Warrior's Plight (Cadi Warriors Book 6)

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Warrior's Plight (Cadi Warriors Book 6) Page 20

by Stephanie West

  “You have good timing, Thorac,” Aculus chuckled, sounding relieved.

  “Yes, thank you,” Vintor spoke up.

  “Thorac, that’s my Cadi friend Vintor, and we’re damn glad to have him with us. It’s a long story.”

  “You do a systems check, but you don’t look too bad. We’ll then escort you back through the rift.” Thorac then cut out.

  “Are you all ready to disembark?” Aculus asked.

  “Torment yes!” Vintor barked.

  “Let me out of this tilt a whirl,” Gary exclaimed as he tore off his harness. When he tried to stand he wobbled and fell back in his seat.

  “Easy. You’re not used to combat maneuvers.” Wen wrapped an arm around Gary and helped him up.

  Maya unhooked herself and gingerly slid out of her seat.

  “Hold on there, goddess,” Vintor insisted and scooped her up.

  He’d barely taken a step when the door to the cockpit burst open and in flooded two giant Cadi and two furry creatures who looked like Wookiees or something from the Planet of the Apes.

  “Blessed Kali, I thought we lost you.” The Cadi man with silver hair gripped Vintor’s shoulder. His expressive eyes held sorrow and immense relief.

  “You know I’m not that easy to put down, Ashtoret.” Vintor grinned at the man.

  Ashtoret looked down at her and smiled. “I can see you made a friend.”

  “I heard you also made a friend. What’s Providence going to think when she learns you’ve absconded with her sister?”

  “How do you know that?” Ashtoret’s eyes widened.

  “Let’s get settled. I’m sure we both have much to share. This is Maya, my bonded, her brother Gary, and Wen.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Maya greeted Ashtoret, and he bowed his head.

  “Who is this?” the other Cadi man asked as he approached their distraught fellow passenger.

  “Sadly, Payim, we don’t know,” Vintor replied.

  “She was deaf and being experimented on by people I used to work for. The Miran Sona fixed her hearing, but we do not know her name,” Maya explained.

  Payim knelt in front of the brunette and she started crying louder, her hands frantically signing. He quickly backed away. The red-furred Wookiee tilted his head curiously as he watched the girl’s wild hand movements. It was obvious he was a sentient species despite his animal-like appearance.

  “Fire, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. She fears foreigners and has been through a lot,” Vintor warned as the furry creature took a step toward the frantic woman.

  Fire stopped and knelt so the poor woman could see him. He held up his hands, his hairless palms facing out. He mimicked one of her gestures and the woman’s eyes widened. She continued gesturing but her motions weren’t as panicked, even though tears still streamed down her cheeks. Fire returned several gestures, and like he had done, she tilted her head, studying the movements. Everyone quietly watched, not wanting to intrude since it looked like the furry man was making progress calming their distraught friend.

  “I wish I knew sign language,” Maya whispered to Vintor.

  “I know the Toufik hand language. Fire is repeating the signal for safe. But he’s also using some of her gestures,” Vintor whispered back.

  “The hairy men use sign language?”

  “Yes. Fire and Thunder are Toufik. They are unable to speak but can hear just fine. And apparently, they are very adept at learning new languages,” Vintor commented in awe.

  Fire placed a hand on his chest then stroked his fur and made a gesture where he wiggled his fingers upward. After several times the woman repeated the gesture with a nod.

  “He is telling her his name.”

  Fire then pointed to her. The teary-eyed woman extended both index fingers in front of her mouth then drew them along her lips and cheeks as she made the first smile Maya had seen. Fire repeated the gesture and the woman nodded as she shook her closed fist up and down. The furry man turned to Vintor and made a gesture.

  “He said her name is Smile.”

  “Smile?” Maya tilted her head in confusion, then recalled something she’d read about how the deaf assigned signs for names based on attributes that had nothing to do with traditionally given names. “It’s like Fire. He’s probably named after his red hair. She must’ve been a very smiley person before all this.”

