Fate and Dreams

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Fate and Dreams Page 22

by Erik Weir

  “I have many experiences I want to show you, but for now, please me so the nagging desire will stop haunting my body,” Lucretia sighed before moving her warm thighs to either side of Victor’s cheeks and sliding down until her womanhood touched his mouth.

  Energy swelled as Victor happily let his tongue and lips begin their work. The demoness watched for a long moment before bliss ran along every nerve and she closed her eyes. Hips moved as thighs held Victor in place. Champion and demon matched the motion and small moans fell from Lucretia’s dark lips. Glokk and Rozull ran their hands all over Victor, Muz, and Lucretia. Tails wagging, they licked black lips while Muz gave muffled cries. The hellhound was insatiable, the tip of Victor’s cock touching the back of her throat and she refusing to gag on it. Long strokes of her lips caused the throbbing member to pulse. Alternating her rhythm, Victor found it harder and harder to keep his urges at bay.

  “Rozull, touch me how I like to be touched,” Lucretia said in a heated whisper.

  The hellhound moved to her mistress, clawed hands moving from behind and running fingertips along standing nipples. The sharp tips of the claws touched the demoness in odd ways and Lucretia let out a sultry moan.

  Despite the weakness in his body, the spirit was willing. Arms slowly rose up and his hands grabbed at the demoness' waist. The demoness opened her eyes as Victor took control. A whine fluttered up her throat, but she didn’t say anything as Victor buried his face and mouth at the apex of her sex, licking at her like she was the only source of water for miles.

  Muz’s tail wagged faster as she upped the tempo. Inches of Victor’s manhood appeared and disappeared along her lips. Nuzzling her mouth to the base of his cock, her tongue slid along the shaft, calling for him to nourish her inner fire. The sound of their connections filled the air around them, small moans adding to the loving symphony.

  “Praise Vala,” Lucretia said with a harsh whisper.

  “Praise Vala,” Rozull and Glokk said at the same time.

  Muz said nothing, moving her head quicker, her heart crying out.

  “Praise Vala,” Victor mumbled as his tongue touched Lucretia’s clit in just the right way.

  Lucretia’s body trembled and then it shuddered. The demoness let her moans grow louder as her inner world sparked in divine bliss. Hips still moving, she stayed in that internal place, using the Champion until she was ready to let it all go. Victor looked up with intense eyes as wetness flooded his mouth and her taste changed. Lucretia’s body shuddered again and again as she fell forward, her hands and arms keeping her up as she gasped for breath. Energy swirled and left her body to enter his. The demoness basked in the storm of orgasms, but remained over him, hips moving to Victor’s blessed tongue.

  Muz upped the tempo until Victor’s cock thickened in her mouth. Slowing down, she continued to stroke him. Claws dug into the Blade’s legs, causing his hips to thrust. Pleasure blasted the Champion while white seed spurted into the hellhound’s throat. Muz’s lips touched the base of his cock while another spurt painted her throat. Energy bloomed between them before it sank into Victor’s spirit, another piece of Vala returning to the void.

  Muz, unable to control herself, let Victor’s cock fall from her mouth as she climbed on him. Taking hold of his half-hard cock, she pressed it to her valley and moaned her approval as she slid down, the used-up member growing hard once again.

  Victor let the symphony between them sing on. He had only three pieces of Vala left to find and the crusade would reach its end. Settling in as Lucretia demanded more, the Champion carried on with his sacred duty. Glokk and Rozull whining that they wanted their turn.


  Victor sighed as the hellhounds each fought over who was to hold his hands. The lanterns of the village glowed with ethereal light as they stepped off the stairs. The entire walk up the mountain was fine except the hellhounds argued on who wanted to be with him. Even when Victor said he could hold a hand from each, the third one whined that it was unfair. Lucretia seemed not to care, her eyes distant and a dark smile on her lips.

  Stepping onto the stone street, Victor felt his muscles begin to give out. The evenings activities had used up the last of his energy. A thought touched his mind, wondering why his regeneration wasn’t picking up the slack. Calling up a status screen in his vision, a small alert appeared, telling him that his nano-drone regeneration was offline. When he pulled up the details, it informed him the surge of energy knocked the drones offline and the system needed a few more hours to reboot.

