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All Grown Up

Page 12

by Tori Carson

  Steven frowned at her. “I’ll make it up to you, baby. Don’t you worry.”

  “You seemed to zone out quickly. That speaks of a high level of trust. May I ask how long it took you to become that comfortable with each other?”

  Brianna had no idea who had asked the question. The lights were making it difficult to see more than a mass of shadows. The voice was from a strong and confident female, perhaps a Domme.

  Looking up at Steven, silently asking if she should answer, she was met by his lips. Just a brief caress, but it meant so much. He cupped her cheek with his palm and held her close to his chest.

  “Most of you know that before I came here to open the club with Sean, I lived for a while in New York. During that time, I met Brianna. We were together for a few years before I foolishly let her slip away.” He tipped her head back and gave her a smoldering glare. “She has consented to give me another chance and I won’t be fucking it up this time.”

  A round of applause roared through the audience.

  The crowd asked Steven several more questions concerning the type of ties he used and how long he’d recommend a sub be required to maintain the positions. Since they weren’t directed toward her, Brianna was able to snuggle against his chest. She craved his scent. Unbeknownst to him, when she’d left, she’d taken one of his worn T-shirts. She’d slept in it until it was threadbare. It was tucked away in her luggage sitting in his bedroom. She wasn’t sure what she’d say if he spotted it.

  “Can you stand okay, baby? Let’s go to my office for a few minutes,” he murmured against her ear. Turning toward the audience, he ended the demo. “Thank you for coming tonight. If you have any questions, feel free to catch me later.”

  Brianna wasn’t as graceful as she’d wanted to be, scrambling off his lap. Her legs were shaky and she quickly missed his body touching hers. She turned and offered Steven her hand to help him stand. Instead, he jumped off the stage, slid an arm behind her knees and pulled her into his arms then grabbed his satchel and headed toward his office.

  Brianna felt right in his arms. He was bursting with pride for her performance on the stage. She had been tense when they’d first started, but she’d quickly relaxed and allowed him to do his worst.

  He couldn’t wait to get back to his office and check his messages. While giving the demo, his cellphone had gone off and he suspected it was the results from his latest test. Sabrina always contacted him as soon as they came in.

  “Why did you do that?” Brianna asked, as they entered the executive office area.

  The anal hook had obviously scared the hell out of her, but he wasn’t entirely sure that’s what she was talking about and he was through making assumptions. She’d never looked at him with such stark fear before and he never wanted to see it again, but that wasn’t necessarily what the conversation was about. “What do you mean, baby?” He opened the door to his office. After digging his cellphone from his pocket, he sat down on the couch with her on his lap, where she belonged.

  “In front of the crowd, you talked about our relationship.” There was an emotion in her voice that he couldn’t quite place.

  Shit! Would he ever know what she was thinking? At least he was learning to ask for clarification before he headed down the wrong path. “I’m proud of you, Brianna. I want everyone to know you belong to me and that I’m one hundred percent yours.”

  “Thank you, Steven. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me.” She spoke softly, almost absently as she moved her hand along his chest. “It seems like you and Sean run a pretty tight club. I can’t imagine any of the Doms making a move on a collared sub.”

  “No, the members of the club are good people. Honorable. I was just making it clear to everyone—Dom and subs alike—that we’re exclusive.” He was much more concerned about the female subs approaching him and upsetting Brianna than he was a Dom making moves on her. No Dom worth the title would disrespect the meaning behind a collar.

  “I need to make a phone call, babe. Just relax for a few minutes while I take care of this.” Brianna moved as if to get off his lap. Steven tightened his hold on her. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  He listened to the automated voicemail then called the lab and entered the code needed to access his private records. Within seconds a computer read him the results of his latest test. Just as he suspected, he was free of all known STDs. Now he could live inside her without worry.

  “You’re always cautious, Steven. I wasn’t concerned,” Brianna told him, proving she overheard the phone call.

  “I would never take chances with my girl.”

