Seeking Karma

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Seeking Karma Page 14

by Melanie J. Cole

He motions towards the dance floor. “She’s dancing.”

  As I look across the club, my eyes briefly fall onto our table. It’s empty. Son of a bitch! I see Anna and Dusty dancing, but Karma isn’t with them. Where is she?

  My eyes zone in on Dave. He has this knowing expression on his face. “What’s wrong, Trent? Are you missing something?”

  Mother fucker! I grab him by his throat and slam him up against the bar. “Where is she?”

  The blonde goes all wide eyed, jumping backwards, and slamming into several people. Several bottles and glasses crash against the floor.

  I jerk my head towards her. “Are you in on this, too?” She shifts her gaze from side to side, before dropping it onto the floor. Mother Fucker! They set me up!

  Dave holds his hands out. “Calm down. He just wants to talk to her.”

  I squeeze his throat, until he starts gasping for air. “Who Dave? Who wants to talk to her?” I know exactly, who wants to talk to Karma, but I want to hear him say it.

  He grabs my wrist and tries to pry my hand off of his throat. That isn’t going to fucking happen!

  “Aaron, he swore he wasn’t going hurt her.” He gasps.

  I loosen my grip on him. “How did he know she was going to be here?” I yank him up, so that his feet are once again on the floor.

  “Sherry joined her psych class. She invited her here.” Fuck me! I’m an idiot. I was so worried about Aaron, I didn’t even think, he’d get someone else to do his dirty work for him.

  Fuck! I don’t have time for anymore questions. I start shoving my way through the people. I ignore all of the: ‘Hey’s’ and ‘what’s your problem?’

  I have to get to Karma – now!



  I think I may be going into shock. My entire body feels numb, and I can hear my heart pounding in my ears.

  Aaron’s eyes roam the length of me, and I can see the anger flash in his eyes. “You were fucking him the entire time, weren’t you?” His voice is a deadly calm.

  I shake my head slowly, and try to remember some of the things I’ve learned in my self-defense classes. I need to distract him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Aaron.” I take a tentative step backwards. I need to put as much distance between us as possible.

  He runs both of his hands through his hair, and tugs on it roughly. “Don’t play stupid with me, whore. You know exactly who I’m talking about. Fucking, Trent Evers!” He slams his fist against the wall, putting a large hole in the drywall.

  I practically jump out of my skin, and take another step away from him. “How did you find me?” My voice comes out on a whisper. I need to keep him talking, until I can figure out what to do.

  The corners of his mouth twitch slightly. “You never were that bright. I’m shocked it took me this long.”

  He closes my bedroom door, and the click from the lock, echoes inside of my head. Why is he locking the door!? “I have to give you credit, though.” He turns back towards me, slowly. “I definitely didn’t think you’d go to the lengths that you did, to get away from me. Moving off of campus, and rearranging your entire schedule.” He shakes his head from side to side. “I definitely didn’t see that one coming.”

  “You know,” he begins walking around my room, taking everything in. “You really should be more careful about who you trust.” His eyes land on me, again. “I have eyes and ears everywhere, Karma.”

  “Sherry,” my mouth drops open, as I make the connection.

  Aaron tips his head back and laughs out loud. It’s a cold bitter laugh, and it sends shivers racing the length of my spine. “You believed every single line she fed you. You lapped it up like a fucking dog.”

  “She was lying to me, so that I’d leave with her?”

  He slowly makes his way across the room, cutting the distance between us in half. “She didn’t have to lie, Karma. Trent is probably in the middle of a fucking orgy, right now. You really are the dumbest slut on the planet. He doesn’t give a shit about you. You’re nothing more than a piece of ass to him.”

  His entire face lights up, as his words slice through me - like a knife. “Hell, that’s all you ever were to me.”

  “You’re lying.” My back presses against the wall, and my stomach rolls, as I realize I’ve backed myself into the corner. What the hell!?

  He steps up in front of me, and fists my hair in his hand. “If you want to act like a fucking whore, I’ll treat you like one.” He twists my hair around his arm and pulls it roughly, causing my head to snap back - painfully.

