Broken Slumber: A Darkhills Romance

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Broken Slumber: A Darkhills Romance Page 8

by Elizabeth Greene

  She moved back in, closer to Etienne, feeling more and more uncertain of herself and continued to listen as the two men argued back and forth. Brianna’s hand flew to her mouth when she heard that another woman had been involved and had been used as bait to frame the man that was being accused of being a vampire.

  “So, the woman you said had been bitten by this guy, was your daughter? And you signed her up for a contract to stay here with him?”

  Brianna took little comfort in hearing the incredulity in her own voice. Regardless of whether this woman had been Mr. Daxton’s daughter, she had known about it and had agreed to go along with it anyway. Nausea began to spread in her stomach. Even as she continued to listen and heard Lord Nightingale explain that the woman hadn’t been harmed, she felt deep shame taking hold of her. It didn’t matter that she had been the man’s relative, it didn’t matter that she hadn’t been harmed; a young woman had been at risk and it looked as though rather than report what she knew to the police, she had chosen to go along with it.

  Her loud gasp and a shuffling on the tape caught her attention once again.

  “You see, he’s not human- he’s a vampire,” the man hissed, and Brianna’s eyes went wide. Had it been true? She looked to Etienne who wore a mask of calm concentration, there was no surprise, no humour, just a serious look of consideration. So, vampires were real. Dragons existed and vampires were real.

  Brianna fell into stunned silence as she sat back, drew her knees up and hugged them tightly.

  “We’ve been recording you the whole time, haven’t we Brianna? We’ve got all your stunts on camera.”

  She winced upon hearing her name. She didn’t have camera equipment, she was a print journalist, so she must’ve been using her cell phone. If she had caught anything on its camera it was long gone now, her phone had been wiped. She zoned back into the conversation when she heard her voice again.

  “Kyle, I think you should put the gun down, this has already gone too far.”

  Brianna’s gut churned and bile rose in her throat. A gun? The insane man had a gun. She despised guns. Many found security and safety in owning a weapon, but she’d seen too many young lives lost to the hateful things. Her parents had never had a gun in the house, and she had never considered owning one. But here she was, on tape, in cahoots with a man who had no problem using a gun to get what he wanted.

  The rest of the recording became white noise to her ears. There were raised voices. Another woman’s voice was heard. At one point a loud thump and clatter rang out, making her jump. Etienne’s hands settled around her shoulders to still her, her heart beat frantically and she cried out at the same time as her previous self did on the tape when a gunshot rang out. A rumble sounded from Etienne’s chest and a swell of warmth coursed through her from where he held her.

  The British man, the vampire, addressed her formally on the recording and she winced at hearing his serious tone. There was something deeply unsettling about it and she shuddered. Voices continued to ebb and flow but Brianna’s head was swimming and she found it hard to stay focused. She screwed her eyes shut as the vampire began speaking to her again in a dark and dangerous tone. Hearing it verged on painful, her head felt as though it were being held in a vice, his words playing in stereo in her mind.

  “Brianna St. Clare, you have threatened the safety of my kind and of others, you are fortunate that I have been persuaded to show you mercy. You will have no recollection of what has happened here, nor will you remember me or Katherine. You will have no memory of your dealings with Mr. Kyle Daxton nor of the subject matter which you agreed to pursue. You will go now and leave this place far behind you. The more space you put between yourself and my home, the better. Pray you do not find yourself on my estate again.”

  “I… I don’t understand,” Her voice sounded far off and confused.

  “There is nothing for you to understand.” The vampire said with quiet force, “You need to leave. Now.”

  The sound of her footsteps on gravel crunched through the recording. Gradually they began to move quicker. The shuffling sound of the Dictaphone being jostled in her bag, joined the fray and soon her whimpers and little cries could be heard between harsh breaths, thuds and the loud snapping of twigs.

