All Grown Up

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All Grown Up Page 11

by Tori Carson

  “I know. I’m just being silly. I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing, Brianna. You haven’t done anything wrong. Just because we have history together doesn’t mean everything will automatically fall into place. We need to talk to each other and find our way. There isn’t a right or wrong. Our relationship only has to please you and me.”

  “I know.” She paused. “Is there something I should wear or not wear for the demo tonight?”

  She’d expressed a concern with walking around nude but had assured him that demoing or scening in the buff was all right. Why were there so many minefields?

  “Strictly speaking, as long as I have easy access to your torso, you can wear whatever you’d like. I can’t wait to show you off and naked works for me, but I want you comfortable.”

  Brianna nodded. “I’m supposed to meet Michelle there in about an hour. I guess I’d better get my gear together.” She started to slide off the bed.

  Steven’s hand wrapped around her wrist in a shackle. He took a deep breath and let it out. “You seem sad, Brianna. Please tell me what’s going through that mind of yours.”

  “It’s been a long time since I did anything in a club setting. I guess I’m a little nervous. I haven’t met many of the members, which would be okay if I never planned see them again. But these people will potentially be my friends so that puts a different spin on it. I just want to make a good impression and not let you down.”

  Looks like I’ll be calling in another favor. He pushed his laptop out of the way and pulled Brianna into his arms. “I have a friend who will probably do the demo for me tonight, if you want to sit this one out. It will give you time to meet a few people and grow more comfortable there.”

  Brianna stiffened and held herself away from him. “No, I told you I was fine. Please let me go. I want to grab a shower.”

  “Settle down, you’re not going anywhere until we talk this out.” Steven tightened his hold, wishing he’d phrased that a little softer.

  She tipped her head backward and closed her eyes. He knew that gesture. She was trying to keep her tears from falling down her face. What the fuck had he said wrong?

  “I suppose I’m being dense at the moment, but I have no clue why my suggestion upset you. Please, help me understand.” He fought hard to keep his voice calm.

  “Steven, you told me you wouldn’t be with another woman. You even said you wouldn’t be so demonstrative and now you’re suggesting I sit this one out and you’ll demo with someone else. I’m sure Sabrina would volunteer. Is she the friend you had in mind? Because I gotta tell ya, I’m not okay with that.”

  Whoa, where the hell did that come from? “I was suggesting we both sit it out tonight. My friend Luke would choose a model and give the demo tonight.”


  “I said my friend would do the demo for me. Not with me.” Why was she so quick to think the worst of him?

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” She tipped her head onto his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Her tears fell down his chest. “There’s a lot more going on here than a simple misunderstanding.” Steven felt as if he’d been gut punched. “You don’t trust me.” That had been the problem all along. That was why, instead of coming to him, she’d left. She didn’t trust that he loved her unconditionally.

  “How can you say that? I have always given you my body anytime, anywhere, any way you’ve wanted.” Her temper was on the rise.

  “But you’ve never trusted me with your heart.” It all made sense now. The pieces fit together perfectly. She didn’t fear he would hurt her physically. She feared he would leave her.

  “I love you, Steven. Why would I search for you for years if I didn’t trust you?” She didn’t sound quite as sure as she had a moment ago.

  “I know you love me, Brianna, but I don’t think you realize just how much I love you. If you had any idea, you wouldn’t doubt me. Why do you think, after I’ve promised you I wouldn’t, that I would turn around and demo with another woman? What did I do to make you doubt me?” He had never been unfaithful to Brianna. He had waited over a year after she’d left before he’d touched another woman. Granted, in the time since, he’d gone a little overboard, but that didn’t count.

  “You said you loved me, but you continued to play with other partners. I’m trying to be everything you need.” She was sobbing and trembling with emotion.

  “Brianna, look at me.” His chest felt tight. Her pain was palatable and choking him.

  She shook her head.

