Dentelle #3 Guardian series

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Dentelle #3 Guardian series Page 38

by Bowhay, Heather

  When he finally gave me the go ahead, I noticed he wasn’t paying close attention because he was too busy at center stage. Feeling gutsy, I decided to take a chance. If I could double link, why not triple link? I grabbed Dakota’s hands, interlocked our fingers, and flooded her with Essence. Her breaths were raspy. I closed my eyes and concentrated, hoping this would work and praying we didn’t need to be touching foreheads. That would have been too obvious. Remembering how my mind was infinite and could access different planes of awareness, I searched for hers. I called out to her, “Dakota. Can you hear me? Find me. Link with me. You can do it. Feel the power. Come on, Dakota. I’m right here. Hurry. You must find me.”

  “Lexi?” It was Dakota’s voice, inside my head. Her eyes shot open.

  “You’re all right. Don’t say a word. We’re linked, but you can’t let anyone know that,” I warned. “Aria’s going to try and link with you, and that’s when she’ll find out you’re already linked. At that point you can kill her.”

  “With pleasure.” Dakota smiled. “But what happened? I was so sick. So weak. I don’t remember… How did you–”

  “I’ll explain later.”

  We only had a few moments to devise a plan. Kieran was still talking about what a remarkable day it was for all Ray-pacs. Standing on his soapbox, he vowed to unite all Ray-pacs and promised they would destroy Guardians all across the country by either killing them or linking with them. He promised that someday the Ray-pacs would rule the world, and his supporters who were present today would be the leaders. For once, I was happy about his neurotic jargon; it gave me time.

  Briefly, I wondered if I was a Ray-pac. I didn’t feel any different, but once a Ray-pac, you were supposedly forever a Ray-pac. Smugly, I crossed my arms. I would never be a Ray-pac. I was a Dentelle and could throw all previous rules out the window. In fact, with the ability to multi-link, I’d just found out I had more potential than I’d previously thought. I also had a new fear – being powerful beyond measure. If I was a different kind of person, I’d be the one talking about destroying an entire race – only it would be the Ray-pac race. I couldn’t imagine this much power in the wrong hands. Kieran’s hands. If I remained under his control, I was like a nuclear weapon he could launch at will.

  As Kieran spoke to his rapturous fans, I worked back and forth with Ash and Dakota, forming a plan. It wasn’t easy, because we were still so shell-shocked about the triple-linking business.

  “Hey, do you have a Flair from your link with Dakota?” Ash asked.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “Invisibility.”

  “Damn, woman. That’s some serious artillery. You can anticipate an attack, throw things around, and disappear. With all that – you’re the only one who stands a chance at saving both Madison and Jason, so I get Kieran.”

  I protested but knew we had to do what made the most sense. We’d make our moves; however short-lived and minutely successful they might be when Aria attempted to link with Dakota, who’s new Flair was flight. Dakota would go for Aria and Aiden while Ash focused on Kieran, which I wasn’t overly satisfied with because I was ripe for revenge. But if there was any possibility I could save Jason and Madison, then it was worth forgoing the pleasure of killing Kieran. Ash also worried that if I took out Kieran, I’d kill myself in the process. That’s where we left off in our planning when Kieran announced it was time to commence.

  Dakota screamed, kicked, and tried to resist because that’s what everyone expected her do. Sounding like a broken record, Kieran threatened her loved ones if she didn’t accept her fate. As Aria and Dakota stepped in front of us, and locked hands, I glanced at Kieran. Seizing my hand, he whistled as his glowing eyes traveled across my body. “Nice dress. Can’t wait to take it off you.” He followed that comment up with a condescending chuckle, and my skin crawled.

  Minutes before, I’d discovered I could speak telepathically to Dakota and Ash at the same time while excluding Kieran. They couldn’t speak to each other, but that didn’t really matter. When Dakota’s forehead touched Aria’s, I started counting so only my two allies could hear me. “One…two…” I smiled at Kieran, and his eyes enlarged. “Three.”

  “Let’s rock-n-roll,” Ash shouted, barely able to contain his elation at finally breaking free.