  Victor struggled to stand. When his sword cracked and he felt he surge of energy, it caused more havoc then he realized. The hellhounds reached out and helped steady the Champion just as Cassandra walked along the street toward them.

  The eight-foot tall Keeper gave a welcoming smile as she approached. The demoness and hellhounds looked up to her tall stature and smiled. When the Keeper stood before them, her gaze moved to Victor as he struggled to stand.

  “Welcome to Luna Springs Village. I summoned Yex to meet with you and she should be on her way. She will show you to your new home or homes here on Vala’s Mountain.”

  “Thank you,” Lucretia said with a warm edge.

  Victor tried to stand on his own power. Taking a step toward Cassandra, the Champion gave her a weak smile before his legs gave out. The Keeper’s arms swept out and caught him. Lifting the Blade up, she held him to her large chest.

  “Hi,” Victor whispered.

  “Hi,” Cassandra said with a concerned smile.

  The Keeper turned from the small group as Yex approached. The Slyth beckoned the devil and hellhounds to follow her while Cassandra carried Victor to his home. Darkness touched Victor’s gaze in waves. The last few hours had taken its toll and he was barely able to stay awake. Images of his surroundings pulsed and before he knew it, Cassandra was placing him down on his bed.

  “I saw what you did, from my dreams. I’m not happy you went to Night Sun without any assistance,” Cassandra said softly while she began to take off his clothes.

  “We…didn’t have time,” Victor managed.

  The Keeper nodded. “I know, but I’m still not happy. You are important not only to Vala, but to us as well.”

  “Sorry,” Victor whispered.

  Cassandra finished taking off Victor’s clothes and pulled a blanket over his nude body. Standing over him, she pulled at her emerald green robe and shed it from her shoulders. Victor looked to her as her alabaster body glowed in the limited light. It was warm and inviting, but he wasn’t sure he was up to the task of spending time with his friend.

  The Keeper stood by the edge of the bed, “Not to worry, you need rest and restoring your energy. I’m here to help quicken your recovery.”

  The tall woman picked up the blanket and slipped into bed. Pressing her body to Victor’s, she snuggled close while her arms and a leg held him to her. Warmth crawled along his body as he nestled in. Cassandra ran her fingers along his skin, energy dancing with each smooth touch.

  Victor wanted to fall into slumber’s warm embrace, but he fought it. Questions raided his thoughts and he couldn’t keep them at bay any longer.

  “Cassandra…why are some of the dark gods invited to Vala’s Resurrection?”

  The Keeper’s expression didn’t change as she held Victor close. “I don’t know. Vala gave me instructions, but when I questioned her, she simply smiled.”

  Victor stared upwards, “Drogoss…I don’t trust him.”

  “I have seen the events on Eddor. He has ended the war between the Mages and the Slingers. There is a new peace.”

  Victor turned his gaze to meet Cassandra’s dark eyes. “You…don’t trust him either. I can…feel it. For an all-powerful god…he hasn’t done anything until we showed up. He’s hiding…something.”

  “Shhhh, try to get some sleep. We can talk more in the morning,” Cassandra said with a soothing tone.

  “We shouldn’t…have the enemy…at the…” Victor tried to speak, but the war
mth and comfort of the bed and Cassandra’s body against his was too much.

  Eyes fluttering closed, Victor fell from the waking world and slid deep into the dreamscape.

  The darkness caressed his mind and body as he floated in an ocean of black. Energy burned low like coals in a fire pit. Small thoughts carried on the tides of his inner world, wishing he could sleep like this forever. Tendrils of fear nipped at his dreamy skin, concern and worry for his friends and Vala herself filling him with dread.

  Eyes opened as he floated. Two figures emerged from the darkness, walking toward him without making a sound. Smiles bloomed as a lilac-colored demon and a blonde elf walked toward the floating Champion. Hearts soared as the trio met, facing each other. Victor was so happy to see them, but noticed they had dark circles under their eyes and their smiles weren’t as bright as he had known them to be.

