Filthy Dirty Brother: A Forbidden Cousins Romance

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Filthy Dirty Brother: A Forbidden Cousins Romance Page 12

by Ford, Mia

  And now I was in love. It wasn’t just a fun idea or a fun game anymore. I knew that I had the bug and I had it so bad. I loved Kay. I needed her. My every thought was about her.

  “So, would you like to teach me a few of those tricks?” Debbie asked.

  I looked up at her and I instantly felt the attraction coursing through my body. It was like a bead of lust that traveled from my loins through my heart and back again. But in a flash it was over and all I could think about was Kay. And then the guilt. The waves of guilt that came over me.

  “Perhaps another time,” I said.

  Debbie smiled as if she thought I was playing hard to get and she was having fun with it. She moved off her stool and walked over slowly until she was standing beside me. Her perfume was intoxicating. It was a perfect aroma of lust, sin, and possibilities. I wanted her badly. It would have been so sweet to just give in to the temptation. And why shouldn’t I? Kay and I didn’t have anything official yet, and even if we did she was my cousin. How far did I really want to take things?

  “Come one,” Debbie said. “Why don’t we get out of here and you show me how to really work that stick?”

  I sat the pool cue down and without saying a word to Debbie walked away. The night greeted me warmly as the sun continued to duck behind a faraway mountain. I started up my bike and rode off down the road with Debbie’s image lingering in my mind. She was so tempting. And she was ready. I’d always been good with women, but even I had to initiate it most of the time. To have a sexy woman who wanted it to so badly just coming on to me was quite the treat. It was like the universe was tempting me to see how far I would go or how much restraint I could muster.

  Well, I’d surprised myself that night. I hadn’t let myself give in to temptation and I was proud of myself.

  But, every man has his limits.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The party was great and I was surprised at how much fun I was having. The music was loud and thumping, some of the current hits actually, which I did not expect. It was the first type of corporate party I’d ever actually been to and for some reason I was expecting some boring elevator music and everyone talking quietly, but it was quite the opposite. If I hadn’t known better, I would have sworn it was New Year’s Eve.

  The banquet had been fantastic with a wide selection of great food served buffet style. I’d taken a bit of everything. I had some fried chicken, some corn on the cob, some coleslaw, mashed potatoes with gravy, and some salad. Afterwards I was stuffed to the gills, but then they offered desert in the form of cheesecake that was the most perfect thing I’d ever had between my lips. If they’d given me the whole cheesecake I would have eaten it easily, no matter how full I was. It was just so addictive.

  Afterwards we sat through several awards and plaques that were given out to high achieving members and groups for various projects. I hoped to be one of the recipients next year. I was determined to make the first year very special. I had to show what I could do early on and I needed to make the right people take notice of my talents, skills, and hard work. I knew that I was just the new girl and I had an uphill battle if I was going to compete with the veterans without getting buried.

  When the awards show was over and my stomach felt less full from the huge meal I’d eaten it was time for drinks and dancing. That was when the DJ cranked the music up and the dance floor opened up for everybody.

  Bert was not exactly excited to dance but he was a good sport and he indulged me by heading out on the dance floor with me. With or without him I was determined to tear it up a bit. There were few things in the world that got me as amped up as a hard, driving beat and a dance floor. I’d been into dance since I was a kid and at one time I’d even considered making it a career. But my love of architecture eventually won out and now dancing was just a passion.

  “Wow, you can move!” Bert said.

  He was watching every single move I did with a mixture of curiosity and I believed a tiny bit of lust, or maybe it was a lot lust. I wasn’t sure where Bert thought this evening might end up, but it was not going to be anywhere near a bedroom. I just hoped he wasn’t too crushed and disappointed at the end of the night.

  Bert was not much of a dancer. His best moves were confined to doing side step to side step and a half grinding thing that he kept trying to get me to do, which I found a little annoying being that we were at a company function. But then again, judging by the way the others were behaving and the way some of them were dressed, it did not really look that out of place.

