Dentelle #3 Guardian series

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Dentelle #3 Guardian series Page 26

by Bowhay, Heather

  At that moment, the slider opened and Maya returned with a steaming hot omelet, which she placed before me. After clearing away a few dishes and asking if there was anything else we needed, she disappeared again.

  “That’s the deal,” Kieran said. “After we are linked, Ava Rose may go free.” He continued talking, telling me the terms and conditions I was expected to follow and live by until we linked.

  For some reason, he wanted to spend time with me and Ava Rose over the next few days. According to him, since we’d be “spending a lifetime together,” he wanted us to start off right. Get to know each other. He wanted me to see his “softer side.” Everything he said was crazy. He was a total mental case. Whether any of what he said was true or not, I had no way to know. What I did know, was that I didn’t trust anything that came out of his mouth. I tried to eat my omelet but couldn’t. I’d lost my appetite when he’d talked about killing Ava Rose.

  As he discussed the affection he and Ava Rose had developed for each other, anyone eavesdropping would have thought he was a devoted uncle or something. But I knew better. Quite simply, he was a lunatic. But I couldn’t figure out what his objective was. He didn’t have to feign a relationship with Ava Rose now that I was here. All he had to do was wait for the full moon and link with me. Or so he thought. I had a hard time understanding his motives until he made a jarring comment. One that left me quivering and completely repulsed. Casually but decisively, he said, “It’s important I learn how to interact with the girl because we will have children of our own one day. This will be great practice for me. For us.”

  He was completely delusional. Apparently, over the next few days, he’d be taking us out on the town. And of all the crazy things, he expected us to act like a family. Too stunned to respond, I sat there wide-eyed as he yammered on. One of his demands, besides me being compliant, was that he expected me to douse him with Essence whenever he asked. In fact, he even showed me sign language for the word “energy.” Whenever he used it, I was expected to respond to his need. I was not happy. But until I could initiate my own plan, I had to keep Ava Rose safe. And if that meant playing along with his diabolical games, then so be it.

  He even returned my phone, giving me some gibberish about how it had a tracking device for my own safety. Suspicious of his every move, I figured he’d probably installed something that allowed him to listen in on my conversations as well. I’d need to be extremely careful when talking with anyone, especially Jason. In the end, I decided to tell Ash I’d lost my cell phone and ask him to pass the word around. Kieran overhearing a conversation between me and Jason, or anyone else, was way too risky.

  On a roll, Kieran added, “I’ve even forgiven you for your part in Adrian’s death; although honestly, it was probably his fault.” I shivered, thinking about Adrian trying to pull me under in the icy lake. “He had his own agenda. Always did,” Kieran said. “Even when we were kids, he wanted what he couldn’t have. Only this time it was you, and I’d already staked my claim.” He stretched, eyeing me up and down. “Probably a good thing he’s gone. We don’t need his interference. ”

  A few minutes later, Ava Rose came skipping onto the veranda. After hugging me, she rushed over and hugged Kieran, too. Sitting rigid, it took all my composure not to snatch her away from him. Leaning over her shoulder, Kieran winked at me. My hands were ice cold, itching to slap him. Throw him to the ground and trample him. I breathed easier when Ava Rose stepped away from him and sat down to eat some breakfast. She gushed over the view of the city, pointing out buildings like she’d lived there all her life. Obviously, she’d listened intently to Kieran, soaking up information like a sponge. Rambling on a mile a minute, it was obvious she now possessed a wealth of knowledge about Oklahoma City. Eventually, she shifted gears and talked excitedly about all the “fun things” at the condo and about all the “great adventures” he had planned for us.

  After breakfast, we toured the condo building. Animated and clearly familiar with her new surroundings, Ava Rose actually led me and Kieran around. I was annoyed with her openly relaxed demeanor, but there was nothing I could do about it. Having been reminded of how trusting and gullible children were, I made a mental note to work on this with her. I wondered how she couldn’t sense his evil aura. To me, it seemed to permeate the very air around us. Kieran, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our walk-through. Sucking up, he complimented her enthusiasm and her keen memory of where things were located. He gave me a key card to work the elevators, but it was Ava Rose who explained that we didn’t have access to all the floors. Some were under construction and they wouldn’t be safe. Although I was frustrated with how she’d been deceived and charmed by Kieran, I was delighted to see her happy and enthusiastic. And in a way, I could easily see what she was so excited about. Amazing amenities included a fitness center, swimming pool and spa, plush media room, and even an eco-friendly garden roof with a sun deck.