  “You’re about to be dethroned,” I spat in Kieran’s face. In the coolest move ever, I disappeared in front of his face. “Out of sight but not out of mind,” I taunted. I had the pleasure of watching his ugly square jaw drop to the floor and his unnatural amber eyes nearly pop out of his head. “Bad tie,” I added, winding it tightly around his neck until he was gagging and gasping for breath. That was right before I lifted my dress ever so slightly so I could kick him in the groin. Still clutching his neck, trying to loosen the tie, he grunted and doubled over. “That was for Ellen,” I seethed. By speaking in his mind, he couldn’t locate me. It was boss!

  “That old bag. Killing her was a pleasure,” he said, still bent over.

  I had to jump and dodge about because he started firing his energy spheres. They flew helter skelter, and I hopped around like I was competing for the world championship in Double Dutch jump rope. “You’re gonna pay,” I screamed at him.

  “Hey, get out of there. I’m on my way,” Ash said. “Go get Madison and Jason. Now! Before everyone realizes what’s going on.”

  “I’m going.” But I was so angry, and I felt so much hatred for Kieran, that I had to hurt him one more time. I pulled off my three inch heels, and swinging for the grand salami, I twirled all the way around and slugged the shoe into his gut. It stuck, and he howled like a madman. “That’s for Kohana,” I hissed.

  “You can’t kill me or you’ll kill yourself,” he raged, his head swinging side to side as he tried to locate me.

  “I’m not going to kill you,” I said, every word I uttered growing sharper. “That pleasure belongs to Ash. I’m just gonna mess you up!” I sounded crazed. I felt crazed. And I loved it. My adrenaline and Essence were flowing as one. I was so energized I could have powered a Category 5 hurricane. I swung the remaining three-inch heel straight into his eye. He screamed bloody murder and wobbled about. “Good-bye and good riddance.”

  “Incoming!” Ash yelled.

  I didn’t stick around to find out if Ash hit his mark or not, because I was already soaring – undetected – toward Jason and Madison. Along the way, a loud piercing screech, like an industrial fire alarm sounded. Great. Someone must have hit the panic button. All the Ray-pacs jumped to their feet and started moving frantically about. There was yelling and shouting with obvious confusion among the ranks. Abruptly, all the doors connecting to the corridor burst open at the same time, and I sensed dozens more links. “Oh, crap,” I said aloud. “There’s more of them.”

  Instinct had me barreling toward Jason, but when I saw Milo strangling Madison, I shifted gears. Eyeing a stack of huge tires, I set one in motion. I aimed for Milo’s head and hoped I wouldn’t take out Madison, too. Only in archery was I amazingly accurate. The rest of the time I was 70/30 but improving. The tire swiped the side of his head, leaving a nasty abrasion, and he crashed to the floor. Now that he was away from Madison, I used my Flair to lift the big biker dude high in the air. I hurled him around, and when I spotted a steel post jutting down from one of the metal grates above, I knew exactly where Milo was meant to go. I didn’t watch but knew I’d hit my mark when he howled. Seconds later, he ceased making any noise.

  Quickly, I hurried over to Madison, pulled off her gag, and began untying her ropes. “Who’s there?” she demanded in her usual frosty tone.

  “Sorry. Forgot I was invisible.”



  “But how…?”

  “It’s a long story. Here’s what’s important. Right now I’m triple-linked with Ash, Kieran, and Dakota,” I said hurriedly. A colossal gust of wind swept over us, toppling Madison in her chair and blasting me off my feet. I flew several yards and crashed into some piece of h
eavy equipment. Having banged my head pretty good, I started seeing stars. For the first time I realized just how loud it was in the building. Rock concert loud. I sent my Essence to work, opened my eyes and really looked around. That’s when I realized those weren’t more Ray-pacs entering the building; they were Guardians. And the battle was just heating up. A couple fireballs whizzed overhead, through some metal grates, and into the scaffolding-like floors above. Someone screamed and fell over the railing. I didn’t look to see who it was, but I heard the body splat onto the floor not too far away.

  Energy spheres hurtled, clipping people and exploding against walls. Chairs, tires, and other metal parts zoomed in all directions as if self-propelled and battery operated. Included in the midair performance were a few flying Guardians and Ray-pacs. Some because it was their Flair and others because they’d been rocketed there by an enemy’s Flair.

