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Seeking Karma

Page 11

by Melanie J. Cole

  “We need you down at the garage. Go eat after class, drop Karma off, and be down at the garage by three. Got it?”

  I sigh and roll my eyes. “Sir! Yes sir!” I give him a half-hearted salute, and step around him, so that I can go and shower.

  “And Trent,” he says, before I can get to the bathroom.

  I stop and turn to face him. “Yeah?”

  He looks down at my bare chest. “Make sure you wear a shirt.”



  My hands are shaking as I take my seat in the front of the classroom. I have a couple of self-defense classes under my belt, now. So I decided to continue in my Psych class. Gabe was sitting in the back of the room, last time, so I’m going to stay as far away from him as possible. Hopefully, I can blend in. There are over forty people in this class. I don’t think Aaron would try anything. Besides, Trent walks me to class, and he’s always waiting on me when I get out. I know Aaron won’t do anything around him.

  “Hey, are you new?” The girl next to me asks. She has a short cropped hair cut, and she probably doesn’t weigh ninety pounds soaking wet. She seems friendly enough.

  “No. This is my second time in this class.” I pull my pen and paper out of my bag.

  “Oh, well I absolutely love it. The professor is awesome!” She says excitedly.

  I smile at her. “Yeah, he seemed pretty cool.”

  She holds her hand out to me. “I’m Sherry. What’s your name?”

  “Karma,” I shake her hand.

  “Karma, that’s an unusual name. I bet there’s a story behind it.” She cocks her brow at me.

  I laugh a little. “Yeah, there’s a story, but I don’t want to get into it - right now.”

  She opens her book. “Well, maybe some other time.”

  I open my book, and nod my head a couple of times. “Yeah, maybe.”

  I really like this class, it goes by surprisingly fast. The professor is very animated. I think he may be a little OCD. It’s interesting to watch him, as he moves around. He constantly straightens everything on his desk, as he paces back and forth in front of it. It’s very amusing.

  I spot Trent as soon as I’m out of the building. He’s sitting beneath a tree, reading a book. His legs are stretched out in front of him, and his hair is sticking up in a couple of places. It looks like he’s been running his hand through it. He has a pen in his mouth, chewing on it. Wow, he really is handsome. I stand still for several seconds, just taking him in.

  He must feel me staring at him, because he lifts his head and his eyes meet mine. A slow sexy grin spreads across his beautiful mouth, as he pushes up onto his feet. “Hey sexy. Are you ready to go get something to eat?”

  I swallow – hard. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  He drapes his arm across my shoulder, pulling me against him. “How about a big ‘ole greasy cheeseburger?”

  I absolutely love the way it feels when he holds me against him. “That sounds really good.”

  “I have to be at work at three, but I was thinking that maybe, we could go see a movie with Anna and Dusty tonight. What do you think?”

  Wow, could this guy be any more perfect? He’s sexy as hell, he’s honest, protective – but the best part of all - is the way he’s willing to hang out with my friends.

  “Okay, I’ll see if they’re free.” Anna’s been going out with Dusty’s roommate. They’ve only gone out a few times, but she seems to like him.

  I pull my phone out, and send them both a text.



  I’m barely through the door when Coby approaches me. “Hey Trent, I have three cars lined up. They all need an oil change. Can you handle it on your own? I’m working on a brake job.”

  I nod my head at him. “Yeah, I can handle it.” I grab a case of oil, filters, a wrench, and make my way over to the first car. Six o’clock cannot get here soon enough.

  By the time I leave work, my back is killing me. I’ve changed the oil in seven cars, and helped Coby remove the motor out of an old van. This job sucks balls! That’s okay, though. It will all be worth it when I have my new motorcycle.

  As soon as I walk through the front door, I send Karma a text.

  Me: Hey beautiful…what’s the plan for tonight? Are Dusty and Anna available?

  Karma: No they’re going on a double date.

  This makes me smile. I don’t have a problem hanging out with them, but I was listening to the radio on my way home, and heard that there’s supposed to be a meteor shower, tonight. It gave me an idea, of a great place to take Karma.

