Roberts, Sarah - His Sugar Baby (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Roberts, Sarah - His Sugar Baby (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 6

by Sarah Roberts

  “Very naughty,” he whispered in her ear, before his teeth nipped at her sensitive lobe.

  While the lingerie was rung up, Michael touched her. The seemingly random touches of her lower back, the lingering of his fingers at her nape, teased her and made her heart race. By the time all of her purchases were made, Winter was trembling. She was certain that she knew how he meant for the afternoon to be culminated. She realized that she was not as reluctant for that as she had thought she would be.

  Outside the store, Michael guided her to a slatted wooden bench and pulled her down beside him to the seat. He took out his wallet and flipped it open to extract a folded bill. He pressed it into her palm, gently closing her fingers over it. Michael raised her fist to his lips and kissed it, then let her go. There was no discernible expression in his ice-blue eyes. “I’m due at a friend’s barbeque. I’ll see you on Wednesday, Winter.”

  He stood up and walked away, disappearing swiftly into the slowly moving crowd. As she gazed after him, her emotions warred and clashed inside her. Her heart still thudded, and her breathing was shallow. She had screwed up her courage, anticipating his suggestion that they return to his house. Instead, he had left her sitting on the bench. Just sitting there. She couldn’t believe it.

  Winter became aware that she was still tightly clutching the bill in her hand. Without looking at it, she knew what it was. She put the hundred dollar bill into her purse and then gathered up all of the bags at her feet. She drew in her breath and let it out slowly. Well, that was an experience. Time to go home.

  When Cathy got back to her apartment, she took all of the shopping bags into her bedroom and dumped them onto the bed. Opening the closet, she scooted all of her clothing to one side. Then she hung the fern-green jersey on a padded hanger in the empty space. She looked at the gown for a long time, a smile tugging at her lips. It was nice to have a beautiful dress again.

  She turned her attention to her other purchases. The stuffed teddy bear she tucked carefully away for one of her visits to see Chloe. Though she saw her daughter every day, sometimes twice, she made it a point to space out presents. It gave both of them something of a boost when she surprised Chloe. The soft wrap, the shoes, and the jewelry that went with the jersey gown she added to the closet, making sure that they were separate from her other possessions. The new lingerie she folded and put away into the dresser drawers that she had emptied for the purpose.

  At last satisfied, Cathy left the bedroom. The new clothing, Winter’s clothing, was completely segregated from her own wardrobe. Just like the money deposited into the separate bank account.

  Chapter Six

  At the sharp rap on his office door, Michael looked up. The door swung open. When his business partner walked in, he grinned and laid down the thick file that he had been studying. “Darryl! I didn’t know that you were back already.” He stood up and walked around the desk to offer his hand.

  “Hey, bro. I got in just an hour ago.” Darryl Harriman grasped Michael’s hand and slapped him on the shoulder with his other. He stood half a head taller than Michael and had the taut, muscular build of a quarterback.

  Michael grinned. As always during business hours, Darryl was attired in a well-fitted suit, shirt and tie. Heavy gold cufflinks adorned his shirt cuffs, and his shoes were polished to a mirror finish. His own style usually ran to business casual. “You look like a pimp.”

  “You look like a houseboat refugee,” countered Darryl affably. It had been an old running joke between them since their college days. They were opposites in so many ways, except for their common drive to succeed. Darryl’s sartorial elegance really stood out in a city that prized a laid-back lifestyle, but it played well with clients on the East Coast and in Europe. “I just wanted to let you know that we’re on target for next month. You want to grab a beer after work?”

  Michael shook his head. He couldn’t stop the flash of smile that crossed his face. He leaned against the front of the desk, his hands curling around the edge on each side. “I’ve made plans but thanks.”

  Darryl raised a heavy black brow, clear interest sparking in his dark-brown eyes. “Plans as in a female type of plans?”

  Michael laughed. “Exactly.”

  “Is she why you were late to the barbeque?”

  “I’ve been seeing someone, yeah.”

  He had not seen or contacted Winter since their shopping trip on Saturday four days ago, so he was feeling keen anticipation about seeing her again that evening. He was not an aficionado of the ballet, but having Winter as his companion would more than compensate. She would be wearing that incredible dress that molded to her delectable body like a glove. He felt himself stirring pleasantly at the thought. Not wanting to give away the direction of his thoughts, he straightened and walked back behind his desk to drop into the chair.

  “This is beginning to sound serious.” Darryl sat down in an armchair across from the desk. The leather squeaked as he shifted to cross one ankle over the opposite knee. He twitched the sharp knife-pleat in the pant leg to his satisfaction before he asked with mild curiosity, “Well, who is she? Anyone I know?”

  “No, you don’t know her. She’s a single mother, very attractive. I enjoy her company.” Michael kept his explanation deliberately brief and vague. He had no intention of explaining to anyone, including his best friend, anything about his relationship with Winter. Some things were best kept to himself. Especially since he had no plans to ever introduce her to his social circle.

  Darryl snorted in derision. “A single mother? I can’t see you spending quality time with a rug rat.”

