Fate and Dreams

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Fate and Dreams Page 13

by Erik Weir

  The air sharpened, filling’s Victor’s lungs with icy frost before the rage in his heart warmed it once again. Thick plumes of warm air touching the growing cold fell from his nose, giving him the appearance of a dragon ready to rend flesh and break bone.

  Queen Kali stepped closer, her demeanor calm and her dark gaze staying on the fuming champion. “I don’t have to remind you, if you lay one finger on me, I will be able to call upon my power to destroy you. Now, shall we discuss terms?”

  “Why is she here?” Victor said with dark menace.

  Kali stopped walking, a space of four feet between them. “The dead travel across realms, worlds, and dimensions. It could be she was drawn to your growing power or simply a wisp of luck brought her to us. It doesn’t matter, she has been here for months, lost on the streets and saying your name.

  “Once I heard of your adventures, it didn’t take long to know who she truly was. I brought her here, caring and protecting her so when we met, I could offer her back to you.”

  Flames licked the air as Victor held the sword down and to the side, eyes filled with protective madness.

  Kali continued, “As I said, I have a proposition for you that will benefit all the realms. Please take a moment to listen.”

  “Listen?” Victor growled. “You have my mother and you think using her to bargain with me will work in everyone’s best interest?”

  “I do not wish for any ill will, but there are greater things at stake than the love of your mother. I knew I needed your attention and now I have it. I don’t wish to mince words so this is what I’m offering.

  “I can restore your mother back to life and return the two of you back to your world. You can live out your days, death waiting a very long time so you can enjoy your mortal moments in peace. You can start again and live the life you always wanted.”

  Victor’s eyes narrowed, “If I give up the crusade.”

  Kali gave a small nod. “You don’t understand the implications if Vala returns. Some of the Pantheon are not pleased and there are whispers of war. Many are watching, trying to gleam what they can so they may use her mysterious power to resurrect herself. If that knowledge becomes commonplace, there will be no need for laws or order among the pantheon. Drogoss set the realms in motion, but he also created the law of death. Even we can die, but if the law can be cheated, many, if not all will take advantage and the realms will become battlegrounds.”

  Victor’s head leaned forward a little, shadows covering his eyes. “Vala was murdered because she could create gods. Her first born was slaughtered before it had a chance. Now, you bring my mother into this to entice me to leave? I don’t think you understand what it means to be truly loyal.”

  The Champion turned his attention to the gray form of his mother, eyes heavy with sorrow. “The doctors told me she wasn’t who she was anymore. My mom had become a shell, dying a confused and slow death. I could have given up. I could have just left her in the home, the staff seeing to her needs, but I stayed. I stayed because she was a lost cause to everyone…but me. I didn’t care how long it took. I was there when she took her last breath and felt the cold seep into her body.”

  Victor turned his attention back to Kali, a growing flame in his eyes. “And if you think this pathetic attempt to change my mind had a chance of working, you fucking don’t understand what it means to be loyal. You don’t understand what it means to give of yourself, selflessly for another’s benefit. For such fucking higher beings, you act like petty, selfish little monsters.”

  Kali’s face remained blank as her lips parted, “If Vala returns, balance will be restored and war will begin. My city needs the influx of dead to staff our armies. With Vala resurrected, many of the dead will move on and we will be ill-prepared for the coming war. You doom my city and my people. Your loyalty will destroy the realms and us with it.”

  “Release my mother and I will convince Vala to aid you in any war that comes,” Victor demanded.

  Kali’s expression shifted to annoyance, “Vala doesn’t have the power to unite the realms. The hounds will sniff at her weaknesses and exploit them. You’re on the losing side.”

  Victor’s lips twisted into a maddening smirk. “I’m not the one trying to stop the crusade because I feel so weak, I can’t defend myself.”

  Kali’s annoyance furled into rage. “You forget your place, Champion.”

  “And you forget yours. I’m a guest in your realm and you hold my dead mother for ransom. I’ve been here long enough to know this is complete bullshit. Since your husband is not here, I can assume he doesn’t know anything about this. How’s he going to take it when he finds out his wife and Queen has been doing dirty deeds behind his back?”