  He slams my head against the wall so hard, my vision blurs. “I told you, if I couldn’t have you, no one would. But, you proved me wrong, so we’re going to have a little fun, before I finish you off.” I can smell alcohol on his breath.

  He pulls me back and starts leading us towards the bed. Something snaps inside of me. I’m sick and tired of being a victim. My body starts taking over. As soon as he releases my hair, I jerk my head backwards, making direct contact with Aaron’s nose.

  “Son of a bitch!” He cups his hand over his face, and I can see blood trickling out between his fingers. It gives me a smug satisfaction, knowing that I’m the one who caused him pain.

  I don’t waste any time. I jump across the bed and run for the door. Unfortunately, he recovers quickly, and grabs my arm before I can get it open.

  “You’re going to pay for that, you bitch!” He spins me around, and punches me in the face. Everything starts to go dark, and I’m scared that I’m going to black out. I take several deep breaths, and try to stay focused.

  He picks me up and throws me onto the bed. I frantically reach my hand out - trying to find something to hit him with - as he straddles me.

  He pulls my dress up, and begins yanking my underwear down. Finally, I feel my small metal lamp. I grab it in my fist, and slam it up against the side of his head.

  He groans, and falls onto the floor. My head is still spinning, as I roll off the other side of the bed. I push up onto my feet shakily, and move towards the door, as fast as I can. With my legs trembling beneath me - and spots dancing before my eyes - the distance seems so far away.

  Everything feels like it’s in slow motion, as I fumble with the lock on the door. My left eye is watering profusely, and it’s starting to swell together. It’s making it hard to see.

  I’ve just got the door open, when Aaron grabs my ankle, and yanks me onto the floor. Damnit! This guy does not give up!

  “There’s only one person who’s going to leave this room alive, Karma. And it’s going to be me.” He starts dragging me across the floor.

  I dig my nails into the carpet, trying to pull in the opposite direction. “Leave me alone, Aaron!” I shout, throwing spit everywhere. “It’s over!”

  “No. You don’t get to call the shots, you fucking whore. I’ll tell you when it’s over.”

  Somehow, through all of our fighting, I’ve managed to keep my heels on. Not knowing what else to do, I kick back, with all of the energy I have left. I’m pretty sure I’m running on pure adrenalin, at this point.

  My heel hits its target - the center of Aaron’s forehead. He falls backwards and I collapse onto my chest, sighing with relief.

  I lie on the floor for a couple of seconds, trying to catch my breath. When my vision clears a little, I begin trying to push up onto my feet.

  “Karma,” Aaron’s deadly calm tone, has my heart leaping up into my throat.

  I’m on my hands and knees, and I slowly turn my head so that I can see him. He’s on his feet, and he has a gun in his hands, pointed at my head.

  “I want you to crawl over to me.” He tells me with a stoic expression.

  I shift around and begin doing as I’m told. I stop at his feet, with a deadly fear spreading throughout my entire body. This is it! This is how I’m going to die! Even the tips of my fingers and toes are tingling.

  He cocks the gun and stares down at me. “Up on your knees, slut.�

  I push up so that my face is in direct line with his crotch. “Unbutton my pants. Now!” He roars, slamming the gun against my temple. My mouth fills with the bitter metallic taste, of my own blood, and flickers of light dance across my vision.

  I take a deep breath, unbutton, and unzip his jeans.

  He gives me a sardonic smile. “Good girl. Now you know what to do – suck me.”

  At this point, there’s no denying the fact - I’m going to die. It doesn’t matter what I do. I look up at him through my lashes. “Whatever you want, Aaron.” I lean forward slowly, keeping my eyes fixed on his.

  At the last minute, I pull back, and punch him as hard as I can, in his balls.

  He covers himself with both hands, and I grab for the gun. He falls on top of me, and we begin rolling around on the floor - both of us - fumbling for control of the gun.

