Last Day of My Life

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Last Day of My Life Page 18

by Lani Lynn Vale

  I wasn’t even going to touch that one, and by the look on Sam’s face, he wasn’t either. “Does Winter want to go?”

  Cheyenne turned her gaze away from James sprawled form and turned to me. “We convinced her she would enjoy it. Really, I think she just needs to get drunk and forget.”

  Forgetting did sound good, but I wouldn’t be imbibing until all of this shit was figured out. “Alright, let’s go.”


  “What the hell is that sound? And why does everyone keep laughing every time it goes off?” Winter asked me.

  I smiled at her. “I’ll tell you after you go to the bathroom.”

  I relinquished her to the girls, and headed to the bar.

  “Root beer.” I said to the bartender.

  He didn’t blink an eye at my request. Most people that ordered the non-alcoholic drinks were the designated drivers. Which meant less work for him later on.

  An hour and a half and three root beers later, I was scanning the crowd when I heard Gabe’s surprised voice.

  “Holy shit.”

  I turned and spewed my root bear in the direction he was looking, starting in surprise at what I saw. My feet were moving before my mind even caught up, heading for Winter before she fell or worse.

  Dancing to Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy, Winter was in her element. Only she happened to be on top of the bar-high table with a shot glass in her hand. Her hair was a wild mess of red tangles flowing all around her.

  Her shirt was pulled up, baring the creamy smooth skin of her stomach, as well as a peek of the tattoo on her side. Her jeans were low riders that would be lucky not to show her ass crack if she bent over. Which she was now doing, since she was ‘dropping it down low’ at Cheyenne’s request.

  Reaching up, I grabbed her around the waist and hauled her down, letting the length of her body slide sensually against mine, all the way until her feet hit the floor. “Jackopa! Just the man I wanted to see!” She screamed and threw her arms around my neck.

  “I have to pee!” She yelled, then went off in the direction of the bathroom.

  I followed closely behind smiling like a lovesick fool, and waited in line with her until it was her turn. She spent three minutes in there before emerging with a small smile on her lips.

  I grinned at her, then pulled her into the men’s room to show her what I was talking about earlier.

  A few men gave me odd looks, but continued their business as I pulled Winter to the wall that showed the nearly naked woman with a hanging cloth covering the breasts. “Hey! We have one of these in the girl’s restroom, too! Except ours is a ripped guy with a piece of cloth covering his dick area instead.”

  I laughed, but showed Winter what all the laughter was about each time the bell rang. Lifting my hand, I pulled up the cloth covering the woman’s breast, and a loud dinging sounded throughout the bar, followed, shortly, by rowdy laughter.

  Winter’s face went into a comical “O” shape, and then she erupted into laughter herself. “How funny!” Then her eyes went wide. “I didn’t look at mine! I swear!

  I laughed at her. “I know, otherwise we would’ve heard the same ding.”

  I held her hand as we exited the men’s room, and led her to the table where the girls finally sat to have a breather. Blaine’s hair was a tangled mess, cheeks pink, and she was fidgeting in her chair. Elliott was disheveled as well, and judging by the satisfied look on his face, sex was probably the reason for it.

  We’d just made it to the outskirts of the table to hear Sam telling the group about his daughter.

  “So Pru hugged me the other day, and as soon as she got her hands around my neck she says ‘I’m gonna cut your head off.’” Sam yelled over the din of the bar.

  The table was silent after they digested that juicy bit of information. That is, until Winter decided to enter the conversation.

  “Holy shit! That kid’s gonna be a badass like you!” She said gleefully.

  Everybody laughed nervously at first, but then it turned into genuine affection for the little girl. Sam’s twins were terrors, and hell on wheels to boot.

  “Janie and I were watching The Hulk on Netflix last week when she said ‘Hulk Smash’ and slammed her fists into both balls with perfect precision. I swear to God I was seeing double for a fucking hour.” James recounted, eyes pained as he remembered the incident.