  “I don’t answer to my husband,” Kali’s eyes flashed with malice.

  “If it was a real relationship, you wouldn’t have to hide from him,” Victor said harshly before moving his body between Kali and his mother and Astor.

  “I’m going to take my mother from here and I will keep my promise to convince Vala to aid all her allies. All you have to do is step aside,” Victor said with a heated edge.

  “I will not place the future of my kingdom in the hands of a lowly Champion,” Kali hissed as she opened her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders.

  Victor’s body remained loose as the Queen of the Dead turned to him. A skintight outfit covered in runes adhered to her body. The air shifted as an invisible power began to pulse and grow. White skin rippled before dark blue flooded it with azure color. Kali’s eyes began to turn in different directions while a wide grin began to form. From her sides, a new pair of arms appeared and unfolded. Swords slid into her main two arms while balls of fire appeared from the palms of her new hands. Bending her legs, she took on the classic form of Kali from Victor’s studies, a long tongue unfurling and hanging like a suspended worm.

  Victor’s body stayed frosty as he looked to the goddess with contempt, “You already did when you used my mother.”

  “Astor, I need you to get my mother out of here,” the Champion said over his shoulder.

  Astor looked up with sad eyes, “I can’t. She is confined to this platform. She can’t step beyond the edge.”

  “It is for her protection,” Kali said with a sickening slathering of her words.

  “I fought Baaldir and Elder spawns. I can fight you too,” Victor readied himself.

  Kali let out a hysterical laugh, shoulders shaking. The air vibrated from her power before she glared down.

  “You don’t have any friends or gods here to help you. You are but a gnat to my power.”

  “Come get some,” Victor sneered as his Elemental sword slipped into his wrist and the gun blade emerged.

  Kali watched with amused eyes as Victor spent all fifteen points of his Constitution and channeled the power into his Gun-blade. The surge hummed like a nuclear reactor as Victor knew he never spent that much of his power at once. A “Divine Effect” flashed in the corner of his vision. One point meant a lesser effect, five points meant a greater effect, ten points was a titan effect and now, he surged with enough power to make the gods blink.

  The four-armed goddess’ laugh faded slightly as she felt the power filling the Champion and the air around him. Standing her ground, she watched as Victor aimed his glowing white Gun-blade, finger hovering over the trigger and grim determination in his eyes.

  “You pull that trigger, I will kill your mother again, right before your dying eyes,” Kali hissed.

  Victor glanced down and smiled. “Who said this was for you?” Victor lowered his aim to the platform and pulled the trigger.

  A bolt of energy blasted down from the Gun-blade, striking the rune covered stone platform and exploded. The energy released was enough for Kali to stumble back, but Victor was thrown backwards. Pumping five points of Strength into his body, he barely righted himself before his boots hit the ground and slid back ten feet.

  The runes glowed as a crack formed along the platform. A breath later, the
energy died. Astor held Victor’s mother, feeling the ward dissipate. Instantly, she pulled the gray form of Victor’s mother to the edge and they both stepped off with no ill effects. Astor glanced back to Victor, giving him a weak smile before moving toward the tunnel they entered.

  “You fool! You wasted your shot,” Kali screeched.

  Victor stepped back, Gun-blade up, “I’m no fucking fool. The moment I attack you, you can use your full power. You’re right, I don’t have back up, but I didn’t come here to fight you. I’m here to bring peace to the realms.”

  The Champion let a smirk slip, “Plus, I didn’t waste my shot, I have five more just like it ready to punch holes in anything you send after me. For now, we are leaving. I will still tell Vala your city will need protection, but I’m taking my mother with me.”

  Kali looked to the tunnel beyond the Champion, lifted an arm with a fireball and threw it. It soared across the cavern until it hit right above the tunnel edge. The explosion caused it to cave in, dust and debris blowing up at Astor and Victor’s mother.

  “We are not finished,” Kali screeched.