  On and on it went, sometimes it sounded like she tripped and fell, other times it was just her desperate wheezing breaths. Brianna watched through glassy eyes as Etienne finally reached out, and after a moment or two of turning the device over in his hand, pressed the red button and silenced the sounds of her laboured and sobbing pants of breath.

  “Brianna, -”

  “What the Hell did I do, Etienne? I never thought I was capable of anything so devious and cruel and…illegal, but that was me. I was there-”

  “You were not responsible for what happened.” Etienne tried to reason with her.

  “But I was there! At some point I had agreed to help that guy, I agreed to be an accomplice to blackmail, and God knows what else?” Brianna swiped at her tears only for more to take their place, “I mean, he had a gun!”

  “From what we heard you were unaware that he had a weapon on him, we both heard you try to persuade him to calm down,” he shifted position and knelt in front of her, trying to capture her attention, “Brianna, Little One, it sounded to me as though you wanted no part in what was happening?”

  “But at some point, I did. I did want a part of it otherwise why else would I have been there? God knows what else I’ve done; I could be a wanted criminal. How am I supposed to go back and face everyone I know after this?” She sobbed.

  “You don’t need to face anyone until you’re ready, you are welcome here, with me,” Etienne reassured her, “you heard what that human said, your editor was pressuring you for a story, you have said as much to me yourself, you were there because you believed you had no other choice,” he took her hands in his and squeezed them, as he tried to draw her attention from where she stared blankly into space.

  “There’s always a choice, and I chose to deliberately seek to hurt others. I never went into journalism to cover the nasty stuff, I never wanted to hurt anyone with my writing. I always thought I’d be a features writer, cover the fun and interesting stuff, be topical and insightful without being sensationalist and hurting others.” Brianna shook her head and sighed as tears continued to fall over her face, “I guess I was wrong about myself.”

  “No, Little One, you are not the kind of vindictive person to actively seek to hurt others, the pain you are showing after hearing what happened is evidence of that,” Etienne lifted a hand to cup her cheek, wiping away the tears there, “you are a good sort of soul, I have lived a long time and seen every sort of person there is and, Brianna, I promise you, a villain you are not.”

  She looked into his perfectly clear and sincere eyes and felt her strength drain from her. She wished she could believe him, but the evidence she had heard told her that she had agreed to a morally objectionable plan and tried to wheedle her way out of it when she got scared. Not only was she weaker willed than she thought, her integrity crumbling with every passing second, but she was also a coward.

  “I just don’t know who I am anymore,” she whispered as she stared blankly back at the one person who seemed to have faith in her still.

  Etienne pulled her into his arms and she gladly let herself be placed in his lap and cradled against his warm, firm body. She had no strength left, so she decided she would borrow some of his for a while and she let her tears flow. Somehow this deadly creature of myth and legend had become her safety and she wanted nothing more than to hide behind him. Facing the outside world was a terrifying prospect. God only knew the extent of what she had done and until she was ready to face up to that, she would hold on to her dragon shield and pray that things would work themselves out. With that, she clutched at Etienne’s huge body, buried her face into his firm chest and let her sobs take her.

  Chapter Eleven


  Etienne sat awkwardly lean
ed up against the fur-lined wall and stared over at the dying embers of the fire. He should tend to it to prevent it from going out completely, but he dared not move. He had held Brianna against him as she had cried until her energy left her and she fell into a restless sleep. He had attempted to lay her down on his furs a couple of times only to have his dragon dig its talons into his insides in a warning. The creature didn’t want to leave her. She had clung to him with the same desperation as she had held onto the cliff face. So, he sat with her half cradled in his arms, half sprawled out over his legs. He had deliberately focused his mind on the fire to avoid thinking about how good her lush little body felt tucked in against him, her leg entwined between both of his.

  A dragon’s lust and desire were not what she needed. He would admit that he wanted her, but he was old enough and wise enough to rein in his urges, much to his dragon’s disappointment. The little female needed his strength and protection, and that was what he would give her. There was no other creature in existence that could match a dragon when it came to protecting its treasure.