  Unexpectedly green and landscaped with native plants, the rooftop gardens were a pleasant surprise, as were the sweeping views from up there. It seemed odd to be surrounded by an oasis of green amid the not so distant urban center. Glancing over the edge, I took special notice of the scaffolding at this northeast corner of the building. As Kieran pointed into the distance and rattled on about downtown’s historic district, I noticed the camera on the corner of the ninth floor balcony was broken. Probably had been knocked out during the renovations or something. That camera was on the same floor as the fitness center, but since it was out, that meant there was access to an outside balcony that was currently blacked out from the cameras. That might be useful.

  Spotting a run-down brick building next door, I noted how similar it was in shape and size to Kieran’s condo. Ava Rose must have noticed my wandering eye, because she came up and grabbed my hand. “Bet you didn’t know that’s Uncle Kieran’s building too.” I shook my head, and she nodded, eyes large. “Well, it is. And he’s going to remodel it just like this one. But he has to wait until this one is all finished first. Something about good investments.”

  She looked over at him for confirmation, and he smiled. “You’re absolutely right. Smart girl.”

  She giggled. “He got that one really cheap, but he said it is all run-down inside and is going to take lots of work. He doesn’t even go in there because it’s so dangerous right now. He even said you could fall through the floors if you’re not careful.”

  “Oh,” I said, not believing a word of the lies he’d undoubtedly fed her. My hackles were raised and the hairs on my arms stood on end. There was something sinister about the building next door. The one that didn’t look dilapidated in the least. I found myself wondering what Kieran really used that building for. What dark, sadistic rituals or methods of torture did he carry out in there? Would I find out? Did I really want to? The intense morning sun beat down on my skin, but I shivered. I was more than ready when Ava Rose led us back to the elevator.

  Once the tour ended, I could count on one hand the number of floors I had access to. My ears perked up when Ava Rose started talking about some of Kieran’s friends who lived in the condo building. I immediately suspected they were Ray-pacs and wondered when I’d be meeting them. I’d sensed other links close by all morning but hadn’t seen anyone else. I was also curious if Alayne was still part of Kieran’s pack. If she materialized out of thin air around some dark corner with intentions to attack, at least my Flair would pick up on it. As soon as the elevator door to the penthouse opened, the links I’d detected became much stronger.

  Kieran seemed none too happy to find them there, and our introductions were short and pointed. Aria, a petite, round-faced girl, moved gracefully like a ballerina across the room. Her dark make-up and Goth style didn’t match her delicate features, but it did enhance her vivid gold eyes. Along with Aria, I met Aiden. Svelte and muscled with thick, dark hair, he was jaw-dropping gorgeous. Ava Rose must have thought so too, because she was swooning just like she did when watching a Justin Bieb
er video. For some reason, Aiden reminded me of a young, ambitious congressmen. Even his brightly glowing hazel eyes were captivating – but not unnatural in appearance like all the other Ray-pacs.

  Before I knew it, Kieran dismissed Ava Rose and myself, telling us he had some quick business to attend to. He asked us to be ready within the hour, though, because he was taking us shopping. Totally delighted, Ava Rose ran up to him and gave him a big hug. I hated it whenever she touched him. If my Essence could heal her, I worried about his grossly unwholesome Essence setting her back, reigniting the cancer cells.

  Grinning, he signaled that he wanted a hug from me as well. Setting my jaw in an unmistakable expression of displeasure, I crossed the room toward him. Tugging on Ava’s little hand, I pulled her away from him and embraced him. My stomach twisted into knots as he moved his face an inch from mine. We were close to the same height, so we were eye to eye. His gaze wandered to my lips, and he bared his teeth, reminding me of the predator he was. I felt truly dirty and helpless, but I maintained my composure for Ava Rose’s sake.