  Victor backed up, Gun-blade at the ready. Strategies formed as he readied himself when mists billowed from the ground. Energy swirled in with the mists. Kali turned her attention to the swirling mists, fear bleeding into her eyes. Victor kept his cool when the mists parted and three figures stood.

  Lily and Dawn stood, staff in the succubus’s hand and a plasma pistol in the elf’s hand. They were in a fighting pose with Anubis in the middle of them, dark eyes on the four-armed goddess.

  “Kali, enough!”

  The goddess turned to her husband and gave a furious hiss. “Vala’s crusade will end the realms! I am doing what you’re not strong enough to do, bringing an end to the conflict!”

  Anubis stepped forward, eyes taking on a sad edge, “This isn’t our way. We cannot interfere in the affairs of the realms. We can only watch and guide those lost to new shores.”

  Kali’s arms trembled as tears streaked her blue cheeks, “Our masters fear what is to come. We have to break the old ways and do something before it is too late.”

  Anubis stepped close to his wife, calm understanding filling his pale face. “Kali, Vala’s return will bring balance. That is all the masters want. After that, fate will decide what happens next.”

  Lily and Dawn quickly crossed the damaged stone platform and stood by Victor’s side. The Champion smiled at his companions and friends.

  Lily gave him a sideways glance, “Kali spiked the wine. That is why it affected us and Anubis so much. He told us what happened and was barely able to fight off the effects.”

  “He was coming to you and we insisted we join him,” Dawn smiled.

  “Thank you,” Victor said.

  Anubis put his hand on Kali’s shoulder, “We have done what the masters have asked us to do, care for and protect the acolytes for Vala’s Champion. Beyond that, it is up to the pantheon what happens next.”

  The swords in Kali’s hand slipped into her wrists while the fireballs vanished in a puff of smoke. The blue goddess of death hugged her husband with all four arms, holding him tight. Anubis held his wife, her face buried in his neck.

  “The war will destroy our city and so many beautiful souls,” Kali sobbed.

  Anubis stroked her hair as he held her close. “Not if we stay true to the balance. Don’t let the paths of fate spoil the moments we live now.”

  Anubis lifted his gaze to Victor, Lily, and Dawn. “Besides, I’m sure the goddess of love will be thankful for us aiding in her eventual return,” The Dead King winked.


  The throne room held an uncomfortable gloom for most, but not all. Vala’s acolytes mulled about in a small group while Lily and Dawn stood off to their side, eyes on Victor. Anubis and Kali sat on their thrones, the King of the Dead holding his wife’s hand and caressing it with his thumb. Kali sat, gaze downwards as she could not bear to look at the loving King at her side.

  Before the thrones and small groups, Astor stood with a small smile as Victor held his mother close. Color had returned to her gray form and she lovingly held her son, her cheek pressed against his chest.

  Victor couldn’t stop smiling as he held his dead mother. Seeing the light in her eyes was enough to bring a sense of peace to his soul, even if only for a moment. Her hugs felt the same as he remembered and the thought of pulling away was the furthest thing from his mind.

  Victor’s mother was first to partially break the embrace, but still holding her son’s hands. “You have done so much. I wish you could stay, but I know you have so much to do.”

  Victor smiled as he looked down to his mother’s warm gaze. “I do, but we have so much to talk about. I don’t want to leave your side, not again.”

  Victor’s mom let go of his hand and reached up, touching his cheek. “We never left each other. Death could not keep me from finding you again, with a little help from your friends,” Victor’s mother looked over to Astor and smiled.

  Anubis turned his attention to Victor, Victor’s mother, and Astor and smiled. “I know there is still much to do for Vala’s Champion. Beverly will be safe here, a royal guest and under our protection while you carry on with Vala’s crusade. I swear an oath to ensure no harm will come to her.”

  Kali looked up with a sad smile. “We swear an oath.”

  Victor turned his attention to the King and Queen, a weariness under his eyes. “I know what you were trying to do. If I was in your position, I can’t safely say I wouldn’t do the same thing. But I promised to speak to Vala and encourage her to aid in any way we can and I’m sticking to that promise.”

  Victor turned his attention back to his mother, “Now, it’s as important as ever to bring balance to the realms.”