  Etienne ground his teeth. His dragon was playing a dangerous game. The Little One was not his treasure. Sentient beings were not objects to possess and keep. He would need to keep a close eye on his animal instincts. He closed his eyes and focused on the dragon that lay as if asleep within him.

  I know you’re not sleeping, and I know what you’re thinking. We cannot keep her, so you need to stop entertaining such a notion.

  The beast refused to even acknowledge him.

  Etienne leaned his head back. Regardless of his own denial, he had formed a bond with the woman. He cared about her wellbeing, safety and happiness more than he should. He was supposed to be preparing for the long sleep, he wasn’t supposed to get side-tracked by a damsel in distress. Especially one who had seemingly intended to expose the realm of the paranormal to the rest of the world.

  He had his doubts about how much she truly intended on going through with the plan. He heard her regret while listening to the sound recording she had captured. He had felt her fear first-hand. Brianna was not a devious sort of creature. The dank scent of her shame had rolled off her as she had learned about her lost memories. Only those who were good at their core felt shame to such a degree.

  Brianna was not a threat to the paranormal world; her shame would ensure her silence if her sense of right and wrong did not. His instinct told him she could keep the secret. However, others would disagree. Lucian wanted him to return Brianna, so that he might alter her mind once more, promising more care and consideration for her this time.

  Etienne’s dragon bared its teeth within him. He didn’t like it. It would harm her already fragile mind to toy with her memories again, causing unknown damage. What’s more, taking her back to the very person and place that was the catalyst for her fear, was cruel. Etienne never wanted to witness suffering from Brianna again. Just the thought of it had his protective instincts on high alert, the need to covet and guard riding him hard.

  He breathed out a long, slow breath to calm his agitation. Looking down at where she lay against him, soothed his dragon. She was safe, nestled in his arms where none could harm her. Were anyone to dare try, he would slaughter them without mercy. Only the demons of the dark underworld themselves could rival a dragon’s wrath. None would attempt to hurt Brianna while he kept her safe.

  Lucian couldn’t have her. He wouldn’t allow the vampire near his little Brianna. She would keep her knowledge of the paranormal world and her newly formed memories. He ignored the ripple of pleasure from his dragon that whispered outlandish suggestions that Etienne didn’t want the female to forget him. Instead, he focused on the honourable and righteous desire to safeguard her from any further harm.

  He would help her see she was not to blame for what happened at the vampire’s mansion, help her come to terms with what happened and what she now knew. He would care for her and ensure her happiness returned. She deserved that. What was more, Etienne found he wanted to see all her fear and shame swept away and replaced with unbridled, vibrant joy.

  Etienne swallowed hard. He had no right to feel that way about his little Brianna. He shouldn’t even be thinking of her as his little Brianna.

  The dragon chuckled quietly within him but before he had the opportunity to rebuke the beast for its inappropriate coveting, the woman stirred restlessly in his arms. Etienne hushed and soothed her, pulling her closer into his body and drawing some of his dragon’s fire into his veins, warming his body for her.

  She settled once more and let out a sigh, her perfectly plump lips parting as if in invitation. She was beautiful, the most exquisite treasure to behold. Dark, creamy skin, thick lashes that fanned over her cheeks, and a mouth that caused his body to stir with the prospect of tasting her. He drew in her scent and wet his lips. She would taste sweet, ripe and playful, just like the berries and fruits he had provided for her evening meal.

  She would need more than fruit and berries if she were going to remain with him. His eyes roamed down over her. She had inferred her body was not to her liking, all he saw was decadent curves that demanded his appreciation. He would see her well fed and wanting of nothing. When dawn broke, he would rouse her and together they would venture into the wolves’ town. He would ensure his little Brianna had all that she desired, until then he would bear the honour of guarding her while she slept with pride.


