In a Heartbeat (Lifetime Book 2)

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In a Heartbeat (Lifetime Book 2) Page 16

by Ariadne Wayne

  “Vanessa …”

  Chapter 21

  I woke with a smile for the first time in what seemed to be an age. Connor had slipped into old habits and had started his morning early, between my legs. I was pretty sure he would have a smile on his face when he emerged too.

  He made a sort of moaning-sighing sound as I dropped my hand to his head and ran my fingers through his hair.

  “I missed you.” His voice was muffled as he kissed my thigh, and I let out a contented sigh to accompany his.

  “I can tell.”

  Connor crawled up my body until he was pressed against me and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. “Did you know Liam called me about you?”

  Talk about a mood-killer.

  “What on earth for? How did he get your number?”

  Connor chuckled, waggling his eyebrows and dipping his head to my neck. “Got it from Matt’s phone when he wasn’t looking.”

  His lips taking soft bites of my skin left me gasping, but didn’t distract me completely. “What would he have to say about me?”

  Connor stopped and rolled to my side, pulling me with him. His expression didn’t change, he still had that soppy look about him. “He told me I needed my head read for letting you go. I explained that you’d been the one to call it off, but he was very insistent that I should get back in touch with you.”

  “Clearly you didn’t listen to him.” Liam’s actions touched me. I hadn’t counted him among my friends since I’d left home, but maybe he was after all.

  Connor reached up and stroked my hair. “I did. I picked up my phone to call you and then chickened out. The last thing I wanted to do was push you, especially when coddling you backfired before.” He kissed my nose. “You’re so independent, Vanessa—fiercely so. I should have understood. I know you better than that.”

  “Was this before or after you invited someone else to your sister’s wedding?” I knew the answer, just wanted to throw something back at him for disrupting sexy time with Liam speak.

  He laughed and kissed me, and I surrendered as I rolled onto my back with him on top, his hand running the length of my arm until he linked fingers with mine. “It’s you I love. I already explained the rest. Stop asking questions.”

  “When did you get so bossy?”

  Connor moved off me again, reaching for his wallet on the bedside cabinet.

  “Came prepared for the weekend, then?”

  He shrugged as he pulled out a condom. “There’s room for two. I didn’t think you’d be here this weekend, but just in case …”

  “You thought I’d fall back into bed with you?”

  As he rolled it on, he moved back toward me. I’m not sure what to make of this more confident man.

  “I hoped. Did you want me to have them personalised so you know they’re just for you?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You are much more of a smarty-pants than you were before.”

  “You love it.” He moved back into the position he was in earlier, linking his fingers with mine but this time manoeuvring over the top of me to replicate the move on my other arm. With me pinned to the bed, he kissed me, bedazzling me with those soft, warm lips of his. I moved my hips, aching to have him inside me, needing to make up for the time I’d spent without him.

  “Vanessa,” he groaned, his initial thrusts hitting my thighs and rapidly getting nowhere. Such a beautiful, passionate moment completely ruined again by a fit of giggles from me as I wriggled one arm away from his grasp and guided him to his destination.

  “Welcome home.” I couldn’t help myself, but if Connor noticed he didn’t give any indication once he was inside me. He felt better than anything in the whole history of everything, and now he was secure I lay back and enjoyed us being together again.

  How it should always be.

  WE’D HAD sex and a shower, two of my favourite things.

  “My stomach is rumbling. We need to find breakfast,” I said, pulling my shirt on. That was my third favourite.

  “Sounds good. There’s a McDonald’s down the road. I’ll buy you a Bacon and Egg McMuffin. I know you love them.”

  I pouted. “I think I might need more than that. I’m so hungry.”

  He grinned and leaned over to kiss me. “I’ll buy you the whole combo with the hash brown, then.”

  “That’s better.”

  I pulled my pants on and sat on the bed, leaning my head on his shoulder. “Are we good?”

  “If you’re asking if we’re back together, I think so. I think we got back together twice.”

  Laughing, I slipped my arms around his chest. “Do you want to move back in?”

  He sighed. “Only if you’re ready.”

  “Well, I did have to find someone else to fix the dishwasher. But it was only once.” Dumb, dumb, dumb. I didn’t even think about how those words could go down before they fell out of my big, fat mouth.

  “What is the world coming to? The dishwasher cheating on me.” He laughed, and I squeezed him tight until he pushed on my arms. “It’s okay, Ness. You’ve got me.”

  His words and tone were so gentle, and I gave him one last squeeze before letting go.

  “Let’s go get some breakfast,” I said.

  “You know, if I had three condoms …”

  I slapped his chest in a playful gesture. Connor and I had always been right, had always just fitted together, and now was no different. Maybe we’d been at odds in the past, but this separation had taught us the cost of being apart. Now we were stronger. This man who I’d reunited with was different to the man I’d broken up with. He’d grown more confident, and I not only respected that, I thought it was hot as all hell.

  He had that look in his eye again, that romantic glint, and my stomach protested loudly at being kept waiting, gurgling and breaking the moment.

  “I am going to get my poor, starving girl to Maccas at once.”

  “I love you, Connor.”