  Beverly smiled with love.

  Kali stood up from her throne, white regal robe covering her once again pale body. The Queen of the Dead made her way down the dais steps and walked to Vala’s Champion and his mother.

  The queen bowed her head to Vala’s Champion and spoke, “You are truly a clever and honorable Champion. I was wrong to bargain during a time where allies are needed most.”

  Kali held out an alabaster colored hand, a purple and black sword emerging from her wrist. Victor stood his ground, body at the ready and eyes filled with protective defiance when they widened in shock. Kali knelt down, head still bowed as she held the sword sideways, presenting it to Vala’s Champion.

  “I give the Phantom Sword freely to Vala’s Blade. A mystical weapon found in the black sands, it has the power to drain strength and intelligence from any who are cut by its sharp edge. Take it with our gratitude and use it to ensure Vala’s crusade is won.”

  Victor reached out and took the sword into his hand. Energies burned as a connection formed between the weapon and Victor’s soul. Holding it up, he marveled at the lightness of the weapon. Giving it a quick slice through the air, he looked to it again before it slid into his wrist. A tattoo of the sword appeared next to the other six swords as its power glowed and faded away.

  “Thank you, your highness,” Victor said as he bowed to her.

  Kali stood up and looked to the Blade with an endearing gaze.

  Victor stood up, a small smile forming.

  Astor stepped closer, her hand touching his shoulder. “I will stay by your mother’s side to make sure everyone keeps their oaths.”

  Victor turned to Astor’s pale form, reaching up and taking her hand into his. “Thank you, Astor.”

  The dead Slinger nodded before her eyes began to water. “Did you meet him? Did you speak to him?”

  Victor smiled. “I met and spoke with Dorian Reins. He told me he was proud of you.”

  A single tear streaked down Astor’s cheek as she gave a small nod. “I wanted him to know how special you are to me. I’m happy you carried out my dying wish. I will watch and protect your mother for as long as it takes.”

  The Blade and Slinger hugged each other for a lo
ng moment before eventually parting. Astor moved to Beverly’s side and bowed her head to her friend and lover.

  Beverly stepped closer and fixed Victor’s collar. “I’ll be waiting for your next visit. You have so many girls who care about you, it can make a mother jealous.”

  “Mom…” Victor groaned.

  “You know I’m only kidding. It warms my heart to see so many love you and you love them. Promise me you’ll be safe.”

  “I promise,” Victor said in a small voice.

  Beverly gave her son a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back and standing by Astor.

  The throne room took on a warmth. Victor gazed on his mother, her rosy glow filling the cold air with a hazy energy. The Blade stepped back as Lily, Dawn, and the acolytes stepped to his sides. Anubis watched as Kali took her seat at his side. The King and Queen smiled and gave a simultaneous nod to Vala’s Champions and acolytes.

  Victor smiled, his heart glowing in his chest. Channeling five points of Wisdom, the Blade lifted a hand. A purple and black swirl appeared before forming a portal. Lily took hold of one of Victor’s hands as Dawn took hold of the other. The two Champions gave Victor a loving squeeze before they let go.

  Acolytes moved toward the swirling portal, bowing to the King and Queen before stepping through. Szura the lich gave the King and Queen a shrewd glance before stepping into the portal and disappearing from sight. Dawn was next, stepping into the portal. Lily looked to Beverly and Astor, smiling and bowing before stepping in and vanishing from sight.

  Victor moved to the portal edge and turned his head to his mother. It burned at his soul that he had to leave. Seeing her, even in death, strengthened their bonds beyond anything he had ever known. Thoughts swirled and urges cried out for him to stay. Fighting them down, honor demanded he finish the crusade. A happy image of returning when it was all over so they could sit and talk caused his heart to tremble in his chest. Fate brought them back together and Victor knew he had to keep going, it was the only way to ensure everyone was safe.

  With a deep breath, Victor smiled to his mom. She blew him a kiss. The Blade’s cheeks burned bright before he looked away and stepped into the portal. The swirl of energy closed and the portal was gone.


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