  Laughter filled the air, and everyone continued telling stories of their kids. I felt a pang of resentment fill me as I thought about what would be my six-year-old child. She’d be a year older than Janie right now, and that was a punch to the gut.

  I didn’t want to think about it in the least.

  Thankfully, a distraction in whore’s clothing showed scant seconds later.

  “Hoe alert. Five o’clock.” Blaine bellowed and pointed.

  “That would be eight o’clock, dear.” Elliott corrected and then laughed.

  Blaine extended her middle finger, then the other for good measure.

  “Hey! Isn’t that Gina and Amanda, the ones that practically ran us over in the parking lot at the grocery store?” Winter asked.

  “Yep.” Ember said, popping the ‘p’ with a smack.

  I’d heard about the incident about two minutes after it had happened. Luke had called the shop to tell Sam of the latest developments regarding his wife and I’d been lucky enough to answer the phone.

  “Laura’s with them, too. Jesus, what the hell are they wearing?” Payton asked with a slight slur to her voice.

  They weren’t wearing much that was for sure. All three women had on tube tops and short skirts that were barely long enough to cover the essentials. All three of them had their hair teased to electrocution levels, and so much makeup on that they looked like clowns ready for a night on the town.

  “Can I get y’all any refills?” The young server asked the group.

  He looked all of fifteen, and I knew as soon as I saw him that he was about to get it. He was dressed in pants that probably cut the circulation off to his dick, a pearl snap shirt, and a cowboy hat that looked way too big for his head. The women had evil gleams in their eyes as they studied the young boy. Of course, he didn’t know that by that one innocent question, he left an opening for the ladies to embarrass the shit out of him.

  I snuck my arm around Winter’s mouth to stop her from saying anything, but the others hadn’t done the same.

  “How about a cock sucking cowboy?”

  “Sex on my face, please.”

  “Mountain Dew Me.”

  The last was said by Elliott, and all was lost after that. Winter’s face was buried in my chest and I had my face buried in her hair, smelling the fruity shampoo she used with every inhale. Cheyenne had collapsed and had her top half buried in Sam’s lap, who, of course, couldn’t resist putting his hand on top of her head and running his fingers through her hair.

  The waiter made a quick disappearance after that, probably to go pass out in the bathroom from embarrassment.

  “That’s just disgusting. Can’t you take that home?” A condescending voice said.

  I’d seen her coming, but I’d hoped that she wouldn’t be stupid enough to come over here. It always went bad when we ran into them. The girls didn’t know how to hold their mouths and the men never made any move to stop them. Siding with the titty triplets wouldn’t bode well with their sex life.

  “Don’t you have better things to do? Like the rest of the men in the bar that don’t belong to us?” Ember sneered.

  “Are you calling us sluts?” Amanda said as she shoved her way in close.

  James’ arm came up and stopped her from getting any closer to Winter and I was grateful. I knew Winter could hold her own, but that didn’t mean I wanted that bitch to get close to her.

  “I’m not saying you’re a slut. I’m just surprised Facebook hasn’t made your vagina a place to ‘check in’ yet.” Ember emphasized.

  Boisterous laughter proceeded her comment. The tables surrounding ours were now full
y entrenched in the unfolding confrontation, just waiting to see what happened.

  “At least we don’t have sex in public. I know that was you, Winter. That screams more slut to me than anything.” Laura added in her two cents.

  “We were in a closed stall!” Winter said before throwing her hand over her mouth at her little slip.

  I just shook my head. Embarrassment wasn’t even in the cards for me. “Listen, Laura. I love this woman like crazy, if I want to fuck her in a dressing room, I sure as fuck can. That’s my right as her man, and it’s none of your business what we do.”

  Winter snickered from beside me, and the young man who took the drink orders earlier made an appearance. Surprisingly, he had each drink order correct, and then set them down in front of the women.

  “Anything else I can get you ladies?” He said with a pink tint to his cheeks.

  “No, darlin’,” Blaine said sweetly. “You met our needs.”

