Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2

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Started From the Top Now I'm Here 2 Page 3

by Midnite Love

  “Shit, look at me, I need the works. I was hoping you could squeeze me in between clients.”

  “You know I hate doing that shit Sonnet but I’ll do it for you.”

  “Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me.”

  “No problem, I got yo’ back but its gon’ be at least an hour and a half before I can get you in the chair, maybe longer.”

  Sonnet was ecstatic.

  “I’ll wait as long as it takes! While I’m waiting I’m gonna pop over to the other side and grab myself a facial and a mani/pedi. Thanks again Duchess” she responded before planting a kiss on her cheek.

  “Yeah... yeah, go on with all of that. You know I don’t like pussy,” she joked as she pretended to wipe off her kiss. “I’ll page you when I’m ready for you.”

  Uhmm hmmm, you betta be glad you don’t like pussy nigga, or else I could settle this bill with the quickness, Sonnet thought.

  It was like Sonnet had died and gone to heaven. She was finally back in the place she loved being the most, the facial chair. Luckily for her it was a week day and during work hours. Aside from The Duchess and the receptionist she managed to dodge most of the regulars.

  She had to laugh in spite of herself. Any other time she would be making an entrance. She lived for the fact that she put basic bitches to shame even before she had anything done. Now here she was ducking and hiding from the very people she was used to putting on a show for.

  After a relaxing facial Sonnet had her brows threaded, a fresh set of gel nails, and a pedicure. She had just enough time to grab a cup of coffee and use the restroom before The Duchess was ready for her.

  Bitch you still got it! Sonnet thought as she admired her smooth glowing skin in the mirror. Once I get my hair laid there will be no stopping me. If Cheron loans me the money I need for some new clothes I’ll be slaying the scene once again, and these bitches will just have to deal with it.

  Speaking of money, she felt bad about not tipping the girls in cash like she usually did. She did, however, assure them that she would add it to the tab she was running up. She was one of the few VIP clients that were allowed to do this, based on her name alone.

  Once she was in The Duchess chair, there was nothing left to do but relax and let her work her magic. She almost forgot how much she enjoyed listening to her stories. It seemed as though she wasn’t the only one with man problems. However, one thing that could be said about The Duchess was that she wasn’t messy. She kept her business out of the shop and out of the streets. The only reason she shared so much with Sonnet was because she was a longtime client, and she had earned her trust.

  She would however jump ratchet without giving it a second thought when it came to her money. She went over and above what was required to satisfy her customers, and she expected to be paid once services were rendered. For this very reason, Sonnet grew more and more anxious as she put the finishing touches on her do.

  As her anxiety grew, so did her thirst. By the time Sonnet left the salon she would have downed four glasses of complimentary champagne and scarfed down damn near a plate of hors d'oeuvres. The only reason she stopped was because The Duchess made a smart remark.

  This heffa drinking’ up all the damn champagne, she thought. “Damn girl, I know you been going through it but can somebody else get a glass?”

  “Sorry.... I just been having a lot of shit on mind,” said Sonnet as she nervously fidgeted in her seat.

  This nigga ain’t talkin’ bout’ shit. Hell I don’t know when imma get to do this again. A bitch gotta get her luxuries in any way she can. Now, how the hell am I going to pay for all this?

  “Sonnet, sit yo’ behind still,” The Duchess fussed as she teased and tousled the curls flowing down her back.


  Sonnet’s eyes darted around the room to see how many people would notice if she slipped out past the receptionist without paying. That idea was short lived as she noticed her approaching The Duchess work area through the glass and knocked on the door.

  “Hey... I was headed this way, so I just wanted to drop off your tab,” the receptionist announced as she handed Sonnet her bill. “I can take it up front if you like.”

  $829.00! Damn! I didn’t think it would be that much, Sonnet thought, as panic started to set in. Who the hell am I kidding? I spent $400.00 on hair alone, not including the install and style.