  Brianna slipped from his lap to her knees. “I want to taste you, Master. I’ve been very patient, but your girl has needs.”

  “Don’t you want to feel me buried deep inside you?” He had to take her in every way possible.

  She moaned and tipped back her head, probably imagining that first deep thrust.

  “Yes, Master, but I think you need some proper cock worship first.” Her seductive smile and hooded eyes were almost his undoing.

  “I’m all yours, pretty girl.” She owned his heart. How could he refuse her anything, let alone something he knew would bring him great pleasure?

  Brianna removed first one boot then the other. When he was in his bare feet, he stood. She quickly worked the laces of his leathers and slid the confining material down his legs. Stepping out of them, he stood, towering over her. If she felt the least bit intimidated by him, she sure didn’t show it.

  Brianna dipped her head between his legs and nibbled on his balls. It tickled and caused him to shift his weight. She gave him a naughty smile as she pushed on his thighs. He understood and complied with her silent request that he sit back on the couch.

  No one sucked his cock like Brianna, as if she needed the taste of him to breathe. She rubbed the length of him along her cheeks. God, he’d missed this. No, he’d missed her, everything about her.

  As she surrounded his cock with the heat of her mouth, he tipped his head back and just enjoyed. Her tongue swirled around the head. She knew exactly what he liked.

  Her moans of pleasure vibrated down his shaft and into his balls. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve this heaven on earth, but he was going to take it.

  A couple of minutes passed as he selfishly reveled in the love she was showing him. As much as he enjoyed giving her free rein to explore his cock at will, he knew what she really wanted. What she craved. His Brianna wanted to be dominated.

  He ran his fingers through her hair, taking two handfuls of the luxurious, silken strands, and wrapped them around his fists. He pulled it taut, knowing the burn it produced along her scalp lit a fire in her pussy.

  “You like that big cock, don’t you, pretty girl? Take it deep for your Master.” After a few shallow strokes, allowing her to catch and hold her breath, he thrust into her throat.

  Every muscle in her body relaxed, giving him total control. It had taken months before he truly believed she enjoyed this. It seemed like a dream too good to be true. Yet there was no hiding her arousal. He knew when he touched her pussy she would be dripping wet. Her nipples were pushing against the satiny robe and her pupils were heavily dilated.

  Using his grip on her hair to pull her away from his cock, he remained shallow while she caught her breath. Her gaze met his, the look so feral he growled as he once again shoved his cock deep.

  A smile broke across her lips. Though open wide and surrounding him, she managed to giggle at the primal need he had of her. He didn’t bother to hide it. She loved it when he went all caveman on her ass.

  “I’m going to come in your mouth, Brianna. You’re going to lick me clean and thank me for my gift.” As much as he’d like to delay and further enjoy her decadent mouth, it was impossible. His orgasm overwhelmed him. He forced his hands to open, so she could pull away if need be. He filled her throat with cum as his cock throbbed like never had before. His heartbeat thundered in his ears.

  Though the physi
cal sensations were wonderful, it was the emotions that knocked him on his ass. Brianna’s selfless giving of herself to him, her utter surrender, touched him on a level he wasn’t prepared for. Unlike anyone else he’d ever been with, Brianna poured such love into everything she did. He was humbled that she’d chosen him. A lump clogged his throat and his eyes began to water. Like an allergy attack…because he refused to succumb to tears.

  Brianna’s tongue gave his cock a slow, languid swirl. “Thank you, Master.”

  “Come up here, girl.” He growled. Fuck! Their first time shouldn’t be here in the office or in a privacy room. He wanted some place worthy of her. His bedroom at home wasn’t much better than a rack in an army barracks and he certainly wasn’t waiting until their furniture purchases arrived.

  Suddenly, he knew just what to do. “That talented mouth of yours is going to kill me one of these days.” He brushed her hair back from her face and kissed her forehead.

  “You fucking amaze me, baby.” Shit! He cringed, but he couldn’t stop calling her that. “Do you mind that I call you baby, Brianna?”

