The Cost of Being Special (Survival of the Fittest Book 1)

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The Cost of Being Special (Survival of the Fittest Book 1) Page 15

by Shawn Keys

  Kyle stepped back outside the arch, turning to leave.

  Ms. Clarke gave another of those throaty laughs, and the futon creaked a little harder. “Now, who’s my bad girl that needs to be taught… her… lesson?”

  “M... me… I am, Ms. Clarke…”

  Spank! Creak… creak… creak.

  Laura whimpered…

  Kyle retreated down the corridor, breathing hard. Holy crap. That was waaaayyy better than seeing Megan under her blankets in the moonlight. Sure, I love romance, but damn!

  He was tempted to walk straight down the stairs and find a private corner to take the pressure off his mind and loins. It didn’t seem quite right to go to another woman charged up after a scene like that. But he drew to a stop at Danielle’s door.

  This wasn’t just about being physical with her. He didn’t think she would turn him away. Not after the flash of heat in the barn, anyway. But Megan was right. They were about to get into the thick of some nasty, dangerous events. There was history between them that should be cleared up.

  He knocked softly on her door.

  From inside, she answered, “Come in, Kyle.” Rather than tired, her voice was almost eager.

  Kyle eased the door open and slipped inside. He closed the door gently, leaning his back against it as if not quite admitting he was going to stay.

  He wanted to. As soon as he saw Danielle, he wanted to stay the rest of the night. She was seated on the center of the large bed, her bare legs crossed into a half-lotus position. She had filched one of Megan’s light, white blouses, discarding the rest of her own soiled clothes until morning. As the smaller woman, the shirt swam on Danielle, making it loose and breezy around her. Her hard nipples were visible through the material, especially back-lit by the bedside lamps which were the only illumination. Her fair hair was glowing in the mild light, swept over one shoulder. She was holding a hairbrush in her lap. Up until his knock, she had been using it to detangle and bring a little luster back to her blonde strands.

  Kyle considered how Danielle was patiently waiting for him. It was too deliberate to be random. He had a vague suspicion that Megan had warned her to be ready. Was Megan maneuvering things to make sure they all found the right bed? He would have laughed, but old feelings of warm desire were rising in his heart at the sight of the Swedish beauty. He still wasn’t the most experienced at this game of flirtation, but at least with Danielle, it was an attraction he had dealt with for a long time, even if only to ignore it for his own well-being. Familiarity meant he was able to summon a little charm. “Damn, I hate being a foregone conclusion.”

  That drew a soft laugh from Danielle. “I honestly wasn’t sure if you would ever turn up.”

  Needing to know, Kyle asked, “And what if I had gone with one of them? Despite what Ms. Clarke might have tried to set up?”

  Danielle smiled softly, confirming his suspicions. “That was a risk. You have a say as much as we do. And then my bed would be a lot colder tonight.” She gave him a forgiving smile. “Look, I’ve been friends with Laura a long time. I’m not making any apologies for her. She loves sex. She’s good at it.” She bit her lip fetchingly, admitting, “I’ve enjoyed her skills more than once myself.” Letting out a sigh, Danielle said, “I was with Brad Chamberlain for a while. He learned about me dallying with Laura once in a while. He ordered me to swear that I’d never be with her again as long as we were going out. He couldn’t stand the fact that I might have a little fun without him. I promised him. I don’t sleep around. But it never felt right, like something was missing.”

  She shrugged, and found her smile again. “Feels kind of nice to know that if this keeps up, maybe I can have both you and her.”

  “What if it was more?”

  “Ms. Clarke?”

  Kyle shrugged. “I don’t know all the answers. I don’t know where this is going to go. But in reality, she’s the one who believed in me being good enough for her first, before anyone else.”

  Danielle considered. Then, she held out her hands toward him. Kyle drifted over and sat on the edge of the bed, placing his palms against hers. She admitted, “I wasted a lot of time being someone I wasn’t really happy being. I don’t regret all of it. That’s how I got to know Laura. I hate how it ended with Chrissy and the rest of them. I like making people happy.”

