Fate and Dreams

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Fate and Dreams Page 2

by Erik Weir

  Cassandra stood on the small dais steps, her towering form glowing with warmth as she watched Vala’s chosen, her Blade and Shield sit down. Over thirty acolytes took seats toward the front and keeping to small patches. The Slyths sat to one side while the War Maidens sat next to them. On the other side, four succubi sat with the dragons in their humanoid forms. Vonn and Yimer sat a row behind the dragons and succubi, black tentacles politely curled in so they weren’t in anyone’s way.

  Victor turned his head and all the women looked to him and smiled. Kira and Skye made their way in and sat behind the Slyths. Kira was still beaming as she clutched her book to her chest while Skye gave Victor a head nod. The Blade was about to turn around when a glint of red scales caught his attention. Shyryth stepped in, thin shafts of sunlight touching her crimson scales and fading away as she walked. The red dragon woman took a seat in the back, her eyes containing a hint of darkness as her wings folded against her shoulders. Victor’s head snapped forward when Cassandra began to speak.

  “Welcome all. I have news from our beloved Vala and it will require all of us to help with the final preparations of her arrival. As you all know, Vala hid many pieces of herself throughout the six realms. Thanks to Victor, Lily, everyone here and those still among the realms, most of her pieces have been freed and her power has begun to grow at an accelerated rate.

  “The last battle in Valis took its toll, not only on all of us, but the people who lived there. The realm was nearly destroyed but, Xull has agreed to help terraform the planet to what it once was.”

  Cassandra looked to everyone gathered as she continued, “Vala is still gathering her strength and because of this, she may not show herself too much in our visions. That is why she gave me directives for our next course of actions. Once the final pieces of Vala are freed, there will be a ceremony here in her temple. Some from the pantheon will be invited to the ceremony.”

  A hesitation filled the grand altar chamber, but it was Lily who spoke up.

  “Shouldn’t it be a private affair so we can ensure she is strong enough to return?”

  Cassandra nodded, her eyes taking on a tired edge. “I thought so too, but Vala insisted a number of gods and goddesses should be there when she returns from the void. Much of the pantheon is not invited, but she wanted a number of them to be there when she resurrects.”

  The Keeper reached into her emerald robe and pulled out a stack of letters, bound in twine. Stepping down from the dais, she stepped to Victor and held them out to him.

  “These are invites to the resurrection. Once you accept them, I will anchor them to your spirit. When you are close to a god or Champion, the invite will appear by your shoulder. You are to hand them over to the guest,” Cassandra said with a small smile.

  Victor looked to the bundle and then back up to Cassandra. “I’m with Lily. I don’t think this is a good idea. The whole point of the crusade was to resurrect her, not bring her back and possibly put her in harm’s way.”

  Cassandra gave a slight head nod, but didn’t pull back the stack on invites. “Vala wishes it to be done and when I asked, she didn’t give me an answer. She did tell me to tell you, she has faith in you and all her disciples.”

  A wave of unease washed over the Blade as he sat. After all they had been through, to invite others from the pantheon with their agendas could put them all in danger. Victor didn’t like it one bit, but his hand moved of its own accord, taking the invites from Cassandra and holding them. The Keeper gave Victor a long gaze before her hand waved over him. Lily and Dawn watched as the invites disappeared from Victor’s hand. The Blade felt something anchor to his spirit and then the feeling fell away.

  Cassandra stepped backwards until she stopped before the dais steps. “With the return of Vala so close, many of her enemies have located and imprisoned the remaining fifteen acolytes. Vala whispered to me that the remaining acolytes are located on Eddor, Dark Spire, Night Sun and Tempest. Everyone here will have to make a choice on what we do next.”

  Victor’s gaze shifted downward. Knowing where the acolytes were was probably the easy part, getting to them was something else entirely. As for the number of acolytes, the Blade knew the true number was seventeen. He had not connected with Night or Portia. It was something he was going to have to make time for.