  A loud popping sound makes us both stop. I look around to see if I hit him. That’s when I feel a blinding pain in my stomach. I curl in on myself, and place my hand over my stomach. I feel something cold and wet, oozing from stomach. I hold my hand up in front of my face, and see the blood. I’ve been shot!

  Aaron stumbles to his feet. “This is your fault, you stupid whore.” He steps over me, and I feel another sharp pain in my lower back, when he kicks me.

  I curl my body into the fetal position and concentrate on my shallow breathing, until the pain starts to fade, and everything goes black.



  I cannot get to Karma, fast enough. I’ve never seen so much fucking traffic! I jerk my truck into the turning lane, and pass several cars - illegally. If I’m lucky - a cop will see me - and follow me home.

  Unfortunately, I don’t see a single cop, as I weave my way in and out of the traffic. This sucks! I should have fucking killed Aaron, when I had the chance. I will regret that for the rest of my life.

  Goddamn! I bring my hand down on the horn, as some dumbass cuts in front of me. I jerk the steering wheel to the side, and narrowly miss a small car. I hear several horns blending in with my own. Fuck me! It has never taken me this long to get home.

  After what feels like an eternity, I see the lights from our parking lot, come into view. I lock up the brakes, and jerk the steering wheel, so that I fishtail into the parking lot. I come to a stop sideways, in front of Karma’s townhome.

  My stomach plummets, when I see her door is wide open. WHAT! THE! FUCK! I don’t even bother turning off the engine. I jump out of the truck, and run up the front steps.

  “Karma!” I’m not for sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this. Everything is quite, and nothing is out of place.

  “Karma, are you here?” I step inside the kitchen, but nothing seems out of the ordinary.

  “Karma, please talk to me.” I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I make my way towards her bedroom. The door is ajar. I shove it open, and step inside.

  Son of a bitch! Her room is in shambles. All of the covers from her bed are pulled onto the floor. Her mattress is half off of the box springs, and her lamp is lying on the floor. There’s a huge hole in her wall.

  I’m pretty sure my heart has stopped beating. I walk around to the other side of her bed, and a chill washes over me. I suck in a deep breath.

  Karma’s lying on the floor, curled up in a fetal position. She looks so small and frail. There’s a thick pool of blood oozing across her carpet, painting it crimson. This is not the Karma I’m used to. So full of life, and laughing.

  “Oh my God, Karma.” My voice is trembling, as I drop down onto my knees.

  Dear God, please don’t let her be dead. My hand is shaking, as I brush her hair off the side of her face. I grind my teeth together. The whole side of her face is bruised and swollen. I place my fingers against the side of her neck, and hold my breath. After a couple of seconds I feel a light thumping. I release a long drawn out breath, and pull out my phone. I quickly dial 9-1-1 and rattle off our address.

  “What did he do to you?” I gently stroke the back of my hand down her swollen cheek. Fucking Aaron Jones! I get sick to my stomach, when I gently touch her arm. She’s cold, so cold.

  I’m afraid to move her. I don’t know what her injuries are. “I’m so sorry, Karma.” This is all my fault. I promised her, that I’d never let him hurt her, again. Now, because I left her alone, she’s fighting for her life.

  I curl my body around hers, as gently as possible. “It’s going to be okay, baby. Help is on the way.” I whisper into her ear.

  I don’t know if she can hear me or not, but I want to do something to help console her. That night so long ago, when she hummed Keith Whitley’s ‘When you say nothing at all,’ while holding my hand - it meant so much to me.

  I draw in a deep shaky breath, and begin humming the same song to her. The entire time I’m humming the song, I’m silently praying for her to be okay. Please God, don’t take her away from me. If there was any way that I could take her place – I would. She is everything to me. Without her, I’m nothing. I love her with all of my heart. She is my soul!

  Several minutes later, I hear the sirens echoing in the distance. “Hang on baby. Don’t let go. They’re almost here.”

  I stay right by Karma’s side, until they load her into the ambulance. After the ambulance leaves the parking lot, I run over to my house.

  “Jude,” I burst through his bedroom door.

