Halloween Boo

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Halloween Boo Page 5

by Spade, Sarah

  Part of me wonders what the hell I’m doing. I only met this man less than twelve hours ago and I’m trusting him not to break down the door while I’m wet and soapy and naked. How would I be able to defend myself?

  I wouldn't.

  But that’s the thing. I’m not afraid of Zack. I know it sounds crazy. This whole flippin’ thing is certifiably crazy. Then again, how big a leap is it from accepting that ghosts exist to finding out one can pop up on Halloween?

  I saw Casper when I was a kid. That’s like the whole plot of the movie. Shoot, maybe I was onto something there when I first gave him a name.

  By the time I’m dressed and ready to confront the reality of today, I discover that he put away the leftover pancakes I hadn’t managed to gobble up, cleaned up the kitchen, washed the dishes, and returned them to their proper place.

  I feel terrible. I don’t want him to think that I let him stay because I wanted a manservant or something. For all I know, he’s been dead for years and I’m wasting his one day by allowing him to wait on me.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Do what?”

  Why does he look so damn hot when he’s puzzled? A lock of dark hair falls forward, barely kissing his eyes as his nose scrunches up. It’s not fair.

  I wave my hand toward the kitchen. “Breakfast. Cleaning up my apartment. All of it.”

  “Oh. I know. I just wanted to do a little something to show you how much I care.”

  Right. Because he loves me.

  I wish I could believe that. Who wouldn’t want a man who looks like he does and can make a pancake that fluffy?

  I thought about that last night, too. He only thinks he loves me because I’m the one who moved into his apartment.

  Shame, but it’s got to be true. I mean, it’s not like he’d pick me if he had a choice.

  At least there’s one thing he has a choice about right now.

  “Yeah. Anyway, I’m sure you have much better things to do today than help me do my chores. It’s the only day you get to be human, right? You said something last night about being able to leave the building now. You should really get out, make the most of your time.”

  Zack frowns and just the one look creates a pang that hits me straight in the heart. He looks crushed. “Now that it’s morning, you want me to go?”

  “Don’t you want to go?”

  “Um, no. Not even a little. Sorry. I don’t have the time to waste so I’m being more forward than I normally would. Hope you don’t mind.”

  I don’t. I probably should, and I don’t.

  “It’s all right. You can stay here if you want. I’m not doing anything today, either, so if you hang around, you’ll have to deal with me.”

  “Really? Promise?”

  I laugh. He sounds so eager. Poor Casper. He must be so lonely. “Okay. So we’re staying in. It’s still your day. What do you want to do?”

  And then he says the last thing I ever would expect—

  “We should watch all of the Halloween Heist episodes from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.”

  My mouth drops open. He looks like that, makes a killer blueberry pancake, is convinced I’m awesome and wants to watch my favorite show?

  Oh, boy.

  I’m in trouble.

  * * *

  From my questions last night, it’s clear there’s not much he remembers from when he was alive. I’m stubbornly trying to pretend that he hasn’t been invisible in my home these last ten months, learning all my secrets.

  So we do what any two strangers do when they meet and feel that undeniable spark. We hang out and get to know each other while lounging about on my couch.

  I already know that we share the same taste in television. And, okay, it’s obvious that Zack only found out about these shows because they’re the ones I watch when I’m unwinding from work, but that doesn’t mean he has to like them. From his deep laugh and the way he does an amazingly deadpan Holt impersonation, I can tell he enjoys them almost as much as I enjoy watching him watch it.

  It takes a couple of hours to get through five half-hour episodes because we both keep finding reasons to pause the show. A throwaway comment from one of the characters might lead to an intense discussion or maybe a what-if scenario that we talk out.

  In the back of my mind, bonding with a ghost over Brooklyn Nine-Nine turns into a first date with Zack. When we get to the big proposal scene in HalloVeen, my emotions get the better of me and I start focusing on what his lips look like instead of what he’s saying.