  Victor reached out with both hands. Lily took his right hand while Dawn took his left. The elf and demon then held each other’s hands, forming a triangle in the abyss.

  “Where are you?” Victor asked.

  “Sleeping in the Tempest Realm,” Lily answered.

  “We found the remaining three acolytes,” Dawn said, the darkness growing under her eyes.

  “This is good news?” Victor asked while trying to remain upbeat.

  Lily and Dawn looked to each other before turning their attention to Victor.

  “There is a wide valley. Baaldir has the three acolytes tied to posts. They are surrounded by thousands of his War Wolves,” Dawn began.

  “They aren’t like the war wolves we have fought in the past. They hold a demonic power to them. They stand like statues, staring out in all directions and surrounding the acolytes. Baaldir is there, standing among them, but not moving. He looks different.

  “I’m not sure this is a fight we can win,” Lily said with a grim edge.

  “He knows we’re coming,” Dawn said, her voice echoing through the abyss.

  “We have to save them,” Victor whispered.

  Lily and Dawn nodded but the shadows didn’t leave their eyes.

  The three floated in the abyss, holding each other’s hands as loving warmth touched all their hearts. Victor didn’t know where it was coming from, but it seemed to grow with each passing second. In a blink, three women floated, their bodies tied to incorporeal posts and heads lifting up.

  A gray-haired young woman looked up to Victor and gave a hard smile. “I see them.”

  A green-haired young woman lifted her head, eyes on Lily, “We can smell you on the wind. Baaldir knows your coming.”

  A blue-haired woman strained against her post, “We are ready to love or die to bring Vala back. Tempest is no longer our home.”

  The gray-haired woman looked to her fellow acolytes. “Stay strong my sisters in battle. Our prayers are answered…”

  Victor’s heart clenched in his chest as the three women faded away to the darkness.

  The warmth of his spirit turned into a storm. The long fight had pushed him and his friends to the breaking point too many times. With the end so close, not even Baaldir himself could stop what was to happen.

  “Lily, Dawn, when I wake, I’m coming to you,” Victor said with courage.

  The demon and elf looked to Vala’s Champion.

  Victor continued, “This crusade has gone on long enough. I’m going to come to you and we are going to liberate the last of Vala’s acolytes.”

  “Even with our power we…” Lily trailed off as if ashamed to say anymore.

  Victor squeezed her hand. “We have fought through the realms with every bit of our power and our wits. I’m not giving up and none of us are going to die. I won’t allow it. Vala’s ex-boyfriend isn’t going to stand in our way. I’m coming and I’m bringing hell with me.”

  Lily’s eyes widened a hair as she saw Victor’s conviction. A fire burned brighter as the shadows left her eyes and a new glow rose up. Dawn nodded, color filling her cheeks. The trio held onto each other tighter, the power of their union glowing like a new star.

  “Rest up and I’ll come to you,” Victor said with a confident smirk.

  Dawn spoke up, “Stop by my room. Wynn had sent me two gifts some time back and this might be the perfect time to use them.”

  Victor nodded toward the elf before looking to them each in turn. “Love is about to beat the shit out of evil!”


  The sun set behind the horizon with a brilliant flash before the sky glowed like embers. Shadows grew longer as the jungle shifted to the waking song of nocturnal creatures stirring from their slumbers. A demon and elf peered from the thick jungle’s edge, staring down at the wide valley. No tree or bush stood, instead the valley was filled with hulking demon wolves, still and silent as a grave at midnight.

  Lily watched the valley, staff in hand. Dawn was at her side, staring as her thin hand caressed the plasma pistol at her hip. The two women looked for any movement or weakness along the valley, but none appeared. The war wolves stood, eyes glowing with dark blue light and spines poking out of their backs, shoulders and arms. The pairs of glowing eyes spread out along the valley like points of candlelight. Dawn thought it would have been beautiful if only the lights didn’t belong to Baaldir’s monsters.

  Baaldir stood not far from the three posts. The god stared at nothing as the women tied to the posts were still, their heads hanging forward and hair covering their faces.