  Kyle clasped her hands a little tighter. “But maybe it’s time you make yourself happy at the same time.”

  She smiled. “I almost forgot that was possible. When you first tried to be my friend, I should have figured that out.”

  “I was just as young and just as stupid, Danielle. I probably said a hundred awkward things that helped keep you at arms-length. I shudder every time I think back and remember all the ways I made it worse. Came on too strong. Called you too quickly after you gave me your phone number or feared you were brushing me off when you didn’t call me back within an hour. I was an idiot.”

  Danielle shrugged. “All that is in the past. Right now, I want to be happy. And I want my friends to be happy. And… I want you. With Laura, it isn’t even like I feel I would be splitting you. I’d call it sharing. Maybe it could be that way with others, too.”

  Kyle offered a soft chuckle. “Seems like a nice place to start. We’ll take it slow. See what happens.”

  Danielle nibbled her lip again, letting off a small smile. “It makes it easier to accept when its my bed you’ve come to warm tonight.”

  “If you’ll have me.”

  Danielle leaned forward, offering her lips. “I would.”

  Kyle leaned his own part of the way, meeting her in a gentle kiss. This was far more tender than the feverish encounter in the barn. They savored each other’s taste back and forth, probing softly with their tongues as the connection built with slow intensity.

  Without breaking the kiss, Kyle climbed up onto the bed. His towel naturally fell away, the hooked knot around his waist too fragile to resist being tugged open by his crawl. He moved into Danielle, and then over her. She fell back without resistance against the bed, her blonde hair spilling elegantly out over the plush comforter below.

  Her legs unfurled from their crossed position, accepting him between. He settled between them, exhaling in satisfaction as he felt his hard shaft rub into the wet folds of her sex. She had no underwear on to shield her core from him. He rolled his hips up and down, grinding himself along her whole slit as she painted his length with her rising desire.

  Her panting breath simmered with need. She gasped, “So… hot… so hard… ohh, Kyle…”

  He growled back to her, “Can you feel how much I want you, Danielle? Damn, I’ve wanted you for so long. Can you feel that?”

  “Mmm hmm. Please. I’m here for you. Slide into me. Have me.” She nibbled at his ear, meandering her kisses along his jawline and neck.

  While one elbow supported his weight from being fully on her, his other flowed up between them, eager to undo the buttons of her blouse. He managed to get them apart, then pushed the two sides feverishly apart to reveal her firm breasts beneath. As soon as they were bared, his mouth swept down to feast on them. His tongue spiraled over her aereole, then fluttered over the tips.

  Needing more of him, one of Danielle’s hands stretched down between her, grasping hold of his shaft between her legs. She guided him through two last gliding strokes through her labia, then positioned him at the entrance to her sex. She squeezed her fingers around his thick shaft, shivering in lust. “Go slow.”

  She didn’t say more, though Kyle ego felt that delightful stroke as she implied that she would need time to adjust to his size. Hard as diamond, he flexed his thighs and pierced slowly into her body. Continuing to lavish her skin with attention, he kept up the pressure. Not yet as expert as he wished one day to be, he heard her gasp once or twice as he thrust too much into her. Each time, he paused, letting her relax into his thick invasion. When he felt her ankles stroke against his hips and back, he knew she was ready for more.

  Inch by inch, he
claimed her until there wasn’t any of her left to possess. Filling her utterly, he settled against her and found her mouth for a heated kiss. Their hands brushed around each other, loving and expressive. He wanted to touch her in too many places at once. Her skin was so lovely, and the thrilled response he got from his attentive caresses made him wish he had another pair of hands to delight her even more.

  As they explored each other, he began to pump into her body with long, deliberate strokes. She flexed her thighs open as if to give him more room to do as he wished. They started slow, truly making love. Then the demand grew within them both. Kyle’s stroke grew firmer as he felt her ready to take more. Each time he picked up the pace, she gave a needful cry and goaded him on. Needing to pant and breathe, their kiss ended and they stared into each other’s eyes as he ravished her hard enough to make the bed shake.