  They’re kind of soft and pillowy-looking and it isn’t long before I wonder if I should kiss him.

  He’d let me. I know he would.

  But I don’t. I’m already dangerously close to falling for my ghost. Making it physical would be mistake.

  Even though the other night proves that the spark between us can be mighty combustible.

  When our show is done, I offer to take Zack out for lunch. His hesitation leads me to order a pizza in for us. It’s a treat, because I rarely splurge on pizza since I’m one person and I hate leftovers. But with two of us, I order a large, and I’m not even a little surprised when Zack tells me that his favorite toppings are pepperoni and mushrooms.

  They’re mine, too. Damn it.

  He didn’t eat any of breakfast and I started to think that, since he’s a ghost, he didn’t have to. Then the pizza arrives and he puts away four slices by the time I finish two. He even asks me for my crust when I’m not quick enough to finish it. I point out that, if he was hungry, he should’ve had some breakfast.

  With a sheepish grin, Zack admits that he doesn’t like blueberries or pancakes. Well, he couldn’t be perfect. He gets points for making me a breakfast he would never eat.

  So not perfect, but pretty damn close.

  Too bad he’s dead.

  * * *

  In the middle of the latest Halloween special we’re watching, my phone starts buzzing. When it keeps going and I don’t reach for it, Zack strokes the top of my foot. He’s been doing that more and more as the afternoon wore on—finding reasons to touch me, small caresses that seem sweet instead of pervy—and the heat from his fingertip leaves a tingle against my skin that makes me want more.



  “Shouldn’t you answer that?”

  I… I don’t want to, I realize. The ring has ripped me right out of this cozy moment. I don’t want to answer my phone. I want to fling it into my bedroom and forget that it exits.

  I’ve been living a daydream today, letting myself get more and more attached to a man who’s going to disappear at midnight tonight. There’s something about Zack. It’s too easy. I feel so comfortable around him, like I’ve known him forever instead of a couple of hours.

  Well, I guess I’ve known him for months if I think of him as Casper, but still.

  The phone stops ringing. I let out small sigh of relief that’s short-lived. A minute after the phone goes silent, the ring starts up again.

  Rising up off of the couch, I grab for the phone I left sitting on the coffee table. I see Allison’s picture on the front of the screen and groan.

  It all comes back to me in a rush. “It’s Allison. I bet she’s calling about the party. Ugh. I can’t believe I forgot all about the party.”


  “Office costume party. For Halloween? It’s why I was trying that skimpy dress on last night. Allison got it for me so that I can go to this party.”

  Zack chuckles. “Then you have to thank Allison for me. Seeing you in that dress was a revelation for me. You’ve gotta go tonight if only so I can see you wearing it again.”

  Feeling my cheeks heat up at his husky voice, I reach over and smack Zack with a couch pillow.

  He pretends to dodge it, grinning when I manage to hit him right in the thigh. “In all seriousness, you promised your friend you’d go, right?”

  I plop down on the couch and rest my weapon in my lap. I set my phone on top of
it. The ring dies again but I know it won’t last. Allison can be determined like that.

  “I did.”

  “Then you should go.”


  “And since I won’t waste any of the time I have with you, I’ll just have to go, too.”

  I… Wow. I kind of like that idea. I mean, I was having fun hanging out with Casper—with Zack. This party Allison wants me to go to promises to suck. I think it’ll suck less if I bring my ghost friend with me.

  Only one problem.

  “It’s a costume party. I’m set, but what will you go as?” I ask him.



  I don’t let Dani out of my sight.

  A lot of my life before becoming a ghost is a blur. Parties, though… I think I remember parties. They weren’t anything like this.

  On the way over, Dani explained that this was a get together for the people who work in her office. I imagined a small gathering, maybe a handful of others. I don’t know how many people work out of her office because there’s got to be like a hundred partygoers here.