  For the first time since moving out of her place, Sonnet was reminded of how much money blew through her hands on a daily basis. It was a far cry from how she was living these days. Sleeping on the sofa and trying to figure out where her next dollar was going to come from.

  “A tab... that’s new for you. You usually up in here flossin’ at every station,” The Duchess chimed in before announcing that she was done.

  Sonnet’s stomach was in knots. She couldn’t believe that it had actually come to this. Any other time she could get one of her niggas to catch the tab but this time it was on her seeing as she needed to look the part before she even approached any of them.

  “Yeah... Uhmm I didn’t have any cash on me today. I’m using my card.”

  The Duchess knew Sonnet always liked a few extra moments in the chair to play in her hair and freshen her makeup.

  “Go ahead and do yo’ thang girl... I’m going to grab me a soda,” the Duchess announced before popping out to take a break.

  “What do I do?” Sonnet thought as she shuffled through her purse for her wallet. She absolutely hated the fact that this would most likely be the last time she would be allowed in the salon once she skipped out without paying.

  The bigger question was how was she going to play it off? She didn’t have any overdraft protection in her debit account which currently held 37 cents. Otherwise the transaction would go through and no one would be any wiser, and she could pay the bank back later. Fuck it, it was worth a shot anyway. Sonnet nervously handed over her debit card to the receptionist.

  “Great, I’ll get this right back to you. Did you want to leave a tip?”

  “Huh? Oh yeah... hook everybody up,” Sonnet responded as she managed to form a weak grin.

  This was her chance. She had to move quickly before Tandy discovered there was no money on the card. She needed to meet her at the desk and get her card back, pretend she was looking for another one before breaking for the exit. But not before she helped herself to a few bottles of her favorite shampoo and conditioner that The Duchess sold at her station. She didn’t grab the ones from the display seeing as they would draw more attention from them missing. Instead she opted for the overflow stock she kept in the cabinet underneath. She didn’t know when she would be able to afford to have herself pampered again so she was going to take full advantage of anything she could get her hands on.

  In the midst of her dropping a bottle of finishing mist into her bag, she heard the door open behind her. Sonnet’s heart was in the pit of her stomach as she spun around in the chair. It was The Duchess. If it would have been a split second before she would have caught her red handed.

  “Chile what the hell wrong with you, you look like you done seen a damn ghost?”

  “Nothing... I’m just tired, and I need to eat something. I gotta get out of here,” she responded frantically.

  The walls felt like there were closing in on her. It was only a matter of time before it was discovered that the card was no good.

  “Well slow down...” The Duchess stopped her before she stood up. “Lemme dust this hair off of you and get this cape off. I almost forgot. I been working so hard lately.....” Before she could finish Tandy was at the door with Sonnet’s bill and her card.

  “Sorry Sonnet, this card was declined. Do you have another one?”

  Once she was backed into a corner Sonnet resorted to the one thing she did the best, lie.

  “Sorry about that. I thought I had made it clear that I was only paying for the brows with the card,” she replied as she took her card back.r />
  “What about the rest of your bill?” The Duchess asked, raising a brow, her bullshit meter instantly kicking into high gear.

  “I told you I was paying you next week right?” Sonnet laughed to make light of what was going down.

  “Aww hell naw, you ain’t told me no shit like that. I know you ain’t trying to stiff me, Sonnet.”

  “I did tell you when I first came back here. You must have let it go in one ear and out the other. You said yourself that you were tired.”

  “Don’t put words in my mouth. I said I had been working hard. I ain’t said shit about being tired. I ain’t tired when it comes to my money. I would have remembered if you would have asked for some credit.”

  Sonnet let out a sigh for added drama. “So you just gon’ go back on your word?”

  The Duchess was appalled at the fact that Sonnet would tell a bold face lie to try and gyp her out of her money.