  He raised one eyebrow coyly. “When we are linked, I will taste those lips and make you mine for all eternity.” At least he whispered this, so no one else could hear.

  The blood drained from my face, and my lips trembled. I felt myself swaying as if I was on a ship in rough waters, and dread was sloshing about in the pit of my stomach. So disgusted was I by the thought of Kieran’s mouth on mine, I forgot to embrace my power and lock out his Essence. It flowed into me, nauseating me as if I had my mouth over an exhaust pipe and was inhaling fumes from a diesel engine. I felt contamination. I experienced sudden apnea. I stood paralyzed.

  “Come on, Lexi,” Ava Rose said merrily, tugging on my arm. “Let’s go get ready. I can’t wait to go shopping. Besides new clothes, Uncle Kieran said he’d buy me paints and a real easel too.”

  Stepping away from Kieran, I sucked in a deep breath of air. I felt the innocence and purity of Ava’s Essence. And I snapped out of that dark place I’d allowed Kieran to take me to. Blasting myself and Ava Rose with Essence, I backed out of the room, my eyes still glued to Kieran.

  “I’ll take care of my business quickly and see you ladies real soon. We’ll have a wonderful time together. I promise.”

  Turning on my heel, I grabbed Ava Rose’s hand and hurried us out of the room. Being in his presence was sickening; spending the whole day with him would be torturous.


  Performing a balancing act of sorts, I felt more like I was walking a tightrope than ambling through Penn Square Mall on a shopping spree. For Ava Rose’s sake, I pretended to enjoy our little outing. But it wasn’t easy. In reality, I was a bundle of emotions. Unnerved to be in Ray-pac company, I worried continuously about Ava Rose’s safety – as well as everyone within a five mile radius of us. Say nothing of the fact I was angry at Fate for involving this special little girl with such evil people.

  And here I was again, deeply engaged in another masterful game of charades, unable to voice my true feelings or act upon them. Frustration, evident in my slumped shoulders and heavy feet, was getting the better of me. I had to be more careful. I knew even a wrong word at the wrong time could trigger Kieran’s temper. So at the moment, I was helpless to act and helpless to take control. But if keeping Ava Rose ignorant of our true reality and protecting her naivety meant upholding the façade, then I would do it. I never wanted her to have a reason to feel threatened; nor did I want her picking up on my constant state of fear. In a perfect scenario, she’d never know she’d been kidnapped or that we were being held against our will. Involuntarily, I crossed my fingers for luck.

  “Isn’t this place amazing?” Ava Rose said wide-eyed and breathless as she gazed all around.

  “Sure is,” I said, unable to stop myself from grinning at how delighted she was by the upscale, two-story mall. With its plush interior and array of designer boutiques it was a lot fancier than what we had in Bellingham. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and smiled brightly, my ultimate goal being to nurture her enthusiasm.

  “This is your day, Ava Rose. I want you to buy lots of clothes, and whatever else you want.” Kieran said jovially.

  Glancing to my right, I narrowed my eyes at him but held my tongue. I’d decided early on to keep myself between them. Normally, I welcomed her affectionate nature, but I certainly didn’t want her chumming up with him or reaching out to hold his hand. One thing was certain; faking a friendship with my worst enemy was much more difficult than faking a romantic relationship with Ash had been.

  “Thanks, Uncle Kieran,” Ava Rose said, peering around me. “Except,” she cast her gaze downwards, “I’m kind of worried about money. I won’t have enough to pay you back.”

  “You will not pay me back,” he said with a wave of his hand. “I’m rich, and I don’t have any kids of my own to spend it on.” He lowered his voice and looked right at me. “No kids yet, that is.” He smiled shrewdly, and an urge to knock out his teeth came over me.

  “Hey, there’s Old Navy,” Ava Rose exclaimed, completely ignorant of the animosity brewing inside me as I gazed at Kieran. “Let’s go in there.”

