House of Intrigue

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House of Intrigue Page 23

by Yvonne Strickland

  Karen glanced from one to the other, remembering what had happened between the three of them at the party last year, hoping her reddening cheeks were not obvious.

  'A party? Er, no, not this time. I think Sonia has something else planned.'

  'Ah, yes,' put in Armand, 'she talked of a fashion show in the house. That I think will be very different, no?'

  'God, yes,' replied Karen as Armand poured more champagne, 'I daresay it will.'

  'And you will take part in this?' asked Josephine.

  Karen looked at her, wide-eyed. 'Me? Er ... oh, no, I don't think so.'

  'But you should!' said Armand. 'You are as beautiful as any of Mademoiselle Sonia's girls. You are, how do you say - second to none?'

  'AbsolumentV agreed Josephine.

  'Well, I don't know,' laughed Karen, it's not really me, and I don't think Sonia would ask me anyway.'

  'Oh, such a pity,' said Armand in a tone of deep concern as he reached across and squeezed her hand.

  'Still the etrangere,' said Josephine, smiling and searching into her eyes.

  Karen looked down at her glass and said, 'I don't know really. Maybe not as much as you think.'

  Josephine looked down at the floor, leaning to one side and reaching down to pull aside the tablecloth as though she had dropped something. Armand appeared not to notice. She straightened up and, glancing over her shoulder, slipped from the chair and down on to her knees next to the table. Karen watched and looked at Armand questioningly as she pulled up the tablecloth and disappeared from view. Armand continued to ignore her but moved his chair back a short way. Karen sipped more champagne then began to say, 'Has she lost -' but got no further. She started, took a deep breath and glanced down wide-eyed as something pushed between her knees and forced apart her legs. Armand smiled at her and reached for her hand.

  'No! Wait!' she gasped, as two arms pushed under her thighs and lifted them so that her feet lost contact with the floor. Armand squeezed her right hand but she thrust her left under the table as she felt herself slip forward in the chair and her legs being forced apart even wider. 'No!' she gulped. 'No ... Josephine! No!'

  A mild electric current passed through her as something moise and very warm invaded her exposed sex and found the clitoris as an arrow finds its target. Her eyes darted about her but Armand affected a pose of benign indifference to what was happening. Only the bead curtain separated them from the rest of the people in the busy restaurant and anyone walking casually by could easily see into the alcove where Karen would be facing directly towards them.

  But the tongue went about its outrageous mission and explored deeper into her. Her body began to respond to its dancing upon the stage of her sensuality even though her mind kept on saying it must stop. The loose-fitting skirt of her dress was by now pushed up high on her thighs. She could not wriggle her legs free, for they were too close to the underside of the table and pushing against a table leg at each side. The burning was spreading throughout her and becoming unquenchable. She dragged the tablecloth up over her waist to ensure that nobody could see what was happening but this only served to remove the final obstruction from Josephine's voluptuous progress. Lips as well as tongue fastened upon her and she felt herself wet, inflamed and losing control.

  At that point the waitress, a girl of not more than twenty, entered, swishing aside the bead curtain and carrying a tray with three small cups of coffee perched upon it.

  Karen, her face flushed, looked at her in dismay and attempted to lean forward, putting her elbows on the table top and letting her head drop forward to hide her expression. But Josephine was not going to stop and Karen was beyond self-control, breathing hard and knowing that she was about to come in full view of the waitress.

  Armand took the tray and smiled at the girl. 'Cest moi qui sers.'

  Josephine's tongue coursed unrelentingly about the jewel of her pleasure, arcing blue fire throughout her body until she felt herself dissolving into burning lust.

  The waitress turned without another glance and departed, leaving the beads to sway back and forth. Karen, her eyes shut tight and mouth agape, fell back, with elbows pushed hard against the chair, her body convulsing with gasps and a long, subdued moan.

  It took some time for her to compose herself. Josephine was sitting back at the table nonchalantly, sipping the remains of her champagne. Armand, doing likewise, took Karen's hand again and squeezed it.

  Karen looked ahead through the bead curtains and swallowed hard. 'Look you two ... it's not ... you shouldn't have ...'

