'Twas a Dark and Delicious Christmas

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'Twas a Dark and Delicious Christmas Page 24

by Stacey Espino

  He knew then exactly what he would wish for if he could, almost like he’d known from the moment she’d approached him. The feeling was overwhelming and he smiled to himself, who would have thought, mom was right.

  “I know exactly what I want from my Christmas fairy,” he said. “But I’m not sure she’d grant it.”

  “Tell me,” she said, and he was sure he heard a tremor in her voice. He reached forward again, intending to stroke her other ear but she pulled back and he was surprised to see that she looked nervous. He’d assumed, when she’d approached him that she was a party girl, looking for some fun. But now he could see that he was wrong. She looked impossibly innocent and impossibly delightful. That thought made the ache in his groin almost unbearable and his wish even stronger.

  “You really want to know?”

  She nodded and bit down on her plump bottom lip, it was all Lucas could do not to groan aloud. “Yes, I want to know, tell me please, Lucas.”

  The way she said his name made him clench his hand around the bar. I want her, it’s as simple as that, why pretend otherwise?


  “You,” he replied. “I want you, Isadora.”

  Chapter Three

  Isadora felt her hearts shake in unison. Fae law was clear. More than clear. When a human made a wish it had to be granted. There were some exceptions to the ‘had’ part, of course—there had to be. Fairies could not grant malevolent wishes, they could not grant wishes that caused a major difference to the world, they could not bring people back from the dead and they could not make people fall in love. But apart from that, when a human asked, the Fae had to give. The law was sacrosanct; no Fae had ever broken it.

  It was what the Fae did, what they’d always done. Humans had no powers of their own, no way to change their life in an instant. The Fae did have that power and many millennia ago, when they decided to leave the human realm they loved, they made a decision. They would use their powers to help the humans around them, the humans, who on the whole, were charming and kind and loving. As one of the Christmas Fairies, Isadora’s job was to grant one wish every year. One wish to make one human’s Christmas perfect. She didn’t get to chose who, that was something done by Fae a lot older and wiser than her, but she did get to make the wish come true.

  Despite getting Christmas instead of Valentine’s, Isadora looked forward to granting the wish. Fae were altruistic above anything, their pleasure gained from making others happy, it sustained them, but now...

  “What do you mean?” she asked, though she was certain she already knew.

  “You asked me what would make my Christmas perfect, what I would wish for if I could,” Lucas replied.


  “You wanted me to be honest?”

  “Yeeessss.” Why did she feel as though she was falling into a tunnel, a deep tunnel with no end in sight? And why was that idea so exciting?

  “I would very much like to spend Christmas with you, Isadora.”

  She was sure one of her hearts stopped beating completely. He wants to spend Christmas with me? What does he want to do with me? As if you don’t know!

  He looked so sincere, his dark eyes twinkling and his sensual lips curved into a devastating smile. Isadora gulped as she realized that his wish would not be difficult to grant. Haven’t you spent the last few minutes wanting to touch his hair? He touches your ear and it sends shivers all over you. Imagine a whole day and night! Imagine how happy you’d make him and how happy that would make you!

  Great Titania, what was she going to do?

  “But why?” Despite her certainty, Isadora couldn’t help but ask.

  He looked away, his eyes travelling around the bar. The men had stopped cheering now, the dancing women sitting down, taking a well deserved rest. Isadora wondered what he was thinking. What was going through his human mind?

  “Do you want me to be truthful again?”

  Do I want him to tell me the truth? Isadora wasn’t sure she did, but she wasn’t the sort of fairy to take the easy way out. In fact, many would say she often took the most difficult route on purpose and because of that not everyone was happy with her appointment to Christmas Fae. She was determined to prove her doubters wrong. She’d worked hard for years curbing her impetuous nature and her wild tendencies—qualities that were not exactly valued for the few holiday jobs. She would make this Christmas a success. She had to!

