The Road to Finding Me

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The Road to Finding Me Page 9

by S M Broad

Latham pulls me close, easing my restless thoughts. I feel safe when I'm in his arms and sleep finds me, despite my wariness. I wake up a little while later because I hear Boss growling. I check the alarm clock, which reads 1:15 a.m., and hush him. I shift out of Latham's hold and notice a shadow moving from under the bedroom door. I freeze, but jump when Boss bounds off the bed and starts barking.

  Latham wrenches up from his spot on the bed, flinging his head back and forth, suddenly alert. He turns to look at me, then his eyes track my stare to the door. He creeps out of bed to the closet and slides the door quietly open. He comes out a minute later, wielding a gun I had no idea he owned. I want to feel scared, but all I feel is comfort that he'll protect me. He tiptoes to the door, putting a hand back for me to stay put. The second the door is opened, Boss races into the living room, searching. Latham flicks the light switch on the wall and the room is illuminated. He sweeps the room before checking outside. When he comes back inside with Boss on his heels, I hear him as he picks his phone up from the kitchen counter and dials a number.

  “Someone was in my goddamn house. Aayla is here, I can't have this happening. This shit is over; I need a security system. Tomorrow. Good.” He hangs up and clears his throat, then calls for Boss, who follows obediently. He crawls into bed beside me and reaches for my hand.

  “I’m so damn sorry. There was nobody, nothing.” He punches the bed beside him in anger.

  “I’m okay. I’m a little shaken, but fine. I can’t keep being scared of everything.” I scoot closer to him, running a hand up his arm, rubbing it softly.

  “I’ll do anything for you, to keep you safe.” He kisses my forehead.

  “I know you will.” I guide his face to mine for another kiss. He falls asleep while I lay there for the rest of the night, thoughts racing.

  Why is this happening? When will I be free?

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Somewhere around five in the morning, I decide sleep isn’t happening, so I slide out of bed, careful not to wake Latham. I tiptoe to the kitchen, clicking on the light above the stove. I search the cupboards until I find a box of green tea and fill the kettle, setting it on a burner to boil. I grab a mug, dropping the tea bag into it, and stand by the counter with my hand under my chin, waiting for the water to be done. The bedroom door creaks open and Boss comes shuffling out lazily. He sniffs around for a minute before he plops down next to me. The kettle whistles low and I remove it from the heat, pouring the hot water into the mug. I take my cup to the couch, calling Boss to come over. Obediently, like the good dog he is, he trots over, jumping up on the seat next to me, and lies down.

  I let my tea steep for another few minutes, petting Boss’ soft fur while I wait. I blow across the top of the mug, sending the steam billowing away before taking a sip. The sweet honey taste coats my mouth and I sigh, laying my head back on the cushion. I’m not sure how much time passes, maybe just a few minutes, before a hand slides over my hair and I smile. I felt his presence before I’d even heard his footsteps. Turning my head, I see Latham standing beside the couch, bleary-eyed and so handsome.

  “What’s wrong?” He crouches in front of me, rubbing my leg with his hand.

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Are you all right?” He touches my cheek gently.

  “As long as I’ve got you, I will be.”

  His chest expands as he draws in a breath, as if he’s surprised by my words. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  I melt. “I know.”

  “Want to take a bath?” he asks sweetly, and I smile. A bath sounds amazing right now, so I nod. He stands back up and heads for the bathroom. I hear the faucet turn on, and Latham moves around a bit, so I sit for a moment before getting up and heading into the bathroom myself. I toss my clothes by the door and head for the tub, Latham helping me into the hot water. I sink down into the bubbles and hold out a hand to Latham, inviting him in. He smiles warmly, dropping his underwear, and stepping in behind me. He moves an arm around my waist, pulling me against him as I relax. His scent, mixed with the lavender bath soap, calms me and makes me feel better with each second that ticks by. I reach up and grip his hair, turning my head and stealing a kiss before resting my cheek against his chest.

  “I love you, you know?” His voice rumbles in my ear and I smile.

  “I do. I love you too.”

