Saving the Bear (Bear Kamp Book 4)

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Saving the Bear (Bear Kamp Book 4) Page 4

by Rachel Robins

  Stella got out of bed and pulled her jeans on, not bothering to change her shirt. Having his scent near her helped her stay focused and calm. There was somebody she knew who knew where Rick was, or at least how to figure it out. Stella was done playing games. She set out to find Grandma.

  As much as Stella didn’t want to cause a scene, she found Grandma at Jasper and Emma’s. Not only was she there, but Austin and Kate were as well. Stella didn’t have time to wait. She needed answers. She barged in the door and followed their voices to the kitchen.

  “Grandma, I need to speak with you,” she said in lieu of a greeting.

  “Mom? You alright? You look a little crazy,” Emma said.

  “Just a bit. Grandma, a word?” she said again more sternly.

  Grandma didn’t budge, but she looked over Stella thoughtfully. Stella was sure she was sizing her up and trying to decide what her mental state was.

  “Dammit, Grandma, I don’t have time for games. She’s out there, and she’s going to win! She’s going to win before I even figure out the damn game! Tell me!”

  “What are you talking about, Stella?” Austin asked, holding his hand up to stop Emma from moving closer to Stella.

  “Rick. She knows where he’s at or at least where to find him. I’ve been on a stupid freaking scavenger hunt, and I’m sick of it. Every time I get close, he gets ripped away from me.”

  “Is this true, Grandma? Do you know where Rick is?” Austin said, turning to the older woman who still hadn’t said a word.

  ‘Well?” Stella yelled.

  “Wait, what did you mean by you had gotten close to him?” Jasper asked, walking around to stand next to Stella.

  Everybody’s questions were annoying her and causing her panic to increase. The longer she wasted explaining herself, the more time Rick was left alone. Grandma continued to stare at her as if waiting for her to say the right thing.

  “Stella, answer Jasper,” Austin commanded.

  Stella still didn’t answer anybody. She kept her eyes locked on Grandma.

  “Tell me where my mate is!” she yelled, washing away all of her previous doubts. One thing she was one hundred percent certain of was that Rick was hers.

  “He’s mine. Rick is mine, and you know where he is or how I can find him. Now you’re going to tell me. I don’t care who it is you’re afraid of, if she comes between Rick and me one more time, I’m going to hunt her down and kill her myself,” Stella said, passionately feeling the rage inside her build.

  Then Grandma smiled. She stood up from where she had been sitting, and walked over to Stella. Taking both of Stella’s hands in hers, she took a deep breath and then blew into Stella’s face. Stella’s initial reaction was to step back, but Grandma gripped her hands tighter and held her in place, continuing to blow on her face.

  Magic started to spread inside of Stella. When Grandma finally released her, she took a step back. She stumbled for a moment before Jasper reached out to steady her.

  “What did you do?” Emma asked her grandmother.

  “I gave your mother my power. She is now your healer. I’ve grown tired and old.”

  “I don’t want to be a healer. I just want Rick. You’re supposed to help me!” Stella threw her hands up as tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “You have the power to help yourself. I’m too old to fight your foe. You, your pack, this is your fight. Stella, you have watched me heal and use my powers for years. Do not doubt yourself,” Grandma said, looking somehow older.

  Stella took in the woman who had been her friend and confidante for so many years. The only person who knew all of her sorrows, and celebrated her joys. There was no way Stella would ever be able to fill her shoes, but she was determined to try. Grandma had chosen her, and Stella would not let her down.

  “I can do this,” she said, taking Grandma’s hands, and then moving in to embrace her lifelong friend.

  “My darling, there is no doubt in my mind. Now, you must know the truth about Rick; you all do. It’s the only way you can truly be prepared for what is to come.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Rick tried to continue through his days normally. His memories from the woman the other day haunted him, though. His bear was weak and distraught. Rick figured the days before he went feral were few. He yearned for one more night with her.