  Cassandra looked to Dawn and then Lily, “You two will lead the rescue mission of the acolytes on Eddor. The Mage Authority has taken them hostage in Loress. The city has become a fortress, so stealth may be preferred over might. Pick those who will join you on the mission and we will come up with a strategy before you begin.”

  Lily and Dawn’s eyes widened before they turned their gaze to Victor.

  The Blade looked up in disbelief, “I’m sure the three of us can come up with a strategy?”

  Cassandra shook her head. “Vala has other plans for you. When we are finished here, talk to Shyryth. I believe she has something to ask of you.”

  Victor sat bewildered. He couldn’t understand why he was being benched from the rescue mission. Mind working, he tried to come up with a reason for it, but came up empty. The goddess was silent for over a month and now she was back, but why the secrecy? Did she not trust him after he channeled her power to save everyone back on Valis? Was this a kind of punishment for taking her power when she didn’t want him to?

  “As you can see outside, the twin suns have returned to Vala’s realm. The land, sky, and space beyond will spread out, forming a small interdimensional realm. Their power dimmed as Vala’s followers were slain, but now with new faith filling all the realms, her power is growing.

  “With this new power, we must prepare. Once Vala returns, many will flock to her religion again. They will need places of worship and the gifted will begin to appear here. The temple, village and town on the mountain is a good start but we will need to move with the growing lands, building temples and dwellings for Vala’s chosen. Half of you will go with Lily and Dawn. The other half will stay with me as we prepare for Vala’s return and the future of her faith.”

  A murmur filled the area as acolytes turned to each other. Lily and Dawn looked to Victor as he sat, mind lost to inner thoughts. The mood had shifted to something dire and dark, hidden under the need of splendor for a goddess’s return.

  “There must be a reason,” Lily said knowing full well what Victor was thinking.

  “Vala wouldn’t split us up unless it was important,” Dawn added.

  Victor looked to each beautiful woman in turn, “There must be a reason and when she’s ready, she will tell me. I’m more concerned about your rescue mission. Everything I have heard about the Mage Authority says they are dangerous. I feel I should be there.”

  Dawn touched Victor’s shoulder, “We are experts when it comes to the Authority.”

  “We’ve dealt with them enough times to know we can rescue the acolytes. Besides, you would just slow us down,” Lily said with an evil smirk.

  “You’re on fire today,” Victor teased while a sliver of concern coiled along his spine.

  Lily kept her smile as she looked to the back of the altar room. Shyryth stood up, turned and walked out, her thick red tail swaying behind her.

  “I think you better talk to Shyryth,” Lily said kindly while squeezing Victor’s hand.

  “Come back to us before you go, for luck,” Dawn smiled.

  Victor nodded before he stood up. Walking down the main aisle, Cassandra took questions about what was expected. The Keeper answered them, but her gaze was on Victor’s back, her heart beating a little faster. Lily and Dawn looked to each other before turning their attention to Cassandra, the temple filling with ideas and strategies for what was expected and what needed to be done.

  The Champion exited the main altar chamber, making his way along stony corridors until he reached a balcony. Shyryth was there, her back to the edge and lifting her gaze to meet his. Sunlight glittered off the crimson scales along her forearms. A cowboy hat graced her head while her long red hair
was tied back into a ponytail. Her outfit was a white shirt, thin brown vest and pale brown pants. Black boots and a pistol at her hip completed the look.

  Victor stepped closer, noticing the darkness in her eyes and a gleam of wetness at the edges. When he stood before her, Shyryth maintained her gaze, but the corner of her lip quivered first before it smoothed away. A cool breeze washed over them as they stood in the brilliant sunlight of the twin suns.

  “Astor didn’t talk much, but when it was just the two of us, she did talk about you a lot,” Shyryth said, the words heavy in the air.

  Victor said nothing, the weight of Astor’s death a burden on his heart.

  Shyryth continued, “It has taken some time to mourn my mentor’s death. Astor showed me what it means to be a Slinger. I know the code by heart and will dedicate my life not just to Vala, but to protect all those who cannot protect themselves. It is a duty I swore to when my pistol was handed to me.”

