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All Grown Up

Page 15

by Tori Carson

  “Alexis is strong, she can stand up for herself. If they scene together, we’ll have a Garden Monitor close by.”

  “GMs can’t be everywhere at once. When they’re both in the house, I’ll ask the receptionist to give me a heads-up.” Steven shifted the conversation back to club business.

  * * * * *

  Warm, strong hands grasped Brianna’s shoulders. She knew Steven’s touch anywhere. She leaned back against his chest and tipped up her head for a kiss. Steven turned it into a full-on, panty-knotting—if she were wearing any—fire-racing-through-the-bloodstream kind of kiss. “Say goodbye, Brianna. Your Master has need of you,” he whispered in her ear.

  She winked at Michelle. “I’ll text you later.” Brianna grabbed her laptop from the bar and slid off the stool. After taking Steven’s hand they headed in the direction of the stage. One of these days very soon, she was going to have to ask Steven to take her on a tour. It was the most extraordinary club she’d ever seen before. The plants were beautiful and gave members the feeling of being in an outdoor garden.

  Steven stopped Sean as he headed toward their offices. “If you’re going to make that phone call to Tyler, could you drop Brianna’s computer in my office?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll text you with the time.” Sean turned and went through the door to the executive area.

  “Earlier today, you complained that you were getting out of shape and asked that I help you work out regularly.” Steven was leading her toward the privacy rooms.

  Brianna smiled. Unless there was a gym hidden somewhere, she knew she was about to get more than she’d bargained for when she made that request. “Yes, I did.”

  “Well there’s no time like the present.” He used his key to unlock the privacy room he’d reserved. “Undress and present yourself to your Master.”

  Brianna looked around the room. It was pretty Spartan compared to what she was used to. There were eyebolts in the walls at various heights, a small bed, and a storage cabinet.

  As she undressed, several scenarios played out in her mind. All of them slightly scary…and erotic. Brianna took off her corset and mini then laid them by the door.

  Steven was rooting around in the cabinet. He tossed a pillow into the center of the room and then pulled out his personal toy satchel. He’d put it there after working through the scene in his head and reserving the room.

  Brianna kneeled on the pillow with her hands behind her back. She tried to take slow and steady breaths but it was damn near impossible. Just being alone and naked in a room with Steven sent blood coursing hotly through her body.

  “You’re very beautiful, Brianna. I am a very lucky man to have you as my submissive.” His eyes were devouring her and she found it harder than ever to breathe.

  “Thank you, Master.” She met his gaze and blushed.

  “How many exercises do you want to do tonight, pretty girl?”

  He had a very naughty look to him that set her heart pounding. She didn’t know what he had in mind, but she doubted it had anything to do with actual exercises. “Maybe we should start out small with only three or four and work up to more, Master.”

  He nodded solemnly. “Good thinking.” He smiled devilishly. “Let’s start with three.”

  “You’re most kind.”

  Steven laughed from deep in his chest. “We’ll see if you say that when we’re finished.” He pulled a metal contraption from the cabinet along with a large vibrator and nipple clamps from his satchel.

  She was getting wet just imagining what he had planned.

  After placing the vibrator and mount near the wall, slightly behind her, Steven returned and helped her to stand. He gave her body a slow perusal. “You’re luscious.” Gently, he began to kiss down her neck. Going to one knee, he drew her nipple into his mouth and pulled hard.

  Brianna allowed her head to tip backward as she gave herself over to the pleasure. She moaned as he swirled his tongue over her peak and replaced his mouth with his hand. Immediately, he began his sweet torture all over again.

  Her clit was begging for attention and she considered wrapping herself around him, but knew it would likely earn her a “funishment”. Since she was already a little apprehensive about his plans, she decided to play it safe.

  Once he pulled away, he affixed a clamp to her distended peak. “Tell me when.”

  Steven began to twist the adjusting screw tighter. Brianna watched as the rubber-tipped metal jaws closed around her nipple. When she couldn’t take any more she said, “There.”