  'More champagne?' asked Armand, picking up the bottle.

  Had she been at the house, Karen would have risen an hour and a half earlier than she did at Josephine's. But she was not at the house and in this room, the window faced west and so did not receive the morning sun. Also, the previous evening had been a long one and she did not recall the time, in the early hours of the morning, when they had returned to the shop and Armand had left them. The busy little onyx clock ticking away on the bedside table with its twinkling pendulum, told her it was almost 9.30. She got up.

  When she emerged from the bathroom, there was a tapping on the door. She tightened the belt about her gown and walked across the room. Outside the door stood a smiling Josephine, in a purple and gold kimono, her black hair spread down across her shoulders.

  'Good morning,' she greeted, holding out a small brass tray upon which rested two steaming cups of coffee. 'Did you sleep well?'

  'Y-yes,' replied Karen with a degree of unease, recalling the events in Le Coq d'Or. 'Come in.'

  Josephine entered and placed the tray upon the small circular table, then pulled back a chair to sit down. Karen joined her. They sat and remained silent for a time, drinking their coffees.

  'Today,' announced Josephine at last, i think you should see a little of Paris. If you like to go on the river, we can take a boat and see many famous sights from there. Then,' she continued, 'we will take lunch on the Left Bank and we can explore the Latin Quarter. It is not too much to walk so you will not be tired.'

  'What about the shop?' asked Karen.

  'Oh, I will not worry about the shop today,' answered Josephine with a wave of her hand. 'Mademoiselle Sonia says we must take care of you and you must be happy here with us. You know,' she continued, 'Sonia is very fond of you and wishes always you should be happy.'

  'You're all one big family, aren't you?' commented Karen.

  'Of course, and she says you are one of us, and I say so too.'

  Josephine stood up, leaned over and kissed her. Karen returned her kiss with the warmth in which it was given. Josephine gathered up the cups and said, 'We should get ready to go now.'

  Karen looked into her eyes for a moment and perceived an expression which told her that Josephine's thoughts were on things other than their sightseeing tour.

  'And I think,' she continued, 'we should be a little glamorous today, yes?'

  Some time later, they left the shop arm in arm and breathed the warm, mid-morning air, Josephine wearing a long-sleeved top in thin black ribbed cotton, a high-waisted, slightly flared mini-skirt in purple satin and tightly laced, black leather knee boots with stiletto heels. Karen had opted for a short sleeveless dress in blue-grey stretch velvet which moulded to every curve of her body, and white stiletto heel sandals with criss-crossing ankle straps. Their legs were sheathed in alluring, sheer black nylon with a silken sheen.

  Karen felt good as they walked down the busy street and knew that desirous eyes were upon them both. Even so, her mind turned for a moment to the house and she wondered how events were faring after the recent upset.

  For some, circumstances were not altogether as they might have wished. Jackie and Rose could not leave their room and go downstairs for fear of being seen. Their breakfast and drinks had been brought up, on Pauline's orders, by Angela, who had tapped on the door and placed the tray down in front of it. In the middle of the morning, Jackie's phone rang and the two were ordered to Pauline's suite, ne
xt door.

  They stood before her in their housecoats, sullen and un-speaking. Pauline looked at their denuded scalps, smiled and said, i don't expect any problems from now on with either of you. You'll find your uniforms laid out in the bathroom. Make sure they are adequately powdered before putting them on. As soon as that is done, you will both be given a wig to wear and you will stay on domestic duties up here until 2.30. Provided everything in my rooms and the others to which have access is done to my satisfaction, you will be allowed to keep the wigs until six o'clock. You will be able to go down to the bar for a late lunch and take some exercise in the gardens. Depending upon how well you both comply, your free time could be extended in due course. Any problems and you will simply face more restrictions.' She leaned back in her chair and regarded them for a moment. 'Do I make myself absolutely clear?' Jackie and Rose nodded then looked down at the floor. Pauline thrust back her chair and stood up with a glint of anger in her eye. 'Your answer, please! I want to hear your answer! And look at me when you speak!'

  The girls looked up at her staring eyes, Jackie feeling her lips quiver, Rose biting hers.