  Shyryth’s tail twitched before she continued. “When I held her in my arms as she was dying, she had one last wish. I thought it was going to be something sentimental, but she surprised me even at the end. She asked me to take you to Dorian Reins.”

  Victor raised an eyebrow.

  The dragon woman gave a sad smile. “Dorian Reins is the first of us. The first Slinger. He formed the Steel Coalition and put down the code for all Slingers to follow. He mentored Astor and many others.

  “I…I didn’t know why it was so important for you to meet him. As I lay on Astor’s grave, talking to her, I pushed away her request because at the time, it seemed to pale against what had happened. Last night, Astor came to me, telling me once again to take you to Dorian. My mission is clear.”

  Victor watched as tears rolled down Shyryth’s cheeks, drops forming along her smooth jawline. Sadness flowed and instantly she bolted forward, wrapping her arms around Victor and burying her face in his neck. The Blade hugged her back, holding her close as she sobbed.

  “It…still hurts that she’s gone. She loved you as much as she loved Vala.”

  Victor remained silent. Inner sorrow rose up as he cursed himself for not being faster. If he had used Vala’s power a moment sooner, he could have saved her along with everyone else as shadows tore into their ranks. The Elder Spawn, Draygon, had kept him occupied long enough for Astor to meet her end and that very thought haunted him.

  Shyryth pulled back slightly, tears running down her face as she pressed her hand to Victor’s chest, feeling his heartbeat. “I know there is nothing we can say to change what happened. All we can do is move on, fulfilling the wishes of those no longer with us.”

  The dragon woman wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. “We have to go to Eddor. Dorian is far to the east, deep within the Forsaken Lands. Since he moves around and doesn’t stay in one place too long, we will need to portal to him. Astor told me of several locations he visits, but I know time is short.

  “When I learned Night can open portals, I asked her to join us. We will arrive at Black Stone Tower first and then portal to Dorian so you can meet him.”

  Victor held Shyryth’s waist as he looked to the side. Night was a little unpredictable with a shadow living in her heart. She had been taken potions to help control and maybe even expel it from her body entirely, but as far as he knew, the shadow was still there within her.

  “When do you want to leave?” Victor asked.

  Shyryth looked into his green eyes, strength returning to her spirit, “Now.”


  Victor, Lily, Dawn and Shyryth stood by the misty cave entrance, steaming hot spring pools surrounding them. The babbling of hot water churned as tendrils of steam rose up into the air above each pool. The suns had moved to midday, light painting the mountain in pale yellows.

  Victor stood in his armored trench coat, gray shirt with buttons lining the side of his chest, black pants and black boots. The aesthetic band Portia had given him back on Valis worked like a charm, changing his clothes to what he desired and repairing any damage they had taken. Now he stood in his chosen uniform and ready to take on the realms.

  Shyryth moved off to the side as Lily and Dawn stepped closer. The elf with glasses hugged him first and then Lily hugged him next.

  “I hate splitting up the band,” Victor joked.

  “Time apart will make the heart grow fonder,” Lily smiled.

  Victor looked to Lily, “My Lily is angry and not poetic. What have you done with her?”

  The lilac colored succubus let out a small laugh. “Maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”

  “We tend to do a lot of rubbing,” Victor winked and smirked.

  “Just promise me you’ll get yourself out of any trouble. I would say don’t do anything stupid but we both know you can’t help yourself.”

  “I don’t know if I can handle this stable and fun you. It’s a little unnerving.”

  Lily leaned in and pressed her dark lips to his. The couple held each other as tongues danced. The moment played on until Lily pulled back and slapped Victor’s ass.

  “Don’t take too long,” the succubus leered as she looked him up and down.

  “Don’t get mad if I have to bail you out of the fire,” Victor said and gave her butt a slap.

  Lily sucked in a gasp before biting the edge of her lip and stepping back. Along the path to the misty cave, Night walked in her dark blue robe. Pointed ears graced the sides of her head as pale skin glowed in the sunlight. She was nearly identical to Dawn, but was slightly taller and thinner. Almond shaped eyes glanced to Victor before she turned her gaze to Dawn. The elves stepped to each other and gave a sisterly embrace before they pulled back, hands holding on to each other.