  We stay in the bath until the water turns cold, then Latham wraps me in a large bath towel and takes me back to bed. He promises he’ll call into work late, so we can spend time lazing about, but the second he puts me on the bed, the energy in the room shifts. I peek up at him through my lashes, my lust igniting. His eyes flare with desire, telling me he’s on the same page as I am.

  He pulls me to the end of the bed, laying my legs over his shoulders. His eyes flick to mine as he lowers his head to my center. He licks me slowly, delicately, always worshipping. He sucks my clit into his mouth, humming his approval.

  “You taste so good.”

  He continues to feast on me, but before I come, I reach for his arm, pulling him up my body. Latham holds himself above me as he stares at my face in awe. I’ve never felt more beautiful as I do when he looks at me.

  “What do you want, Aayla?” His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows.

  “I want you. Make love to me,” I plead, leaning up just enough to reach his lips, threading my fingers through his hair and tugging. He groans into my mouth.

  “Anything for you. Always.” He lowers his head, lavishing my taut nipple, making me moan.

  Reaching between us, he takes himself and pushes inside me, my wetness making it easy. Pleasure ripples through my body as he rocks in rhythm, building us higher together. I feel my orgasm coming and I claw at Latham’s back, trying to get him closer. He rolls his hips and I lift mine to meet his thrust as the stars explode behind my eyes. They roll shut as I ride out the wave flooding me. Latham lifts me up so I’m sitting on his lap, chest to chest, as he continues to drive into me until he shouts out his release.

  We stay nose to nose, kissing sweetly as our breathing evens out. Boss barks, and we turn our heads to see him sitting next to us. His head laying on the bed, staring, and he whines. I look back to Latham and we both start laughing as I cover my face.

  “Oh my God. He was watching us.” I can’t help the tiny snort that shoots from my nose.

  “Someone’s jealous.” Latham chuckles loudly, laying us down on the mattress and covering us with the blanket. He pats the bed and Boss jumps up, circling twice before laying down. We lay there for a bit, just kissing and touching each other, but it’s not long before exhaustion hits me, and I fall asleep, completely blissful and content in Latham’s arms.

  I will never get enough of this incredible man for as long as I live.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It’s been two weeks since the incidents and nothing else has happened. I’ve been feeling less and less paranoid, and I know Latham is still on high alert, but he’s been doing everything he can to keep me distracted. When we’re not working, we’re together, and that is perfect with me. The more time I spend with Latham, the farther I fall. Every day is a new adventure with him; he makes everything fun.

  I find myself smiling at the memories we’ve made as I wipe down tables and check on orders at work. Latham and David left this morning to go to pick up the part for my car and it’s nearing noon, so they should be back from Chattanooga anytime, just in time for the lunch rush. I take my fifteen-minute break and I’m just finishing my salad when my phone rings. Latham’s handsome face fills my screen and I answer with a smile in my voice.

  “Hey you.”

  “Hey.” His solemn voice filters through the other end.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We’re stuck in traffic, and we won’t be back until tonight now,” he grumps.

  “Oh. Well, I’ll still see you when you get back, right?”

  “Absolutely.” He covers the phone to speak to Davis. “I’m sorry, baby. I gotta go
. I’ll see you soon, I love you.”

  “I love you. I’ll see you soon.” I hang up and pout, putting my phone back in my bag. I stuff it in my locker and get back to work. Regulars come and go over the next couple hours, as I run back and forth to the kitchen, keeping up on my tables and raking in the tips. Kohen stops in and as I’m filling his drink, making small talk about Leila, the bell on the door dings. I turn to see who came in and freeze at the sight of Laurel and Bryce standing by the door. They spot me and walk forward, smiles playing on their lips. When they reach me, Laurel reaches out and grips me in a hug. I draw back, eyes wide, still in shock at their presence.

  “Aayla, darling. How are you?” Laurel smiles and kisses my cheek.

  “I’m…good. How, uh, how’d you know I was here?” I ask curiously.

  “Oh, posh. Your friend Leila mentioned it when I ran into her at the supermarket the other day.” She swipes her hand through the air dismissively. Leila? I’m not sure I quite believe that, but I don’t have more time to think about it because Bryce grabs my shoulders and hugs me, just like Laurel.