  “Yes. Hopefully she can find her smile again.” Vintor nodded as he squeezed Maya.

  Fire slowly stood then beckoned Smile to get out of her seat. The brunette warily looked around then focused on him and eased forward. Fire stayed very still, repeating the safe gesture. Smile rushed to his back, hiding almost like a child. Smile was still afraid, but this was progress. The blonde Toufik took up a position at Smile’s back and she didn’t object.

  “I think she will find her smile in time,” Maya sighed in relief, feeling better about their fragile friend.

  They exited the small cruiser into a giant loading bay. The vast room made a stadium look small. There were a handful of Cadi, people like Aculus and three human women standing near the door. A young woman with curly red hair ran forward and hugged Vintor. The girl didn’t seem to care that she squished Maya when she did it.

  “I’m so glad you are safe.” The redhead teared up.

  Maya tried not to be jealous that some cute girl was fawning over her husband.

  “It’s good to see you again, too. Abby, do I have you to thank for keeping Ashtoret out of trouble?”

  “Ha! That’s impossible. I’m sorry, how rude of me. I’m Abby,” the woman introduced herself to Maya.

  “I’m Maya.”

  “I’m Hope,” a blonde who looked like Abby introduced herself.

  “No, her name is Nadzia,” Aculus interjected. The bony man was even more imposing in person, standing a head taller than the women. Just as expected, his exoskeleton extended from head to toe.

  “Fine, Nadzia,” the blonde relented with an eye roll. “It’s my given name, which means hope.” The blonde looked Maya over and her eyes widened. “Holy crap, you married Vintor.”

  “You did?” Abby declared then clapped her hands and did a little dance. “Ash is my mate.” Abby ran over to Ashtoret and wrapped her arms around the grinning red man’s waist.

  Abby’s head only came to the middle of Ash’s chest, and Maya wondered if she looked as funny standing next to Vintor.

  “What is it with you Cadi men?” Nadzia shook her head.

  “Love is in the air, my ivory beauty. Careful, I think it’s catching,” Aculus teased as he leaned into Nadzia.

  “Zip-it, bonehead!” Nadzia slapped the bony man’s side.

  Maya’s gaze darted back and forth. This was amusing but also overwhelming.

  “Girls, give it a rest. These poor people have been through the wringer. We all have,” the older redheaded woman chastised the pair. “I’m sorry. I am Carol, mother of this pair.”

  “Nice to meet you, Carol, Nadzia,” Vintor said with a nod. “Where is Brennan?”

  “In stasis.” Ashtoret shook his head. “He was severely injured when we rescued the females and tried to find you at the underground facility.”

  “He was caught up when the DOD bombed the detention facility?” Maya gasped. She shivered recalling the horrific event.

  “It’s bad but we can heal him on my homeworld.” Aculus placed a hand on Nadzia’s shoulder and she smiled up at him.

  “Good.” Vintor nodded solemnly. “As much as I’d like to catch up, we’ve spent the last several days running.”

  “I think I could sleep for a century,” Gary exaggerated.

  “Believe me, I understand. Let me show you to some quarters.” Ashtoret patted her brother’s back.

  “Is there a way for me to contact my mother?” Wen asked.

  “Ion is Captain Wen’s mother. She knows about poor Exo,” Vintor explained.

  “She’s going to be so excited to hear from you. You have no idea. She’s been very di
fferent since your sire passed.” Ashtoret smiled kindly at the pale woman.

  “I do have a way to reach your mother. By the way, thank you for your assistance.” Aculus pointed the way.

  “Just a moment. I need to speak to Maya in private, please.” Wen cast her a serious look.

  Vintor hugged her tighter. They’d been separated and besieged so many times he was suspicious even though Wen helped them.

  “I think with everyone here on our side, it will be okay.” She kissed his chest.

  Reluctantly, Vintor put her down. He held on till he was sure she was okay on her feet.

  “What do you need?” Maya asked as she stepped away from the others with Wen.

  “When you were in stasis this morning, the physicians discovered an issue that affects your health,” Wen began.