  Then that one country song that even the smallest of toddlers could recite from memory came on, and everyone’s attention was averted to the lyrics. Achy Breaky Heart. Yay.

  The women came out of their chairs as if they were stuck with live wires, and squealed in delight. They flowed to the dance floor in delight, and joined the line dance. They were stomping and pounding their feet, laughing their drunken asses off.

  “What do you even see in them?” Amanda asked in disgust.

  “Listen. We’re not into women who’ve shared their pussies with every man south of the Mason Dixon Line. Those women over there are so far beyond your league that you’ll never have the chance of catching them. We’re not interested. You three will never be good enough for more than a quick fuck, and only by the most desperate of men. Go find some other poor fool who doesn’t mind that your vagina’s been used and abused.” Max said with repulsion apparent in his voice.

  Elliott choked on his beer as the three women stared at Max in shock. Fuck, we were all quite shocked that the happiest of the bunch, the one that was least likely to get mad over any of us, just said something so vulgar to a lady. Hell, I’d seen him annoyed, but this was the first time I’d seen him say something vulgar to a lady. Even if they were hoes.

  They stormed off like only pissed off women could and we all stared at Max.

  “What?” Max finally asked.

  “Nothing. It’s just that we didn’t know you had it in you.” James said slowly.

  He grunted. “I’m tired of their shit. It’s old,” He said, taking the last slug of his beer. “Now, I have a woman that I’m ready to fuck. We’ve got a babysitter for the night, and I haven’t had anything but quiet sex in a long time. It’s time to make my woman scream.”

  By the time we pulled into Free, I was worried that Winter might pass out. Half the ride home I had my arm around her to make sure she didn’t fall asleep. The other half I kept pinching her thigh to make sure she stayed awake.

  Note to self: Letting your wife ride home on a motorcycle after drinking the night away was not a good idea.



  Moaning woke me from my sleep. Small groans and sounds of pleasure filled the room as I opened my eyes to the bright sun spilling in through the windows.

  Coming up on an elbow, I looked over at Jack.

  Both of his arms were thrown up over his head. His hair was a scattered mess, and not a single piece was angled in the same direction. His leg was cocked to the side, consequently pulling the sheet covering him down. He had only a small corner of the sheet covering his thighs, and nothing else.

  Which gave me a perfect view of his straining erection pointing at the ceiling. His cock pulsed with each beat of his heart, bouncing ever so softly with each pump. The fuzzy globes of his balls hung low between his splayed thighs, and I itched to suck them into my mouth.

  Heat pooled in my lower body and I wondered what he’d do if he woke up to me sucking him.

  Deciding that I wouldn’t know until I found out, I threw the comforter off the side of the bed and carefully crawled over to him; trying my hardest not to wake him yet.

  Once I was in arms reach of his straining length, I bent down and ran my tongue up the length of his rigid length. His moan was the only encouragement I needed.

  Crawling over his body so my body was over his in the classic 69 position, I bent my mouth down to his cock and took him into my mouth. Swallowing him down until I nearly gagged.

  I worked my throat muscles in tandem with each plunge, and it wasn’t long before he started thrusting up, meeting me half way.

  A growl sounded from behind me and strong hands ran up my thighs, from knee to crotch. “Greatest view a man could ever wake up to,” Jack avowed in his sleep-roughened voice, right before he latched on to my clit.

  Two large fingers buried themselves deeply into my drenched channel, and I screamed around his cock.

  With renewed vigor, I sucked his length hard, plunging my mouth up and down his length in tandem with each thrust of his fingers. My hand that wasn’t wrapped around his dick, cupped his balls gently, squeezing them just hard enough to feel the vibration of his moan against my core.

  My tongue lathed and swirled the head of his cock like a lollipop, poking my tongue into the weeping hole with every rotation.

  The closer and closer I got to my orgasm, the harder I worked him. Jack wasn’t a slouch either. His two fingers turned to three, and his tongue flicked feverously over my clit.

  My eyes roamed from the angry flushed cock, to the balls that were in my hand, and then further down to his perineum. I’d never stimulated his prostate, but it didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about it.