  Me: I’ll pick you up in an hour.

  Karma: Where are we going?

  Me: You’ll see!

  After I’m dressed, I grab a couple of blankets, and a six pack of beer. I slide my phone into my back pocket, and put everything in my truck. I’m a little bit early, so I take my time walking over to Karma’s.

  I knock on her door and lean my shoulder up against the door frame. I can hear her moving around inside. When the door opens, Anna is standing in front of me.

  “I thought you had a date.” I say, as I step around her.

  “I do. I’m just running a little bit late. Karma’s in her room.”

  “Thanks.” I walk over to Karma’s room, and knock on her door.

  “I’ll be right there.” She calls out.

  I know, I should go back to the living room and wait, but hell, if there’s a chance of seeing her naked, I’m going to take it. I push the door open and step inside. Unfortunately, she’s fully dressed. She’s standing in front of her mirror, pulling her hair back.

  She looks at me through the mirror and smiles. “Hey, are you in a hurry?”

  I shake my head as my eyes roam down to her perfect ass. “Nope, I just wanted to see you. Truthfully, I was hoping you were naked.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, as she secures her hair with a clip. “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  I rake my teeth across my bottom lip. “You could never disappoint me, Karma.” I make my way over to her and spin her around in my arms. I lean forward, stopping mere inches from her mouth. “I think you’re perfect.” I press my lips against hers in a soft sensual kiss.

  When I pull away, she draws in a shaky breath, and blinks up at me, with her beautiful gray eyes. “You’re a really good kisser.”

  I smirk at her, and trace my thumb across her bottom lip. “You think so? Because, if you like the way I kiss, you’re going to love the other things I can do.” I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’ve never had any complaints.

  She swallows hard, and slides past me. “I’m sure you’re good at everything you do, Trent.”

  Hell fucking yeah! “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah I think so, just let me grab my phone and keys.”

  “Where exactly are you taking me?” Karma asks, gripping the door handle, as the dirt road dips down, causing the truck to bounce roughly.

  I used to come up here all the time, when I wanted to be alone. It’s a long rough ride. You have to have a four wheel drive to make it to the top of the mountain. But once you’re at the top, the views are well worth the drive. It’s private, and it’s the perfect place to watch a meteor shower.

  I park a little bit down from the top, and pull the e-brake. I look over at her, and smile. Her gray eyes are all wide, as she takes in our surroundings.

  I climb out of the truck; grab the blankets, and beer, from behind the seat. I walk around and open her door for her. I hold my elbow out to her. “Come on.”

  She slides out of the truck, and wraps her fingers around my elbow. “How high are we?” She asks, as we walk towards the tip of the mountain.

  “I don’t have a clue. I used to come up here all the time.”

  She blinks up at me. “Are you sure it’s safe?”

  I stop, and turn to face her. “I’d never take you any place that wasn’t safe, Karma.” I keep my eyes on her as I speak. I want her to know that
I take her safety seriously. Hell, I’d put her safety before my own, any day.

  She sighs, and turns around taking in the breathtaking views. “Wow, it’s really beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here.”

  I spread out the blankets, and hand her a beer. “You’re welcome.” I sit down and pat the spot next to me. “There’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight.”

  She sits down next to me, and pulls her legs beneath her. “Really? I’ve never seen a meteor shower, before.”

  “Me neither.” I grab my phone, scroll through my playlists, and hit play on my Keith Whitley album.

  Her eyes widen and she looks over at me. “You have Keith Whitley on your phone?”

  “Yep,” I take a drink of my beer and lie back, staring up at the stars. She lies down next to me and takes my hand.

  We’re both silent for several minutes, staring up at the stars, and listening to Keith Whitley.

  “Trent,” Karma begins, breaking our intense silence.

  “Yeah?” I roll onto my side so that I can look at her.

  She follows my lead and rolls onto her hip, so that we’re face to face. “Have you brought any other girls up here?”

