House of Intrigue

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House of Intrigue Page 16

by Yvonne Strickland

  'Back again!' cut in Karen's voice just behind them. 'You're not having a row, I hope?'

  'Of course not, are we, dear?' Annette grinned and tucked her arm into his as they walked on. 'I was just telling him how lucky he was to get out of that shop in one piece. Louise and Marielle only look innocent.'

  'I though a minute or two ago you were telling me they were,' remarked Karen.

  'I was only kidding,' answered Annette. 'I reckon there are people who've gone in there and never come out again.' She smiled up at Mike. 'I bet you had quite a close shave, didn't you, dear?'

  'Am I missing something?' asked Karen, taking his other arm.

  He looked at them each in turn as they walked, his mouth fixed in a broad smile. Annette was right of course. He was lucky. He imagined what some of his old acquaintances back in London might think if they could see him now, walking along this sunlit street, arm in arm with these two beautiful and sensual young women. At the moment, he could forgive Annette anything. He glanced at her long auburn hair, burnished in the afternoon light, and then at Karen, her hair the colour of corn falling over her shoulders. He recalled her promise to meet him at the pool the following evening and his smile became broader still.

  'So what's brought on this sudden attack of style consciousness?' came the voice from beside him.

  Mike looked up from his magazine. 'Oh Val, I didn't see you, sorry. Are you sitting down for a bit?'

  if you don't mind my company for half an hour I will, thanks.'

  Valerie placed a glass of orange juice down on the table and pulled up a chair. He regarded her shapely form in her thin, deep blue nylon halter-neck top, figure-hugging pencil skirt in gold lame and her sheer black stockings. He sighed inwardly.

  'Well, what's come over you?'

  'Nothing ... I, erm, just thought I needed a few things. No special reason.'

  'I see,' said Valerie. 'Nothing to do with Annette and Karen in Beziers yesterday by any chance?'

  'Well, I er ... I was out shopping around anyway. They mentioned this little place between the market and the theatre - The Pineapple or something like that.'

  'Oh yes. La Grenade. I'm sure you got your money's worth if I know Louise and Marielle.'

  'Yes, I certainly did,' he muttered, glancing again at the magazine.

  Valerie smiled to herself over his forced nonchalance on the subject of the boutique. There was a suppressed giggling from behind and she turned to regard the two figures huddled together by the yucca plant between the conservatory and the bar room.

  'So that's where she is. I did wonder.'

  'Yes,' answered Mike, glancing at Jackie and Rose, 'they're thick as thieves, aren't they? I'm sure they're hatching something.'

  it'll be fun and games if they do. Pauline's not been too happy of late. I think she's waiting for someone to step out of line so she can bare her fangs and pounce.'

  'Oh, why's that?'

  'I thought everyone knew,' answered Valerie, leaning forward and lowering her voice. 'She didn't want Karen back here, apart from anything else.'

  'Why, it's no skin off her nose, is it?'

  'No, not to a normal person it wouldn't be, but I think the fact that Sonia has a close confidante makes her feel a bit marginalised when she thinks she ought to be seen as undisputed second in command.'

  'Yes,' Mike breathed, 'I can understand that.'

  'So she'll take it out on anyone she can, I suppose.'

  'Speak of the devil,' grinned Mike, glancing into the bar room. Valerie looked briefly aside only to observe the approach of the silver-blonde hair and red lips everyone knew so well.

  Pauline's body was almost entirely concealed beneath her long black gown with gold braided high collar and wide cuffs on full-length sleeves. Two middle-aged men followed her through the bar and into the conservatory, each of them wearing a plain, lightweight, sand-coloured suit and dark glasses. As they sat down at the end of the room, Mike looked at Valerie with thinly disguised amusement and said, 'Looks like the mandarin and the mafia, doesn't it?'

  'Shush,' whispered Valerie, 'we're supposed to be entertaining them in a bit.''

  'Who are they?'

  'Er, I'm not sure to tell the truth; I believe they're from Brussels. The less you know about some of Sonia's visitors, the more important they are likely to be. I think these two are banking and finance but it doesn't matter too much as long as they're reasonably presentable.'