  “Oh, sweet girl. We had to come see you, talk to you.” He pulls me into a booth and sits down beside me.

  “Yes, sweetie. We just wanted to come tell you that we harbor no bad feelings towards you. We know Brant…was ill.” Laurel sniffs and Bryce goes rigid. I glance around the diner and spot Kohen across the room, staring at us. His lifts his eyebrows at me in question, and I nod my head that I’m all right. He looks away, but every now and then, I catch him watching us suspiciously. I listen to Laurel and Bryce talk for a few more minutes before insisting I have to get back to work. They ask if we can meet for dinner later, and I agree, telling them I’ll meet them in front of China Café at seven. They order lunch to go, then leave, and I’m stuck in place, still reeling from the whole conversation.

  I spend the rest of my shift in a haze, getting three orders wrong and spilling a full tray of drinks before Abby sends me home. I check my phone and notice a missed call and text from Latham.

  Latham: finally back on track, be home late. Love you, baby.

  I smile and tap out a reply.

  Me: can’t wait to see you. xoxo <3

  I sit on the bench outside the diner, breathing in the fresh air until the sun starts to set, then I pick up my bag and start the short walk to China Café. As I round a corner and stop at the crosswalk, I feel something sharp press into my lower back. My body goes straight as I recognize the low, deep voice breathing in my ear.

  “Keep walking, don’t give anything away, and I won’t have to use this knife.” Bryce’s tone sends shivers down my spine. The traffic light turns red, the crosswalk signaling it’s okay for pedestrians to cross. I step off the curb and feel Bryce back off. I see Kohen coming from the other direction, talking on the phone, and I want to throw my hands up and scream at him to help me, but I know I can’t. I shift my eyes behind me to Bryce, who’s walking with his hands in his pockets, a ball cap pulled low over his eyes. I focus back in front of me, locking eyes with Kohen. He flips his hat backward and tells the person he’s talking to hold on, stopping me in the middle of the road.

  “You all right?” he asks, covering the end of his phone with his free hand.

  “Yep. Just grabbing some dinner.” I say in my most convincing tone, flicking my eyes behind me then look back to him, hoping like hell he sees my fear. A cough comes from behind me as Bryce approaches, and I try one last time to send him a signal.

  “I’ll see you later,” I say, then give him a nod and keep walking, because I have no other choice. When I turn to look behind me, Kohen is gone and Bryce is right there at my back again. Suddenly, I’m pushed down an alley and shoved up against the brick wall of a building. Bryce gets right in my face, making me cower.

  “What’d you say to him?” he growls at me.

  “Nothing. I s-swear. Just that I was getting dinner,” I stutter through tears. He punches me in the stomach and I double over in pain as he paces the ground. I don’t understand what’s going on and as I start to speak, a sharp spike of pain explodes in my head before everything goes dark.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  There’s only faint light when I finally open my eyes, and it feels like just another nightmare. I remember feeling movement, like being in a car, but then everything would go black again. I wait for darkness to overtake me again, but a dainty, feminine laugh makes me look up. Laurel is standing in front of me with a nasty scowl on her face. She squats down, so we’re eye level, and wipes a dirty towel over my lip. The sting makes me inhale, drawing a witch-like cackle from her.

  “Awe. What’s the matter, sweetie? Does that hurt?” She pouts, then grins at me, clearly loving that I’m in pain.

  “Laurel, what’s going on? Where am I?” I rasp out, my throat dry and scratchy.

  “So many questions…” She stands up and walks to the corner of the room. I follow her moves, where I see a metal hospital tray full of knives, and I start to hyperventilate. What’s going to happen to me?

  “You killed my son!” she screams at me and storms across the room, backhanding me across the eye. I grunt and cry out, unable to form words. “You killed my baby. He did nothing wrong and you murdered him!” She begins to sob.

  “Did nothing wrong?! He attacked me. He tried to rape me! He was a monster!” I jerk around the chair, hoping the rope will come loose and I can get free. She clutches her stomach, laughing like a madwoman, and returns to the table to pick up a long, slender kitchen knife. It glints off the dim light as she moves it back and forth across her finger, silently promising more pain.

