Curves and the Cowboy (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 1)

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Curves and the Cowboy (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 1) Page 1

by Roseton, Jenn

  Curves and the Cowboy (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 1)


  Jenn Roseton

  Copyright © 2013 by Jenn Roseton

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

  This is a sexy contemporary romance novelette.

  “Sarah Grant is coming home.”

  Chase McCord felt as if he’d just been punched in the gut. “What?”

  The old-timer sitting on the next bar stool chuckled. “Thought you might be interested to hear that, boy.”

  Thirty was hardly a boy. Chase guessed it seemed that way if you were seventy.

  Sarah Grant. The name conjured up long dark hair, large brown eyes and the sweetest mouth he’d never kissed. And a curvy, lush figure that made him hard - every time. Her image had flashed into his mind over the years at inconvenient times - even on the occasional date. It had gotten so bad that he didn’t bother to date any more. What was the point when the only woman he wanted was Sarah?

  “Why is she coming back?”

  “Lost her job in the city and got one here teaching school.”

  Chase let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. There was no man involved. If she’d come home to get married, he was sure his neighbor on the next barstool would know about it. He was done waiting for her. He was done fantasizing about her.

  It was time to claim her.


  Sarah sat down in the booth and glanced around the diner. It looked exactly the same. Dark vinyl flooring, blue walls, leatherette booths and Formica tables. A thirty year old country song played softly in the background while customers ordered at the counter and then found a table. It was hard to believe she’d been away for six years and nothing had changed in Coldwater Springs.

  At eighteen, she had left home and gone to college in Laramie, two hundred miles away. She’d always wanted to be a teacher, and once she’d graduated college, she’d found a job teaching elementary school there. She thought it might have been easier that way.

  It wasn’t.

  Now, with the economic downturn, she’d lost her job and considered herself lucky to get one back here in her hometown.

  There was only one problem. Chase McCord.

  She’d had a crush on him forever, but she didn’t think he’d ever noticed her at all. That was one of the reasons she’d decided to go to college so far away. She didn’t want to spend any more time hopelessly mooning over him. She had to get on with her life.

  Although…she often wondered why he had never noticed her. Was it because he was six years older than her, so he thought of her as just a kid? Or was it because of her curves? She knew a lot of guys preferred thin women and she’d often wondered if Chase was one of them.

  But she would never forget the time he’d just won the bull riding event at the local rodeo. As he received his prize, their eyes had met. He'd made a step toward her and for a second she'd thought he would come over to her. But then he’d become surrounded by rodeo groupies and the moment had been lost. Two days later, she had left for college.

  However hard she had tried over the years, she just couldn’t forget him.

  She’d dated in college - she’d even had a serious boyfriend, but it had fizzled out once they’d graduated and gone their separate ways. Peter had been great for her ego, though. At least one guy liked her curvy figure.

  And now she had returned home to teach elementary school. She had moved in with her parents temporarily - heck, it wasn’t as if she had a wild sex life and needed privacy - while she settled into her new job and found a place to rent.

  “Here you go, hon.”

  Sarah glanced up as the waitress set down her coffee and slice of cherry pie. “Thanks, Betty.” She smiled at the woman who had worked at the diner for as long as she could remember. Apart from a few more gray strands in her hair, the matronly waitress looked just the same.

  “You enjoy it, hon. It’s good to see you back in town.”

  “It’s good to be back.” She realized she meant it. She’d missed her family while she’d been away, only coming home at Christmas and on the occasional holiday weekend. Now she was home for good, and she was going to enjoy every single minute of it. Except for…

  Chase McCord.

  She was not going to think about him while eating cherry pie. No way. She already spent too much time thinking about him, dreaming about him, as it was.

  Sarah dug into the cherry pie, savoring the first mouthful. Nobody made cherry pie like Betty. She closed her eyes, the sweet tartness of the cherries hitting her taste buds in an explosion of flavor. If she came here to eat cherry pie every day for a month, it would be worth putting on a few extra pounds. She sighed. It just wasn’t fair that some girls could eat whatever they wanted and stay as slim as a reed, while she had to watch every mouthful. Although she had come to accept her curves for the most part, too many treats meant the weight crept on.

  Halfway through her slice of pie, the bell jingled over the diner door. Sarah looked up and her fork froze on its way to her mouth. A tall, dark haired man strode into the diner.

  Chase McCord.

  She drew in a deep breath. Her heart thudded in her chest as if she’d just run the 100-metre dash.

  Her eyes feasted on him as he placed his order at the counter. He filled out his well-worn jeans and long-sleeved denim shirt quite nicely. The last time she had seen him was seven months ago, when she had come home for Christmas. He still looked amazing.

  Each time she visited home, she couldn't seem to avoid him. He'd come around the house, always on some business with her father. And she'd stare longingly at him from her bedroom window, feeling like the teenager she used to be.

  Now, although her eyes took in every detail about him, she didn’t want him to see her. What would she say to him? She’d hate it if she blushed when he said hello to her. If he said hello to her. After all, why would he?

  He turned around and she flicked her gaze to her cup of coffee. Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me.