  'Yes,' they said in unison.

  'Good,' stated Pauline. 'And there is one more small thing for you to remember. From this moment on, neither of you will address me as anything other than "Miss Pauline". Is that also understood?'

  'Y-yes, Miss Pauline,' answered Jackie blandly.

  'Yes, Miss Pauline,' repeated Rose.

  'Good! Now go and get changed!' Pauline watched them disappear through the entrance to the bathroom, picked up the telephone and keyed in three numbers. 'Hello James ... yes, it is me. There may be a few interesting studies for you to get on tape over the next three hours ... no, up here in some of the first floor rooms ... no, nothing spectacular, just fetish magazine stuff... fine.' She replaced the phone.

  In the blue tiled bathroom, Jackie and Rose dressed in silence, each glancing at the other, neither daring to say a word in case the ever alert Pauline should overhear. For a time, they were both quite naked, each seeing the body of the other, smooth and hairless from head to toe.

  Each pulled on a pair of sheer, black, open body tights with back seams, the gossamer nylon swishing softly against their skin. Next came the shoes and both sat to put these on, for the black patent sandals, with their long stiletto heels were fixed about their ankles with slim leather straps and small brass buckles. When Jackie and Rose stood, they appeared as tall and elegant mannequins. Each helped the other with the dresses, for the subtly shining black latex needed to be handled with care and the back zips were almost impossible for one person to manage. The dresses, with their short flounced sleeves and low scooped necks, both edged with white lace, were skin-tight and daringly short. Neither was provided with anything to wear beneath. Rose had already conceded to herself that she found the bizarre outfits and the restraints disturbingly erotic though she was sure that neither of them could allow it to repress the anguish and humiliation they felt at the forced removal of their hair and the severe limitations that had been imposed upon them. If Rose had any intention of discussing the matter further with Jackie once they were working alone, that intention was soon to be thwarted.

  The two of them walked, arms by their sides, with careful, measured steps towards the waiting Pauline. Both noticed the long, blonde wigs draped over the two-seater, as they also saw the small assemblage of articles lying in wait on Pauline's desk.

  'Stand here!' she ordered, indicating an area of carpet near the desk. Jackie saw, as she had expected to see, the steel cuffs. The other two items she regarded with a little more misgiving. 'We'll have these on first,' announced Pauline, stepping around the desk. In a moment, Jackie, followed by Rose, found her wrists enclosed by bright metal bands, joined by their ten centimetres of chain. Their ankles too were fettered, though with a little more chain between the cuffs, to enable them to carry out their tasks. 'Most of these will be covered by the wigs,' muttered Pauline as she moved behind them.

  Jackie was first to have the flesh-coloured rubber ball pushed into her mouth. The latex strap, also flesh coloured, contained a steel band which, where it ends were exposed at the back of her head, formed a ratchet lock. The gag tightened with repeated clicks until Pauline was satisfied that it was perfectly secure and effective. Rose glanced sideways with a look of expectancy but dared not speak. Moments later, that facility was denied her too, with a final metallic click. They remained motionless while Pauline crossed over the room and returned with the wigs. The wigs were fitted snugly over their heads and draped over their shoulders, the glossy blonde tresses contrasting starkly with the black sheen of the latex. Hanging down Jackie's and Rose's cheeks as they did, they concealed most of the band which held the ball gags in place, as Pauline had predicted, so that at first glance it might not have been obvious that such restrainst were being worn at all.

  Pauline looked into Jackie's eyes. 'You know quite well be now what a thorough job is required. I hope,' she continued, glancing at Rose, 'that this one does too!' She stepped over to the main door and pulled it open. 'Come on, both of you! Get moving!'

  The two girls turned and made their way with measured steps until they were in the corridor.

  'Don't forget,' came the voice from behind as Jackie reached for the handle on the broom cupboard. 'I'll be checking up from time to time!'

  It was 5.30 when Karen and Josephine returned along the busy street and approached the shop. Their walk was less sprightly now, their tread a little weary, for not only had the day been hot, but both had spent a good deal of time in conversation over lunch and consumed more white wine than was their daytime habit.

  i hope you haven't missed any good customers,' said Karen as Josephine unlocked the door to Sybaris.