  “I don’t. I’ve never met the kid. Or kids.” Michael leaned back in his office chair. She has a daughter named Chloe. Young enough to like stuffed teddy bears. He shook off the stray thought.

  “Kid or kids? You don’t even know?”

  “I don’t care about that part of her life.” That wasn’t quite the truth, he thought, vaguely troubled. In actuality, when she had inadvertently revealed that she had at least the one child, he had almost asked her about her home life. But he had bitten back the impulse. As long as their mutually beneficial arrangement was unimpaired, he wasn’t going to take an interest in her personal affairs.

  “You don’t care.” Darryl shook his head. Crossing his arms over his broad chest, he settled deeper into the armchair. “That’s cold, Mike. Even for you.”

  Michael deliberately narrowed his eyes and formed the cold half smile that he had cultivated over the years for business negotiations. “What are you saying? That I’m a heartless bastard?”

  Darryl flashed a grin that was dazzling against his mahogany skin. With a frankness that would have been insulting except for the fact that they had known each other for a long time, he said, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He nodded and pointed his finger. “Cold bastard. But that’s what makes you so good at what you do.”

  Michael laughed, letting go of his narrow-eyed expression. “When you’re right, you’re right.”

  Darryl chuckled, but then he slowly sobered. “Now that you’re seeing this woman, what about Morgan?”

  Michael’s good humor vanished like smoke. Stiffening, he stared across the wide desk at his friend. It was an old discussion, one that he had forcefully made plain he did not want to revisit. It surprised and, yes, irritated the hell out of him that Darryl had brought it up. With deliberate finality, he said, “Morgan and I drifted apart a long time ago.”

  “I know that. I also know you’re going to have to deal with the fallout some day.”

  Michael just looked at him, and his lips tightened. Anger simmered in his gut.

  “Damn, man, you could have been a gunslinger with that icy stare.” After a beat or two, Darryl threw up his hand in mute acknowledgement that he had crossed the line. “I’m just saying. So are you set to go to Singapore?”

  Michael welcomed the change of subject. But he couldn’t contain his annoyed thoughts. What is it with Darryl, anyway? He pushed aside
the maelstrom of strong emotions that always rose up inside of him with reminders of the past. “Yeah. I’m flying out day after tomorrow.”

  Darryl nodded approvingly. “It’ll be good to nail that account.”

  “I’ll bring it home.” Michael pushed the folder that he had been looking at earlier across the desk. “Take a look. I think I’ve got it covered.”

  Darryl leaned forward and picked up the folder. Balancing it on his knee, he flipped through a few pages, skimming them. He began to nod. “The presentation looks good.”

  They briefly discussed the project, Darryl’s recent trip, and a few other business issues before Darryl left the office. Michael glanced at his wristwatch. Two more hours. That incredible dress.

  He smiled.

  * * * *

  The ballet premier was spectacular. Winter was enthralled with the soaring music, the classical pageantry on stage, and the sheer glamour of the event. Michael had said nothing about her spending the night with him, so she had been able to relax into full enjoyment of the production.

  As the performance concluded, she sighed in utter contentment. Winter clapped along with the rest of the appreciative audience. She almost regretted the end of what had turned out to be a perfect evening. It was a rare treat to get out of her lonely apartment and do something like this. She picked up her clutch bag and got to her feet. She was grateful to Michael for bringing her.

  Michael helped her to drape the soft wrap over her bare shoulders. His warm hands rested on her for a moment before lifting away. She slid a glance back at her escort as they left their seats and began to make their way up the aisle with the rest of the audience. Michael had worn a black tux and white shirt that fit well across his broad shoulders and complemented his dark tan. He looked spectacular. Winter had seen more than one woman take notice of him. She had forgotten what it was like to be in the company of a solicitous, good-looking man.

  The animated buzz of conversation around them barely registered outside her reflections. Michael had been the perfect gentleman throughout the evening. During the intermission, they had exchanged polite chitchat about the performance, and Michael had mentioned that he was going out of town for several days. “I have a new client that I am hoping to interest in our encryption software.”

  “I hope your trip is successful.”

  He had leaned closer, a gleam in his pale eyes. “Have I told you yet that you look beautiful tonight?”

  “I believe that you mentioned it once or twice,” she replied demurely. He had laughed, and as the lights dimmed with the end of the intermission, he had reached over to lace his fingers with hers.

  At the memory, a smile touched her face. She had liked the ordinary give-and-take between them. With Michael, she didn’t have to be the strong, invincible woman that she pretended to be when she was with everyone else. For a time, she could be just a woman enjoying the company of an attractive and attentive man.

  As she and Michael were making their way down the gallery toward the broad stairs, a bottleneck formed and the crowd slowed and eddied to a stop. The crowd was densely packed, and the lighting was dim. Winter waited patiently with Michael standing close behind her.

  His palm smoothed warmly down her backside.

  Winter jumped, exclaiming under her breath. Embarrassment fizzed through her veins. She darted a quick glance around, but no one seemed to have noticed. She felt his hand start its way down again. But this time his fingers lingered, tracing the line of the thong she wearing from side to side. Then, lazily, one finger followed the thong down between her buttocks.