  He immediately stopped then set to work on her other breast. There was something a little unnerving about watching the clamp tighten onto her tender flesh. She was already beginning to squirm under his close scrutiny.

  “Good girl. We’re going to start with an exercise to help your balance and calf muscles.” He grabbed a bundle of rope from his satchel and led her to the far corner of the room.

  She tried to ignore the clamps dangling from her breasts as she faced the wall.

  “Put your hands behind your back in the box position.” Steven spoke softly.

  Brianna knew exactly what he wanted and immediately complied. He used it often and the familiarity of it brought her a sense of security. Within moments she felt the rope expertly wind around her wrists.

  “Okay, pretty girl, spread your legs about shoulder width apart and go up on your tippy-toes.”

  Her eyes went to the hooks in the wall. Oh God. She knew exactly what he had planned. Fuck. She better not lose her balance or get a leg cramp. She pushed those thoughts away and took a deep breath. Steven would take care of her. He would never let her get really hurt.

  Brianna went up on her toes and spread her legs. More quickly than she thought possible, he attached chains from the nipple clamps to the hooks situated at about her eye level along the wall.

  It only took a moment to realize the psychological factor of placing them directly in the view of the submissive. Her stomach began to tighten and her breathing shallowed. There was something highly erotic about having her nipples chained to the wall.

  Steven stood behind her, his body mere centimeters away from hers. She knew it was to keep her safe, but his close proximity added to the “hot” factor.

  “We’re going to start with a two-minute count. If you lose your balance your nipples will get a nasty tug and it will earn you a punishment. For each slip-up, we will clip a clothespin to your labia. So I suggest you clear your mind and focus.”

  She heard him tapping on something and assumed he was setting a timer. His warm breath caressing her neck was a mix of heaven and hell. She desperately wanted to lean back against him and draw comfort from him. Her body was already in meltdown mode and they had barely begun.

  “You’re doing well, Brianna. I must say, I enjoy being your personal trainer. I will take great pleasure ensuring you work out often. Of course, you might not like my methods.” He chuckled.

  Brianna felt an answering giggle, which shifted her weight and caused her to drop down to her heels. Instantly, Steven’s hands gripped her hips and brought her back into position.

  A whimper escaped before she could stop it. The tug on her nipples was sharp and unexpected.

  “You doing okay, pretty girl?” His voice held concern.

  “I’m fine, Master.” She made sure her tone was confident though her legs were starting to shake and she wondered if she’d make it the full two minutes.

  “I’m so glad, because we have to start the timer over. You need to hold this position for two solid minutes.” This time there was a hint of sadistic amusement to his voice.

  Her stomach bunched, but her clit was throbbing in earnest. “Yes, Master.” Her answer came out breathy and full of desire.

  “That’s my girl.” He placed his shoulder in the middle of her back before he dropped his hand between her legs and ran his thumb and index finger along her labia. “You’ve earned a punishment as well. There will be a clothespin attached to your lip, right abou
t here.” He pinched near her clit hood.

  She was breathing heavy and her legs were shaking, but his shoulder kept her from stumbling again. “Just one? I’d hate to be asymmetrical.” She knew she was being bratty, but hearing his laughter made it all worth it.

  “You know you’re right. I hadn’t thought of it like that. For each punishment we will have to use a pair of pins. Thank you for pointing out my error.”

  “My pleasure, Master.”

  Hearing the beeping that signaled the end of the two minutes, Brianna started to dropped down to her flat feet. Steven’s arm slid across her waist and stopped her just in time.

  “Not yet, babe.” His body was tight up against hers as he nudged her forward enough that he could unhook the clamps from the wall. As soon as she was free, he spun her around to face him. He slid his hand down her face. “That’s my girl. Are you ready for the next one?”

  Seeing the pride in his eyes, she was afraid her voice would sound too sappy so she simply nodded.

  “Good girl. We’ll hold off on the punishment until the last exercise. It would get in the way for this one.” He led her to the corner across from the door.