  He stood, pulling me to my feet. “I love you too, Vanessa Brown. Never should have been without you.”

  “I’m sure there’s a song lyric in there.”

  Connor kept hold of my hand, pulling me toward the door. I grabbed my bag as we walked past the table.

  “If I was any good with music, I’d write you a song.”

  I grimaced. “Good point. Given our joint musical prowess, anything we created would just sound like mating cats.”

  He opened the door and I followed him through it, looping my arm around his waist as he slipped his around my shoulder. After breakfast, I’d come back, grab my bag and check out. Getting home was even more appealing if Connor was joining me.

  We took a handful of steps and came face to face with Danielle.

  “Connor?” She took in the sight of us together, her jaw dropping in disbelief.

  That goofy man grinned. “Morning, Danielle. Something amazing happened last night. Vanessa and I got back together last night.”

  “How could you?”

  “Told you,” I muttered under my breath.

  “You can shut the hell up,” she squawked.

  Connor’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t speak to her that way.”

  “I thought you were going to spend the weekend with me.” Danielle jabbed her right index finger at his chest, and he took a step back.

  “I’m here for my sister’s wedding. We were crystal clear about what this was.”

  “But I thought …”

  Connor tightened his grip on me. “I’m sorry if you got the wrong idea, Danielle. I never meant to upset you.”

  She frowned.

  “We’re going to McDonald’s for breakfast. You’re welcome to join us, or I can grab you something. After that, I want to get on the road.” My previously calm, quiet Connor spoke quite forcefully. Colour me impressed.

  She nodded, dropping her gaze. “I am hungry.”

  “I call shotgun.” I smiled sweetly.

  If looks could kill I’d be dead about fifty times over. I bore her no malice. Sh
e’d clearly been interested in Connor, while he seemed oblivious to it. I almost felt sorry for her.


  Connor unlocked the car as we walked toward it, and I opened the front passenger door. The car reeked of Danielle’s perfume, and I screwed up my nose at the flowery scent.

  She made a humph sound as she climbed into the back seat, and Connor sat beside me, squeezing my hand as he pulled his door shut.

  This should have been more uncomfortable than it was, but I only had eyes for the man sitting next to me. It still seemed surreal that we were back together.

  My stomach grumbled as we walked in the door to McDonald’s. The queues were short, and I pulled Connor toward them, Danielle following behind.

  “I think we get two Bacon and Egg McMuffin combos?” Connor looked to me for approval, and I nodded eagerly, clutching his arm and leaning into him. “Coffee or hot chocolate?”

  “Hot chocolate of course.” How could he forget that was my favourite? I frowned at him.

  He shrugged. “Thought you might want a coffee for a change. To give you some energy.” He waggled his eyebrows as I shook my head.

  “What would I need energy for?” I poked my tongue out at him. Connor grinned, and I rolled my eyes. “Again?”

  “Always.” He tipped his face toward me for a kiss.

  “Ow.” Something shoved me in the back, and I turned to see Danielle glaring at us.

  “Hurry up.”

  I looked back at the counter. It was our turn.

  “Shit.” I nudged Connor, and that distracted smile of his disappeared as he took a couple of steps forward.

  “Sorry,” I said over my shoulder as he ordered the food. She narrowed her eyes even more. For Connor’s sake, I continued to bite my tongue.

  Leaning into Connor, I bent my head toward him. “I’ll go and find us a table.” Anything to get away from the woman who wanted to stab me.

  Watching Connor, I was reminded of every little thing that I adored about him. His awkwardness sometimes in public, the way he was extra polite to everyone. His gentleness and kindness. His loyalty.

  I knew no matter what, if he was mine again then that was that.

  The big smile on his face was enough to make me happy. That was short-lived, followed by the sinking feeling of doom as a very unhappy Danielle sat at the same table as us. Maybe I did feel a little sorry for her, it wouldn’t have been fun to sit by herself either.

  “At least the weather will be good for the drive home,” Connor said brightly.

  “It’s a nice drive on a good day.” I bit into my McMuffin. After our late night, it tasted like the best thing ever created.

  He laughed. “Remember the first time I brought you down here to meet Mum and Dad? It poured with rain.”

  “We got a flat tyre and you took so long to change it, I thought I was going to grow old. Although at least I got to check your arse out.” I took a long sip of my hot chocolate. The marshmallows were the best part of all.

  “That’s right. I completely forgot.”

  I licked my lips. “I’ll never forget. You told me at least if you got pneumonia, you had a trainee doctor to take care of you.”

  Danielle yawned loudly.

  “Are we keeping you up?” I asked.

  “Just looking forward to going home.” She really was downcast, taking small nips out of her hash brown, her expression so miserable it almost made me want to cry.

  Okay, I did feel sorry for her.

  But I was whole again.

  AFTER BREAKFAST, Connor drove me back to the motel. While Danielle got her things and checked out, I packed the car and readied myself to do the same.

  Connor slid his arms around my waist, pressing his lips to mine.

  “I’ll come over once I drop off Danielle. We’ll work out where to go from there.”

  I nodded. “I don’t know if I like the idea of you being in the car with her for so long.”

  “Do you want to take her back to Auckland?”