  “What the fuck, Trent?” Jude is on top of a girl. She lets out a little squeak, and buries her face into his chest.

  “Get the fuck out of here!” Jude roars, and throws something at my head.

  I dunk, and narrowly miss being hit in the face, with a shoe. “I need you!”

  “I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but this isn’t a good time for me.” He says, staring down at the girl.

  “I don’t give a fuck if this is a good time, or not. Karma just left here in an ambulance.”

  “What!? What happened!?” He rolls out of the bed, not even bothering to cover himself.

  “Dude,” I turn my head to the side. “Put on some fucking clothes.

  He picks his jeans up off of the floor. “What do you want me to do?”

  I reach him Karma’s phone. “Go through Karma’s contacts, and let Anna and Dusty know, that Karma’s at the emergency room.”

  He takes the phone and looks down at it. “Hey, where are you going?”

  I turn back towards him. “Where do you think?”

  He nods his head a couple of times. “Got it.”

  My truck is still running, when I climb back in. I’m surprised I have any gas left.

  I pull it into gear, and stomp on the gas, squealing the tires against the pavement.



  I hear music. It sounds so familiar. I know this song! Its Keith Whitley’s ‘When you say nothing at all.’ It’s one of my favorites. He’s my Mom’s favorite singer. She always said, that he was the best artist, that there ever was.

  Hearing it takes me back to when I was a little girl.

  I’m standing in my bedroom, looking out of the window. It’s supposed to snow, and I love watching it snow.

  I see a boy running across the street, into the woods. What is he doing? It’s after ten o’clock, and it’s so cold.

  I slip on some shoes, and wrap my blanket around me. I can hear the television, so I know my parents are still up. If I ask them to let me go outside, I know what their answer will be.

  I slide my window up, and slip outside. I stop at the street and look both ways, before I cross.

  It doesn’t take me long to find the boy. He’s sitting on the frozen ground, shaking from head to toe. Why didn’t he put on a coat? His eyes are closed, and his lip is bleeding – really bad.

  I watch him for several seconds, trying to figure out what to say to him.

  After a few seconds, he startles, and blinks up at me. His eyes are wide, and filled with a mixture of sadness and pure
fear. It breaks my heart. I want to help him, but I don’t know how.

  I don’t think there are any words, that I could say, that will erase that kind of fear and sadness. But, I can try to warm him up. I sit down next to him, and wrap one side of my blanket around him. He doesn’t try to pull away from me, so I take his hand. It’s cold, and he’s shaking. I rest my head against his shoulder, and begin humming the song my Mom had been listening to earlier, while she was cleaning the house. Its Keith Whitley’s ‘When you say nothing at all.’ I love that song.

  I don’t know what ever happened to that boy. I never saw him again, after that night. I wonder what he’d look like today. This is so weird. Why am I thinking about this, now? That was several years ago.

  Hey, where am I? I can hear sirens, and every now and then, I see flickers of red dancing in front of my vision. What happened to me? I feel so numb.

  Several images flicker through my mind. It’s kind of like I’m watching several different movies all at once.

  I see Aaron, holding a gun at me. This fades and I see Trent, we’re in the pool, and he’s asking if he can kiss me. Now, I’m sitting on the ground humming to that boy, from so long ago.

  Oh! My! God! Trent! Now, I know why he always looked so familiar. I do know him! Trent is the one humming to me – or was – humming to me. The sirens are getting louder, drowning everything out. No! I don’t want to hear the sirens, anymore. I want Trent! Where are you, Trent?

  My thoughts are becoming a jumbled mess, as the darkness overtakes me, again.



  I feel numb, like I’m stuck inside of a nightmare. I did everything - except beg the receptionist - to tell me how Karma was - but all I got was that she was in emergency surgery. The doctor is supposed to let me know when it’s over.

  I’m sitting in a hard plastic chair, staring at the large double doors. I can’t believe how many people are here. There are kids crying, and one man is holding a blood soaked towel over his hand. When the doors open, I can see red lights lighting up the dark parking lot. It’s raining – hard.


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