  His eyes rested back on her and Isadora felt her hearts flutter again. He was extremely handsome, far more than any of the Fae she’d dated over the years. Maybe it was due to his colouring, the blacks and the browns—so different to the fairness she was used to. Or maybe it was just him. Maybe she wasn’t as immune to the Christmas magic as she’d supposed.

  “Yes, tell me.”

  He smiled slowly and ran a hand through his hair, almost like he was embarrassed? “I’d like some company, someone to spend the time with.”

  “Don’t you have any family to spend it with?” Perhaps it was impolite to ask but Isadora thought they’d kinda got past the whole polite part, what with the kind of wish he was asking for.

  “Sure, my mom and my sisters and their husbands,” he replied with a shrug. “I usually have dinner with them.”

  “So why would you wish to spend it with me?”

  He laughed. “Well, for a start I would imagine that we’d spend the time quite differently, Isadora.” She blushed right down to her toes. “And besides, Christmas can be lonely sometimes.”

  Isadora frowned, he was right. Hadn’t she herself spent many a Christmas wishing there was someone to sit round the tree with her? Someone to give her a present and sing her a carol? Loneliness was not just a human emotion; the Fae felt it too—maybe even more so than humans, they were very sociable creatures and couldn’t bear to be alone.

  Spending the last decade alone, she had no family left, and friends could only provide so much company. She’d hoped her new job would ease the pangs—it was another reason she’d felt some pleasure when she’d heard it was hers. But now, now she had another option entirely, an option which could open all sorts of doors.

  She looked up at the clock above the bar. It was decorated with red tinsel and tiny white snow flakes, showing only a handful of minutes left until Christmas began. She swallowed nervously and bit down on her lip. What was she going to do?



  “I promise you won’t regret spending your Christmas with me.”

  Her wings fluttered and her mouth went dry, she could feel those impetuous tendencies and wild longing coming back full force. She took a deep breath, lest her glamour slip.

  “This is your wish then? To have...me?”

  Lucas nodded, his eyes darkening and he replied in a solemn voice, playing along with her. “That is my wish.”

  Isadora flexed her hands and felt the Fae dust gather in her palms. It was clear to her now what she had to do, and what it would mean. Once the wish was made there would be no going back, for either of them. The magic she would release would bind them in the wish and there would be no escaping it.

  She stood up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He responded by wrapping his around her waist. He pulled her close against him and she could feel his erection pressing into her stomach. She shivered at the contact and her glamour slipped for just a moment.

  “Isadora, what—”

  Ignoring his words, she opened her palms, and the Fae dust fell around them, coating them, binding them. She looked into his eyes and smiled, he looked dazed, his earlier shock gone, but it would last only a moment. Taking advantage, she leaned into him and pressed a kiss upon his lips. He tasted of earth and wood and her wings fluttered in response.

  “Lucas, the wish is yours,” she whispered against his lips.

  The clock struck midnight, Christmas Eve faded and Christmas proper began.

  Chapter Four

  Lucas felt as though he’d been hit with a sledgehammer. A
soft sledgehammer, filled with the scent of flowers and the feel of silk. Her lips pressed against him for the second time and it was all he could do to stop himself squeezing her to him and devouring everything she had to offer.

  Need to slow down, need to get a little control. He took a deep breath and gently pushed her away. “Let me get the door open before I forget it completely.”

  He pushed the key into the slot without looking—how could he take his eyes from her? —and opened the door. She grinned and walked past him, her eyes darting from room to room, all of which led off from the central corridor. Fairy lights reflected off her eyes and Lucas was suddenly thankful that his mom had arrived mid-week with a tree and decorations. He’d protested but she’d insisted and as always she’d gotten her own way. He was surprised to realise that he wanted his home to look festive for Isadora. Surprised to realise how much he wanted everything to be right. I want her to be happy, comfortable, to feel as though she belongs here.