  “Lexi! What are you doing?” Madison called out angrily.

  “Just a sec. I need to check on Jason,” I shouted. Worried, I looked over and could see he’d also been blown to the floor. I breathed a sigh of relief. He was still tied up but no one was focused on him at the moment. I squinted, his two guards, Rafe and Rose, were otherwise engaged with… What the heck? Was that Miss Palo from the Houston Circle? That sweet freckle-faced Senior Guardian who’d been one of my supporters at the Council Meeting? I did a double-take, and reinforced my Essence, thinking maybe my vision was still impaired. Yes, it really was her. She and another guy from her Circle were giving creeper Rafe and bully-faced Jane a run for their money. Thank you, Houston!

  “Where are you, Lexi? I’m coming for you.” I flinched at the sound of Kieran’s voice.

  “Gonna be hard to find me with one eye, isn’t it?” I countered. He kept talking, but I stopped listening. I’d learned ways to tune out Ash, and now I did the same with Kieran. Instead, I spoke to Ash. “What’s going on? I thought you had Kieran?”

  “I do. He’s in my sights. I’m just a little side-tracked since someone absorbed my Flair.”

  “Aiden,” I muttered. “Dakota, have you killed Aiden yet?”

  It took her a few seconds to respond, and then she sounded breathless. “No, but we’re in the middle of it right now. He’s shooting energy orbs at me, and I’m still new at this flying thing.”

  “Ash, go help Dakota get rid of Aiden. He’s the Spoiler who’s absorbed your Flair. Once he’s dead, you’ll have your Flair back and can destroy Kieran.”

  “Get over here and help me,” Madison barked. She didn’t look very comfortable, all tangled in ropes with her feet tied together. Her mass of black hair was sprawled all about her face and she was trying to blow it out of the way as she struggled to break free.

  “Bossy as usual,” I commented as I slid in next to her and went to work.

  “Center of attention…as always,” she quipped right back. “Noticed earlier you’d even dressed for the occasion.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Trying to keep it light.”

  Sensing we were in the path of mass destruction, I yelled, “Inbound. Hold on.” I picked up Madison and the chair she was attached to and leaped into the air, landing several feet away. We looked back as a series of blue oil drums pelted the spot where we’d just been. They crashed to the floor, and a couple lids flew off, causing black oil to ooze all over the floor.

  “Uh-oh. We don’t have long before a Pyro lights that ablaze. Then we’re really in trouble,” I said. “I know you’re scared,” I added, tugging at the knots, thinking Milo must have used the double constrictor knot, which was almost impossible to untie. I let go of my invisibility and came into full view. “But Madison, I’m scared too.”

  “I’m not scared.” There was a dark fury in her eyes. “Just uncomfortable when I’m not linked and surrounded by Ray-pacs,” she huffed. Her gorgeous emerald eyes locked with mine, and we froze.

  “That’s it! We link.”

  “No way!” she said, biting her lip, her eyes flashing a warning.

  “Yes way!” I said, grabbing her hands. “Link with me. Now. You’ll be able to break through the ropes. We won’t have to waist any more time here, and I can go to Jason.”

  “But I’ll need to link with him.”

  I froze. “No,” I said adamantly, puffing out my cheeks. “I’m linking with Jason. And if you don’t link with me, you’re screwed.”

  I hadn’t really thought about it until that moment. But my heart started thudding heavily in my chest when I realized I could link with Jason. We could be together. Well, us and a bunch of other people. But as long as I was linked with him, I didn’t care about everyone else. And the Senior Council would have no grounds for separating us or making him move to Maine. Hope danced in my heart.

  Madison’s eyebrows twitched in surprise. “I know his heart belongs to you. I d-didn’t mean that h-he and I,” she stammered.

  “I know, Madison. I love Jason and he loves me. And from what I’ve gathered from Ash, you’re in love with him.”

  “I’m not,” she said, blushing furiously, but we shared a look that told me she lying.

  “Madison, shut up and link with me. If we survive, we’ll work it out later.” Within seconds we were linked. Almost instantly, her smooth olive skin began rippling, her body stretched out, growing longer, and her skin transformed into fur as dark as her lustrous black hair had been. As she shifted from human to an exotic black panther, the ropes snapped and slipped away. Black panthers were rare, fearless, and aggressive, but then so was Madison. With her emerald green eyes set against that smooth onyx pelt, she was magnificent, and I told her so.