  “Look. At. Me.” He wasn’t putting up with that shit. There was no reason for her to hide from him.

  Slowly, she lifted her head. Teardrops dotted her eyelashes and her nose was turning pink as she struggled to stop crying.

  “I never slept with anyone else while we were together. Who told you otherwise?” He was getting angry now. Who had filled her head with lies and why in the hell had she believed them?

  Her quivering chin grew stubborn. “I watched you do it, night after night.”

  “Brianna, as the Dom in Residence, I had a responsibility to fulfill. As soon as you told me how you felt, I resigned. I did it as a way of giving back to the community, not as a way to get off. I certainly never sought pleasure from it.”

  “So if you don’t orgasm, it doesn’t mean anything to you?” Her tone was belligerent.

  He knew where she was heading with that question and he wasn’t going there. “Brianna, why are you doing this?”

  Her shoulders slumped before she hid her face in his shoulder again. She was quiet for several moments. “I don’t know.”

  “Pretty girl, I’d never hurt you on purpose.” Infidelity was a hot button for Brianna. Her first two boyfriends had cheated on her. It left her ego a fragile mess that he had worked hard to rebuild. Obviously, there was more work to be done.

  “Tell me the truth, Brianna. Do you want us to sit it out tonight? There is no wrong answer.” It was going to take time to gain her trust. Part of him wished he could run away with her. The club was full of women he’d been intimate with and, though he’d like to go back and change it, he didn’t own a time machine.

  “No, Steven. I want to do this with you.”

  “Brianna,” he tipped her chin until their eyes met, “you are everything I need or want. Just you.”

  “Thank you, Master. I’m sorry I have such a jealous streak. I’ll work on it.” She kissed his cheek before going to shower.

  Chapter Seven

  Brianna leaned against Steven’s desk, wearing nothing but her collar. Running her fingers over the intricate links, she tried to calm her racing heart. Steven had been quiet since their conversation at home. He’d always had an introspective streak and she knew he was directing it toward their relationship both before and now. She wished she’d kept her mouth shut.

  Thankfully, he wasn’t withholding his affection. He’d kissed and hugged her without reservation. In the car and entering the club, they’d held hands. He just wasn’t saying much.

  Steven walked out of his private dressing area wearing his leather pants and boots. He was a sight she’d never grow weary of. Her pussy was getting wet just looking at him.

  As he sat on the couch, he held out his hand to her. “Come here¸ pretty girl.”

  By the way his legs were situated, she assumed he wanted her to sit on his lap, but she preferred to kneel between his legs. As she bent her knees, he shifted positions. “Yes, Master?”

  “Are you sure you want to do this? Luke is here this evening, I have no doubt he would step in for me.” His fingers held her chin, while his thumb caressed her cheek.

  “I want to do this with you. Please allow me to be your model.”

  “I would be honored, Brianna. It’s about time to get started. Do you want to cover up?”

  “No, Master. I suppose everyone out there has seen a naked woman before. I’ll be fine.” He’d told her he preferred her unclothed. It was worth a few minutes
of discomfort to make him happy. Once they got started she wouldn’t notice anyway. It was just those awkward moments when he was setting up the demo that made her nervous.

  “You’re better than fine, baby. My sub is stunning. Are you okay with answering questions as we go or afterward? They usually aren’t personal in nature.”

  She’d hoped that afterward they would come back to his office or to a privacy room and get busy. “Either is fine.”

  Steven leaned forward and gave her a tender kiss. “Use your safeword if you need to. Some of the ties are confining and uncomfortable. I won’t leave you in them for long, but if you get a muscle cramp, safeword immediately and I’ll cut you out. Don’t overthink it, just safeword. The Doms in the audience need to see how they should respond if their sub gets into trouble and the subs need to learn safewording isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Okay.” She was pretty sure he was trying to make the point with her too. Maybe someday she’d feel comfortable enough in their relationship to safeword.

