House of Intrigue

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House of Intrigue Page 20

by Yvonne Strickland

Around them, in the warm pink ambience, lay the sinister contrivances and furniture of restraint in their purposeful leather, chrome and bright steel. The doors of the large walk-in cupboards stood gaping open to reveal their racks of clothes and garments. It was the third dress Rose had tried on and various items were arrayed across a nearby leather bench.

  Jackie wore her small, gossamer black briefs. Above her waist she was naked. On her legs she had carefully adjusted a pair of garter-top stockings in fine black net with seams at the back, and on her feet, open sandals of a similar, precarious height to Rose's but in black patent leather.

  i don't think you'd want to walk too far in these, especially after all that wine,' she said to Rose's image in the mirror.

  Rose grinned, walked unsteadily to the open cupboard and began once more to rummage among the contents. Jackie joined her and placed an arm about her waist. Rose kissed her on the lips and they both chuckled.

  'Oh look!' gasped Rose. 'Here's one of them things they had on me when I first came here.' She pulled the limp black sheath from the rack. Its numerous straps swung freely about and its brass buckles gleamed in the soft light. 'Do they make you wear them as well?' she chuckled, swinging it from side to side.

  if I've been a bad girl,' answered Jackie.

  'Oh look!' came Rose's voice as she peered deeper into the cupboard, isn't it pervy? There's more stuff down here.'

  'You'll get used to it, Rosie,' laughed Jackie, 'especially if you go on the way you are!'

  'Here's my favourite colour,' came Rose's voice as she pulled out a garment in metallic silver vinyl. 'I've seen one of these as well, haven't I? In your room that time when Valerie and Cheryl came for me.'

  'Well, it's similar,' said Jackie, 'except it fits on you the other way around and fastens down the front and it's got a soft lining to make it cosy.'

  Rose let the garment fall to her side and slipped an arm around Jackie's neck. Jackie closed her eyes and felt the warmth of Rose's breath on her ear. 'What say we have one of our little games in here, with this?'

  Jackie kissed her and they both laughed softly. 'I don't mind,' said Jackie, 'but be careful while we're feeling pissed.'

  'Go on!' responded Rose. 'I used to drink more than this when I was still at school. Let's see what this is like on you, since you've seen me in one.'

  She kissed Jackie again and their lips remained together longer still.

  'All right then,' giggled Jackie.

  Rose had no difficulty in easing Jackie's arms into the sleeve, despite them being behind her back. She pulled the two halves of the garment over Jackie's shoulders until it almost encircled her.

  'God, it's tight,' she muttered as she attempted to join the heavy duty zip fastener at the waist. Eventually, with squeals of amusement from them both, she succeeded in engaging the zipper and moving it a short way up. 'God!' Rose tittered. 'It wouldn't do to be overweight, would it?'

  'It's made for slim people,' laughed Jackie. 'Everyone is slim here except some of the visitors!'

  Rose tugged harder, almost pulling Jackie over, both of them spluttering with amusement.

  'It's going! It's going!' cooed Rose. Suddenly the zipper moved up to the neck with a soft purr. 'Done it!' she giggled. 'Oh, there's a dinky little lock on it. I hope there's a key.'

  Her remark was followed by a sharp click, after which she released Jackie and stepped back.

  'Blimey! It looks really tight on you.'

  'It stretches a bit,' responded Jackie, standing helpless, encased from neck to waist in the sleek, metallic vinyl, her arms folded tightly across her back within its restraining grip-

  i think I'll bugger off now and go for a swim,' announced Rose with a grave expression.

  Jackie's mouth dropped open.

  'Hey - no!'

  Rose spluttered into laughter. Jackie's face broke into a broad grin. Rose moved forward and kissed her. Jackie responded with no little ardour.

  'Just imagine,' said Rose, 'if we were both wearing one of these. What would we do?'

  'That's a silly question,' answered Jackie, 'we couldn't do anything, could we? Anyway, you couldn't put it on to yourself, could you?'

  'No,' answered Rose, 'but there's another way. I'll show you in a minute, but first ...'