  Lucas didn’t know where the thoughts were coming from but there was no denying them. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, a habit of his when he was feeling overwhelmed and tried to get a grip on himself.

  It was hard to believe he’d had the nerve to ask what he had, or that she’d accepted, and now they were standing a few feet from his bedroom—and his bed. The entire walk from the bar to his home he’d become more and more certain that this was how he was supposed to be spending Christmas. Everything felt surreal, but right, and Lucas was sure, certain in fact, that none of his previous encounters felt remotely like this.

  This was something entirely different.

  “Isadora...” Her name fell from his lips like he had been saying it for years. “I...”

  She looked back from the doorway to the bedroom. “What’s wrong?”

  How to explain to her that you feel beyond excited, that you’re worried and feel oddly nervous? Lucas couldn’t. Instead, he cleared his throat and made sure she was comfortable. “You’re sure about this, Isadora?”

  “I’m sure. Besides, it’s too late for second thoughts now.”

  He frowned, not wanting her to think he would rush or push her. It had to be her decision. “What do you mean?”

  “I couldn’t stop now even if I wanted to, and believe me, Lucas, I don’t.”

  Unable to control it, he grinned. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever met...even if she does seem to sparkle at random moments. His grin faded slightly as the memory resurfaced, prompted by the fairy lights twinkling around her. Twice now she’d seemed to sparkle, for just a moment, hardly any time at all but he’d definitely seen something...odd. And I feel odd, out of control like I’ve been...bewitched.

  “Will you kiss me, Lucas?” she asked, and he forgot about the sparkling and the bewitchment and anything else.

  He pulled her into his arms until her body was flush against his and their lips met. The plump bottom lip he’d groaned over lifted towards his and began to move against his own so sweetly. He could feel his mouth tingling, her tongue sweeping his and his over hers. Immediately he was filled with the fantasies of earlier, he wanted to sweep his tongue over her, wanted to lick her until she screamed.

  Her hands ran over his lower back and Lucas shivered from her touch, desperate to do the same for her. He began to stroke her tiny waist before moving down to the magnificent flare of her hips.

  “Lucas—” she pulled back from the kiss and looked into his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing...just...I’m not exactly feeling relaxed and that might be a problem.”

  “We don’t have to do anything,” he reassured her. A cold shower would have to do, to cool his flaming urges, and they could talk or watch TV or something. Lucas was damned if he’d scare her off. You’ll just know, Lucas, you’ll just know, he groaned inwardly, yeah mom, you got that right.

  She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip—again.

  “Don’t do that.”

  She looked up, surprised. “Do what?”

  Did she not realise how close to the edge he was? Lucas felt sure that she must. They were still pressed close to one another, close enough for his erection to touch her.

  “Tempt me anymore than you already have.”

  She laughed. “I like tempting you, though I didn’t expect to tempt you with this.”


  She shook her head and waved her hand around them. “Me, us. The wish is not what I expected and I might not be what you’d hoped for.”

  “You’re everything I want, Isadora.” He leant down and wrapped her mouth in his, determined, now that he was reassured, to still her protests. She wanted him, he wanted her—there was nothing to stop them.

  * * * *

  The kiss seemed to last for hours or minutes or seconds, Isadora didn’t know but he pulled away all too soon and whispered against her lips. “I want to remove your dress, Isadora. May I?”

  Isadora felt both heart beats increase and swallowed nervously. She wanted him to. Oh, how I want him to. But she was worried, more than worried. What if my glamour slips, and suddenly I sprout wings and begin to sparkle? What would Lucas think?

  But she was past the point of calling a halt. She wanted him, wanted him with a fierceness that was shocking even for her wild nature. Was it because of the magic, binding them together in the wish, or just her own feelings? Maybe it was a little of both, the magic simply accelerating what would have happened anyway given the chance.