  His hand moved from her chin to her breast. “I’ll grab my satchel and we’ll get this done.” Though his hand remained on her tit, his eyes traveled up her face, capturing her gaze. “I love you, Brianna. You know that, right?”

  “Yes, Master, and I love you too.” She gently pulled away, giving him the room he needed to stand.

  He went to the closet. Steven took a short robe off a hanger and handed it to her. “Wear this. I’ll take it off you as part of the demo.” After helping her slide it on, he grabbed a leather vest and shrugged into it. “Ready?”

  Brianna went up on her tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. She couldn’t help the smile that went all the way to her heart. How could she have ever doubted him? “You make me happy, all the time, Master. Thank you.”

  “That’s my mission in life, pretty girl.” He took her hand and brushed a kiss across her palm. With a soft tug, he led her from his office to the stage and steadied her as she walked up the steps.

  Brianna looked across the platform at the audience. The crowd gathered before them was considerably larger than she’d expected. She willed her body to relax, to take slow, steady breaths and not tremble. Steven never needed to know how difficult it was for her.

  “Welcome everyone. I’d like to introduce my submissive, Brianna. I’m happy to say we are in an exclusive relationship.”

  There were a few gasps followed by a round of applause.

  “Thank you. We appreciate your support. Brianna consented to wear my collar and is under my protection. Since I will no longer be serving as a Dom in Residence, if anyone is interested in taking on a leadership role in the club, please speak with either me or Sean.”

  Holy Shit! Brianna’s breath caught in her chest. His announcement was the last thing she’d expected. After that speech, he couldn’t touch another sub without losing the respect of the other club members. Had he not made the details known, he could have continued playing. Many Doms had multiple subs, or would play with others on occasion, and it was perfectly acceptable. However, by announcing their relationship was exclusive, he had removed those options for himself.

  “For tonight’s demonstration, we will be showing you a few examples of Semenawa. My pretty girl has rarely earned a punishment and we’ve never used these in earnest, so it will be a new experience for her.” He placed his hand on her shoulder and applied downward pressure until she sank to her knees. Steven ran his hand along her jawline. “Have no fear, my love. You’re not in trouble. In fact, no one has ever pleased me the way you do. You’ve stolen my heart.”

  Brianna’s heart was racing. The look in his eyes had her pussy wet and clit throbbing. She hoped he didn’t plan on a crotch rope because it’d be soaked by the time they finished with it. “Thank you, Master.”

  In the past, Steven had never discussed their relationship in public. That she had known of, anyway. He was definitely seducing her with his words tonight. She’d take his punishments and fuck his brains out afterward.

  “For this first one, you start with the standard chest harness.”

  His voice was commanding as his hands worked quickly and with confidence, allowing her to zone out. The feel of the ropes wrapping around her body, in her mind, were an extension of Steven. Surrounded and cared for, she was able to focus on the vibrations moving along the rope.

  Surprising her, Steven picked her up then set her back down on her bottom. He pulled her robe open at the waist and down off her shoulders.

  “Float away, baby. I’ll keep you safe,” he whispered to her as he repositioned her legs. In seconds, he completed the tie. Slowly, he pulled the rope tighter, drawing her head to her feet.

  She forced her muscles to relax and accept the awkward and uncomfortable position. He was giving her permission to find rope space and escape the strain he was placing on her body. Between the reassuring murmur of his voice and his hands running over her screaming muscles, she was able to completely zone out.

  Moments later, the rope was loosened. Steven’s hand on her shoulder drew her to a more comfortable position. He spoke for a bit before laying her flat on her stomach. Ropes were wrapped around her ankles and her legs were drawn toward her shoulders.

  Steven’s fist wrapped around her hair, while his other hand trailed between her legs. “In this position, it’s easy to use an anal hook tied to her ponytail. A ball gag can also be used. It just depends on where your interests lie or what transgression your subbie has committed.”