  She kissed Jackie once more. This time, their lips remained together and Rose's fingers slipped down the front of her briefs. Jackie stiffened with a sudden intake of breath as the fingers invaded the folds of her sex and found the focus of her sensuality. She closed her eyes, sensed Rose moving downwards then felt a hand pushing the elasticated briefs until they were about her ankles. Even as she freed herself of them, the fingers continued their devilish work within her and she parted her legs as much as she could until Rose's lips rejoined hers. Each had learned, during their short acquaintance, how low the threshold of sensuality was for the other.

  Rose had slid her other hand about Jackie's waist to hold her more tightly, for she began to twist and writhe in ecstasy as she felt the crisis approaching. Rose felt the heat of her body and the turmoil of excitement rising quickly within her. When it burst forth, Rose gripped her as Jackie's head fell back with eyes closed and mouth agape, crying out as though in pained anguish, quivering in her arms.

  At last, she sighed and opened her eyes. Rose released her and stood back a little. 'Doesn't take you long, does it?'

  'You're an expert, Rosie, that's why!' breathed Jackie. Rose looked about the room, reached behind her back and started to release the zipper on her own dress. Soon the lurex dress was off her and draped over a nearby chair. Rose stood naked except for the open body tights and high-heel sandals. 'Come on,' offered Jackie, 'undo me and we can change places.'

  'Not yet,' answered Rose, 'I've got another idea.'

  Jackie watched in silence as she walked a short way across the room. She stopped and reached upwards to where a pair of steel manacles hung from a chain above her head. From these, she withdrew the key and, grinning, held it up for Jackie to see. Either side of her were steel cuffs, each connected by a short chain to bolts in the floor.

  'Rose, for heaven's sake, what are you up to? Come and get me out of this!'

  Rose ignored her request and walked away, pushing through the black curtain and disappearing from sight. Moments later she returned empty handed, her face bearing a mischievous grin, and went back to the spot from where she had obtained the key.

  'Rose!' hissed Jackie, approaching her with an expression of anxiety. 'What are you up to?'

  Rose did not answer, but bent down and undid the ankle straps to release her own sandals, placing both by the chair where the dress lay. She positioned herself under the hanging manacles and spread her legs apart. Jackie watched, helpless, as Rose, with little difficulty, snapped first one and then the other cuff about each of her ankles. Jackie started forward in alarm as she reached up, stretching her arms above her head, taking hold of the suspended handcuffs.

  'No, Rosie! Don't!' But it was too late. The cuffs closed with a terminal click and Jackie stood wide-eyed before the now helpless and immobile Rose. 'Rose!' she said in disbelief. 'You're crazy! We've had it now!'

  'No, we haven't,' Rose said to her. 'The key is on one of the armchairs out there. If you want to be undone you have to go and get it and bring it to me so I can get loose first. Simple!'

  'But ... but why?'

  'I just dared myself, that's all. I wanted to see what it was like with the two of us. All you've got to do is shove that seat over, stand on it with the key in your teeth and give it to me.'

  Jackie regarded her for a few seconds then grinned. 'Oh well, in that case there's no rush.' She approached Rose until the two were face to face and looking into each other's eyes. After a moment, they resumed kissing. 'You're good fun, Rosie,' Jackie whispered, brushing her lips about Rose's soft neck.

  From there it was but a short way to her breasts, with their reddened and prominent nipples displaying an enthusiasm for what Rose knew Jackie would do. Jackie
took her time, for time had become of little importance. For the time being the domain of pleasure was theirs to roam at will.

  Jackie teased and sucked the nipples but soon found leaning down further to be awkward, with her arms held so rigidly behind her and the exaggerated heels of her sandals. So she fell to her knees on the soft carpet before the stretched out figure. There she felt the heat of Rose's stomach on her cheek and beheld her sex, smooth and naked.

  Rose, because of what she had done in rendering both of them so helpless, found her excitement heightened and felt the currents of anticipation running through her body in a way she had not experienced before. The electric tingle of Jackie's lips and tongue about her most intimate place caused her to stiffen and tug against the manacles. The futility of attempting to pull free only reinforced the growing intensity of her lust.

  Jackie teased and licked her clitoris, finding Rose moist and inflamed with passion, pushing out her loins to make the invading tongue go deeper. Jackie heard her first cry of 'Aaah!' and worked with greater vigour as more cries followed. Each cry was louder and longer than the one before it, until Rose's body heaved and stiffened. Jackie tasted her climax as the loudest and longest cry rang through the room.