  The metal contraption, she learned, was a holder for his large vibrator. She saw it was plugged in and ready to go. Oh good heavens. She knew where this was headed.

  “This exercise will work your thighs and lower back. You’re going to straddle the vibrator.”

  Brianna turned and gave him a hug and immediately pulled her breasts away from his chest. The clamps twisted, causing a surprising sensation that wasn’t altogether unpleasant.

  Steven stepped behind Brianna and held her tightly. “Talk to me, Brianna.”

  She leaned back against him and reveled in his strong arms and warm body. “You take such good care of me.”

  Steven squeezed her even harder and kissed her neck. “That’s my job, baby, and I take it very seriously.”

  “You go to such trouble for me. I feel like you give me so much more than I can ever return to you.” Steven always worked so hard to make sure she got exactly what she needed and what did he receive out of it?

  “No, baby. That’s not true. Just like there’s sub-space, there is also Dom-space. Arousing you arouses the hell out of me.” He drew her hand to his very hard and erect cock. “You needn’t ever worry about that.”

  Brianna turned her face toward him for a kiss. His lips met hers in a tender soul-to-soul touch. One last squeeze, then she pushed away and straddled the vibrator. She immediately felt the strain along her thighs. Oh shit. She wasn’t sure she could hold this for one minute let alone two.

  Steven took the chain from the nipple clamps and attached it to hooks near the baseboards then turned the vibrator on high.

  Brianna squatted over, just barely out of reach of the vibrator, unable to move more than a few millimeters without feeling the pull on her tits or the full power of the vibrator.

  “Master! I can’t do this.” She was beginning to panic. No way in hell could she hold this for two minutes.

  “Damn. Whatever shall you do?” His chuckle was distinctly evil. “I suppose your choices…are handle it or safeword,” he reminded her.

  She felt him right behind her. His leg was maybe an inch behind her ass. If she were to fall he would be there to stop her. “I’m not safewording.” She panted. “I take back every kind word I ever said. You’re mean and sadistic.” Her legs started to quiver.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing, pretty girl.” He ran his hand down her back.

  With his touch, the tension started to ease. Her legs were killing her. She couldn’t stand it. Dropping her knees just a bit, she brought her clit right against the vibrator. The sensation was way too much. She jerked away, pulling hard on the clamps, giving both breasts a vicious tug. Tears sprang to her eyes and a fierce need to come shot through her. Her strangled moan sounded foreign to her ears.

  “Master, please. I can’t do this.” She was begging for mercy, but if she was honest with herself, she didn’t want it. It was one of the benefits of a safeword. It allowed her to say all those things she thought she should without having to face the consequences for them. If he released her before the full two minutes, she would have been seriously disappointed and would have to worry about everything she said thereafter.

  “Well, that isn’t up to you, now is it?” His voice was hard, as if he really didn’t give a damn.

  Brianna smiled even as she groaned. Her head tipped forward only a moment before her clit dropped onto the vibrator for the second time. She screamed loudly as she jerked back into place.

  “Almost there, pretty girl. You can do this.” This time his tone was soft.

  She shook her head.

  Steven’s hand slid down her back and cupped her pussy. He slid two fingers into her very wet channel and began pumping in and out.

  Unable to help herself, she started to move with him. Each backward stroke gave her abused nipples a soft tug. “I’m going to come. Please, Master, I need to come.”

  The alarm buzzed and Steven pulled his fingers from her and shut off the vibrator. “Not yet, pretty girl. We have one more exercise to finish and a punishment to administer.” He unhooked the clamps from the wall.

  “You’re killing me,” she complained, as she fell back against his solid body.

  “Don’t worry, baby. The last exercise works mainly your lower tummy muscles. You even get to do it lying down.” Steven pulled her into his arms and carried her back to the center of the room.

  Laying her down flat, Steven used the pillow Brianna had kneeled upon to support her lower back and give her enough room to lie on her arms comfortably. “Spread your legs for me, pretty girl.”

