The Zondon: Terrorists and Aliens (an International Suspense Thriller)

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The Zondon: Terrorists and Aliens (an International Suspense Thriller) Page 33

by RobCharters

  Gleamon (Zondon) -- A species of intelligent creatures that used to inhabit earth, succumbed to the dark knowledge. They were destroyed when a meteorite struck the earth.

  Gloreen (Zondon) -- A small group of the Glaat that did not succumb to the dark knowledge.

  gringo (Spanish) -- Spanish for farang, or a North American.

  grot fruit (Zondon) -- A kind of fruit that grows in the denser regions of the planet Zuz, considered a delicacy by Zondon living in the less dense regions.

  Ha Kotel (Hebrew) -- The Wailing Wall, or the Western wall, the only remaining portion of the ancient Temple of Jerusalem, destroyed in 70 c.e. It has become a major worship centre in Judaism.

  Ha Moshiach (Hebrew) -- Correct Hebrew for the Messiah.

  Ha Shem (Hebrew) -- Literally, The Name. A word used to reverently avoid pronouncing the actual Name when referring to Deity. The same reason behind replacing the letter 'o' with a hyphen when writing out 'G-d'.

  halachah (Hebrew) -- A precedent or decision made by a rabbinical council regarding a point of Jewish law.

  Halal (Arabic) -- Conforming to Islamic dietary requirements. The Islamic equivalent of kosher.

  Hungry Donut -- A totally fictional coffee shop described in our book. The name isn't copyright, so any of my readers is welcome to start it up. If it is located on Henri Dunant Street, Bangkok, and carries the menu described in our book, the author may consent to a book signing on the premises, and, depending on the quality of the fare, this definition may be replaced in later editions with a blurb extolling the excellence of your service and cuisine.

  hyperspace (factual science) -- In quantum mechanics, one of the explanations offered for the contradiction between how light acts as a wave or as a particle (a photon), is David Bohm's theory of Hyperspace. This theory states that in addition to the three dimensions of physical space, which places some objects in our universe so far apart as to prohibit them ever meeting, there's a fourth dimension, one characterised by co-ordinates and vectors. Things happen in this dimension that can affect objects no matter how far apart they are, thus, countervening the speed of light. In our narrative, I've added some 'fictional science', in which each atom has access to hyperspace through a hole in the nucleus. See also, zoetron, probability factor. For the most readable explanation of Quantum Mechanics I've found yet, read Ronald C. Pine's Quantum Physics and Reality, at

  jihad (Arabic) -- Most commonly translated 'Holy war', although not every Muslim agrees that that is the correct definition. It's full meaning is the striving for Allah's will in the world, or to the quest for a better way of life, or the fight to defend one's life, property, freedom and religion.

  Kabbala (Hebrew) -- A Jewish mystical doctrine, and a system of finding out the secrets of nature and of the universe. Often dismissed as entirely occult, in actuality it can be classed under four headings:

  1. The literal Kabbala, which deals with the numerical value of Hebrew letters and hidden words. The reference in the Biblical book of Revelation to the 'mark of the Beast', or the number of the name of the antichrist being 666, would be classified as Kabbala under this heading. The popular book, The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin which brought out hidden words and dates in the Bible that allegedly predicted various recent events, would also fall under this category. The fact that if one counts forty letters following the first occurrence of the letter Yod in each of the first five books of the Bible, and forty letters again, and so on, one will find the four letters spelling the Divine Name. The book of Esther, though it never mentions G-d, has the Name encoded at various turning points in the narrative. All that would fall under the category of 'literal Kabbala', not occult, but simply another way to look for meaning in the Bible.

  2. The dogmatic Kabbala. That is a body of knowledge and thought that has been recorded in various volumes and compendiums, such as the Zohar and others, resulting from deep study of Kabbala under the other three headings by various sages. In our book, the paragraph at the end of the second part of Zizz's story (chapter 45) which describes three lights in one, is actually a paraphrase from Zohar vol.III.(vs.77 ff). For the most part, though, most people may find it too deep, speculative and mind cluttering for practical use. I, for one, don't intend to study it any deeper than I have already. Even the rabbis say one should not study the Zohar unless one has married, has reached the age of 40 and is thoroughly well versed in the Torah and the Talmud. Otherwise, it could drive one crazy. Masons, Wiccans and other types of magicians aren't so cautious.