  I couldn’t believe the way some of my co-workers were dressed. Many of them looked like college kids going to a happening dance club with their friends to party and hook up with guys. The outfits they wore were so revealing they were constantly turning heads. Did they not realize that they had to look these people in the eye at work on Monday? Some of them were their bosses…

  It blew my mind that they would consider any of that appropriate.

  I’d enjoyed the evening with Bert. He was a fun, nice guy and he knew how to be respectful, for the most part, and how to treat a lady. He was a bit too laid back and too passive for my taste, but he was interesting intellectually and I found that we had a bit to talk about. We enjoyed a lot of the same things, and our backgrounds were remarkably similar, but the romantic spark was missing. I just didn’t feel it. I wasn’t sure exactly why, but whatever it was that I liked in a man to feel really drawn to him was not there.

  When I really looked inside of myself and tried to figure out what it was that was missing, it became very clear; I missed Sam.

  Wow, I couldn’t even go one evening without thinking about him. I wondered what he was doing now and I wished to hell that I was at this banquet with him instead of Bert, but I knew that if Sam were here he would have made all the wrong moves, said the wrong things to the wrong people, possibly hurt my career, and made me feel panicked the whole night trying to perform damage control, but beyond all of that I still would have wanted him. And I didn’t know why. When it came to Sam I just couldn’t see straight and I didn’t know why. It was driving me crazy trying to figure it out though.

  And I was done trying. It was just too exhausting. I felt that something inside of me was changing and I didn’t know how to deal with it. So for the moment I just had fun at the party and tried to push Sam as far out of my mind as I could.

  “Want something to drink?” Bert asked me after our third fast song in a row.

  “Sure,” I said.

  Bert went off to the bar area that was set up in the back while I stood there and softly swayed to the next song that was coming on.

  “Isn’t this awesome!” Kayla Dougherty said dancing beside me.

  She was a woman about my age who was fairly new in accounting. She and I had talked a few times and she seemed interesting, but also a bit nosy.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “I had no idea this place knew how to party like this!”

  “Oh, it’s fantastic. They do this every year. And our Christmas Party is totally off the chain! Everyone goes insane and chugs a boat load of eggnog!”

  I laughed. “Alright, then I’ll have to look forward to that.”

  “You and Bert seem pretty chummy,” Kayla said. “I can see that all over the gossip in the halls Monday.”

  I shook my head. “Nah, we are just friends. He is great, but it’s our first date, so we will see.”

  Kayla seemed disappointed by my answer, as if I’d just crushed the lead on the new source of gossip that she thought she had a bead on. Now she had nothing and she was depressed. I’d crushed her soul.

  She nodded and moved on to where her date was waiting for her at their table. It did not look like a fun table where she was. As far as I could tell it was mostly nerdy people who seemed really out of place. I wasn’t sure who the others were, but they were in the corner and most of them were not facing anyone else. It was kind of creepy.

  “Here you are!” Bert said handing me a beer upon
his return.

  “Thanks,” I said. “I’m dying.”

  I took a large drink of the beer. It tasted cold and crisp. Perfect.

  “So, what did Kayla want?” Bert asked.

  “Oh, nothing, she was just being little Miss Gossip Queen.”

  Bert laughed. “Yeah, that does seem to be her thing.”

  “I’m still learning the ropes of who is who around here,” I said.

  “Well, you will get it soon enough. I would love to stand here and just point them all out to you and break down the whole social hierarchy of the place, but it is way more like high school then you realize. It’s crazy.”

  “Really? Wow, who would have thought? If I’d known that I would have paid way more attention to social cliques in high school.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Bert laughed. “So, I’ve had a wonderful time tonight. I would love to take you out on a regular date sometime.”

  “This doesn’t qualify as a regular date?”

  Bert smiled. “No, you know what I mean. Somewhere that has nothing to do with work or people from work. I’d love to go somewhere that is just you and I being you and I, outside of work.”