  The tight-liquid heaven of her sex was driving him insane. Kyle knew he was close. “I’m… there… ohh, Danielle, you are incredible… I’m almost… there…”

  She was soaring right along with him. Moving in harmony with her lover, she angled her hips to catch every thrust he was making over the wonderful pleasure center of her g-spot. Shaking with the need for release, she urged him on. “Yeeesss…. yessss… harder… yes… there… give me… give it to me… more!” She lost control and creamed over his shaft in a shattering explosion.

  As she clenched down on him, he unleashed his own climax back into her. Steamy heat flooded every part of her inner body. He locked into her deeply, letting the textures of her inner walls squeeze around him as if drinking from the fountain of his inner being. They rode through the orgasm together until he collapsed on her with perhaps a little too much weight.

  She murmured in soft joy against his shoulder. “Ohh, we needed to do that a long time ago.”

  He rolled a little to one side, not wanting to crush her. But by moving slow, he stayed embedded in her body, enjoying how she continued to grip him with her core. He swore she was doing it intentionally, giving him sweet little hugs with her vaginal muscles. “That gives us a good reason to make up for lost time.”

  She giggled with giddiness born from the afterglow, then tucked her head into his shoulder. “The best reason imaginable.” She closed her eyes in contentment. “I could get used to this sort of treatment.”

  “You better. I’m not intending to let you go. Not for a long time.”

  “Good.” She settled in against him like she belonged there.

  From Kyle’s perspective… she did.

  Finally, the incredibly long day caught up with him. In a state of bliss, he finally found the sleep he needed so badly. And despite all the terrors and horrifying implications of being hunted, it was one of the most peaceful sleeps he had ever had.

  * * *

  Agent Lawson keyed open the door to the FDPC office, then efficiently disarmed the security alarms. The place was dark at 5:30 a.m., long before Stan’s normal starting time at 7:30. They weren’t a large enough office to have a standing 24/7 watch floor. The agents were only rarely engaging in interviews and investigations after-hours. If they got into trouble when Stan had stopped his dispatch duties, they simply went through normal emergency response channels.

  Jill let her partner handle the mechanics of getting the office functioning. She went right over to her computer and logged in. Synching with her arm computer, she made sure all the genetic files that were too large to pass smoothly over WIFI were up to date, and that the base applications had their chance to upgrade.

  She confirmed what they had noticed after awakening. “Both the Nyqvist and Greene girls are both off the grid. They were tracked to this church here, and then there is an L.O.S. They never come back. Considering the background notes in their files, unless their school instructors have missed a hidden aptitude, neither of them have the technical expertise to burn out an implant. Odds are good the Simmons girl did it for them. Which means, now all of them are with Hutchings.”

  Jack sank to the edge of the desk. “He’s got a small little rebellion going, doesn’t he?”

  Jill nodded thoughtfully. “My question is: what is he going to do now? He knows we aren’t intending anything happy for him. But he’s a loser from a back-water college still living at home. Not like he has any grand plans.”

  “Survival?” Jack shrugged. “Might be as simple as that. He’ll go dark and do his best to avoid us. Worst case, he might leave the city.”

  Frowning, Jill nodded. “I tend to agree. But that isn’t all that good in the long run. Running with three viable females, two of them above baseline. Giving him the time to sire a few children in the back woods is the exact opposite of why we’re doing this.”


  Jill grumbled, “The problem is actually how to get any threat to him. Not like we can broadcast ‘we have your mother’ on the television, and I’ll bet you a good chunk of change he won’t be using his phone. He hasn’t had it on in the last few hours, anyway. So, I can’t text him a threat. If we go that route, our best option will be to take his parents and their phones, then commit to waiting until he tries to contact them. Then we’ll have the new number he is using.”

  “It’ll be a burner phone. Movie spy craft 101.”

  “That’s fine. The bigger value will be knowing we can transmit to him. He can’t jump to our tune if he can’t hear the music.”

