Fate and Dreams

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Fate and Dreams Page 24

by Erik Weir

  “Vala’s power was weakened when her followers were killed. It took several gods to add their energies just so Baaldir, Hexnia and Luhorr could enter this realm and kill everyone here,” Lily added.

  Victor shook his head, “Need I remind everyone that four gods were invited to the Resurrection that helped kill her? What if they combine their energies and force themselves to stay here? I don’t even want to get started about Drogoss.”

  “I understand your concerns, I have them too. We do have the advantage of Vala’s realm and her growing power. It took the death of every one of her followers before she was weak enough to be killed. My power has come full circle. The acolytes will be armed with weapons to ensure security and we must remember, allies have been invited to the resurrection as well.”

  Victor looked to Cassandra with a heavy heart. “I know we are following protocol, for what it is, but I wish it was a smaller, more intimate resurrection.”

  “I have faith in Vala,” Cassandra smiled.

  Victor’s eyes widened a little before he let out a laugh. “I have faith too. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. We’ve come so far.”

  The Keeper squeezed Victor’s thigh. “We will prepare for what we can. For now, we all need our rest. Once the suns rise, we will finish the last of our tasks in preparation of Vala’s return. After that, fate will decide.”

  Cassandra stood up and looked to all the springs filled with acolytes. “Vala’s chosen! We must retire for the evening. At noon tomorrow, Vala will return to us and we must be well-rested for her arrival.”

  Heads nodded and lips shifted into understanding smiles. Naked bodies rose up and many began the trek to the paths leading into the village. Victor, Lily, and Dawn stood up and began to follow the crowd. Cassandra stayed standing in the steamy pool, looking up at the moon’s glow.

  Lily put an arm around Victor’s waist, as did Dawn. The trio walked naked along the path, following the crowd. Acolytes splintered off to their homes, some by themselves and others in small groups. It didn’t take long before the village grew quiet again, the three Champions strolling along in the night air.

  Lily saw Victor’s brow was creased and she put her hand to his chest. “I know you’re worried, but Vala’s return is assured.”

  Victor looked to the beautiful succubus and gave a grave nod. “I know. I want to believe everything will work out, but Vala may be at her weakest when she arrives. Baaldir may try something. I…I don’t know how I will handle it if they try to kill her again.”

  “We will be there, protecting her and each other,” Lily smiled.

  Victor gave Lily a weak smile, “We will.”

  The three stepped onto a small path to the home they now shared. Entering the small home, they moved to the bedroom. Victor’s mind swirled as doubt lingered.

  Dawn looked to Victor as they entered the bedroom. Lily sauntered to the bed and slipped in. Victor moved to the edge before hands touched his shoulders and turned him around, his back to Lily. The Blade looked to Dawn’s green eyes; his concerned expression reflected in pools of radiance.

  “We have come so far, together. I know you have doubts, I have them too. If I never met you, my sister might have become insane from her shadow and I could be dead in some gutter. Vala’s faith carried us through. Despite everything, I have faith in us.”

  Victor touched the back of his fingers to Dawn’s smooth cheek, drinking in her beauty. He wanted to say something, but no words came. He could see in Dawn’s eyes; she understood the bond between them and the gravity of the situation. They all understood the risks, but the reward was much greater. Vala was returning and balance would be restored. Victor let a small smile slip as he wondered how different their lives would be once the goddess returned.

  The Blade barely felt Dawn push at his chest, forcing him to sit down on the edge of the bed. Kneeling before him, she licked at his half-hard member while looking up with warm, oval eyes.

  “I thought we had to get some rest,” Victor said with a raised eyebrow.

  “We are,” the elf smiled before licking his hardening member into her mouth.

  “She has been insatiable lately,” Lily said from the bed as she parted her legs and touched herself.

  The lantern in the room burned low as the sound of Dawn’s loving touch sent tendrils of bliss through the Champion. Victor didn’t say anything further, letting the elf show her appreciation and her love.