  The music is loud. The lights are low. A live band—ironically dressed as skeletons—play music on a stage. Strings of orange lights cross-cross the low ceiling. Pumpkins and hay bales and half-dead ears of corn are everywhere.

  Everyone is dressed up in a costume. There’s too much to look at. After all that time, trapped in that apartment with only Dani as my companion, this is too much for me. My head pounds. I’m far too stimulated by the sights and sounds.

  But that’s not why I stay on her ass.

  I’m guarding it. Too many men—and some women—are paying close attention to it. And it’s mine.

  I daringly sling an arm around her shoulders, tucking her tight against me as we enter the hall where the party is being held. I already knew how drop dead gorgeous she looks. Once I realize that there were others admiring my woman, I didn’t let her get too far from me.

  To my delight and surprise, she doesn’t seem to mind.

  Instead of mingling with her friends and co-workers, she steers me toward the refreshment table. It’s a great spot. We can see the band play, but the acoustics are softer in this corner. As we sip on a smoky non-alcoholic punch, Dani and I are able to continue some of the conversations we started back at the apartment.

  Turns out we both like to people watch. Rather than be the center of attention, we have a blast, standing off to the side, pointing out extravagant costumes and making up backstories for the ones wearing them.

  Because Dani is still a recent transplant to Salem, she doesn’t know too many people here and that makes our guesses even more fun and ridiculous. As the night goes on, I add her imagination and laugh out loud sense of humor to the list of things I love about her.

  A few of her colleagues come over to say hi. None of them stay long. I have Dani all to myself, just the way I like it.

  And then—

  “Dani! What are you doing, hiding by the punch bowl? I’ve been looking for you all night! I thought you ditched me.”

  Two people approach the refreshment table together. The first, a pretty young woman with her fair hair done up in some intricate do. She’s wearing a colonial-style dress and her heels are so high, we’re almost the same height.

  The man accompanying her isn’t so lucky. He’s probably a head shorter than me. He has on a puffy white shirt and a black cape that hides most of his body. Plastic fangs overhang his thin lips. Beady eyes narrow in immediately on my Dani.

  She doesn’t seem to notice as she moves away from me, greeting her friend with a hug.

  “I would never do that, Allison. I promised I’d come, right?”

  Allison. “Oh, so this is Allison?”

  “You’ve heard of me?”

  I nod, edging closer to Dani. I don’t like her being that far from me, not while this guy is stripping her bare with his gaze. “Dani talks about you all the time. You’re her best friend.”

  “Really? That’s weird. She’s never mentioned you before.”

  That’s not true. Not exactly. I’ve overheard countless conversations where Dani told Allison all about me—the Casper me.

  I open my mouth to correct her when I feel the tip of Dani’s heel nudge my ankle. I close my trap.

  Allison doesn’t notice. With a smile on her pretty face, she’s turned her attention on Dani. Her vampire buddy is staring at Dani, too.

  I already hate him.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to…”

  Her voice trails off like she doesn’t know what to call me.

  I stick my hand out. “Hi. I’m Zack, Dani’s boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend?” Allison echoes as she shakes my hand.

  “Friend,” Dani corrects. She smacks me in the side with the flat of her hand. I don’t mind since, from the sudden glare of the other man’s face, I know I got my point across. “Zack’s a friend of mine—”

  “Close friend,” I interject. I don’t offer a greeting to the man lurking next to Allison.

  “Sure. Anyway, he lives in my building and he didn’t have anything to do for Halloween. I didn’t think anyone would mind if he tagged along.”

  Allison’s green eyes sparkle mischievously. I know Dani is going to have a lot to answer to her friend for tomorrow. Don’t care. For the moment, I’m only worried about tonight.

  Tomorrow can wait.

  “I didn’t know you were bringing a friend.”

  Dani shrugs. “Last minute decision. Trust me, Allison, neither did I.”

  The man at Allison’s side clears his throat.