  Arriell, the one woman he didn’t care to see, wouldn’t stop popping up. His bear became enraged when she was around. She never seemed to take the hint. Rick had to give her credit for her confidence and determination, neither of which were lacking. He’d shoot her down just for her to pop back up three more times and try again.

  Steve, from work, had noticed Rick’s struggles. He asked Rick to join him at one of the local casinos after work. Rick wasn’t sure a night at a casino would help his bear be any less feral, but it beat staying in alone. The loneliness was the worst.

  “You ready, old man? I got a good feeling about tonight. I’m definitely going home with some winnings,” Steve called as he put the finishing touches on closing up the bar.

  Rick just snorted a small laugh and shrugged. He was envious of the young shifter. Even though Steve didn’t have his mate yet, he had time. Time was the one thing Rick had run out of. He followed the young shifter outside and climbed into Steve’s truck. Steve kept up a constant commentary, and Rick just interjected one or two-word responses when necessary. The drive seemed to be taking them out of town, and Rick started to get anxious.

  “Steve, I thought you said the casino was close by. Where are we going?”

  “There’s a killer casino in Mississippi. Guys’ weekend!” Steve rejoiced.

  “I don’t want to go to Mississippi, man. Who will run the bar?”

  “I’ve already got it all covered. Just relax, Rick, and trust me.”

  “I just want to be home, Steve. I know you guys know my time is coming near. What if I go feral in the car?”

  “You won’t,” Steve said confidently.

  “Steve, I just want to be home. Come on, turn around,” Rick pleaded.

  “I know you do, Rick. We’ll get you there,” Steve said mysteriously.

  Rick tried to keep his nerves at bay, but there was no point resisting Steve further. Unless Rick wanted to throw himself out of a moving car and then hike back to his apartment, he was going on a guys’ weekend. More guy time was definitely not what Rick needed. He closed his eyes and prayed sleep would find him.

  “I’m glad you came tonight,” she whispered, shoving against him with her shoulder.

  “I was hoping you’d be here as well,” he admitted.

  “What do you do for fun, Rick? I mean, besides come here and drink with me?” she asked as she lifted a glass of wine to her lips. Rick tried to focus on her question, but with her beautiful neck on display like that, he was itching to touch his lips to it. She finished her drink and set her glass down.

  “Oh, yes, for fun. Well, I don’t have a lot of time for fun. Work keeps me busy.”

  “Yes, I can see that. All work and no play makes Rick a dull boy, though, right?” she laughed.

  He laughed along with her. Usually someone with a carefree attitude would annoy him, but in her he found himself wishing he could be more that way. Rick couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t constantly working.

  A car horn blared, dragging Rick from his dream. He looked around frantically for a second, and then realized he was still in the car. Steve was busy cussing the driver in front of him who had cut him off. As Rick’s heart rate slowed down he tried to recall the dream. The harder he thought on the dream, the stronger the migraine. Not looking forward to spending the remainder of his car ride locked in battle with one of his migraines, Rick let the dream drop from his mind.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Everybody filed into the living room to listen to Grandma’s story. Stella felt like she was wasting time, but the age-old saying, “knowledge is power,” came to min
d so she followed suit. Austin and Jasper seemed distant and hesitant to believe that they didn’t already know all there was to know about Rick.

  “Rick is an old shifter. He doesn’t look much more than late forties, but he’s actually as old as I am. There’s another that’s as old as I am, too. Her name is Arriell.” Stella perked up at the name, but stayed silent.