  “Sarah.” His attractive, deep voice forced her to look up. At him.

  “Hi--” she squeaked. Heat raced to her cheeks.

  “Mind if I join you?” He gestured to the opposite side of the booth.

  “Of course not.” Her pulse beat erratically.

  He slid into the booth, his firm, sensual lips tugging upwards. Her heart flip-flopped as she took in his dark blue eyes and ruggedly handsome face.

  “How have you been?” He looked as if he really wanted to hear her answer.

  “Good.” At least her voice was less of a squeak this time. She swallowed. “And you?”

  Before he could reply, Betty came to the table with a cup of steaming coffee and placed it in front of Chase. “Here you go, Chase.” She winked at Sarah.

  “Thanks, Betty.” He took a long swallow, then turned his attention back to Sarah, his eyes gleaming with interest.

  She lost herself in his gaze. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach when he grinned at her.

  “I’ve been good, too.” Chase took another sip of coffee and she watched, fascinated, as his lips touched the coffee mug. What would his lips feel like on hers? She shivered at the thought.

  “I heard you’ve got a job teaching school here.”

  His voic
e snapped her out of her sensual fantasy and she met his dark blue gaze. Her mind blanked for a second as he waited for her answer.

  “Yes,” she finally managed to utter. “Elementary school.” Great going, she scolded herself. He probably thinks you should be in elementary school, not teaching it. Flustered, she wrapped her hands around her coffee cup and took a small sip.

  He boldly reached over, picked up her fork and snagged a piece of pie. “Mmm. Nobody makes cherry pie like Betty.”

  Sarah smiled. “I know.”

  “Want some?” He forked up a bite and offered it to her.

  She stared at his large, tanned hand, tempting her. Only in her dreams had she envisioned this scenario. She never thought it would actually happen. Sarah tapped one toe against the other - hard. Nope. Not dreaming.

  “Sure,” she managed to say, shyly parting her lips. Her eyes met his as he gently guided the fork into her mouth and she closed her lips around the morsel of pie. A ripple of excitement skittered down her spine as his smoldering gaze ensnared her.

  Sarah carefully chewed and swallowed the cherry and pastry confection, but shook her head when he forked up another mouthful and offered it to her. She didn’t think she could eat another bite while he was looking at her in that way, as if she was something delicious he’d like to sample.

  The thought made her cheeks burn again and she prayed he wouldn’t notice. She watched as he ate another bite of her pie.

  “So, what have you been up to since you moved back?” His gaze swept over her face, seeming to take in every detail of her appearance.

  Sarah shrugged. “Not much. Just settling back in at home and getting ready for school in two weeks.” It had been fun catching up with her old friends, though.

  “Been to the drive-in?”

  “Oh, wow. Is that place still open?”

  “Every Friday night.” He grinned. “How about we go there this week? They’re showing His Girl Friday.”

  Sarah blinked. Did Chase McCord just ask her out? On a date? She shivered with excitement. “Okay.” She hoped he didn’t notice the husky tone in her voice.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.” He took another swallow of coffee, and stood, his eyes intent on her face. “See you then.”

  He left the diner and Sarah pinched herself. Ouch! She wasn’t dreaming. In two days’ time she had a date with Chase McCord, the man she had fantasized about for years.


  Sarah scrutinized her reflection in the mirror. Blow dried hair curled just at her shoulders - check. Flattering outfit - check. Well, as flattering as she had in the closet. She hadn’t been sure what to wear at first. What did a twenty-four year old wear to the local drive-in? The last time she had gone there was when she was in high school and she was pretty sure she had worn jeans. But what should she wear on a date with Chase?

  She finally settled on a summery, pale blue dress with a surplice neckline and cinched waist that showed off her curves to their best advantage.

  Opening her closet door, she stared at her shoe collection. She didn’t usually wear heels, and if Chase was picking her up in his truck, it would be silly to wear them. She wouldn’t want to wobble when she climbed in, unless... A mischievous smile lit up her face. Heels meant he would have to put his arm around her to help her into his truck. Hmm.

  Four pairs plus a pair of three inches high strappy black sandals. Not much to choose from. However much she wanted to wow Chase when he came to pick her up, she had to be some kind of sensible. She chose a pair of wedges with white cinches. They did look good with her outfit, even if the heel was low.

  The doorbell rang, just as she slipped her feet into her shoes. She crossed to the bedroom window and peeked out the front. Chase’s gleaming black SUV was parked right outside.

  Sarah’s stomach fluttered with nerves as she checked her reflection in the mirror one last time. With her parents gone for the evening, she snapped up her purse and tried not to race down the stairs.

  She swung the door open a bit too fast, her pulse thrumming with the thrill of their first date.

  “Hi.” She tucked a wayward strand behind her ear and smiled at Chase from under her lashes, taking in his appearance. His crisp white button down shirt emphasized his honest tan, while his form-fitting dark jeans screamed pure male.

  “Hi.” His blue eyes flickered over her appreciatively, and her breath quickened. “Ready to go?”