  “I don’t believe this shit right here.” The Duchess rolled her neck and smacked her lips. “Tandy you believe this shit? Yo’ ass done really fell off if you think you can run that shit on me Sonnet. What’s the matter, you can’t pay yo’ bill?”

  The fact that Sonnet was trying to run game on The Duchess really hurt her feelings. Not only was Sonnet one of her best clients, she thought they had actually developed a friendship over the years. If she would have truly came to her and asked for help like real woman she wouldn’t have given a second thought to helping her out. Instead this bitch was up in here putting on airs, worrying about what people thought, knowing that she didn’t have a pot to piss in.

  No this nigga ain’t trying’ to trip? All the money I spend up in here? Sonnet thought. She was pissed at the fact The Duchess was trying to get loud and embarrass her. She had to get out of there before anyone saw what was popping off. God forbid the word got out that she was broke.

  “All the money I done spent in here I know I’m good for some credit,” Sonnet replied with an indignant tone to her voice.

  Tandy and The Duchess looked at each other in disbelief.

  “Not with that attitude” The Duchess scowled. “You ain’t good for no credit, but I tell you what you are good for, a wet down!” She grabbed the water bottle from off her station and proceeded to soak Sonnet’s head.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked waving her hands over her head in a failed attempt to protect her do. She tried to get up from the chair, but she pushed her back down by her shoulder.

  “What I’m doing is taking my hair do back. I’ll be dammed if you gon’ fuck over me and my girls and tip yo’ sorry ass outta here with a new do!” she yelled as she continued to spray.

  Tandy stood in shock at the scene that was unfolding in front of her. The other clients nearby were now starting to stare because of the commotion.

  “Fuck you Duchess, I’m outta here!” With that, Sonnet stood up despite The Duchess scuffling to keep her seated.

  “You want me to call the police?” Tandy asked The Duchess, trying to assess the situation.

  Before she could barely finish her sentence Sonnet broke past her, knocking her to the floor. She fled through the salon with The Duchess on her heels and a slew of onlookers pointing and chattering amongst themselves.

  The Duchess was livid. In all her days as a shop owner, she had never seen such foolishness. If she wasn’t at her place of business she probably would have bust a cap in Sonnet’s ass for the scene she was causing.

  “Get yo’ ass back here and pay me my money!” she yelled, trying to catch up to her.

  Sonnet didn’t respond, instead she made haste knocking over a glass fixture in the lobby that held makeup and perfume. She finally made her way outside running top speed with the cape still on and water dripping in her eyes.

  “Catch that bitch. I’m calling the police!” The Duchess yelled to her valet team as she dialed 911.

  Damn if this ain’t some Lexi shit right here, Sonnet thought as she raced down the street to the car. A bitch feel like superman running with this damn cape flying behind me but I ain’t bout’ to let these niggas catch me.

  As two of the valet drivers took off after Sonnet she increased her speed causing the heel to break on of her shoes sending her tumbling to the ground. Despite ripping her pants and scraping her knee, she was able to limp to the car and hop in before they caught up to her.

  “Is that a damn Festiva?” The Duchess yelled out as she watched her get in the ride. “And this bitch done stole some shampoo,” she announced as she approached the busted bottle that escaped her bag when she fell.

  She locked the door, started the engine and tore out of the space, side swiping the car parked in front of her. She was tired, sore and out of breath. Not to mention that her hair was soaking wet. What was once a beautiful cascade of curls now resembled wet ramen noodles, and she couldn’t care less.

  “Fuck it, that nigga may have messed up the style by wetting it but these new tracks ain’t going anywhere,” Sonnet said to herself as she drove home. “That’s why a bitch gets Malaysian wavy, I’m still fine as hell.”

  She hated the way the shit had to go down, but at the end of the day she was still a hustling bitch who always got what she wanted.

  Chapter 6 – Heed My Words

  I wonder is Cheron busy? Lexi thought as she contemplated dialing her number.