  “Arriell is a shifter, but she was cursed in her young age. She wouldn’t ever be able to find her mate. That story is one for another time, and day. She deserved to be cursed. Arriell had sought out the dark magic without fully understanding the consequences. In time, she found a man that she thought would surely have been her mate had she not been cursed. She went to him one night in his hotel room and found him with another woman. Arriell was furious that her mate would take another. So she sought the dark magic again. Things took a turn then for Arriell. The one who performed the dark magic told Arriell to bring the other woman to him, and he would take care of her. Arriell didn’t care what the price was. If she couldn’t have her mate, she didn’t want anyone to. So, she brought the woman, Rachel, to him. He fell in love with Rachel instantly. Knowing the other man had touched his beloved, he cursed him. In time, when Rick would find his true mate, the dark magic would descend and he would go feral. Rick would never have the chance to love his true mate.”

  “Does Rick know any of this?” Stella asked.

  “No, he doesn’t. He thought Rachel was his true mate the night that he slept with her. Rachel was a chameleon. She manipulated Rick into believing she was his mate. Once they had been together he realized she wasn’t his true mate,” Grandma answered.

  “It makes no sense to curse Rick. So, I am his true mate,” Stella said, standing up to pace.

  “Yes, my baby, you are his true mate. I knew his mate would need to be strong to be able to break through the dark magic. I have kept you close to me, feeding you bits of my magic, preparing you for this day. Arriell believes Rick is her true mate, and she’s trying to use dark magic to make it so. As long as you are alive and fighting for Rick, she can’t have him.”

  “How did you know I would be Rick’s mate?”

  “You know a lot when you are a healer. You’ll come to find that out. I knew when my boy brought you to me that you were special. The reason you suffered and struggled through that period of your life was to prepare you for this. Emma was always to be. She was always to find Jasper. You were to be with me, so that I could prepare you. You were always to be with Rick.”

  “How do you know all of this?” Austin asked.

  “Rachel, the young woman, did not want to be with the keeper of the dark magic. She escaped one night and came to me, having heard of an old healer. I could not help her, though. He caught up to her soon after she escaped and was taken back. I’m not sure what has become of her. I would say he uses her to do his bidding in the human world. She’s very beautiful. A chameleon that can blend in to any situation. His dark magic would cloak her.”

  Everybody sat in silence. Anticipation trickled through them all as a pack. Stella could feel her new attachment to her pack. Even though she had watched and helped Grandma heal shifters for years, she was nervous to do it alone. Stella looked at the faces of those around her; they were all preparing themselves. All of them would gladly fight the dark magic alongside of her to get to Rick.

  “So, what happens now?”

  “Stella’s a healer now, and the magic will help her find Rick. We will know what to do when the time comes.”

  “Ugh, I wish everything wasn’t so vague and mysterious. Can’t we do anything to help us figure out where he is now?” Emma asked, throwing herself back against the couch.

  “Stella, how have you been able to get through to Rick before?”

  “I just went where I would be surrounded by his things and his scent. I was the closest to him when I was in his room, lying on his bed.”

  “What if you did that again?” Austin asked with hope gleaming in his eyes.

  Stella nodded and got up. She hugged Grandma and left to go back to Rick’s house. She had a newfound sense of strength and confidence. Stella was positive that this time she would find out where Rick was.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The trip had taken hours just as Rick had thought. His bear grew more restless the longer they were stuck in the car. When they arrived at the casino, Rick’s heart started to pound with a weird anxiety about going inside.

  “You okay, man?” Steve asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Rick choked.

  They walked in and Rick instantly crumpled on the ground in pain. A migraine grabbed hold, and all he could see was black. He could hear Steve trying to talk to him, but he had no way of replying. Suddenly, he felt himself being lifted off the ground and moved. Rick tried to fight through the pain, but it was too intense. His bear whimpered in agony. Rick tried to summon the energy to shift, but his body refused.

  “Hang in there, buddy,” Steve said as he laid Rick down on a bed.

  Rick gave into the darkness and the comfort of the bed.

  “Rick!” Her voice broke through the pain and she seemed stronger than before.

  He tried not to believe she was there again. If he accepted that she was there, then he would be even more disappointed when he woke up and realized she was gone.

  “Rick! Are you okay? It’s me, it’s Stella,” she said, reaching out hesitantly.