  'Like me,' he smiled.

  Valerie looked at him with amusement in her dark, gypsy eyes. 'Well, I supose you've gone up a few notches since yesterday.'

  'I always used to be well dressed, you know,' he answered. 'Always a suit and tie. It was such a drastic change for me coming here. I suppose I wanted a complete break from the way I used to look.'

  'But now you've succumbed to the hail of innuendo and shifted back a bit the other way.'

  'There were a few comments, yes,' he said, leaning forward. 'You might not believe this, but it's not all that easy being the only bloke in ...'

  His voice trailed off as Lorna entered the room, her long raven hair sweeping down over her bare shoulder. About her slim, curvaceous body was a short black chiffon dress, the top held up by shoestring straps, pushed out by her firm breasts and gaping at the sides, the ruffled, flared skirt accentuating her long legs in their gossamer lace nylon. On her feet were delicate gold stiletto heel sandals. His mouth remained slightly open.

  'You were saying?' asked Valerie, with a bland expression.

  He returned to her. 'Yes, well, you might not understand but it isn't that easy, that's all I'm saying.'

  'Michael,' sighed Valerie with an expression of mild anguish, 'I know what you must be going through, I really do.' She placed one of her hands on his. 'Look, if I can help you, I will. I'll have a few words with Sonia. If you can pick up enough French, I think she has a little fancy goods and souvenir shop down on the coast that needs a manager. It'll get you away from all of this and you'll be able to chat to the tourists.'

  'Just you dare say anything!' he hissed as her face broke into a wide smile.

  'You're so gullible sometimes, aren't you, deary?'

  'You're almost as bad as the other one,' he answered.

  After a time, Valerie looked at her watch and said, 'I think I'll get a move on now.' She pushed back the chair. 'And what about you? Are you off anywhere this evening or are you staying here?'

  'Me? Oh, no,' he answered, picking up the magazine. 'I'll hang around for a bit then go for a stroll.'

  'Well,' she said, leaning over him with an expression of concern, 'you be careful and don't talk to any strange women.'

  There was no moon but the starlight reflected in the still, clear water of the swimming pool. The chirping of nighttime insects broke the silence. Karen pulled back a chair, eased herself into it and placed the folded towel on top of the table before her. She had encountered no one as she left the house, though it would not have mattered greatly. Going out for a midnight swim was not an uncommon practice, though it was less usual to go out alone. The air was warm with barely the hint of a breeze. She leaned back, folded her arms across her purple beach dress and took in the sweep of the stars, the myriad lights of heaven.

  There were footsteps. Someone was approaching along the pathway, whistling. A figure appeared in the gloom at the other side of the pool and began to walk around it.

  'Hello!' she called softly.

  'Hi!' came the reply as he approached the cluster of tables and chairs. 'Been here long?'

  'A few minutes, that's all. Isn't it lovely?'

  it sure is,' he said, 'especially now you're here.'

  Mike, in his jeans and white T-shirt, placed a paper carrier bag on the table next to her towel, then sat down.

  'What have you brought in that?' she asked, leaning forward a little to peer over the edge. 'Not just your towel.'

  'Towel, a bottle of cold white wine and two plastic cups. How's that?'

  'Mmmm, sounds good,
but I think we should go in the water before we polish it off, don't you? Boozing and swimming don't go well together.'

  'Nope, quite sensible,' he said. 'Just a cup each now and the rest afterwards.' He pulled the bottle from the bag and handed her a paper cup. 'Cork's already out.'

  'Oh, you were sure I'd be here then?' she asked playfully as he poured the wine.

  He looked into her eyes, seeing the light of the stars. 'You said you would be. Why should I doubt you? Cheers!'

  'Cheers,' she replied, raising the cup.

  They made small talk for a time, discussing the house, the girls, Rose and, of course, Pauline. At length, he asked her, 'Why don't you and I get out together more often? You're with the others but not one of them, and you know my situation. Sonia couldn't object if we went around together more could she? I mean, you've no obligations the way -'

  'Look Mike, we've been over this before. I really do like you a lot, but I don't want to get involved, for either of our sakes, that is.' She looked deep into his eyes, if I didn't think much of you, I wouldn't be here now, would


  'No, I don't suppose you would,' he said, squeezing her hand.