  I reach out and stroke the back of my hand down her cheek. When I’m this close to her, I have to feel her. “No, you’re the first person, I’ve ever brought up here.”

  She leans forward and whispers, “thank you.”



  I know that I wanted to take our relationship slow, but Trent is making it so hard. The things he says to me, and the way he looks at me. I want him – bad. I’ve never wanted to have sex before. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. All of the times I had sex were terrible. I couldn’t wait for it to be over. But with Trent, I want to be with him, in every way possible.

  We’re listening to Keith Whitley, beneath the stars. It’s so romantic. I don’t want to over think this. I want to be spontaneous. Before I can talk myself out of it, I throw my leg across his hips and pull myself over his waist, so that I’m straddling him. His eyes widen, and he hisses between his teeth, as he takes me in.

  I inhale deeply through my nose, and lean down and gently kiss him on the tip of his nose. “Trent, I want you.” Wow! I cannot believe I just said that out loud.

  He sits up and cups my face in his hands. “Are you sure?” His voice is all husky, and I swear, it sets my body on fire.

  I nod my head, enthusiastically. “I’m sure.” My voice is all breathless.

  He pulls my lips down against his, and begins biting and sucking on my bottom lip. “Fuck Karma, do you have any idea, of the things you do to me?” He slips his hand beneath my shirt, and pulls the cup of my bra down. “You feel so good.” He moans, as his lips trace down my neck.

  In on swift movement, he has me flat on my back, and he’s above me, taking his shirt off. My heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of my chest, as I take him in. God, he’s so perfect!

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” He asks, pulling my shirt up and sucking a nipple into his mouth. “Fuck! You taste so good.” He twirls his tongue around it, causing me to moan. I tip my head back, as he slides the tip of his tongue across my chest, sucking in my other nipple. “You take my breath away, Karma.”

  “Trent, you feel so good.” I moan, as I drag my fingernails down his back. He presses his groin against mine, and begins grinding against me. The sensation is mind boggling. I open my eyes, and see several streaks crossing the black sky. The meteor shower! It’s like a sign. This is the perfect time, and place, for my first time with Trent.

  He unbuttons my jeans, and I lift my hips, as he slowly pulls them down my legs. He traces the tips of his fingers down my bare skin, as he goes. It sends shivers racing all over my body.

  “Trent,” I reach out and fumble with the button on his jeans. “I need you, now.” My body is burning, with my desire for him. I didn’t think it was possible, to want someone or something, this badly – but I do. I want Trent Evers – now!

  “Anything you want. I’ll give you anything you want, Karma.” He rolls onto his side, and pulls a condom out of his pocket. I sit up on my knees, and begin pulling his jeans down. The things he says to me, it makes me feel so special. I take the condom out of his hand, and tear it open with my teeth. I cannot believe how bold I’m being, but I feel like I have lava flowing through my veins. I reach out and yank his underwear down. I stop for a minute and drink him in, from head to toe. He’s magnificent! I want to make him feel as good as he’s making me feel. I lean forward slowly, keeping my eyes locked on his.

  I open my mouth and take him in. I hear him hiss, and he tips his head back. “Fuck Karma! What are you doing to me?” He digs his fingers into my shoulders, and it spurs me on. I begin swirling my tongue around him, like he did with my nipples, as I slide my mouth up and down the length of him.

  He pulls me up and crashes his mouth against mine. “As good as that felt, this isn’t about me. This is about you.” He takes the condom out of my hand, and slides it over himself. I watch him wide eyed.

  He pulls my hair clip out, so that my hair falls down around my shoulders. He stares at me for several seconds. “God, you’re so beautiful.” He fists his hand in my hair, and gently tugs it so that my head is tipped back. He kisses me, as he eases us back down onto the blanket.

  He holds his weight up on his elbows, as he positions himself. Slowly, he sinks deep in me, trailing kisses across my chest and down my body, as he begins moving in and out. He was right. He’s good. The way he’s moving his hips in a circular motion, as he works himself in and out of me. I’m having a hard time breathing. My entire body is tingling, as I begin moving my hips in time with his. It’s like our bodies are made for each other. We fit together like a puzzle.