  18 Quite a Plight

  Vintor quo Fortis

  Maya was quiet as Ashtoret showed them to their quarters.

  What did Wen say to her? He had a feeling whatever it was, was the cause of her pensive mood.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked once the door closed.

  “Yep. Oh look. This room has just as nice a view as on the Miran Sona ship. What is that weird swirl?” She pulled him across the room.

  Vintor steadied her as she stepped up on the bench seat in front of the window, putting her almost at eye level.

  “It’s the rift we’re about to go through.” He wrapped his arms around her as they stared out the window.

  “Really? Is that the other side?”


  “It’s a bit blurry but beautiful. You know what? I think everything is going to be all right. Better than all right, wonderful. Your friend is safe and sound, and happily mated. Gary seemed excited with the way he was carrying on with the other guys. And I’m so glad Smile was okay going with Fire and Thunder,” she sighed as she leaned against him.

  He looked at the reflection of her content smile and relaxed. Maya was right. Maybe he was reading too much into things. It was a bit hard to believe they were finally safe among friends with the whirlwind of ups and downs they’d been through. The tension eased from Vintor’s shoulders. As Maya admired the view, he admired her. She was far more gorgeous and precious than anything out there in the vastness of space.

  “And you’re sure you’re going to be okay with leaving your world?”

  Vintor kissed the top of her head. They’d talked about this, but permanently leaving her home had to weigh on her, now that it was becoming a reality. Her happiness mattered.

  “I get to see a new world and spend my days with the sexiest man in creation.” Maya grinned back at him. “Meanwhile, you’re going to be stuck with me.”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage,” he chuckled.

  In fact, he looked forward to spending the rest of his days with Maya. He never imagined the goddess would bless him twice in a lifetime. When the venerable Kali saw fit to spare his life in the war and even granted him a place of honor serving their Daimio, Vintor assumed he used up his favors.

  Thank you, he offered up a heartfelt prayer as Maya tipped her head and he trailed kisses down the side of her neck.

  “You say that now, but wait till I’m fat and moody.” Maya reached back and grabbed his tail.

  “Your curves are wonderful. So soft,” he growled as he ran his hands over her hips, giving them a squeeze before working his way upward.

  Vintor cupped Maya’s breasts, loving the way they filled his palms. He cast her a wicked grin in the window as he teased her nipples with his thumbs, till they tightened to hard little buds beneath the fabric. Maya was so responsive to his touch.

  “Enjoy the girls now while they still belong to you,” she whispered as he nibbled her earlobe.

  Vintor paused, his brow furrowing. “What?” He pulled back and frowned, worry suddenly filling him.

  “Whoa there, buddy.” The grip Maya had on his tail tightened and she grinned.

  “I don’t understand.” His heart raced, dreading her answer. Maya just confirmed she wanted to be with him, so how could her breasts not belong to him?

  “Don’t freak out. I’m pregnant. That’s what Wen had to tell me.”

  “You’re with young?” he choked past the sudden lump in his throat.

  Vintor’s trembling hands descended to gently cup her soft belly. He’d just been thanking Kali for gifting him with his beautiful bonded and she’d smiled down on him yet again. He didn’t feel worthy enough to have found someone who loved him like Maya, let alone a family of his own. He didn’t know how it was possible to love someone so much, then she knocks him over with this news and that emotion grew tenfold. It was an unbelievable dream, considering all this began as such a nightmare. It couldn’t be true. Surely any moment he’d wake up to find all the beauty had faded away and he was still fighting behind enemy lines or drugged in a cell.

  Please don’t be a dream.

  “Vintor, say something.”

  Her voice brought him back and his eyes focused on hers reflected in the window. She was so small and fragile, and she was carrying his young.

  “I won’t disappoint you or our young. I have done a dismal job protecting you these last few days, but that will change when we are home on Cadi. You won’t have to fear…” He was silenced when Maya turned in his arms and placed a finger to his lips.

  “Vintor, I don’t need your assurances or promises of perfection. I want real life with you, in whatever way that happens. Your love, that’s the only promise I need.”

