared as fuck. Then I got pissed as all hell because why was Taylor even getting mixed up with him and got me into it. Somewhere in the back of my head, I knew that I was supposed to be afraid of him… but God no.

  After he pulled me off of my sister and had me pinned down, I got my first real good look at him and hot damn… he was gorgeous. Of all the stories and rumors I heard about him, I don’t remember ever hearing someone saying that he looked like that. I’d be lying if my body didn’t get a bit excited from the position he had me in. Shit! Tie me up, rope me down. Whips, chains, and handcuffs. What would it take to ride that pony?


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