  Calling up his stats, he glanced to them while enjoying the waves of bliss.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 77/77

  Divine Orbs- 5

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 20

  Con (Nano)- 20

  Int (Abyss)- 5

  Will (Holy)- 15

  Wis (Mind)- 15

  Cha (Shadow)- 5

  Seeing that he had five Divine Orbs to spend, he eyed his stats. For a moment, he admired that he had completed the crusade, the number seventy-seven glowing. The long journey was over and he had maxed out his power.

  A dark tendril touched his mind and heart, wondering what he should spend the last five points on. Going over his abilities, he kept glancing back to his Abyss Sphere of Influence. The Bend Reality ability spoke to him despite not liking any of the other powers. They manipulated in a wrong way for him, but if there are going to be gods and goddesses at the resurrection, Bend Reality might be just what he needed against their power, if it came to that.

  Making the decision, he spent the last five Divine Orbs and funneled all five points to his Intelligence Sphere. Power cemented into his spirit as he felt complete.

  Victor Hobbs

  Acolytes Unlocked- 77/77

  Divine Orbs- 0

  Powers to Unlock-0

  Spheres of Influence

  Str (Gaia)- 20

  Con (Nano)- 20

  Int (Abyss)- 10

  Will (Holy)- 15

  Wis (Mind)- 15

  Cha (Shadow)- 5

  Victor let the stats fade away from his vision as he looked down at Dawn. The elf moaned as inches appeared and disappeared between luscious lips. Lily’s fingers touched Victor’s shoulder, pulling him down. The Blade lay on his back and the succubus kissed him.

  The three of them basked in the loving warmth, a dreamy haze touching their hearts and wet sounds of their unions singing to Vala’s teachings.


  Twin suns rose, one after the other beyond the horizon. Morning light touched Vala’s temple first before it slowly sank down, painting the mountain in a warm, yellow hue. Doors opened and bodies stepped out among the stone village street, breathing in the glorious morning.

  Victor stirred as rays of light touched him from the window. Blinking, he focused on two shapes not far from the bed. The sleepy haze drained away and the Blade turned on his side, admiring Lily and Dawn as they got dressed.

  Lily looked over to Victor as she slipped her tight leather pants on and gave him a warm smile. “We have a lot to do today. Time to get up.”

  Victor returned her smile as he threw the blanket aside and swung his legs over the bed edge. Standing up, Dawn admired the Champion as he grabbed clothes and began to dress.

  “Am I the only one really excited?” Dawn said as she watched Victor.

  “I think we are all pretty excited,” Victor said, not bothered by the elf’s gaze.

  “The end we have all worked for is here. It will be a moment I’m sure none of us will ever forget,” Lily said as she smoothed back her raven-black hair.

  Victor finished putting on his outfit and slipped his armored trench-coat over his shoulders. “I feel a little strange dressing in the same outfit I always wear.”

  Lily sauntered closer and touched his rugged cheek. “By the end of this day, I’m sure no one will be wearing any clothes.”

  “Praise Vala,” Victor grinned.

  The trio gave each other one long once over before they moved out of the bedro
om and toward the front door. Victor’s mind whirled with possibilities and his heart ached. He missed the beautiful goddess. She hadn’t visited any of their dreams for some time now and he longed for her beautiful smile and sultry voice.

  Door open, Victor, Lily, and Dawn stepped out to see a large crowd had gathered. Smiling faces glowed in the morning light as Cassandra stood among the acolytes, a large leather bag over her shoulder. Victor looked to the crowd and saw almost every acolyte that lived here on the mountain were carrying either large leather bags or sheathed swords and spears.

  “Good morning Vala’s Champions,” Cassandra greeted them with a head bow.

  Victor was first to walk up to the tall Keeper. “What’s first?”

  Cassandra gave the Blade a warm smile as sunlight caused her fiery red hair to shine brighter. “We can discuss on the way up and at the temple.”