  'Oh no,' answered Josephine, 'we sell much by the post. Much more than we sell in the shop.' The door closed like a sigh of relief against the people and the traffic outside and Karen at once felt the intimacy of the shop closing in upon her with its sensual odours and its merchandise, all devoted to the pursuit of carnal pleasures. 'Take your shower now if you wish,' offered Josephine, 'and I shall take mine, and then you can choose what you will wear for this evening. Armand Will arrive at 8.30 for us.'

  Half an hour later, Karen, warm and refreshed, tightened the belt about the blue gown, pushed her feet into fur lined slippers and left the room to find Josephine. Josephine, wearing her kimono and with her long hair let down over her shoulders, was already in the shop. A few of the small spotlights were switched on and the deep-red blinds were closed against the outside world.

  'Ah! Here you are!' exclaimed Josephine. 'Look, I have taken out a bottle of champagne; it is very cold. We can enjoy it and we will choose what to wear. We have lots of time!'

  Karen eyed the bottle of champagne, glistening with condensation, standing with two glasses upon the counter. She still felt under the influence of the wine from earlier on in the day but Josephine was good fun, the shop was an Aladdin's Cave to be further explored and the prospect of being a little further divorced from reality did not seem a bad idea.

  Josephine poured the champagne and handed a fizzing glass to Karen. She kissed her and said, 'I was very naught-ly last night, but Armand said I would never dare to do anything like that in public and now he is wrong. But I must not do that again because you were embarrassed.' Karen, in the face of her matter-of-fact attitude towards such a blatant act of intimacy was at a loss for a response and so did not reply. Both drank their first glass of champagne and Josephine poured out a second before speaking, i have decided. Tonight I will wear something plain and red - not too short. We are going, I think, to a Japanese restaurant.'

  Karen wondered what, if any, was the connection, but decided she would wear something a little more conservative too. She could not imagine many of the dresses in the shop complying with that description. As if reading her mind, Josephine said, There is more to choose in the storeroom at the back; things we have in our catalogues.'r />
  'You have catalogues?' said Karen.

  'Ah, oui, some for ordinary clothes, some for what you see in here and some for special goods people may not wish to buy in a shop. When we finish this glass, I will show you.' When they had each finished their second glass, Josephine poured again, this time emptying the bottle. 'We can take these,' she said, and moved, with Karen following, through a pair of louvre doors set in a white archway at the rear of the shop and set back from the stairs. Josephine switched on the light.

  Although the room was not particularly small, the inside was cramped, for all around were racks, shelves and more racks. The aroma of leather and latex was almost consuming, though most of the clothing in front of Karen appeared to be made of more commonplace materials. Karen and Josephine, sipping their champagne, plied through the racks until Josephine said, 'Ah, bienl This I will have!' and pulled free a high-neck, long-sleeved dress in plain red satin. 'And you, ma cherie, have you seen a dress you would like?'

  'Two or three actually,' answered Karen, continuing on to the end of the room.

  She downed the last of the champagne and placed the empty glass on the seat of a small stool, feeling markedly unsteady as she bent forward. Her eye at the same time caught sight of various items hanging on a lower rack. She pushed them aside to take a closer look, seeing the heavy vinyl in several shades and feeling its cool softness before it dawned on her what they were. A hand caressed her cheek and the voice behind her said, 'Ah, ma cherie, I do not think you could go out to the restaurant in one of those.'

  The hand reached past her and pulled one of the garments free of its hanger with a swish and a metallic tinkle. Karen bent up unsteadily, resting her arm against the edge of a shelf.

  'Oh God,' she laughed, 'I didn't realise ... I mean ... all those colours and trimmings, it just didn't look like -'

  'Never mind,' said Josephine. 'You choose your dress and take it up. I will clear away the glasses.' Karen returned to the dress racks and pulled out a sleeveless dress in deep mauve crepe nylon, with an ankle length skirt split up to the thigh. 'You like that colour I see,' remarked Josephine as Karen left the storeroom. It was very nearly the same colour as the vinyl straitjacket Josephine still held in her hand.


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