  “No, Steven, I don’t mind at all…as long as that isn’t what you called your other partners.” She gave him a sharp laugh and ducked her head onto his shoulder.

  He wondered for the hundredth time what it would take before she understood just what she meant to him. If he’d had any idea she’d come back to him, he wouldn’t have been such a man-whore. That would have been easier if he didn’t work in the sex club full of women he’d played with. But damn it, he liked his job. He felt he was giving back to the community he loved.

  “Brianna.” His tone was heavy with disapproval. “You and my previous playmates aren’t in the same ballpark. My default, go-to name, if I forgot theirs, was ‘pet’. With you, I enjoy using terms of endearment. I want you to know how much I love you, my need to protect and care for you.”

  “No worries, Steven. I know.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad. I hope you don’t mind if I continue to tell you. Now,” he put his hands on her hips and helped her to stand, “up you go.” He walked to the closet and pulled out an unused but already sterilized butt plug. He believed in being prepared.

  “Over the armrest, ass up.” He spoke harshly, knowing it set butterflies loose in her tummy.

  Brianna followed his instructions and rested her chin on the heel of her hands, looking way too fucking sexy for words. “You have a butt fetish. I realize that now.”

  He laughed as he applied lube to the toy. “I disagree. That implies I’m indiscriminant and that is simply untrue. I do, however, have a healthy obsession with your ass.”

  “You’re determined to take my butt, aren’t you?” She sounded amused and surprisingly carefree.

  “When you’re ready and willing…yes.” Steven inserted one well-lubed finger in her ass.

  “And if I’m never ready?” Her voice betrayed her arousal.

  He rubbed her back and was pleased to note her muscles were relaxed. “Then it won’t happen. It’s not a deal breaker, baby. I can die a happy man, even if I never plunder your ass with my cock.”

  There was no hiding how hot she became when he played with her butt. He’d be surprised if she wasn’t curious enough to give it a try. It didn’t matter though if he was wrong. He hadn’t been lying. Taking her ass was a fantasy, a sweet dream, but not a necessity.

  “I shouldn’t encourage you, but I kinda like the way it feels.” She pushed her ass back against him.

  Steven laughed. “I thought you might.” He pushed a second finger inside her tight hole and listened to her gasp. “The plug I’m going to use is new and cleaned. It’s also the largest one I ever plan to use with you. Knowing that might help you relax.”

  “So, after this, we’d be able to have anal sex?” She bit her fingernail.

  “Physically, yes, but it won’t happen until you’re emotionally ready, Brianna.” She needed to know she had the final say and that nothing would occur unless she approved it.

  She gave him a nervous giggle. “I know I agreed to butt play…but I wasn’t considering hooks when I made that agreement.”

  Steven chuckled. “Yes, I got that impression during the demo. Actually, baby, it’s considerably smaller in diameter than the plug we used last time. You wouldn’t have any problem taking it.” He rubbed her back as he pulled his fingers free and prepared to insert the new plug.

  Her laugh was sharp. “I’m trying to keep an open mind, but that’s the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “Push back, baby, and relax. It’s a bit of a jump from the last one, but you can take it.” He held it at her opening while he slid his finger over her clit. Steven made sure he was touching as much of her body with his as possible. The physical contact was reassuring for both of them.

  As soon as she relaxed, he slid it in about an inch. Her hands clutched the couch and her swift intake of air told him he needed to hold perfectly still until her ass adjusted. “You know you were amazing out on that stage. I know those positions weren’t the easiest to hold and yet you made it look that way.” He wanted to get her mind off what was happening to her backside.

  “I love it when you tie me up.” She was taking short breaths, belaying her discomfort.

  He made slow, steady sweeps over her clit.

  “The feel of the rope sliding along my skin is a rush. Thank you for allowing me to zone out.” It took only a few moments for her breathing to return to normal and her voice took on a dreamy, aroused tone.