  Her brain caught the phrase “anal hook” and latched on it. She spun her head and looked toward him. On the stage, a few feet away from her, lay the most frightening implement she’d ever seen. They hadn’t discussed hooks of any kind. She’d agreed to anal play. Did that horrible torture device count? She started to panic. Immediately back in the here and now, she suddenly felt all the aches and pains of being tied in the awkward and confining positions.

  “These are for experienced players and I wouldn’t recommend just springing it on your partner without discussing it first. If enough people are interested, at a later date, we can demo how to use them safely.” He shoved it back in his satchel and winked at her.

  Brianna struggled to get her racing heart under control. She’d never been so close to safewording in her life. It was an unpleasant feeling to go from relaxed and spacey to terrified.

  Steven must have felt the fine tremor that ran through her body because he began massaging her scalp. He knew playing with her hair was a quick way to get her to relax.

  She focused on the soothing sound of his voice. Not so much the words, she’d heard all she really needed to know. He wasn’t planning to use that thing on her, at least not yet. For now, she pushed it from her mind and enjoyed the feel of his hands as he untied some of the ropes and put her into yet another position.

  “How’s my girl doing?” He ran his finger under the ropes before touching her hands and feet to make sure she still had adequate blood flow.

  His hand caressed her cheek and she lifted her eyes to meet his. As his gaze locked on hers, she melted. He was so fucking handsome and the love in his eyes made her want to give him the world.

  She gave him a smile and a wink.

  “I love you, Brianna.” He was speaking to her, but his voice was loud enough for the audience to hear.

  “I love you too, Master,” she replied with a lump in her throat. He was tearing down her defenses faster than she thought possible.

  With a kiss on her cheek, he pulled on the rope, drawing her into the worst position yet. “Find your happy place, baby, this one’s a bitch.” As soon as the rope was tied off, he wrapped his hand in her hair and applied steady pressure.

  The pull along her scalp was a heavenly distraction. She could feel her pussy getting wet. Steven ran his hand between her legs. He needn’t delve far to find her wetness. It coated her lips and drenched his hand on the first sweep.

  His low, sexy growl sent her tummy clenching.

  “If your partner loves
rope as much as mine, it probably isn’t a good idea to use it as a punishment. They’ll slip into rope space and all your hard work will serve the wrong purpose. At the end of the session, you’ll have a highly aroused subbie instead of a contrite, well-behaved partner. Bottom line, know your partner and choose the discipline accordingly.”

  His hands roamed her body as he finished the demo. Once he’d explained a few options that worked well with that position, he began untying the ropes. As soon as he could, he wrapped the robe back around her and pulled her into his lap.

  Brianna was in desperate need of an orgasm. Her body was hot and achy, but it had nothing to do with the positions in which he’d tied her. His whispered encouragements curled in the pit of her stomach. Sitting up a bit straighter, she spoke softly so only he could hear her. “I need you inside me, Master.” She was drowning in desire and only he could save her.

  He cupped her cheek and rested his forehead on hers. “Soon, baby. Very soon.”

  His voice drifted over her, a promise she knew he’d keep.

  Bundled in his lap, she almost forgot they were in front of an audience. In the past, it had always bothered her. Tonight had felt different, as if she was a part of something. The fact that people were watching added to the eroticism instead of detracting as it had before.

  Steven asked if there were any last questions.

  “Master Steven, I’d like to ask your sub if those positions were painful. She looked at peace during the demo.”

  From the stage, Brianna couldn’t see who had asked the question, but the voice was male and sounded friendly enough. In the club setting, a whole different set of courtesy rules applied so she waited until Steven prompted her to answer.

  “They were very demanding positions and the longer you’re forced to hold them the more difficult they become. I like the feel of the ropes and Master gave me permission to enjoy myself. Had he chosen to, he could have kept me focused on the discomfort. I’m grateful he didn’t. Even with being relaxed, I’ll have some sore muscles tomorrow.” She gave the crowd a shy grin.


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