  “Are you sure about this?” The little female asked, her hands wrapped around herself.

  They were stood on the ledge outside his cave, the wind was steady and good for a flight. His dragon was nudging him impatiently in its eagerness to take his wings. Etienne suspected the beast wanted to show off in front of Brianna, but he had to admit he had his reservations.

  The last time she had seen his dragon she had screamed a great deal and thrown rocks at him. He didn’t exactly want to frighten her again, nor endure her skull rattling screams, however, it was the only means he had to take them both into the town to gather the supplies he needed if he were to provide for her. He had comfortable cloth breeches on that he would remove before he shifted, and a satchel over his shoulder that contained suitable modern attire. He would need to dress appropriately for interacting with the rest of society.

  “You cannot live on berries alone, so we must venture into the town. I promise I won’t let you fall.”

  “What if someone recognises me? What if I’m wanted and there’s a warrant out for-”

  “I will keep you safe, Brianna, you have my word.”

  “And what if people see you, as a dragon I mean- from what I remember you’re huge, surely someone will notice a great, scaly flying machine in the sky?”

  “The perks of being a Devil’s Kaleidoscope dragon. I can alter the appearance of my scales to blend in with my surroundings.”

  “Like a big chameleon.” Brianna mused, “A giant, vicious, fire breathing chameleon.” She added under her breath as she stared out at the light grey sky.

  “I will not hurt you, Brianna, my dragon has no desire to cause you harm. Quite the opposite.”

  “Good to know. I’ll try to remember that.”

  Etienne walked to her and held her hands in his, drawing her attention. Her big brown eyes looked up at him with trepidation.

  “It is me, remember that, Little One, my dragon and I are one and the same, you might see a different form, but it is me who is looking back at you,” he explained gently, “it’s the same Big Foot.”

  She smiled at that, a slight colour tinting her cheeks.

  “Sorry about that, I have a tendency to come up with names for things.”

  “I rather like it. And I’m sure Mr. Flamey did too.” He teased.

  “Low blow, B. Don’t bring the dearly departed into this.”


  “Short for Big Foot, obviously.”

  “Obviously. Come on, B - short for Brianna, we should depart while the wind is in our favour.”

��See that’s just not going to work, we can’t both- Oh sweet baby Jesus!” Brianna spun round abruptly as Etienne, shucked out of his breeches.

  His dragon smirked and he had to admit, so did he, but he wouldn’t prolong her embarrassment any longer than necessary. He ran over the edge of the cliff and shifted on the wing in a bright flash. The long strap of his satchel became tight around his scaled shoulder and his dragon dove down with its wings pulled back before turning tightly and catching a breeze to aid his ascent back up to the cliff edge.

  “Etienne?” Her panicked voice called to him right before he appeared and beat his wings in place to hover over where she stood on the rocky ledge.

  “I am here, Little One,” he spoke into her mind, “stand still with your arms in the air and I will gather you up.”

  Brianna stared slack-jawed at him before her face lit with a tentative smile. The corners of her lips curving slightly, her eyes seemed to shine with curiosity, and she nodded once as if to herself.

  “You got it, Big B.”

  She secured her purse over her body and lifted her arms up to the sky. Her willingness to trust him filled his ancient heart with swells of pride, if this was a small piece of who she truly was beneath all the fear, shame and doubt, then she was an astonishing creature.

  He swept down and wrapped his claws around her waist tightly before taking off, she dropped her arms and clung to his talons.

  “Don’t you dare drop me,” she shouted out above the noise of the wind and his beating wings.

  “I will not drop you, Little One. By the way, if I’m going to cloak my appearance to avoid detection, you should probably lower your voice too. Perhaps, for now, try to talk to me in your head. I will hear you.”

  “Erm, OK… like this?” She shouted slowly into his mind, annunciating, each word.

  “Like that, only not so loud, you don’t need to try so hard, just think as you normally would.”


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