  The gathered crowd shifted as Cassandra turned and began walking toward the wide steps. Victor stayed at the Keeper’s side, reaching up to take the leather bag she was holding but Cassandra waved his hand away.

  “You have done enough work for now. Enjoy this time while we prepare,” Cassandra said with a kind tone.

  Roughly forty acolytes followed Cassandra, Victor, Lily, and Dawn up the wide steps. Victor looked up, Vala’s temple glowing in the morning sun light. Calling up his updated time display, he saw that it was 7am here in the realm, five hours to showtime. Iron butterflies began to flutter in his stomach as he realized the time had finally come. Vala was going to return to the realms and balance would be restored. The concerns he held before vanished as the growing excitement of what was to come had consumed him.

  A sliver of doubt touched his logical mind and the Blade turned his attention to Cassandra. “How are we going to keep some of the guests in line?”

  The Keeper took each step easily as she spoke, “Vala’s realm, like any of the pocket realms controlled by divinity, has certain rules in place. The law of Respect and Hospitably will bind all who enter here. If one or all god's break the law, Vala’s power will push them out to their perspective realms or homes.”

  Victor nodded as questions filled his mind. “Baaldir, Hexnia, and Luhorr managed to enter and stay in the realm when they first killed her. How can we prevent that again?”

  “Baaldir and the others had to kill every follower and worshipper across the six realms before they had enough of an edge to enter and stay here,” Cassandra said before she gave Victor a loving gaze, “But times have changed since that fateful night. You and everyone here have crossed the realms, bringing Vala’s light back to those who were lost. Your adventures have reignited her religion. Small temples are being built across each realm.

  “It took a long time to extinguish Vala’s love. The gods and goddesses coming here will not have the edge they once had. They will not have the time or resources to hunt them down before Vala returns. Our goddess will return and the realms will feel her love once again.”

  Victor looked up as they continued to climb the stairs. “I hope so. I know I said this before but I don’t trust some of the guests.”

  Cassandra nodded. “We aren’t going into this blind. Every acolyte will be armed with magical weapons from the armory. My power as Keeper has reached its full potential. You have mastered your spheres of influence and gathered every weapon you were meant to wield.”

  “Sounds good except many of the guests are gods. Do we stand a chance against them if they decide to stop the Resurrection?”

  “I have faith,” Cassandra winked and squeezed Victor’s butt.

  “Faith isn’t a very good battle plan,” Victor said with a polite smile.

  “Would you rather I say we are all going to die?”

  Victor let out a loud laugh. “No, I suppose not.”

  Cassandra leaned in a little, an impish wink in her eye. “Vala has a plan. I can feel it in my heart. Stay true to your faith and convictions and we will see it through together.”

  Victor nodded even if the sliver of doubt remained.

  The crowd reached the top of the stairs and moved into the grand foray. Colored stones filled the walls with various depictions of the Goddess of Lust and Love. Cassandra beckoned with a twirl of her tall frame and many followed. Victor felt Lily’s hand touch his and he grabbed it, glancing back to her shy smile. The succubus was happy, happier than he had ever known her to be. It caused his soul to burn with passion and love as they walked side by side from the foray and into the main temple.

  It continued to astound Vala’s Champion as they entered the main temple chamber. It stretched out, farther than it actually did on the outside. Walking up the stairs, the temple looked small enough to hold maybe fifty people. Inside, it looked like it could hold hundreds. Light spilled in from the east, some of it through stained glass windows while larger shafts filled open archways to the sky. The floor was a smooth stone pattern and thick pillars lined either side down the middle. At the end of the rows of pillars, a dais stood with a glowing crescent moon hanging above it. Behind it, an archway with clear glass framed it.

  Victor stepped from the crowd, eyes scanning the room and settling on a nearby pillar. Carved designs of people depicted in various intimate acts lined the surface. It was enough for Victor’s inner 15-year old to laugh and bring a smirk to his lips. Stepping away from the pillar, Victor stepped through the grand chamber, Vala’s power touching everything like she had never left.