  “Yes.” Sarah silently cursed the breathy quality of her voice as she stepped out and locked the front door. His scent wafted over her, tantalizing her with a sexy combination of leather and hay. Chase opened the door of the SUV for her and helped her in, his hand under her elbow tingling her skin.

  She fastened her seatbelt and waited for him to come around to the driver’s side, pinching herself again just to make sure this wasn’t a dream. Frantic butterflies quivered in her stomach and she took a deep breath to try and calm herself. Although it was a fantasy come true - no, wait, that was Chase ravishing her in her bedroom - she hoped he didn’t realize how nervous she was.

  On the way to the drive-in, they talked about what had been happening in town recently and the movie they were going to see. To her surprise, Chase enjoyed old-fashioned movies just like she did.

  Chase parked the truck, and a second later, the only sound in the cab was the engine ticking down. Sarah’s jitters returned as she realized she was alone with her teenage crush.

  “Like some popcorn?” His deep-timbered voice broke the silence.

  “Sure.” She smiled, pleased that she sounded normal, and not a breathy mess.

  “Back in a minute.” His lips quirked up and he got out of the truck.

  His feet hit the ground and he strode to the concession stand. She admired his denim-clad butt, glad he couldn’t see her staring after him. Once he was out of view, she turned her attention to the cars surrounding her. She remembered the drive-in as being very popular on Friday and Saturday nights when she was in high school, but tonight, there were only about fifteen cars in the lot. She guessed times had changed.

  Although a lot had stayed the same in Coldwater Springs during the six years she had been away, some things had changed as well. There was a new fast food place at one end of town, and a large chain drug store had replaced the small pharmacy. Fortunately though, her old friends and acquaintances had stayed exactly as she remembered them, including Chase.

  Excitement rippled through her at the thought of watching a movie with him in the cozy confines of his truck. For years, the drive-in had been well known as the place to go to watch a decent movie, as well as for steamy make-out sessions. She just wondered what Chase had in mind for tonight...

  The sound of the driver’s door opening snapped her out of her thoughts. “Here.” He handed her a large tub of popcorn while he placed two soft drinks nestled in a cardboard tray on the dashboard.

  “Thanks.” She curled her fingers around the warm bucket of popcorn, the aroma of the buttery treat teasing her senses.

  Chase slid into the driver’s seat and smiled at her. “We made it just in time. The movie’s about to start.”

  Sarah glanced at the screen, surprised to see the opening credits. She’d been so busy anticipating what might happen tonight, that she hadn’t noticed the movie screen flickering to life. She settled down in the seat and held out the tub of popcorn to Chase.

  He placed the tub between them on the bench seat and took a handful of kernels, his even white teeth closing over the popped corn.

  Sarah watched, mesmerized, and her mind flashed back three days ago, to when he had stolen bites of her cherry pie in the diner. She had never thought watching a man eat was sexy - until then.

  Trying not to blush, she turned her attention to the screen. It had been years since she had watched His Girl Friday, and she intended to enjoy every minute of it.

  Halfway through the movie, she realized that Chase was the perfect movie-watching companion. He didn’t talk and he didn’t try to
grab her attention with loud guffaws or snickers during the funny moments. Instead, his chuckle was soft and low, the sound igniting her nerve endings.

  Sarah wished that he would put his arm around her or let her know in some way that he considered this to be a romantic date. But maybe it was exactly what it seemed. Two old acquaintances catching up at a movie.

  After all, there was a distinct possibility she just wasn’t his type. She had never seen him with a curvy girl, and it would be just too incredible for him to be attracted to her. Sarah told herself to focus on the movie instead of wishing for something that would never happen.

  The only indication she had that this date wasn’t totally platonic was the few times their fingers had brushed against each other while reaching for popcorn. Each time his hand had grazed hers, her spine tingled. She told herself it was just coincidence, that it didn’t mean anything, but after the fourth time, Sarah resolved to keep her hand away from the popcorn tub - at least for a while.

  Although most of her attention was on the movie, she was aware of Chase’s every movement. And it had been long minutes since she had reached for the popcorn. Funnily enough, she hadn’t noticed Chase dipping into the tub out of her peripheral vision. Although it was just regular popped corn, somehow it tasted better than the versions she’d had at movie theaters two hundred miles away in Laramie. One more handful couldn’t hurt, surely? And it would prove that she and Chase reaching for the popcorn at the same time was pure chance. What were the odds of it happening again?

  Sarah put her hand in the tub, her fingers closing around a few kernels. Her breath stalled when a second later, Chase’s hand brushed against hers.

  Feeling a little daring, she left her hand in the bucket for a few seconds, wondering what would happen. Chase’s fingers lightly caressed hers for a moment before drawing away.

  She smiled to herself. She definitely hadn’t imagined that.

  Sarah found it hard to focus on the movie after that deliberate proof. Instead of watching the movie, she imagined how the end of the date would play out. Would he kiss her goodnight? How would he taste? Would he venture to touch her elsewhere? The sensible half of her cautioned her not to get carried away. Touching her fingers in the popcorn tub didn’t mean he wanted to kiss her. Or ask her out on another date. Before she could turn her mind inside out with possibilities, Chase’s low voice broke into her thoughts.


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