  Although, he’d probably toss me off the bed if anything came close to his asshole.

  Jack’s fingers suddenly hooked inside of me and rubbed over a tremendously sensitive spot inside of me, and I came.


  “Fuck,” I garbled around Jack’s dick.

  The added vibrations of my voice set him off, and spurt after spurt of hot, ropey come shot into my mouth.

  I swallowed furiously, trying to keep up with him, but some spilled out onto his balls.

  Not wanting to waste any, after the last spurt of his saltiness left him, I let his cock fall from my mouth. It landed with a wet, meaty splat against his strong thigh, and I wasted no time in licking the remnants of his release off his twin globes.

  “Fuck,” Jack panted once I finished.

  I crawled off his lap and snuggled in close to his side.

  His arm wrapped around me and pulled me into his body.

  “You can wake me up like that anytime.” He stated to the ceiling.

  I laughed quietly and buried my cold toes between his calves. “It was all you, big boy. If your cock hadn’t been straining towards the ceiling, I would’ve never done it.”

  He laughed and wrapped his fingers around my wrist as I tried to shove my cold hand between his thighs, too.

  His laughter died as his hands came in contact with the scar, and I sighed. Scrounging up the courage, I decided to tell him what happened. “I was so fucking lost. I didn’t know what to do. They released me from the hospital and I had nowhere to go. I walked for a few hours and I just didn’t know what the hell to do. No one knew who I was, I didn’t know who I was, and then I started thinking, ‘What the hell am I even bothering for?’ So, I used the twenty that the nurse taking care of me sent me home with and bought a motel room for the night.”

  My throat clogged at the memory, but I pushed it away, hard, with everything I had and continued. “I cut myself with a razor blade I borrowed from the front desk. Both wrists. A vertical line that ran horizontal with the artery in each wrist. Only, I didn’t go deep enough. I thought to only get it started with a light cut, and then once I had them both done, I would go deeper. Once they were both cut, a feeling of utter wrongness and despair hit me. I knew that if I died at that moment, I was going to be doing something that was so beyond wrong that I would never atone. O
nly, I wasn’t thinking about God. I was thinking about someone that I loved with my whole being, someone that would be devastated if I left. So, I stopped the bleeding with the hotel sheet and some masking tape, and I set out to get some help.”

  Jack’s breathing sped up, and his heart was pounding underneath my cheek. He didn’t say a word though. Only picked up my wrist and brought it up to his lips. Kissing the long line of scar tissue, softly, before dropping my hand back to his chest and covering it with his own.

  We laid like that for another ten minutes before his cell phone alarm started going off.

  “When do you have to leave?” I asked.

  “In a couple of hours. I want to check my emails and the computer hits before I leave.” He said as he pushed his way up from the bed.

  I flopped down in his spot and buried my nose in his pillow.

  It smelled of him. Men’s body wash, plus the faint smell of grease.

  A bottle hit me in the ass and the sound of pills hitting plastic rent the air. It was followed shortly by my birth control pills. Which hit me in the ass, too.

  “Don’t forget your antibiotics.” He said, before turning on the shower.

  I grimaced. I hated the damn pills. They reminded me of horse pills. They were so big that I had to chew them instead of swallowing them whole.

  Chewing quickly, I reached for the glass of water that Jack always kept at the bedside and washed it down with a gulp. It was followed up by the little pink pill. It was getting to the point that I needed to find a doctor to prescribe me a refill.

  Making a mental note to ask one of the ladies to recommend a doctor, I got dressed carefully, avoiding putting any pressure on my leg as much as possible.

  Who knew that getting stabbed in fat would hurt so much?

  “Will you make me a sandwich?” Jack yelled over the sound of the shower.

  Rolling my eyes, I went to the kitchen and did, indeed, make him a sandwich. In fact, I made him two.

  I even managed not to feed Kodiak half the container of lunch meat like I usually did.

  Chapter 15

  Knowing what you cannot do is more important than knowing what you can.


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