  Mist flowed at the women’s feet. Lily and Dawn turned to see a figure emerge from the mists with a cocky smirk. Victor walked toward them, a backpack in one hand and a plasma rifle in the other. Without a second thought, they were standing up and throwing their arms around the Champion. Victor dropped the backpack and rifle to the floor, his arms holding them close.

  “I missed you both,” Victor said.

  The embrace lasted for a long moment before all three parted. Dawn grabbed the backpack off the ground and slung it to her back. There was a whirl of machines as it seemed to tighten to her body, metal sliding down over the straps and securing to the thin elf.

  Lily gave Victor a demonic smirk. “It’s about time you finally do some work around here.”

  Victor returned her smile. “When this is all over, I’m putting you to work…in my bed!”

  Lily licked her lips. “Good, because I need be taught some lessons.”

  Dawn lifted up the plasma rifle and checked it, “Do we have a real plan or are we just going in guns blazing?”

  “Cassandra and I came up with something that I hope…erm…will work.”

  Lily’s smile dimmed. “You’re not sure?”

  “Are we sure of anything in the universe,” Victor grinned.

  “I’m starting to lose confidence,” Lily said as she closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Dawn hoisted the butt of the rifle to her shoulder. “I’m sick of being in this realm. What’s the plan?”

  Victor nodded and began detailing the plan. In the back of his mind, he called up his stats.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 74/77

  Divine Orbs- 2

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 20

  Con (Nano)- 20

  Int (Abyss)- 5

  Will (Holy)- 15

  Wis (Mind)- 15

  Cha (Shadow)- 5


  Iron Sword

  Elemental Sword

  Gun Blade

  Bone Sword

  Cursed Blade

  Phantom Sword

  Holy Blade

  Sphere Abilities/Powers


  Speak/Read/Write Languages


  Unseen Hand

  Enchant Weapon

  Enchant Armor

  Portal Weaver


  Increased Strength/Speed

  Animal Tongues


  Animal Shapeshift

  War Form
br />   Summon Monster


  Heightened Senses Upgrade

  Body Enhancement/Repair

  Interface Upgrade

  Weapon Upgrade

  Armor Upgrade

  Power Suit Upgrade


  Seductive Whisper

  Illusion Glamour

  Chaos Gloom

  Shadow Minion

  Shadow Craft

  Shadow Walk


  Light Aura Shield

  Soothing Touch


  Energy Craft

  Summon Guardian

  Bend Time


  Impulse Control Touch

  Body Control Touch

  Mind Control Touch

  Harvest Thoughts Touch


  Bend Reality

  Victor kept talking as he glanced at his stats. The two extra points he received from Lucretia and Muz went to his Intelligence and Charisma Spheres of Influence. Knowing he had all the abilities and powers he could accumulate, he hoped they would be enough and maybe they could make it out of this fight without a single causality.

  “Do we all got it,” Victor finished.

  Lily and Dawn blinked.

  “You think this will work,” Lily said with a sarcastic edge.

  Victor gave her a sarcastic hurt expression. “It was me and Cassandra’s idea.”

  “Cassandra and I,” Lily corrected.

  Victor fought back a laugh. “I come back, missing you both like crazy and you’re already riding me about my grammar?”

  “I’m sure that’s not all the riding we’re going to do,” Dawn said with a deadpan expression.

  Victor and Lily blinked before they started laughing. The sound of their laughter rose up, touching the valley walls and echoing down to the monster army. Glowing blue eyes all turned in unison, staring up at the jungle covering the valley edge.

  Victor wiped away a tear before letting his Bone Sword slide into his hand. “I’m sure they heard us so, let’s get this party started.”

  The trio turned and walked. Stepping out from the jungle edge, Victor eyed the sea of demonic war wolves as they all stared in their direction. Dawn’s face was a serious mask as she marched, plasma rifle pointing in her arms. Lily’s staff stabbed at the firm ground as she walked, tail moving from side to side. Victor walked along, sword pointed down and an amused smile on his lips. When the three of them were about a hundred feet from the jungle edges, they looked upon the monster army facing them.


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