  3. The practical Kabbala, which deals with talismans and ceremonial magic, and is therefore occult.

  4. The unwritten Kabbala, which is so secret that those who have been initiated into it aren't even allowed to tell you whether they're in it or not (I can tell you -- I'm not). Being that it's so secret, I suppose it would be reasonable to assume it's occult as well, but don't quote me.

  kena sai (Singlish) -- A happy marriage of Malay and Chinese meaning to get into trouble (maybe not so happy?) -- as in: 'He didn't do his homework, so kena sai from the teacher.'

  klong (Thai) -- A canal, such as are common in Bangkok.

  knosa-negative particle (fictional science) -- A particle similar to a zoetron (see zoetron), which causes a force field obstructive of certain types of sub atomic activity. Usually caused by negative forces in the human psyche.

  l'chaim (Hebrew) -- Literally, 'To life!'. Used in Jewish toasts, in the same way as 'cheers', 'skoal', or 'mud in your eye'. Made famous by the film Fiddler on the Roof.

  loungi (Burmese) -- A sarong worn by both men and women in Myanmar as a part of the national costume.

  makan (Singlish) -- Malay for 'meal' or 'to eat'.

  mat salleh (Singlish) -- A phrase used to describe Caucasians, with a slight pejorative overtone. Some have suggested that it is a deliberate mispronunciation of "mad sailor". This conjecture cannot be confirmed, despite its obvious appeal.

  meefa vision (fictional science) -- ability to see various rays, generally classed as 'meefa rays' that pass through atomic structure, thus enabling one to see through objects when those rays are present.

  minyan (Hebrew) -- The quorum of ten Jewish men needed to make up a legitimate congregation so that a synagogue service can begin.

  Mitzvah, Mitzvot (plural): (Hebrew) -- A commandment from the Torah, or Jewish Law.

  mujahideen (Arabic) -- Literally, holy warriors. The united Islamic freedom movement in Afghanistan that fought the Soviets and has been a major player in the struggles for power ever since.

  mu-force (fictional science) -- an energy force capable of temporarily decreasing the probability factor in atoms, which, in turn, enables access to hyperspace by zoetrons (see zoetrons). Promotes rapid healing.

  omain (Hebrew) -- Actual Hebrew pronunciation of the word amen, meaning, 'so be it'. The word used to punctuate prayers, blessings and proclamations.

  one (Singlish) -- Singlish usage used in descriptions. It is treated as a pronoun, placed after the adjective, similar to standard English., as in, The green one; except that the adjective phrase can also include the noun that it is describing, as in, Ah! You naughty boy one today, leh?

  pil pul (Hebrew) -- A rabbinical style of arguing back and forth referring to scripture and various halachah.

  probability factor (factual science) -- In quantum mechanics, it has been observed that the actual location of any moving particle in an atom at any point in time can never be accurately predicted, only the probability that it will be at that location. The mathematical formula that ought to work in normal physics, does give an accurate prediction, but it's equal to the probable location. It's rather like accurately aiming a gun at a target so that the bullet will certainly hit the bull's eye, except that it's firing a shot gun cartridge rather than bullets. The number of shot that actually hit the bull's eye, out of all the shot released from the shell, would be an example of how the probability factor works. That's actual
quantum mechanics -- the factual science. My fictional science application is to say that the probability factor can fluctuate, particularly in life bearing DNA, which enables the inclusion of zoetrons in their structure of their individual atoms (see zoetron). The lower the probability factor (or, in our example, the wider the area hit by the shot from the shot gun cartridge), the more accessible the hyperspace hole (see hyperspace) at the centre of the atom's nucleus will be, and thus accessible to the zoetron. To get the full picture, see also, zoetron and hyperspace. For the most readable explanation of Quantum Mechanics I've found yet, read Ronald C. Pine's Quantum Physics and Reality, at

  Protocols of the Elders of Zion (book title) -- A document that the perpetrators claimed was the minutes to a meeting of top level Jews during the first Zionist conference in Basle Switzerland in 1897. In it were what appeared to be plans of how to gain control of various institutions, such as education and media, corrupt the youth and ultimately gain world domination. The document was used by the Tsars to justify the pogroms in Russia against the Jewish community. On closer study, it's more likely that the powers-that-were of Tsarist Russia produced the document for their own purposes, plagiarising an earlier document that blamed Napoleon II for all the aforesaid atrocities.

  Rebbe (Hebrew) -- Title of a highly revered leader of a Jewish religious community, especially in Chassidic Judaism, respected for his sage wisdom and wise leadership.

  saht saht boh chioh (Singlish) -- The ultimate in coolness or grooviness - literally: so cool that there is no smile. Springs from those 'cool' types you see in magazine ads who always look frosty, grouchy or dazed. Saht just by itself means 'cool', or 'groovy', as in: 'You got tickets to the sold out concert? How come you so saht one?'