  “You made me proud, pretty girl.” Now that she’d relaxed, he was able to slide the plug into place. As her anus clenched over the narrow trunk of the toy, she let out a sigh of relief.

  “Is it in?” She sounded a tad unsure.

  “Yes, baby. You’re there.” He increased the attention on her clit until she was rocking her hips in sync with his hand. “Such a good girl. Your Master wants to feel you come.”

  Once her moans hit a fevered pitch, he spun the plug one rotation.

  “May I come, pleeease?” She was already in the throes, but trying so hard to hold off.

  “Yes, baby.” He laughed as joy filled his soul. Her scream of pleasure made him feel ten feet tall.

  Steven kept a firm pressure along her clit until her throbbing subsided. As soon as he was able, he picked her up in his arms and cuddled with her on the couch. They sat in a comfortable silence as their hearts returned to normal.

  “Thank you, Master.” There was a touch of awe in her voice. “That was really intense.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “The pleasure was mine, pretty girl.”

  Pleasing her had his cock hard and begging to join in the fun. He willed his body back under control. The club was open for a couple more hours and he really shouldn’t continue to shirk his duties. “Are you doing okay, Brianna?”

  “Yes, Master. Are you ready to head back out to the arboretum?” Her finger was tracing along the edge of his ear.

  She knew him so well. “If you’re up for it, then yes. Would you like to grab a drink at the bar and chat with Michelle while I finish up tonight?”

  “That’d be good. I have a few things I’d like to discuss with her about the website.” She tensed for a moment. “Uhm, I think your satchel is short one toy.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. “I thought you’d keep it safe for a while.”

  Brianna shook her head as a naughty smirk appeared on her face. “You’re so bad, Master. I’m going to find it very difficult to talk about html codes while keeping your toy safely guarded.”

  “Why would that be, Brianna? Soon you won’t even know it’s there.” He could see she was in a playful mood and he loved it.

  “Oh I think I’ll know it’s there.” She stared into his eyes. “And I’ll be getting hot and consumed with need. Do you promise to ease my ache later this evening, Master?” Her voice was soft and whispery.

  “You can count on it, pretty girl.”

; Chapter Eight

  The evening went by quickly. She found Michelle much easier to talk to than she expected. Apparently, she was coming to terms with relinquishing some of her workload. Michelle was open to Brianna’s ideas and was giving her carte blanche on the project Brianna had pitched. They had also squeezed in a bit of girl talk. Brianna was pretty sure they’d grow to be good friends.

  As they walked out of the club, Steven had been ever the gentleman, opening her doors and checking her seatbelt. They were small things, but they mattered so much. After Steven merged with traffic, Brianna noticed they weren’t headed back to the house. She decided not to ask where they were going. Maybe he had something romantic planned…or maybe he was just running an errand.

  “How are you doing, pretty girl? Are you getting uncomfortable?” He brought her hand to his mouth and gave her a tender kiss in the center of her palm.

  “No, I’m fine. You were right, after a bit, I hardly noticed it.” It was just a naughty reminder that he had plans for later.

  “I’m glad.” He was quiet as he turned away from the mainland and headed toward the beach.

  Most places were closed this time of night, especially during the work week. Her curiosity was definitely piqued. Did he plan for them to have a midnight stroll on the beach? If it were summer, that would be sexy and romantic, but this time of the year, she’d be lucky to be able to talk through her teeth chattering.

  “I want our first time together to be special. I didn’t want to wait until our furniture arrived and a sex club just doesn’t have the atmosphere I’m looking for. You’re not a quick hookup. You’re my forever girl.”

  “Uhm, we’ve made love before, Master.” He was melting her heart. She’d forgotten how incredibly sweet he could be.

  “That doesn’t count. We’ve been given a do-over and I plan to do it right this time. We’re headed to a swanky hotel. I’ve booked the executive suite. I thought about the honeymoon suite, but I wanted to save that for our actual…you know…honeymoon.”


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