  I held my hand over my mouth to stop laughing over that great idea. Knowing my luck, she’d develop the superpower I’d wanted the day before and fry me.

  “I’ll be with you as soon as I can,” he said, brushing his lips over my forehead.

  “That sounds good to me. I might not let you leave again.”

  A broad grin covered his face. “That sounds good to me.”

  Snuggling into his chest, his hands against my back, I didn’t want him to let go, no matter how temporary.

  “I’ll be with you tonight, Ness,” he whispered, as if he’d heard my thoughts.

  “I know. I just feel like I’ve missed this for so long; I don’t want it to stop.”

  “It won’t. You just have to promise me to be careful driving home.”

  I nodded, and he let go as I stepped back.

  While we’d been talking, Danielle had sat in his passenger seat, and glared at me as I waved politely. It was wasted. Nothing could get me down, not even some grumpy girl who hadn’t got what she wanted. Connor and I were back together, and that was all that mattered.

  It was all that ever mattered.

  Chapter 22

  Life returned to normal.

  Connor didn’t leave after the first night, moving his things back in the following weekend.

  We couldn’t get enough of one another. It was like we were making up for lost time, acting like we did when we were first together. The hole in my heart was gone, closed by the love of the only man I should have been with. The one who knew me better than I knew myself.

  There would always be regret for the time we’d spent apart and our actions, but we turned our back on it all and started again, working toward the future we’d dreamed of. Together.

  Two weeks after the wedding, and Will was itching to come around and get to know Connor. It was like the final thing to take care of—introduce my man to the friends who had got me through in his absence.

  The house filled with the aroma of roasting chicken. Connor had taken back his role as chief cook, and while the kitchen was again a pigsty, the scent of the food made up for everything.

  He still fussed over me as he always had, but didn’t smother me, leaving me space to take care of myself. I guess it would have been so easy to slip back into old habits, but he realised, just as I did, that this was our second chance. We already talked things out a lot more. Neither of us wanted to screw it up.

  “They’ll love you,” I said, approaching him from behind and wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “I already love them. They took care of you.” He turned his head, pecking me on the cheek.

  I let go as there was a knock at the door and headed back through the living room. On the other side stood a smiling Will and a very excited Ali, dessert in her hands.

  “I made a cheesecake.”

  “Thank you,” I said, taking it from her as she stepped inside. “That’ll go nicely with dinner.”

  “Smells amazing,” Will said.

  “Come and sit down, and I’ll pop this in the fridge. Connor’s just in the kitchen.”

  I carried the cheesecake through to the kitchen. Connor turned to take a look. “They’re here. Ali made us some dessert.”

  “Awesome. I’ll just finish this and be out in a second.”

  “I’ll just grab some drinks.”

  I slipped the cheesecake onto a shelf and grabbed two beers and two Cokes from the door. Juggling the drinks, I pinched Connor’s bum on the way out.


  “You love it.”

  Truth was, I did love it. I loved being near him, being able to touch him. Having Connor on tap was the next best thing to heaven.

  “Here you go, guys. I brought a variety of drinks.”

  Will grabbed the beer, and I rolled my eyes at him. “Typical.”

  “Ali’s not drinking.” He shrugged. “She has a pretty good excuse though.”

  Ali went white, elbowing Will, her face crossed with anno

  “Shit. Sorry. It’s Vanessa, I thought …”

  “You don’t think,” she muttered.

  I glanced between the two of them, the tension rising as she glared at him and he shrugged it off. “Oh no, don’t tell me …”

  Ali licked her lips nervously. “I’m pregnant.”

  I smiled. A short time ago, that news would have hurt, even though it had nothing to do with me. Seeing them have a child when I associated my own lost pregnancy with so much bad that had happened would have been painful. Now, although it brought up sad feelings, all I could do was be happy for them because I loved them.

  “I’m assuming you think that’s awesome, because I think it’s awesome,” I said.

  Her shoulders slumped and her eyes lit up. “It was a surprise, but we’re happy about it. It wasn’t on the drawing board for a while, but it’s happening.”

  “I’m so pleased for the pair of you.”

  “I was worried about telling you,” she said.

  Setting down the remaining drinks of the table, I reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Everything is good now. Things are back the way they should be, and one day we’ll give it a go.”

  “Hey guys.” Connor stood in the doorway.

  “Will, Ali, this is Connor. Connor, these two have some amazing news to share with us. Looks like we’re celebrating with them.”


  “Ali’s pregnant.” They wouldn’t have noticed, but I saw that flash of sadness in his eyes. Connor smiled widely, walking toward Will with one hand extended.


  “Dinner smells amazing, by the way,” Ali said. “I think I could eat a horse.”

  Connor placed his hand on his heart. “I couldn’t fit a horse in the oven. You’ll have to make do with chicken.”

  She laughed. “I should have known that Vanessa’s boyfriend was as big a smartarse as she is.”

  “They know you well, Ness.” Connor laughed, and I loved hearing it. No more sadness, no more crying—just love and laughter with us. Although without a doubt we’d have a more serious conversation at some point. My first pregnancy might have been by accident, but we’d plan the next one. It was just a matter of when.


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