  She closed her eyes and opened her legs. As soon as she felt the wooden teeth latch on to her labia, her eyes flew open. It didn’t hurt per se, but it was an odd feeling. The weight drew the skin tight along her clit, which was already large and pushing from her hood. Now, thanks to her big mouth, she’d have to deal with twice the weight. Fuck!

  “How ya doing, Brianna?” Steven asked, as he adjusted the second clothespin to her pussy lips.

  “I need to come,” she said solemnly.

  He chuckled. “Too bad, baby. I’m in charge. Your orgasms belong to me. I decide when you find relief.” His voice had dropped to a deeper octave.

  She whimpered, knowing he liked her vocal. Steven thrust two fingers deep inside her pussy and curled them into her G-spot. After a few swirls, he withdrew from her. Brianna moaned and squirmed, unable to hold still with the sensations flooding her system.

  “You taste so good, baby.” He told her, after licking his fingers clean. Steven leaned to his right and pulled his satchel to him. Without looking, he reached in and pulled out two leather cuffs. He wrapped them around her ankles and tied a rope to each.

  Brianna had no idea what he had planned for her, but it was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing.

  After reaching into his satchel again, Steven pulled out a large carabiner and attached it to the chain dangling from the nipple clamps. He laid it on her stomach and moved to the door to operate a switch.

  A soft buzzing sound had Brianna looking up. She saw two pulleys slowly dropping toward her. Oh this isn’t good. She closed her eyes and counted her heartbeats.

  “Shutting out the view won’t change your fate, little one.” Steven’s voice was laced with male amusement.

  She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but her mouth was suddenly too dry. Instead, she tried to appear calm as she met his gaze. She kept her eyes focused solely upon Steven, refusing to look at his torture implements.

  “I know you’re getting tired and this one fries the abs, so we’ll go with one minute. Safeword if you need to, Brianna.” Taking the ropes, he fed them through the pulleys and looped them through the carabiner. He tightened the rope until her legs were a few inches off the floor.

  If she lowered her legs even a little bit the ropes would pull
on the nipple clamps. “Only one minute, only one minute. You can do this. It’s only one minute,” she repeated over and over.

  After just a few seconds, she shook her head. “No, I can’t. Oh God, it’s killing my stomach. Master, please don’t make me do this.”

  “You can stop it with one simple word or you can suck it up and enjoy the workout your Master planned for you.”

  Steven was hovering near her legs, undoubtedly waiting in case she needed help. Truth be told, she might. Her stomach muscles were screaming for relief. She tried to focus on her wrists where the rope was starting to bite into her skin as she leaned back against them trying to take some of the strain off her stomach.

  “Count for me, please, Master.” She needed to hear his voice.

  “Twenty seconds, baby. I’m so proud of you.” He ran his hand from her shoulder to her elbow. “Fifteen. You can do this.”

  She shook her head and began to whimper.

  Steven took her chin into his hand and made her look at him. “Yes, you can and you will because I demand it.”

  She melted at his touch and stern voice. “Yes Sir,” she whispered, while a smile found its way to her lips.

  “That’s better, subbie.”

  As soon as the alarm buzzed, she bent her knees and exhaled in relief.

  “You rock, baby. How’re you doing?” Steven removed the leather cuffs from her ankles and gave her legs a brief massage.

  “I need you, Master.” And she did. She needed to be fucked in the worst way.

  “The feeling is mutual, pretty girl. Hold on, while I get you out of this.” He removed the clothespins then unhooked the carabiner and rolled her on her side.

  Brianna felt Steven tugging on the ropes and unwinding them from her wrists. Once she was free, he pulled her into a sitting position and rubbed her shoulders. She was surprised how stiff they were. Just having his hands on her was pure heaven.

  A few moments later, Steven scooped her up and laid her gently on the bed. “I hope you’re ready, Brianna, because I’m going to fuck you fast and hard. Watching you work out has me ready to explode.” He began removing his boots and socks.


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