  She hadn’t spoken to her since the funeral for Sonnet’s granny. It was amazing how she, Cheron and Sonnet went from hanging out together to barely speaking to one another. She and Cheron weren’t on bad terms, they just never really spoke much seeing as they only knew each other through Sonnet.

  Darius was still bugging Lexi to call Sonnet and make peace with her, but she wasn’t trying to hear it. She had seen a side of Sonnet that made her question their friendship, plus she finally realized that she was a user. Even still, Lexi had to admit to herself that she missed her. They had been friends since childhood, and it hurt her that their bond was severed so easily.

  When it was all said and done Cheron was the most level headed of the three, which is exactly why Lexi wanted to call her and get some advice about Darius. This was a topic she wouldn’t have discussed with Sonnet even if they were speaking. Sonnet felt like Darius was a loser and a bum ass nigga. True enough there was a time when he wasn’t doing right by Lexi but things were good between them now, and had been for quite a while.

  If she were to call Sonnet up and tell her about Darius’ new position and them moving in together, she would find some way to shoot it down. It was best she steered clear of all that negativity, at least while she was trying to make some important decisions in her life.

  Cheron had her shit together, and it wasn’t because some nigga handed it to her. She worked for everything she had. This was one of the things Lexi always admired most about her. She was a good person, and despite how much money she had, Cheron never looked down her nose at the people who had less than she did the way Sonnet did.


  “Hey, girl wassup?”

  “Hey Lexi! How you been girl?” Cheron responded. She was happy to hear her voice.

  “I’ve been good. What about you?”

  “I’m good, business is good, I can’t complain. I was surprised when I saw your name on the caller ID.”

  “Yeah, I know, we don’t really talk much, but we should. I wanted to get your advice on something. Is this a good time?”

  “I’m just walking in but I can talk.” Cheron dropped her bags on the dining room table and kicked off her shoes. It was very rare to be hearing from Lexi, let alone having her ask for advice.

  “Are you sure? You can call me back once you get settled.”

  “Girl, what the hell did I say? I’m good, now what do you wanna ask me?”

  “Well ... you know Darius and I got back together right?”

  “Yeah, I knew he had started hanging back around. I didn’t know y’all were still together. That nigga ain’t bothering you is he?” Cheron a
sked as she poured herself a glass of wine and kicked back on the sofa.

  “What? Girl no! It’s actually been the opposite. He’s been treating me good, staying out of trouble and he gets off probation next month.” Lexi’s eyes lit up just hearing herself speak those words.

  “Aww I’m so happy for you Lexi. You deserve it. So what’s the problem?”

  “Thanks... the problem is he got a promotion at his job and he got us an apartment downtown. He wants us to move in together. I mean I do love this nigga but it’s a big step.”

  “Damn right it’s a big step, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. What did you say when he asked you to move in together?”

  “I told him I needed to think about it. I know he means well and wants a better life for us. But at least I can afford to pay my own bills; I have Quantez in a good head start program....”

  “So what you are really saying is that you are nervous about giving up your own place in case it doesn’t work out between you two?”

  Damn it was like Cheron was reading her mind. “Yes girl... I mean I don’t think Darius is the kind of nigga that would put us out on the street, but I feel more secure knowing I can handle everything with or without him. What if we break up and I’m stuck in that apartment with that high ass rent? What if he decides that he doesn’t want to help us? What if he’s not around to help us?”

  All of her insecurities about Darius came flooding in when she thought about playing house with him and giving up her own.

  “Look girl you have every right to be wary. Especially the way that nigga ran out on you before. I understand y’all in love and everything, but you need to look out for you and your child first.”

  “So, what are you saying? I shouldn’t do it?” Lexi asked with a look of confusion on her face.

  “What I’m saying is you need to first ask yourself what you want from this relationship. Do you want to shack up with him forever or do you want to get married somewhere down the line? If you want to eventually get married, you need to make that clear before you move in and give yourself a time frame.”


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