  I looked over my shoulder as we headed toward her favorite clothing store. A little ways back, James and Vincent trailed us. While they never followed us inside the smaller shops, they always stood outside the entrance like sentry men. Ever since we’d set foot inside the mall, I’d sensed other Ray-pac links within close proximity. After scouting the surrounding crowd and studying the people standing at the balcony above, I hadn’t spotted Aria or Aiden. I wasn’t sure who else I was looking for though, and none of the faces peering over the upper rail seemed particularly interested in us. Regardless, it was disconcerting to know Ray-pacs were swarming around us like locusts, ready to strike at a moment’s notice, possibly even consume unsuspecting Innocents of their Essence.

  As we walked into Old Navy, I shook my head wryly and wondered what compelled Kieran to have such heavy security detail. Was he afraid I might attempt an escape? Or was he worried Guardians might materialize out of thin air? One motivation had to be paranoia. After all, we’d destroyed most of his pack back in Bellingham. And now that he was holding Ava Rose and me captive, he was playing with fire. Undoubtedly, he’d want ample protection for his own life because we had powerful friends. Of course, they’d have to know what was happening with us, and right now they were clueless. I sighed. While the thought of calling in my friends had crossed my mind several times, I didn’t have a sure-fire plan that allowed Ava Rose to escape unharmed, and in a surprise attack people would be killed. If it was just me, then maybe I’d have Jason, Ash, and the entire Bellingham Circle sneak into Oklahoma City. At my signal, they could descend upon the Ray-pacs, and we’d have a fair chance. All the muscles in my body tensed at this idea; I’d be putting all my friends at risk then.

  When Jason talked about the Ray-pacs, he always said, “Never underestimate them. They are savage. They are full of plots to destroy, and their ultimate goal is to suck the life out of people in order to gain strength and power.” His words were a good reminder to stay alert. I shouldn’t discount the idea Kieran had us surrounded by Ray-pacs because he was concocting some heinous scheme – one meant to entertain or remind me he reigned supreme in the matters of terror.

  Making out like a bandit, Ava Rose shopped until we both almost dropped. We visited several more familiar and new-to-us specialty clothing stores. After a few hours, her bags were filled with all kinds of fun things, from fluorescent lace-up sneakers and glittery flats to sequined denim shorts, halter tops, sundresses, and accessories. I especially liked her butterfly sunglasses and flowered headbands. Overwhelmed with the quantity of her items, she started feeling guilty, saying it was too much. Kieran sounded like a scolding father when he told her he wanted no more of her apologies. In a big fat lie, he reminded her about how the airlines would be sending her money for the luggage they’d lost, and she could apply that t
o the cost of her new clothes. That made her feel better, and she mellowed out a bit. Loaded with all the bags, James and Vincent were less than happy. Their frowns were priceless. Baggage porters as well as security – served them right.

  Our last stop at Penn Square Mall was Macy’s. Ava Rose still needed underwear, and I insisted she try them on. Normally, I wouldn’t take the time, but I had good reason. I needed a couple minutes away from Kieran where he couldn’t overhear me. I needed to call Jason and had formed a plan earlier in the morning. Now, in an attempt to prolong our stay in the fitting rooms, I grabbed a few extra items for Ava to try on, namely swimsuits. Luckily, at Macy’s, all the changing rooms were gender specific. Kieran might not be happy we’d be so far out of sight, but there was no way he could follow us inside the busy women’s dressing rooms. In quiet warning, he reminded me of what was at stake if I tried anything. Bluntly, I told him I was well aware of the rules and intended to follow them.

  The saleslady ushered us out of sight and to one of the rooms in the very back. Briefly, I wondered if Kieran might send a female Ray-pac in to keep an eye on us, but I didn’t sense any super close links. Making a judgment call, I decided to go for it. Only problem was, my phone was probably bugged. Standing in the hallway outside Ava’s dressing room, I struck up a conversation with a mom who was passing clothes back and forth to her daughter. After I put on a convincing show that my cell phone was dead, the lady graciously offered to let me borrow hers. I sat down on the bench and prayed Jason would answer his phone.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, and my heart skipped a beat when I heard his deep, reassuring voice. Keeping my own voice low so Ava wouldn’t hear me, I filled him in on my uncle’s condition. Well really, most of the words out of my mouth were lies. Not only did I lie about how I hadn’t been allowed in to see my fake comatose uncle, but I also told him I’d lost my phone and was borrowing one.


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