  Rose hung gasping in the chains. Jackie kissed her stomach and struggled up on to her feet. Rose at last opened her eyes to find Jackie close to her.

  'God!' she breathed, i thought that'd never end.'

  Jackie looked at her for a moment then said, 'I'd better find the key and we can get ourselves out of this.'

  She walked with poised deliberation towards the heavy curtain and pushed her way through edgeways at one side of the arch. Rose, stretched out in the manacles, watched the curtain sway back and forth. Now alone, she felt impatient and vulnerable.

  Jackie approached the group of chairs and spotted the small silver key at once, lying on one of the leather seats. She moved close, regarded it for a moment, then bent forward. It was obvious that she was not going to reach it with her mouth while standing upright. She got down awkwardly on to her knees in front of the chair, pushing it back slightly, but now finding herself only a short distance from the key. Leaning down so that her nose and mouth were pressed against the leather, she was able to take the key between her teeth and adjust it into a comfortable position with her tongue and lips. She raised her head and, using the chair as a prop, began to lever herself back on to her feet, wishing as she did so that she had the use of her arms. But as she leaned hard against it, the chair slipped back and she pitched forward with a sharp cry, letting the key fall from her mouth. The key slipped to the rear of the seat where the leather dipped down against the back. Jackie eyed it with consternation. She shuffled forward on to the seat until she was again close to where the key lay in the cleft. Squeezing her face into the engulfing leather she was but a tongue touch from her goal when, because her action was pushing open the gap in the upholstery, the key slipped down and vanished.

  Jackie pulled back and gasped in open mouthed disbelief.

  'Oh, it can't,' she muttered, 'it can't!'

  She remained for some time, looking at the place where the key had lain, her mind in turmoil, thinking at one point to use her foot in an attempt to retrieve it but realising that she could not undo the straps which held on the sandals. She twisted from side to side in the straitjacket, but that felt tighter and more secure than ever. She struggled up to her feet and, with a sideways glance at the empty chair, hurried back towards the black draped archway.

  'Rose!' she gasped. The bloody key's fallen inside the chair - I can't reach it!'

  'What? You're joking!'

  'I'm not joking, Rose. It's gone!'

  'Oh, Christ!' responded Rose, looking up and grasping the chain above her to which the manacles were attached. 'There's no way I can get out of these - you've got to do something or we've had it!'

  Jackie looked about her in desperation.

  'There must be another key around somewhere. Most of the locks are the same!' Jackie walked erratically about the room, scrutinising the equipment and restraints. None held a key. The silence was broken only by the creaking of the chains as Rose twisted about in despair. 'There's nothing,' she said at last.

  'They must keep them somewhere, Jackie. You've got to keep looking! What about the cupboards?'

  'Rose!' cried Jackie in exasperation. 'How can I do anything while I'm wearing a bloody straitjacket? We should have taken turns as I wanted, then this never would have happened!'

  Rose sighed loudly. 'Sorry Jackie, it looks like I got us both in the shit. You'll have to try and -'

  'Shhh!' hissed Jackie. 'I can hear someone.'

  Both of them turned their heads towards the archway. There were voices, several voices, on the other side of the curtain. And they were getting closer.

  'All of these rooms are ideal for studio sets, of course,' came Annette's voice as the curtain swung aside, 'and almost anything can be moved around to suit the -'

  Annette regarded the two girls with a bemused gaze. Behind her entered four middle-aged men in casual attire and behind them, Pauline. They gazed at Rose and Jackie in silent wonder, except for Pauline, whose expression remained one of indifference as she eyed them both coolly.

  Annette turned to the four males with a broad smile and said, 'Oh, I almost forgot, we set up a couple of the girls in situ, just for you to have an idea of how it looks in use.'

  The men looked at each other then at Annette. One of them broke into a grin and said, V
  'Ja Very good!' they all agreed.

  Pauline smiled and turned to Annette. 'Perhaps you'll continue on with our guests while I see to the girls.'

  'Of course. This way, gentlemen,' said Annette, ushering the small party back through the curtained archway.

  The voices diminished, but not as quickly as Pauline's smile. She stood with arms folded, her cold, round features contrasting with the long black gown with its gold braided high collar and long sleeves.