  She gives a start, as if she forgot he was there. “Oh, right. Dani, this is Ernie. I didn’t know about your Zack and, well, I thought…”

  I turn my glare on Ernie. Yeah. I know exactly what she thought.

  Ernie gives me one quick dismissive look before turning toward Dani. “Allison has told me all about you, Danielle. Maybe when you’re done talking to your friend, you can come out on the dance floor with me for a song or two.”

  He says friend like it’s a curse. I’m wishing Dani had agreed that I was her boyfriend. I know why she didn’t—what kind of boyfriend can I be when I only can give her one real night—but still.

  It’s taking all of my self control not to wipe that leer off his face.

  What I wouldn’t give for a shot of spectral energy right about now. I’d knock this bozo right on his ass and no one could get me for assault.

  Since I don’t want to spend the rest of my hours with her in a jail cell, I settle on hitting Ernie where it counts.

  I wrap my hand around her waist, give her hip a possessive squeeze. “Sorry, Ernie. Dani’s dance card is all full up tonight.”

  He sniffs. “Yes, well, if she changes her mind, I’ll be available.”

  “Make yourself unavailable. She won’t change her mind.”

  Dani bumps into my hold. She doesn’t try to break away, though, or say anything to Ernie herself. I know I’m pushing my luck. Just this once, I think she’s gonna let me get away with it.

  With a puppy dog look in Dani’s direction, then a challenging dare in mine, he storms off, swallowed by the gyrating crowd in an instant.

  Allison reaches out and takes Dani’s hands in hers. “Don’t worry about Ernie. I’ll smooth things over with him.” She glances over at me. “Sorry about that, Zack. If I knew Dani was bringing you, I never would’ve tried to introduce her to Ernie.” Another quick look at Dani. She jerks her head in my direction. “This is something your best friend needs to know about.”

  Dani’s laugh is sweet. “I’ll call you first thing in the morning.”

  “Details, sister. I’m gonna want all of them.”

  Dani rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “A good girl never kisses and tells.”

  I feel my back go ramrod straight as other parts of me come to attention. Kissing? Does that mean there’s going to be kissing?

  Allison giggles and I’m willing t
o bet it has everything to do with my reaction. Wishing us a good night—adding a sly wink when she says good—Allison starts to walk away. Three steps, then she pauses, turns back.

  “I’m sorry, Zack. I just have to ask. I know what Dani is supposed to be. Are you… are you wearing a costume?”

  Dani stiffens against me. I don’t know why. I thought my costume idea was pretty clever. “Yeah. I’m dressed as a mortal.”

  Dani’s friend quirks one of her pencil-thin eyebrows. “Did you just say mortal?”

  I nod. I gesture at my jeans and faded grey tee. “Just a regular, everyday, not spooky mortal human guy.”

  “Okay, yeah. I.. I guess I kinda get it.”

  * * *

  “Your friend didn’t get it,” I tell Dani after Allison is gone.

  “Most people won’t.” She snorts. It’s super cute. “They’re used to people dressing up as ghosts for Halloween, not the other way around.”

  I shrug. “I guess you like his costume better.”


  I’m trying to rein in my jealousy. It isn’t Dani’s fault that that douche was undressing her with his eyes.

  Still fuming at the memory, I spit out his name: “Ernie.”

  “Wait a second. Were you—are you jealous of him? Of that guy?”

  I don’t know why she sounds so incredulous. Why wouldn’t I be? He was undressing her with his eyes and tomorrow, when I’m invisible and transparent again, Ernie will still have a chance with my girl.

  Dani looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “I’ve never met that guy before in my life. Allison is always trying to set me up with someone and it never works. Remember the one time I brought a guy home?”

  How can I forget? I almost lost it entirely when I saw Dani kissing that Ken doll wannabe. It only got worse when I realized that she wasn’t into him and he was trying to pressure her into giving something she didn’t want to.

  If I was alive, I would’ve killed him. As a ghost, all I could do was scare the shit out of him.


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