  My heart is pounding in my chest, as my body is overtaken by the sweetest sensation I’ve ever felt. My breath hitches as I find my release. Wow, my entire body is trembling. I blink up at him, and he has his head tipped back, as he goes faster and faster, with one final thrust he finds his release.



  I reach out and brush her hair off of her cheek. “You’re amazing.” I whisper, as I plant a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose.

  She draws in a shaky breath, and looks at me. “So are you.” We’re lying side by side on one blanket, with the other one wrapped around us. I swear, I could stay like this forever - just me and Karma.

  Wow! She was everything I dreamt she would be - and more. I’ve had plenty of sex before, but none of the other times even came close to this. My feelings for her are so strong, it made everything that much more intense.

  She’s lying in my arms. Her breathing is easy and soft. I’ve slept with her enough, to know that she’s asleep. I shift slightly, so that I can watch her. She’s so beautiful. I could watch her sleep for all eternity. I smile, as I remember the way it felt to be inside of her. She was so tight, and when she came…The look on her face, sent me over the edge. I absolutely loved the way she arched her back and moaned. We worked together like a fine tuned machine. No matter how much time I spend with her, it will never be enough - for me. She will always have me wanting more.

  She rolls her head slightly and snuggles against my chest. I tighten my hold on her. I want her to know that I’m with her, even when she’s sleeping. I bury my face in her hair, feeling completely sated, and shut my eyes.

  “Trent,” Karma whispers in my ear, as she kisses the side of my neck. It’s the smallest of touches, but it’s like fire on my skin. I open my eyes, and see that she’s hovering over me. Her hair is falling down onto my chest. Fuck me! She gets more beautiful by the day. I reach up and grab the back of her neck, bringing her lips down on mine. As long as I live, I’ll never be able to get enough of her.

  The kiss isn’t nearly enough. I want all of her – again. As much as I thought I was addicted to her before, it’s nothing compared to how I feel - now. Now, that I
know how she feels from the inside out.

  She pushes away and holds her phone out for me to see. “Anna is freaking out!” I blink at the screen, until the words finally come into focus. She has ten missed calls, and eight new voicemails. Karma pushes to her feet, and begins looking around. “We have to go. Have you seen my shirt?” She’s wearing her jeans, bra, and nothing else.

  I give her a big lazy grin, and prop my head up on my arms. “Nope, but if you give me another kiss, I’ll help you look.”

  She shakes her head, and rolls her eyes. “Fine, but just one kiss. We really need to go.” She drops down onto her knees, next to me.

  I grab her waist, and twist her around, so that I’m hovering above her. “Anything you want, Karma.” If a single kiss is all she wants, I’ll make it one that will curl her toes - literally. I brush my nose against hers, before I slowly kiss my way down to her luscious lips. I suck the top one in my mouth, slowly raking my teeth across it, then repeat the process with her bottom lip. When she starts to tremble, I slip my tongue into her hot mouth, and begin massaging her tongue with my own. I suck it inside of my mouth, and twirl my tongue around it, sensually. God, this will never get old. She fists her hands into my hair, and begins tugging on it. I absolutely love the way her body responds to me. I pull back reluctantly, so that I can look at her. Her eyes are closed and her lips are slightly swollen from our kiss.

  She swallows hard, and blinks her gray eyes a couple of times. “That was…”

  “Amazing,” I finish her sentence, for her.

  She smiles at me and nods her head. “Yeah, amazing. Will you please help me find my shirt, now?”

  I twist my body to the side, and pull her shirt out from behind my back. I hold it out to her with a big cheeky grin. “Here you go.”

  She snatches it out of my hand, and hits me across the chest with it. “You knew it was there the whole time?” She’s trying to sound all frustrated, but she’s smiling the entire time.

  “Yep,” I push up onto my feet, and begin getting dressed. “Let’s get you home, before Anna has a heart attack.”


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