  'Well,' she said at last, 'you're almost doing my job for me, aren't you? You obviously enjoy being together like that so I don't see why we shouldn't go a little further, do you?'

  it wasn't her fault!' protested Rose, it's me who's to blame - I got her in it!'

  Pauline regarded her as an entomologist might view a mounted specimen. 'I think you have both got yourselves "in it", haven't you? And your speech! I really am disappointed after all the encouragment you have been given. Very disappointed indeed!'

  'Ever so sorry,' muttered Rose.

  'Ever so sorry,' mocked Pauline.

  'And me,' added Jackie, knowing as she spoke that it would make no difference to Pauline's intentions.

  'Oh, "and me" too? Just the terrible twins, aren't we? Well, let's see what else we can do together, shall we?' She walked briskly over to a wall cupboard, pulled open the door and reached into it. Moments later, she was at Rose's side. 'You'll wear this,' she said, pulling the leather harness over Rose's head, 'until you've done as you're told!'

  The harness was pulled tightly around Rose's face, head and neck, cutting off her vision with its padded leather triangular shapes and firmly plugging her mouth with its black rubber ball. Once secure, Pauline snapped on the small brass locks to prevent its removal.

  'That's better. Now, I'm going to unlock your wrists and ankles and sit you down for a few minutes. You needn't bother to try and get that off either. It will come off when I'm good and ready and not before!' Once the manacles were undone, she guided Rose to a nearby stool and pushed her down on to it. Rose remained still with her head slightly bowed and her hands on her lap, while Pauline turned her attentions to the now trembling Jackie. 'You can stay just as you are for a while. I shall be back shortly.'

  Pauline turned and swished out through the black curtain. Jackie walked over to Rose and bent towards her.

  'Sorry sweetie,' she breathed into Rose's ear, and placed a soft kiss on her neck.

  In the beauty parlour the
phone rang.

  'Yes?' answered Kim. She listened to the voice on the other end, then replied, 'No, nobody else today ... I don't know if I'm allowed to ... yes, I know Valerie is away but ... yes, all right I'll leave it unlocked as long as I don't get into trouble ... yes, I did hear what you said and I'm not trying to be awkward, it's just that I'm supposed to be responsible for ... all right, I'll be gone by then!'

  She replaced the phone on its wall socket and muttered, 'Domineering old cow.'

  When, fifteen minutes later, Pauline returned, Jackie was in no way reassured by the sight of her. She had discarded the black gown in favour of a white satin blouse, fawn jodhpurs and tight-fitting dark brown knee boots. In her belt was positioned, ready to hand, the short, black, braided whip, which even Jackie was loath to encounter.

  'Now,' announced Pauline, with hands on hips, 'you are each going to be released in turn to shower and use the toilet. You will then return to me. The main door is locked so you will not be leaving until we are all ready!' She moved over to the subdued Rose and pulled a small silver key from her blouse pocket. In a few moments, Rose was free of the head harness, passing her hand over her mouth and blinking. 'You had better go first,' said Pauline, standing over her. 'And I'll tell you once and once only. If either of you disobeys me, you will both -' she patted the whip and glanced at the still helpless Jackie '- and I do mean both, regret it!' She pulled the coiled whip from her belt and prodded Rose on the shoulder with it. 'Go now and make sure you do everything - I mean everything! And if you don't, I'll do it for you!'

  Rose folded her arms across her chest and walked with a slight stoop towards the curtain. Once she was through, Pauline turned to Jackie. 'You'll continue wearing that and wait until I'm finished with her!'

  Pauline made her way through the curtain and Jackie was alone, wondering what was to befall herself and Rose.

  In the private intimacy of the shower room, Rose carried out the instructions virtually in the manner of a routine. The layout of this room might not be identical to that located in Pauline's suite, its lights might not be as glaring, but the fittings and functions were the same. She understood perfectly the procedure with the rubber bottle, soap solution and plastic pipe with its smooth pink nozzle and small valve. At least she was free to carry out the operation for herself and not suffer the humiliation of Pauline obliging her while under restraint. She had begun to admit to herself some time ago that it was a far from unpleasant experience and suspected that Jackie found it more acceptable still.


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