  I smiled wryly. I knew that this question was probably going to come up at some point that evening, but I was hoping it was later rather than sooner. But I needed to set Bert straight and let him know that I didn’t really see a big future for us that way.

  “Bert, I think you are a terrific guy, but I’m not really looking for anything as far as dating, or relationships go.”

  “Well, I’m not asking you to get married,” Bert said. “I was just thinking dinner, maybe a movie or something.”

  “I know, but I just don’t want to lead you on,” I said. “If we did something that way it would have to be as friends.”

  Bert sighed heavily as he looked into my face. He could see that I was serious and the expression on his face dulled from amused and interested to an almost defeated look. I had hurt his feelings, which I felt really sorry about, but for some reason found a little bit amusing. I mean, he was a grown man and we’d gone to a company function together. Was he already having delusions of grandeur where we were married with the house and the white, picket fence, and two point two kids? I wondered how close he was to picking out the China pattern.

  “It’s ok,” Bert said. “I get it. No problem.”

  I knew that he was feeling a bit hurt, but at least he wasn’t trying to make it weird, which I appreciated. We quickly moved past it and had a few more dances, but I could feel the tension in the air the rest of the evening. It was definitely different since I’d taken the possibility of romance off the table.

  But I was feeling in a romantic mood.

  I just wasn’t feeling romantic for Bert.

  When Bert dropped me off at Sam’s I felt tired and relieved. I wanted nothing more than to hit the sack. I felt like I should have showered again, but I was too tired. I would shower in the morning.

  The apartment was dark when I entered it. I surmised that Sam must have been in his room because I did see that his SUV and motorcycle were both there. It was a bit strange. He was usually up late watching television or playing video games. Maybe he didn’t feel well, or maybe he was just giving me privacy since I was coming back from a date. The latter did not seem that likely.

  I went to my room and closed the door behind me. I turned on the light, slid out of my shoes, and flexed my feet enjoying the freedom from the high heels I’d been wearing all night, and then I unzipped my dress and stepped out of it. I was now just wearing my bra and panties.

  As I reached for my baggy nightshirt I heard the door open behind me. It happened quickly and I found that I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure why but the panic that should have gripped me right then just wasn’t there. There was no shame, no guilt, and no fear.

  I turned around to see Sam standing in the doorway. He was standing there shirtless wearing only his boxer shorts. In the light from the ceiling I could plainly see every single muscle in his stomach, his chest, and even his arms which appeared to be flexing but weren’t. They were so beautiful.

  Neither one of us said anything for several seconds. The tension was there. It was thick and it was pressing against me. I loved it. There was something so animalistic and guttural about it. The way that the tension between us had built and built upon itself until now it was this entity, this actual being that we had to deal with.

  I wanted Sam so badly. Everything that had been coming, had been building, and had been tearing me up inside for the past few weeks was suddenly there in my head, but I wasn’t afraid of it anymore. In fact, I welcomed it. I knew what was about to happen and I wanted it. There had been too much shame and guilt over this. It was going to happen; it was bound to happen. I’d just been delaying the inevitable.

  I had to give in.

  Sam ran to me then. His mouth was on mine suddenly, his lips kissing me deeply, opening and closing around my own mouth so vividly. I thought for a moment that I was dreaming, but I quickly realized that I wasn’t. This was real and it was actually happening. I was making love to Sam. My cousin. My beautiful, sweet, cousin.

  Sam’s tongue was deeply in my mouth now thrashing around wildly exploring every single inch of my mouth and making love to my own tongue. He was pressed tightly against me and I could feel his swelling cock through his thin boxers. I felt for sure he was going to come bouncing out of them at any moment and then I’d see Sam in all of his glory. I wanted to touch his cock, suck it, swallow it, and most of all, ride it. I was going to make him realize that every woman he’d had before me was nothing compared to what he was about to experience tonight. I was going to rock his world in more ways than he’d ever thought possible before.