  Shema (Hebrew) -- The declaration found in the Bible portion of Deuteronomy 6:4 beginning with that word (Shema Yisrael... or Hear Oh Israel...). One of the most reverent declarations in Judaism, said three times a day during prayers by observant Jews.

  siow ting tong(Singlish) -- Onomatopoeic Hokkien term for a dumbbell or crazy person -- as in: 'Why you go and put the cat in the microwave? Siao ting tong!'

  soi (Thai) -- A small lane leading off from a larger street.

  Torah (Hebrew) -- The first five books of the Bible, or the Pentateuch. Also used loosely to refer to the entire body of Jewish Law.

  yesheva (Hebrew) -- An academy for the training of future rabbis.

  zeta field (Zondon) -- a force field capable of protecting zoetrons and other sub atomic particles from local destabilising influences. Unless closely maintained, it doesn't last long, but sometimes, long enough to promote healing. It can also be used to deflect certain rays and energy forces, and thus be used to enable stealth.

  Zish (Zondon) -- The inhabitants of the lower atmosphere of Zuz, a highly intelligent fish like species who love to tell stories.

  Zondon (Zondon) -- An extraterrestrial creature primarily found on the planet Zuz, but also inhabiting hundreds of other planets, and adept at interstellar travel. They have a greenish exoskeleton, have a greater than human brain capacity, and compound eyes with different parts capable of observing different properties of matter and energy, including subatomic activity.

  zoetrons (fictional science) -- sub atomic particles that are, to life, what protons and electrons are to matter and photons are to light. They would be classed as exotic matter, as they are not characterised by the speed of light as other particles are, rather the speed of thought. Normally, they flow through space, as photons do, though with a somewhat erratic path, but they can become a part of an atom when it's included in a DNA molecule. Different forms of DNA, plants, animal, human, hold varying quantities of zoetrons. The brain cells usually have, by far, the most, as zoetrons are also what thoughts are composed of (thus, giving a new meaning to the proverb, 'I think, therefore I am'). In the atomic structure, zoetrons orbit the electrons, but they go through the nucleus as thought it weren't there. However, as the hyperspace hole in each atom is located in the nucleus (see hyperspace), and widens as the probability factor grows less, the zoetron enters hyperspace and makes an orbit there so that its path is a figure-eight formation as it returns into three dimensional space. This facilitates some of the more metaphysical properties of life.

  Zuz (Zondon) -- The planet to which the Zondon and Zish are native. It has no solid ground but only atmosphere that becomes denser and denser as one goes downward until the denseness near the crust of the heavy core of the planet is too great to sustain life of any kind. Giant vine like plants float with their roots down in the denser atmosphere, their branches reaching into the upper atmosphere. Some roadways and massive platforms are supported by these vines, and others are set in place through floatation technology, so inhabitants of the upper atmosphere can walk about on solid floors.

  Appendix II

  Websites Containing Background Information

  for Parts of the Story

  The North Korea Missile Launch, 31 August, 1998:

  North Korea Space Guide: Federation of American Scientists

  Announcement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary on Japan's immediate response to the missile launch: Japanese Ministry of Foreigh Affairs website


  Jerusalem Shots: -- a dynamic album of the Israeli capital showing 300 images in all. Closest thing to being there.

  Mea Shearim Photographs: -- older shots of Mae Shearim

  A private photo collection from David Shaw's trip to Jerusalem: -- with many photos, including Mae Shearim, and Machaneh Yehuda market.


  Afghanistan Online: ... advertising Afghinistan as the friendliest country in the world -- possibly in the universe. Has everything including Mullah Nasruddin Jokes.

  Afghanistan, a Country Study: -- U.S.A. Library of Congress

  Afghanistan Page of the C.I.A. World Fact Book:

  National Geographic -- Afghanistan: Land in Crises:

  The Great Pyramid:

  Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association:


  To make heads or tails of May Lin's 'Singlish', check out the Coxford Singlish Dictionary at

  Quantum Mechanics:

  One of the most readable explanations of QM I've found so far is, Ronald C. Pine's Quantum Physics and Reality, which can be read at

  Other Locations in General:

  The Lonely Planet Guides:

  Author's Own Website:

  In Printed Format:

  Essential Field Guides to humanitarian and conflict zones -- Afghanistan, Edited by Edward Girardet and Jonathan Walter, International Centre for Humanitarian Reporting, CROSSLINES Global Report, Geneva and Dublin, 1998. I may have plagiarised one line or two from this work while describing Ernie's and May Lin's trip to Kabul.

  National Geographic Magazine-- various issues


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