  “Are you well enough to make this journey?” Dawn asked.

  Night nodded. “I have been here a long time. I think the shadow inside of me is weak enough not to cause any trouble. It will be nice to return to Eddor again. I miss the air there.”

  “I’ll make sure she’s okay,” Victor added.

  Dawn ignored Victor and squeezed her sister’s hands. “Keep Victor out of trouble. He can be a handful.”

  Victor’s jaw dropped. “I’m right here!”

  Night, Dawn and Lily smiled. Shyryth looked away, hiding her smile from the small group. The scent of mineral water floated on the breeze, bathing the area in calm serenity. Victor took it in, enjoying the moment as he looked from one beautiful woman to another. Their adventures had so many unexpected twists and turns and yet, they made it through them for the most part. The Champion’s mind shifted to the graves at the bottom of the mountain and he promised himself to fight harder and smarter, making sure everyone left would be there for when Vala returns.

  “Are we ready,” Shyryth asked gruffly.

  Night and Victor nodded. The dragon Slinger dipped her hat and stepped toward the misty cave. Dawn and Lily watched as Night was next and Victor third. The Blade turned to the two women and gave them a slight head nod and a small smile. Lily eyed him with a new brightness in her spirit while Dawn waved.

  Shyryth stepped into the misty cave, her body melting away from sight. Night was next, stepping in and glancing back to her sister as she faded from view. Victor was last, hesitating at the cave entrance and looking back at the pair of women seeing him off.

  “I love you,” Victor said to both of them.

  “I love you,” Lily and Dawn said in unison.

  The Champion smiled before he turned to the mists. Stepping through, the ethereal smoke parted and soon darkness consumed him.

  Thick mists writhed like tentacles against the abyssal background. Victor walked, Shyryth and Night just ahead of him. Realm Walking had become second nature as the Champion made his way. Focusing his thoughts, he pictured the Eddor realm. In the far distance, an oval opening of light appeared. It glowed like a beacon in his mind and in his eyes.

  The trio made their way until one by one, they stepped through the glowing portal and light flashed. Blinking, the three emerged on
to sandy ground. Sunlight bathed the area as a small town with a tall tower stood in the distance. Victor looked up to see the sun was moving to the west and it appeared it was late afternoon. The dry air tickled his nose as Shyryth turned her head slightly, one eye catching Victor and Night.

  “We will stay in town for the night before we portal further to the East,” Shyryth stated before she began walking.

  Victor and Night followed. The walk to town was quick, entering on Main street. Some townsfolk were moving about with their day while others sat in chairs and waved at the red dragon woman. Shyryth tipped her hat and kept leading the three of them to the tall tower at the end of the long street.

  Victor noticed how Shyryth adopted Astor’s mannerisms. When they first met, she was a bookworm, searching for truths in the vast library of Loress. Now, she was a Slinger, protecting the many from shadows that occasionally appeared in the Forsaken Lands. Even for a dragon, she took the cause seriously. Lily often spoke of dragons in their quiet moments, telling of how they were the first race to create civilizations across many universes. They were the architects to achieving a higher state of being. A faction stayed on Eddor and grew, wanting to watch the growth of magic and seeing how long mortals would take to achieve complete mastery over it.

  The longer Victor stayed within the six realms, the more he felt like his very soul was weaving into the tapestry of this corner of the universe. Earth had become such a faraway place in his heart, a home he never felt he truly belonged. Purpose of taking care of his parents consumed him, but when they passed on, he was lost in an indifferent universe.

  Memories stroked his mind as he tried to keep them at bay. The whispers grew, telling him he would no longer be of any use to Vala once she returned from the dead. The robed image of Vala sent a shiver up and down his spine. Heart beating, he wanted to see her again, but doubt washed over him again. Images played on like a fragmented movie, taking Vala’s power against her wishes and using it to save his friends and the people of Valis.


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