  Then her warm hand touched his face and chased the pain away. He couldn’t resist her touch. He melted into it, and inhaled her beautiful scent.

  “You’re back,” he whispered, opening his eyes and taking her in.

  “I am. I’m here. Where are we?” she asked, scooting onto his lap.

  Rick adjusted himself on the bed and leaned against the headboard. He hugged her close.

  “I’m not sure,” he said, trying to blaze through the fog in his mind and remember. It was like he couldn’t connect the two worlds: the one he lived in during the day, and the one with Stella that he visited in his dreams.

  “Think, Rick. Think hard. Where are you? I can come to you if I know where you are,” she begged.

  “You are here. Just don’t leave,” he said, squeezing her tighter.

  “I want to stay. I don’t want to leave,” she said, running her fingers down his face.

  Rick leaned down and tasted her lips. It was a quick and gentle kiss meant to solidify that she was truly there on his lap. Instead, it turned passionate, fast. She pulled him back to her and kissed him with a fierceness that made him come to life. He felt his bear soar to life with a strength he hadn’t felt in years. He took control of the kiss.

  His tongue moved in and stroked hers. A fire ignited inside of him, and he felt alive. He felt whole. The mate bond swirled between them, and it felt like a tangible rope that he could pull on to bring her closer still.

  She pulled back from him and grabbed his face, looking at him as if she was desperate for him. He’d never been looked at with such true intensity before. Her eyes were pools of desire, and love.

  “Rick, as much as I want this, I need to know where you are. You have to tell me,” she pleaded again.

  “Um… I’m in a casino.”

  “A casino! One of your casinos?” she squealed with delight, her eyes brightening with hope.

  “My casinos? No, I don’t have a casino. I have a bar on the beach. I’m with a friend, Steve. He wanted me to have a guys’ weekend at a casino.” Rick wasn’t sure why he suddenly couldn’t remember where he was, but it felt like it was on the tip of his tongue.

  “You’re doing great, my love. Keep thinking. Think of me wherever you are. As you walked in the door, think about what it looked like. Picture me there with you, walking in the front door.” Her voice was smooth as honey, and he could feel himself being lulled back to a sleepy darkness.

  “No, no, no. Stay with me, Rick. I can feel you leaving. Stay with me.”

  She kissed him again.
Then she adjusted herself so she was straddling him. Her shirt was up and over her head in seconds, and she removed her bra. Rick tried to stay with her. His hands roamed up the sides of her body, feeling all of her curves and milky, smooth skin. Their kiss was electric.

  When he was kissing her and touching her, he was free. Free to be the strong shifter he had once been. He lifted her and laid her on her back, covering her with his body. He started stringing kisses down her body. He was frantic to be inside of her, and to claim her the way he knew he should. When he got to her pants, he placed soft kisses before yanking them down her long legs.

  He finished undressing them both, and then lifted her hips to meet his. Her eyes were wide with surprise, but he could feel how ready she was for him. Her slick folds welcomed his fingers as he glided them across her entrance.

  “I love you, Rick. You’re my mate,” she whispered.

  He plunged deep inside of her then. At the intensity of their connection he felt raw power surge through her and into him. Memories flooded his mind. He stilled inside of her as the life he had forgotten came rushing back to him. Rick’s eyes must have showed his clarity, because she smiled and dragged him down for a knowing kiss.

  “You remember,” she said.

  “Yes, Stella. My love, my mate. I remember.” He leaned his forehead against hers.

  She wiggled under him, and he groaned with pleasure. He pulled out of her slowly, and then sank back in, relishing the joy of feeling her tight walls squeeze him inside of her. Goosebumps broke out all over his body as he continued their slow, pleasurable tempo.

  Stella arched against him and writhed under him, begging him with her body for more. He pulled out slowly, but then slammed into her. Her moan filled the room and made his mouth water. Rick tasted her breasts again.


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