  “Then we’re going with hostages?”

  Jill shrugged. “I’d rather do one more contact with his friends. Get a feel for if he is reaching out to more of them and warning them off, or if they are still in the dark.”

  Jack suggested, “We should cook up a story. Something to negate his claims if he does call them later. Make them think he’s gone paranoid.” He smirked. “Let’s use the conspiracy theories to our advantage this time. How about: we have reason to believe the Persterim is influencing him. Paranoid delusions. If the worst happens, even a psychotic break is possible. That will blend nicely enough with the news stories surrounding the Simmons girl. Her nasty drug friends killed her parents, and Hutchings was there. His paranoia has him convinced they are from the FDPC, and the Simmons girl is buying into it out of guilt or protection or whatever.”

  Sampling the idea to see how it tasted, Jill was partly convinced. “It’s a stretch, but consistent enough that we can let people invent their own details to fill in the holes. I like the fear that the virus is making him unstable. The more we can spread that, the likelier his own support network will turn him in so he ‘gets the help he needs’.”

  Happy to have a plan, Jill grabbed her coat and headed for the door. “We need to catch the first of his friends before they head in to the school. That way, if they see him there, we have some hope they’ll betray him without even knowing it.”

  Chapter 10

  Breakfast at Megan Clarke’s house was a strange affair the next morning.

  Their teacher had snuck into their rooms and made off with their clothing early in the morning. Of them all, she had had the most sleep, despite her late-night education session with Laura. She was up early enough to call in sick to the school and set out a lesson plan, then put on loads of laundry that would return her guests’ clothing to them in a few hours.

  In the meantime, they were making do. Megan might be a boldly powerful woman, but she wasn’t that much larger than the others; sweat pants and loose-fitting sweaters and tee-shirts covered the other women well enough. Panties and bras were the hardest part, since those were meant to fit specific forms, but no-one seemed all that concerned about barriers after they had broken so many of them down the night before.

  Kyle was a bit more of a challenge, but not impossible. He wasn’t all that massive, and he had located a black sweater and jogging pants combination that he could wear hidden amongst Megan’s wardrobe without losing too much of his pride.

  He thought Dazz would be the most awkward addition to the scene. There was an undeniable change in the way the other four of th
em were moving around each other. None of them seemed to mind brushing against each other in the small kitchen. None of them were concerned too much when one of the women leaned forward and gave a flash of cleavage to the others. None of them cared too much when they were caught staring at one of the others. It was the intimacy that came naturally to lovers, and an outsider would pick up on it.

  Dazz did notice, but she shrugged, as if the whole idea had been inevitable. As the most petite among them, she was using one of Megan’s halter tops which did a good job of covering most of her torso. She had tied some of the fabric under her breasts to make sure the outfit wasn’t too floppy, which resulted in her showing quite a bit more skin than the others. Tattoos that Kyle had never seen before we on display. She came into the kitchen, grabbed some toast, slathered some strawberry jam on it, then poured out a bowl of oat-bran cereal to top it off.

  Yes, Kyle would say that the strangest thing about breakfast was how normal it all felt. How very easily he could see this being his life. None of them had made any promises, but damn it would be fine to spend a few more breakfasts like this.

  Now all he had to do was survive long enough to make it all work on a more permanent basis. And see if any of the women were willing to explore the whole thing with him.

  Finishing off his own buttered bran muffin, Kyle settled back in his seat with his mug of coffee. “We talked about this last night. We will need to make phone calls, but we couldn’t trust our old phones anymore. That means buying some disposable ones. I’m not really sure how safe those are, but I’ve seen the ‘pay as you go’ phones at the stores. They aren’t cheap, but I have a little savings I can use.”

  Laura cut in. “Let me take care of that. My father doesn’t even look at what I spend most of the time. I’ve tried not to take advantage, but this seems like a good time.”

  Not one to leech off others, Kyle figured he would have to bury his pride this time around. “Thanks for offering. It might make all the difference.”


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