  They got up and, pulling off his own clothes until he stood in his swimming shorts, Mike watched Karen slip out of her beach dress in the night air. She wore what he hoped she would; the minimal little swim slip she had bought in Beziers when she too had visited La Grenade. Her breasts stood full and firm in the dim light. She placed the dress over the back of the chair, then turned to Mike and smiled. 'OK?'

  'OK,' he answered, and they walked hand in hand to the edge of the pool. They jumped in together, the splash resounding into the night. They swam back and forth, sometimes separate, sometimes together, plunging and circling until, eventually, they met near the shallow end and stood with the water at chest level, facing each other. Karen was not sure about which of them put their arms around the other first, but after a long and fervent kiss, she felt his arousal against her sex. Again they kissed and she drew in her breath sharply as his lips closed upon her breast and his fingers slipped down between her G-string and smooth flesh to find the wellhead of her sensuality. With his free hand he tugged at the cord around her waist.

  'Let's get out of the water,' she breathed.

  He released her and they pulled themselves up the steps and out on to the poolside, glistening in the night and dripping wet. He took her hand and they walked past the tables and on to the grass, where they stopped and faced each other closely. He kissed her and passed his arms down her body, beginning at her shoulders and letting his thumbs and fingers squeeze her hardened nipples before running down her slim waist. He eased down the scanty slip, lowering his body as he went, running his mouth down her stomach until he was on his knees and he could kiss the heat of her sex. She ran her fingers through his hair and sighed. He wanted to savour her, for until this evening she had seemed remote, aloof and unreachable. When he rose to his feet, she helped him remove his shorts and now it was his turn to catch his breath as her cool fingers closed firmly about his erection. His hand returned to her sex and each began the fiendish game with the other, pausing only to ease themselves down on to the grass so that Karen could spread herself and he could reach deeper into her moist and eager warmth. Soon, hearing her breath shortening and feeling the way her body moved, he clambered between her legs, lifting her knees up and apart. She needed no further encouragement, but lifted her legs higher and, as he thrust deeply into the goal of his lust, brought them around his back so that they were locked tightly in the tournament of love. They heaved together under the night sky, her breath becoming louder with each stroke. He hoped she was close to fulfilment for the dark flames were coursing throughout his own body and he knew he could not hold himself back for long. She began to moan, at first softly, but her moans rapidly became louder and the grip of her arms and legs about him suddenly tightened. He felt the breath almost driven from his body as she cried out loudly and held him as if drowning in the surge of her own pleasure. His release came within moments of hers and he too cried out into the darkness.

  'Come on!' she exclaimed, as they pulled themselves up from the grass. 'Let's have another swim and wash away our sins!'

  'Sins?' he responded, chasing after her. 'I don't feel sinful! I feel good!'

  She turned as they reached the edge of the pool and kissed him. 'I'm only joking, stupid! I feel good too!'

  They clasped each other's arms and swung about, until Karen, with finely judged timing, laughed and pushed him hard so that he fell backwards with a loud slap into the water. Moments later, she was by his side in the pool. There, they swam, circled and splashed about until Mike said, 'Hey, we're making too much noise. Someone will be wondering what's going on.'

  She bobbed up in the water beside him, her hair floating about her shoulders. 'We've got some wine left, haven't we?'

  'Yes, around two thirds of the bottle, I think. Shall we go and see it off?'

  This time they dried themselves with their towels then sat, naked, back at the table, savouring the cool wine.

  'This'll do you good you know,' Mike said, grinning at her.

  'What do you mean?'

  'Letting yourself go for once, that's what I mean. You should do it more often.'

  'Mike, you assume a lot, don't you? I do have a life of my own; I just don't go around telling everyone about it.'

  He reached out and took her hand. 'Look sweetheart, I'm sorry, I just meant that ... well, that you don't do much, like going out in the evenings. I'd take you out to dinner every week if you'd let me. I'm not tight-fisted as a certain person made out earlier either.'