  “Can we go into the bedroom, and can we keep the lights off?” It seemed the only solution but she felt awful asking. Isadora did not want to love him in the dark; she wanted to see his bronzed skin beneath her own pale hands, watch his eyes darken with passion and his erection spring free from his trousers. But this seemed to be the only option and she would rather have this loving than nothing at all.

  “I want to see you, Dora.”

  She shivered, only her closest friends called her Dora. “Please, Lucas.”

  He swept her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. The door closed with a thud behind them.

  “If this is what you need,” he said, shutting the lights, and then his hands were on her back undoing her buttons. Isadora closed her eyes and tried to relax, don’t let the wings erupt whilst his hands are right there. But she needn’t have worried, within moments her dress slithered to the floor and his hands were on her hips, kneading and caressing.

  Together they tumbled to the bed, their bodies intertwined. Isadora sucked in a shocked breath as his hands found her braless breasts. “Trust me to love you right, Dora,” he said.

  She arched her body to his touch and was rewarded by his greedy mouth claiming one puckered nipple. His tongue lashed it over and over until she cried out in pleasure, and then he moved his mouth to the other while his fingers slowly, with lazy strokes, made their way down the flat expanse of her stomach. Her body began to shake and she knew the glamour was going to fail.

  It was too late to care, his hands were now caressing the juncture between her legs, tugging at her panties and she let Lucas spread her thighs and remove them. His mouth moved back to her nipples, his tongue coaxing them to harden to the point of pain. An ache was spreading down from her nipples, like a hot line straight to her clit. Writhing against the mattress Isadora gasped. “Lucas, please!”

  “What do you need, Dora?” he asked.

  I need to feel him in me, need to feel him stretching me.

  “You know what,” she replied

  “Show me.”

  Isadora reached down to where she could feel his hand resting against her thigh. Lifting it into her own she pressed his thumb against her clitoris. “Rub me like this.”

  “Like this?” he said, his thumb caressing her bud in tight little circles.

  “Yeeeesssss.” She left his thumb where it was and pushed his fingers down to where she ached. “Put them in me, Lucas.”

  His index finger dipped in, Isadora knew she was already we
t, she could feel it slide in completely unhindered. “More.”

  Another finger joined the first; they curved into her, firmly pushing against the walls of her wet pussy. “Ah...yes.”

  His thumb continued rubbing her clit, the two fingers dipping in and out. Isadora arched herself against him, pushing his hand further against her, increasing the pressure.

  “Oh god...”

  “Another?” he asked, and she groaned her agreement.

  He increased the pace of his movements and Isadora felt as though she might pass out. It’s never felt this good. She could feel an orgasm teasing her brain and she knew it was only a matter of moments before it hit. When it does the glamour will fail, but I don’t care.

  He stopped.

  Panting, she sat up, confusion flooding her. “Lucas? What—”

  His mouth fastened around her clit, his fingers once again plunging into her. Isadora fell back, clenching her hands around the bed sheets and flattening her re-appearing wings to the mattress.

  She screamed as his tongue swept from her clit all the way down to his pumping fingers. His tongue lapped at her flesh, his mouth sucking the bud in and out, in and out.

  “Great Titania!” She was lost in a fog of sensation, her entire body wrapped in pleasure. She’d never been kissed quite so intimately, was pretty sure no Fae could do it better. Slowly yet relentlessly she could feel an orgasm building within her, tiny little shocks radiating to the very tips of her pointed ears and feathered wings.

  “Lucas, I need to come!” Her clit disappeared into his mouth, the entire bud taken inside and Lucas applied the tiniest amount of pressure. It was all Isadora needed. Within seconds her orgasm exploded and she screamed in satisfaction.

  The movements slowed, his fingers gently slipping from her. “I need to be inside you, Dora.”

  Aftershocks still flooding her—Isadora reached down—to pull him on top. He paused for a moment, to do what, she didn’t know, and then he was on her and in one quick, fluid movement, he thrust inside her.


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