  Sam quickly ripped my bra off. He used just one, quick jerk of his hand and it was gone, falling to the floor. My large, thick, breasts were out in plain view now. It felt good to have them freed. They’d been trapped behind the bra for too long. The cool air of the air conditioning felt great against my sweaty skin.

  Sam’s eyes went wide and he groaned like a rabid animal that hasn’t eaten in days. He attacked my breasts savagely, sucking, and squeezing, and biting… oh the biting… how did he know that I loved to have my nipples nibbled on? The nipples were hard and fully erect. Sam took turns suckling one and then the other.

  The whole time my pussy was vibrating, trembling, and growing wetter and wetter with desire. I needed stimulation and I needed it soon. My whole body was starting to quiver for it. I was so hot. I’d been thinking about this for so long, especially that night. Every time I looked at Bert I expected to see Sam standing there and each time I was disappointed. Why had I fought this so? At the moment I couldn’t quite understand how this passion was any sort of a problem for anyone. It was a beautiful union between two adults who desired each other. It was silly that I’d waited so long to express my desires, but knowing how much it would offend other people made it so much hotter. Hell, I wished we had filmed it and put it online. At least that was the thought that had ran through my mind right then.

  Sam pulled his boxers off and dropped them to the floor.

  It was there—his big, thick, cock. Wow, it was massive. And it was almost touching me. It stood straight up ready for action and I was ready to put it to good use.

  But first I had to taste it.

  Before Sam could even react I dropped to my knees and plopped it into my mouth, moving it as far down my throat as I could and getting it coated with as much spit as possible. Wow, he was big… but I was going to take it without any problems.

  He tasted phenomenal. There was a unique scent, to him that I couldn’t quite place. His dick moved in my mouth, trembling, and quivering as I moved up and down on it. I wanted to taste him, but I figured there would be more time for that later as right now I was more interested in him coming inside of my pussy. That was all I wanted.

  “God, that’s good,” Sam said. “Yeah, suck that… so good…”
  I loved his dirty talk. It spurred me on to suck him even harder, which I did, moving my mouth as far down as I possibly could. He was long and thick, but somehow I forced my head down as far as possible. I wasn’t sure how I didn’t gag but his sweet taste was something I didn’t think would ever make me gag. I just wanted to swallow his magnificent cock over and over again.

  “Shit!” Sam said as the tip of his dick went down the tight shaft of my throat.

  I held my head for a few seconds as far down as I could and then gradually pulled his dick back out of my mouth and then began stroking it with my hand, trying to ride my fingers on top of the strong layer of spittle that I’d coated his dick with.

  “God, you taste so fucking good!” I growled. I was getting so worked up. There was no way I could have stopped now. I wanted Sam more than I ever knew I could want anyone inside of me. It was like my mind and body had been hijacked.

  I stood up then and grabbed Sam by the arm pulling him to the bed where I promptly ripped my panties off. I scooted back on the edge of the bed with my legs held up to reveal my hot, wet, waiting pussy.

  “Lick me! Lick me!”

  Sam smiled and licked his lips before he buried his handsome face in my crotch. The moment his tongue touched my pussy I felt a shot of electricity rivet up and down my body. My whole being gasped and tensed for a moment before relaxing once again. I closed my eyes and let him take me away to a paradise I had only read about before in romance novels.

  Sam moaned insatiably as his tongue took on a fever pitch, almost like he was being possessed by something. His sweet, oral tool was moving along so quickly, so vigorously across my clit, and up and down my wet slit, moving inside to lick my juices clean, and then back to the outside pussy lips where he would occasionally suck and nibble slightly. He knew me inside and out. It was like he’d studied me somehow and just knew intuitively how to work my body.

  His every move kept me guessing and kept bringing me closer and closer to orgasm. I wanted to save it all for that big dick pounding I was sure was soon to come, but I was ready now. It was building fast and I wanted the pleasure of coming hard all over Sam’s beautiful face.


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