  'Mike, there are things I really can't talk about. You have to understand, I'm far from unhappy here. If I wasn't happy, I wouldn't stay. I appreciate your concern, but, believe me, it's not that simple.'

  They continued to talk and eventually finished the wine. He watched her soft eyes as they talked, saw her bedraggled hair in wisps across her face and felt again the blood warming in his veins and the organ of his sexuality begin to stir and invoke his attention. He leaned across the table and took her hands in his. She leaned to meet him and they kissed. If he had been in any doubt about the renewal of her enthusiasm, those doubts were cast aside now as she repaid his attentions with a passion equal to his own.

  Neither spoke as they arose and walked back over to the area of grass where they had before abandoned themselves. He lay on his back, looking up at the stars and she propped herself up at his side, tracing her fingers down his chest and over his stomach. He heard her laugh softly.

  'What is it?' he asked, pulling her down until they were face to face. 'What's so funny?'

  'You're ... I mean, like me, you haven't any -'

  'Hair,' he cut in.

  'Yes. Have you been ... has Valerie -'

  'No, she hasn't. And never you mind; it's a long story.'

  They continued to kiss until she raised herself up and stroked his penis with her fingers before gently enclosing it with her hand and working it slowly back and forth so that he tensed involuntarily. He raised his hand and began to stroke between her legs, feeling her moist and very warm. She moved further around and lowered herself down. He let out a sharp moan as her warm lips slid over the head of his penis and down the shaft, drawing him into her so that he felt there was nowhere else he should ever want to be. Almost instinctively, he reached out and took her leg, pulling her across him. With equal spontaneity, she eased herself into position so that, with her thighs either side of his head, his mouth was close to her most intimate place. His tongue immediately found its goal and played about her clitoris, tormenting and teasing her as she enveloped his gorged erection as far as she could, sometimes lifting up and twirling her tongue about the head, making it quiver like a mouse in a trap.

  The currents of lust were quickly rushing over them and once more fuelling their ardour. She began to work him with her hand as well as her mouth and he, in turn, thrust his to
ngue deeply into her sex, alternately withdrawing it to dart about and probe her anus, feeling her body react as though touched by a hot iron.

  All self-control flew from them both, as a bird of prey liberated from a cage, their passions boiling forth simultaneously as his tongue revelled in her climax and she enveloped him completely in her mouth. He ejaculated as though the very life was flowing from his body and their stifled moans once more passed into the dark air.

  For a third time they got back into the pool, not swimming now, but weaving slowly about and floating on their backs, looking up at the speckled sky.

  'I think we should call it a day now, don't you?' Karen asked.

  'Yes, OK,' he answered, finding her hand. 'I really haven't enjoyed any evening the way I've enjoyed this one.'

  'You've been good fun,' she replied.

  'Perhaps again soon?' he said.

  'We'll see.' She laughed, heaving a spray of water at him from across the pool.

  He returned the gesture and sent a cascade towards her, high in the air. It arched across the pool and over the pathway towards the trees, where a few drops spattered and slowly trickled down the toe of a booted foot, hidden in the blackness of the bushes.

  The night was not as secret as they would have wished.

  Acts of Vengeance

  'You're on your own today then,' remarked Rose, sitting down at the coffee table opposite to Karen.

  'Yes, Sonia left yesterday afternoon.'

  'Was that her car I saw, that posh green job?'

  'That's the one,' said Karen.

  Rose looked down at her fingers then back to Karen. 'You're a good sort you are, Karen - you and some of the others. Everyone has been all right to me - well, nearly everyone. Her upstairs, she's a real old cow, she is.'

  it's her job, I'm afraid,' replied Karen, 'though I think that... oh, never mind. Look, you have all morning with me, don't you?'

  'Yeah, then after lunch I'm on duty upstairs.'

  Rose stabbed her finger up at the ceiling. Directly above, as they both knew, was Pauline's suite.

  'When you're up there,' asked Karen, 'wearing those clothes, and other things, do you ... I mean, does it bother you?'


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