  She growled and dipped her head. “I can’t believe I’m saying this. But thanks, Lexi. I’ve always wished I could shift. This is amazing.”

  “Go kill some Ray-pacs. And watch Ash’s back.”

  “Oh, I will. Kill some Ray-pacs, that is,” she announced as she leaped high into the air, landed on the oil barrels, and pounced out of sight. “Ash can take care of himself, though. You go get Jason,” she ordered.

  “Just so you know, a Spoiler stole Ash’s Flair so he’s a little helpless right now.”

  “Oh, no!” Now, she sounded panicked. “As always, he needs a woman to save his cute little...” Her voice trailed off.

  Unbelievably, in that moment, my head started throbbing and I could feel a premonition coming on hard and fast. I closed my eyes and the images flashed through my mind:

  Jason, roped to the chair, struggling to get loose

  Rafe, with his hands raised above his head, standing over Jason with an evil smile

  Me leaning over Jason, sobbing

  Sienna standing over Jason, smiling brightly

  Jumping to my feet, I turned and spotted Jason. What did all that mean? With all the pandemonium going on, it was a miracle he was still lying on the floor untouched. I could see him struggling, wiggling around, and trying to loosen the knots. “Hold on, babe,” I muttered to myself. “I’m coming. I’ll get you before Rafe does.”

  But as I said those words, Rafe dropped from a metal grate above and landed on top of Jason, undoubtedly knocking the breath out of Jason and breaking a few of his bones in the process. Lacking all his normal strength, Jason was completely vulnerable, and his body had no power to begin healing itself like it would if he was linked.

  Blinking rapidly, Rafe’s wide-set eyes were alight with deathly fervor. He ground his foot against Jason’s head, and in a voice rankled with hatred, he said, “You don’t care if I crush his skull or stake him through the heart, do you?” He pulled a hand out from behind his back, revealing a rusty metal pipe about four feet long. He raised it above his head, and the madness in his face intensified. That’s exactly how he’d looked in the snapshot.

  “Noooo!” I screamed. Without even realizing it, my mind had already picked up the oil drum lids and unleashed them like they were heat-seeking missiles. Although, I’d tried for a second time to move Rafe, he was still resistant to my teleki
netic ability. I couldn’t lift him off Jason, and I could see the drum lids were going to be too late. I watched helplessly as Rafe plunged the pipe through Jason’s stomach. In that moment my heart stopped beating, and I stopped breathing. Or maybe it wasn’t me at all. Maybe it was Jason’s heart and Jason’s breath that had stopped, and I only felt it along with him.

  Why had my premonition failed me?

  Rage and fear intensified within me, heightening my Flair. Seeing the love of my life stabbed to death was horrific. Excruciating. Unbearable. I turbo-boosted those oil drum lids into NASA rocket speeds. One sliced right through Rafe’s body, and the other one flew on by, missing its mark completely. It was a sight so gruesome, my stomach started gurgling, and I knew I was going to be sick. But I didn’t have time to deal with a weak stomach when Jason had a pipe sticking out of his. I refused to believe he was dead. Or that my premonition had come too late. Or that I had failed to react in time.

  When I was not more than four feet away from him, I sensed I was about to be clobbered from behind. I ducked, wheeled around, and came face to face with Zola. Realizing I was an idiot and hadn’t reinstated my invisibility skills, I immediately disappeared from her sight. She started kicking and swinging frantically every which way. With no time for games, I lifted her off her feet and spiraled her toward the ceiling grates. Over and over, I banged her against the metal platform until she stopped moving. Then I let her fall to the floor where her lifeless body landed in a pool of crude oil.

  When I finally made it to Jason’s side, there was blood everywhere, but I couldn’t tell how much of it was from Rafe and how much of it was his. Dropping to my knees, I cried out in relief to see that at least he was awake and staring at me. “I’m here. You’re going to be okay. I’m going to pull this pipe out of you, and it’s going to hurt something terrible. But I’ll take away the pain. I promise.”


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