  Cassandra faced all the gathered acolytes, “We have but a few hours before the time will come for Vala’s return. Guests will arrive here when they activate their invites. They are allowed to wander inside the temple, but nowhere else. We are to entertain them until the moment of fate.”

  Victor turned to see Cassandra’s red hair nearly glow with its own power.

  The Keeper smiled as she addressed the acolytes, “Make no mistake, this will be a crucial time. As Keeper, I can sense and know all that happens here in Vala’s Realm. Do not engage a divine being if they are behaving badly. I will address and correct their behavior.

  “For now, we will add the final preparations to the temple. You have your assigned tasks. Let’s make the temple a true home for our goddess.”

  Heads nodded before groups splintered off. Thick wooden tables lined the walls under open archways. Slyths and War Maidens removed sacks from their shoulders and gently placed them on the ground. Hands pulled out bottles of wine and glassware cases. Succubi and hellhounds took out food from seemingly bottomless sacks, placing them on silver trays and arranging them on the tables with the wine.

  Victor eyed the food, seeing everything from fruits and nuts to meat and a strange red jelly substance. Stepping over, he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. Not thinking it would be a big deal, he reached out to touch the red jelly when Lucretia stepped to his side and smacked his hand away.

  The devil grinned as she eyed Victor. “This is ambrosia. Only higher beings may dine on it. If you or any of us have it, it would quickly overwhelm us and maybe drive us mad.”

  “Good to know,” Victor said as he rubbed his hand.

  “Move along,” Lucretia said as she shooed him away.

  Victor wandered the grand chamber, watching as the food was set up by some and others began to pull out weapons. The two gargoyles, Nobo and Avo put on silver chainmail over their bodies before picking up crossbows and swords. The three dragons, Vindrel, Izy, and Mildra, helped arm and armor an orc, halfling, and water nymph. Dawn dropped her pack and fished out her rifle and plasma cannon pack. The elf checked to see if the rifle was in working order before putting it down and strapping a plasma pistol to her thin waist.

  Cassandra directed and moved with the crowd. The Keeper sent Vissi and Anima to hang new tapestries on the small wall spaced along the chamber edge. The banshee and ghost complied, rising up with rolled fabric and placing them on newly installed hooks. Lily rushed to their side to help.

  Victor couldn’t help, but notice no one from the Xull or Valis
realms were here. He wondered where was Wynn and the many Seproh who called the Xull realm home were? Not sure if they were going to show up later, the Champions eyes quickly fell on Szura as she leaned against a stained-glass window, her wide brimmed hat tilted forward and covering her eyes.

  Victor began walking toward the cute lich and Shyryth stepped in front of him and bowed her head.

  “Lily told me you saw Astor,” the red dragon-woman said with wet eyes.

  Victor nodded, shadows under his eyes. “I did. She is in Normir, with my mother.”

  Shyryth’s eyes trembled and a tear rolled down her cheek. Victor couldn’t help himself as he hugged the dragon close.

  “She is doing well for what it is. She promised to look after my mom,” Victor said as he tried to keep his spirits high. “You know she wouldn’t want us to cry about it. We are here and we need to be strong for them.”

  Shyryth nodded, “I know. I’m just happy she is still around, even if she is dead.”

  “Me too,” Victor said as he kept his own sadness at bay.

  Shyryth pulled away and wiped away tears. “I’ll help set up. Victor, thank you, for everything.”

  The Blade simply smiled as the red dragon-woman walked past and gave him a peck on the cheek before stepping to Cassandra. Victor quickly pushed it away so he wouldn’t dwell on the fact his mother was still here among the realms. Walking on, he stepped to Szura’s side and leaned against the wall next to her.

  “I saw you standing here looking cool so I had to come over,” Victor grinned.

  Szura lifted her head, pale skin glowing in the morning light. “I have issues with the guests coming here.”

  “It seems there’s some of that going around,” Victor’s smile melted away.

  “The masters of death have mixed feelings about Vala’s resurrection, but they will not stop it.”


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