  She started forward a half step, but he caught her arm and pulled her back against him. He gently folded her arm behind her and held her wrist pressed to her lower back. It would appear to anyone who glanced their way that they were holding hands. Effectively holding her captive, he used his free hand to trace and tease the hollow of her buttocks. Then he palmed and kneaded and firmly squeezed one butt cheek.

  Winter’s breasts rose and fell with her quickening breath. She was glad for the dim lighting, knowing that she was blushing. She struggled to keep her expression neutral, not wanting anyone to guess what he was doing. Warmth began to suffuse her body. His breath ruffled the curls at her nape, and she realized that he had stepped closer to her. The corner of his jacket brushed her hip.

  His fingers tightened around her wrist as he moved her hand. She felt the satin texture of his tux pants against her fingertips, then the hard bulge that filled the shallow of her palm. She jerked her arm, but he would not have it. He leisurely stroked her imprisoned open hand firmly against him, up and down, up… Winter swallowed, feeling vividly every slide of him against her taut palm. Under her hand, his length grew and became more rigid. Michael’s free hand slowly massaged her butt in sensuous circles. Ribbons of heat began coiling low in her belly.

  Winter bit her bottom lip. Her heart pounded erratically. Heat flushed her face and neck, spreading lower into her décolletage. She was stunned by the impact of Michael’s teasing play. She was actually getting turned on by what he was doing to her there in the crowded hallway. His long fingers suddenly slid under the curve of her ass, lightly caressing her intimately through the thin jersey. A frisson of pleasure shuddered through her. She swayed back against his chest.

  “The crowd seems to be moving finally. Shall we go?” His voice was husky in her ear, but otherwise he sounded perfectly normal. Winter swallowed. She didn’t feel normal. Her heart was beating fast while her breath fluttered under her ribs. She did not trust her own voice, so she just nodded.

  He freed her wrist and stepped round to her side to politely encase her elbow in the warmth of his cupped hand. Winter was glad of his support. Her legs felt wobbly. They slowly descended the stairs along with the rest of the crowd. They didn’t speak as they emerged out into the night, both too aware of the sexual tension that was arcing between them.

  When they reached his Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet, Michael unlocked and opened the passenger door for her. His hand brushed her back as she slid in. Sparks of electricity shot through her where he touched her, and she shivered.

  He shut the door and went around to get in on the other side. He started the engine. Then he glanced over at her, his expression enigmatic in the light from the dash. “It’s a beautiful night. Do you mind if I put the top down?”

  “All right.” She watched as he pressed a button in the center console. With a faint whirring, the hood opened and folded down into a concertina onto the back. Michael swung the Porsche out of the emptying parking lot and onto the darkened streets.

  The warm wind rushed over her, tugging at her hair and stirring the silky skirt of her gown. Winter let the wrap slide off her shoulders, baring her arms to the breeze. She was acutely aware of the man sitting beside her. She cast a quick sideways glance at him through her lashes. A lock of dark hair tossed across his forehead. The garish streetlights cast flickering shadows over the hard planes of his features, leaving his expression unreadable. His mouth was set in a firm line. The gleaming white shirt molded to his chest. His virility heightened her senses.

  Michael rested a flat wrist on top of the steering wheel while he firmly guided the car with his other hand. She stared at his hands, particularly at his long tapering fingers, and remembered what they could do to her body in the dark on tumbled sheets.

  She breathed in his familiar scent, a heady mix of male and spicy cologne, and desire slammed into her. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Anticipation hummed through her. There was crystal certainty in her mind that they would end up at his house.

  They had left the city behind to cruise along a two-lane dark highway. Just when she began to wonder where they were going, she saw the muted softened lights of the metropolis spread out below them. The night was clear and the view spectacular. The deep shadows of rolling hills framed the shimmering, blue-white lights of downtown Austin.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful.”

  Michael pulled the Por
sche over into the entrance of an unlighted parking lot, letting the powerful engine idle. He half-turned toward her. “This is Scenic Overlook. Do you want to get out?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Michael turned off the engine and set the brake. He got out then came round the car and helped her out. He shut the low car door behind her, but he didn’t step away. He slipped his arms around her, his hands lightly sliding along her spine and curving lower to clasp her buttocks.

  Winter flattened her hands against his chest. She tilted her head, looking up at him uncertainly. “Michael?”

  “It turned you on, didn’t it?” he whispered. “When I was doing this with all of those people standing around us?” A hard hand squeezed the underside of her ass cheek while the other sensuously traced the line of her thong through her dress.

  Her body instantly reacted. Heat pooled in her belly. She flushed with embarrassment. What was wrong with her that he could so easily arouse her? She pushed hard against his unyielding chest. “Stop it!”

  “You didn’t tell me to stop then, Winter. You liked it. I felt you shivering.”

  “I… all right, yes! It was turning me on.” There was no point in denying it when he had read her reaction so well. She would never admit it to him, but he was doing a good job of turning her on right then. “Are you satisfied now?”

  He gave a low laugh. “Hardly.” His hands continued their erotic play. He glanced into the dark night. “A car could come along any second and catch us in the headlights,” he remarked casually.


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