  “He was no monster. You deserved everything you got and more. Whiny little bitch.”

  “Please don’t,” I whisper, more to myself.

  “You’re no woman. A woman takes care of her man. Takes whatever punishment he deems fit when you misbehave.” She scrapes the blade across my cheek, moving over my chin to the other cheek and up my temple. I pull away and she tsks, nicking my eyebrow.

  A small flow of blood runs into my eye line, and I know I’m in very real danger. I search my brain for something, anything, that could help me get out of here alive, but as the seconds tick by, my hope dwindles. I’m not even sure how long I’ve been here. Days? A week? More than a week? Did Kohen find help? I’m guessing not. What about Latham? Oh my God, Latham. Leila.

  “Help!” I scream out to the room. “Help! Latham!”

  “Oooh, Latham! Help, help!” Laurel mocks me with an evil smirk.

  I let out a whimper and earn myself another smack. I feel my lip split open further, a metallic taste on my tongue as the warm trickle of blood fills my mouth.

  “You’re gonna pay for what you did, bitch.” Laurel circles me like a vulture and brings the knife to my neck, pressing with just enough force that my skin opens up the tiniest bit, blood seeping into my t-shirt. Just then, a door opens, and Bryce walks in, looking sick and pallid. She takes something from him and puts it in her pocket, then pushes his chest and slaps him. He winces and holds his arms up in surrender. She calls him pathetic and incompetent, spitting more curses and hateful words at him. He shakes his head and she scoffs in disgust.

  They talk in hushed whispers for a few more minutes, but startle when a loud bang rings through the building, like something exploded.

  “What the fuck was that?” Laurel yelps, as Bryce takes off out the door. I struggle to get my arms loose and tip myself over, breaking the wooden chair as I hit the concrete, wincing when my head cracks the hard floor. The chair splinters, and I roll away from the pile, my arms still tied behind my back. Laurel whips around and charges me just as I get to my feet, knocking me on my back with a grunt. My whole body is sore, and I can’t move much, but I manage to get my foot up far enough to kick Laurel in the chest. She lets out a breathless “Oomph,” and slumps over on the floor. I scramble to my feet and run toward the door when a loud pop stops me. I hit my knees and look back at Laurel, her arms raised in the air
, hands around a gun. Pain shoots up my side, making tears spring to my eyes. I fall back to the floor on my side, hearing Laurel shuffle over, the trigger clicking as she prepares for her final shot. Her faces morphs into Brant’s, and I hear his words from all those months ago coming back to haunt me before my death.

  “I’m gonna kill you, bitch.” She raises her arms and I close my eyes, thinking of Latham, remembering his face, his tenderness, his words.

  You are my favorite place. I love you, baby.

  Peace washes over me, and I think I’m already dead when I hear the voice I never thought I’d hear again.

  “Drop the gun!” Latham yells from the doorway, and my head rolls weakly toward the sound, eyes squinting to see him better. He’s standing there, in all his six-foot-three-inches of outstanding masculine glory. He steps slowly into the room with Kohen at his back, both raising guns at Laurel.

  “I said, drop the fucking gun.” He glances at me, and I try to smile at him, but the pain is too much. He looks back at Laurel and then everything happens in a blur. She drops her arm only to raise it again, diverting to me at the last second as another shot rings out. Pain hits me in the hip and I scream out as scorching heat overtakes my body. One more gunshot rings through the small room before I’m lifted into warm, strong arms. My hands fall free from behind my back and Latham cradles me to his chest.

  “Aayla. Baby, open your eyes. Look at me,” his pained voice calls to me. I flop my head over to look at him, eyelids drooping as numbness caresses my body.

  “You came,” I whisper, and cough.

  “Of course I did. I’m not giving you up.” His smile warms me from the inside.

  Gurgling blood and choking on it, I feel it spill from my lips as I try talking again.

  “You…are my favorite…p-place.” I rest my cheek against his warm chest and close my eyes, soaking in his smell.


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