  “I do love you, Maya, so much. Thank you for rescuing me, for giving me a family and my life a deeper meaning, and for loving me,” he husked. How could he possibly express everything he felt?

  “I think we rescued each other, love.” Maya brushed her lips across his.

  Her embrace was so sweet it hurt. He tightened his hold on her and she deepened the kiss. He needed her like air. Every breath he pulled in scented of her. Vintor’s lips drifted down her neck. His gums itched, and his teeth ached as his mouth filled with conjugo serum. The desire to taste her hit him hard. Vintor swiftly pulled away.

  “No. I think you should rest,” Vintor insisted as he looked down at her belly. She was carrying his young. The last thing she needed was some aroused beast gnawing at her neck.

  “Are you trying to protect me again?” She stroked his chest.

  “It is a warrior’s job. You can tell me not to, but that would be like asking my heart not to beat.”

  “I know.” Maya kissed the spot over his heart. “But we have a little problem. I’m going to be pregnant for a long time and not only am I going to get moody, human women also get horny. And you are so very, very tempting.”

  Vintor couldn’t resist when she gripped his hips and pulled him to her. He planted his palms against the window on either side of her to keep from crushing her. The bulge of his arousal was trapped against his stomach. Vintor looked at the way it pressed against her, wondering how he ever fit in her dainty body.

  “Maya, I don’t think so.” The thought of what he wanted to do to her and where his little one was currently sheltered made him feel like a marauding brute.

  Maya glanced down and noticed what he was staring at and laughed. “A human woman can have sex up until she gives birth. I know of at least four positions that are safe even when I’m huge. Me laying on my side with you behind me. Me sitting on the edge of that table over there with my legs wrapped around you. Then there’s cowgirl or doggy style.”

  His eyes widened as she went on. Human females had to be made for pleasure if they could manage all of that.

  “Enough, female. You are temptation incarnate,” he rumbled.

  “So, which one will it be?” She cast him a sly grin as she reached up to the neck of her jumpsuit and peeled it over one dusky shoulder.

  His eyes narrowed when she slowly, seductively traced her finger across her collarbone and eased her other shoulder free. The way Maya’s smoldering gaze travelle
d over his body as she exposed her pert breasts had his already hard shaft kicking in his pants. She was haloed by a million stars, but Maya was the brightest thing against the dark sky. She drew him in and he was helpless to resist.


  It was hard not to giggle as she shimmied out of her jumpsuit then stood naked, caged in Vintor’s arms. Her poor sweet man looked lost and terribly cute. He was aroused but nervous as hell. She understood, she was excited and overwhelmed and anxious all at the same time. Looking into his eyes amplified everything. It was so easy to get caught up in those obsidian pools. God, how she wanted him, needed him.

  Just relax. Take it slow.

  Maya turned away from Vintor’s intensity, took a deep breath and attempted to calm herself. She stared out the window, her breasts pressed against the cool clear surface, while the heat radiating off Vintor warmed her back. Never in a million years did she imagine seeing the swirling distant galaxies like this. It was crazy how the compelling view of outer space as they crossed the rim of the wormhole was the less intense sight. And yet she couldn’t help focusing on Vintor’s reflection as he shadowed her back. She needed to feel him close. To be a part of him.

  She rocked her hips from side to side, rubbing her bare cheeks against his arousal, feeling the way the silky fabric covering his hard bulge slid over her skin. Vintor groaned and his hands dropped to her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh. She thought for a moment he was going to stop her, instead he pulled her closer, grinding his arousal against her ass. She loved the way his breathing kicked up a notch and how his erotic scent enveloped her.

  Vintor’s fingers drifted over the dip in her hip then combed through the manicured hair dusting her mound. He delved into her folds to find her clit swollen. Maya pulled in a ragged breath when he splayed her slick lips and started to roll his finger round and round her arousal. Her walls fluttered, spilling more moisture and her legs started to quiver. The way he placed open mouth kisses along her shoulder and up her neck heightened the burn.


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