FROST (The Trident Series Book 3)

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FROST (The Trident Series Book 3) Page 10

by Jaime Lewis

  When the topic shifted in her direction, Frost was stunned to learn she didn’t have any family. Well, she had a mother and father, but they had disowned her. They were very religious and very traditional individuals. They lived in a small town in New Mexico, just outside of Albuquerque. She was homeschooled and was never allowed to date. She had met her husband when she was seventeen at a job fair with a friend of hers where she went to school. Kevin was helping a friend of his who was a Marine recruiter. She explained how he had accidentally spilled his drink on her, and from there, they immediately hit off. He kept in touch with her, and she would sneak out to see him. When she turned eighteen, she finally told her parents about him, and they told her they didn’t approve and gave her an ultimatum. So, she followed her heart and moved out two days later and moved in with Kevin. They married the following year when he was transferred to Camp Pendleton. She explained how she tried reaching out to them when Cody was born. She left several messages but never got a return call. So, she eventually gave up trying.

  Kevin’s parents were the complete opposite. They were very supportive of both Kevin and Autumn. Autumn became like another daughter to them. Unfortunately, they were both killed in an automobile accident three years ago. She told Frost a little about Kevin’s younger sister, Carlie. From Autumn’s facial expression and the way she spoke about Kevin’s sister, he got the feeling the two of them weren’t exactly close.

  “Damn, sugar. So you had no family at all to fall back on when you were dealing with the loss of your husband?”

  She shook her head. “No, if it wasn’t for Nathan, I don’t know where Cody and I would be right now. I wasn’t in a good place during those ten months. But he was my rock at the time. He helped me through a lot. I don’t think I could ever repay him for everything he did.

  Like I said, Kevin had a sister, Carlie. But she and I never really hit it off from the start. She took Kevin’s death hard.” She paused and scrunched her nose up. “You know, I never understood why, though. I mean, yes, she was his sister, but they rarely spoke to one another. Especially after their parents’ accident. She became even more distant with Kevin. Kevin had been upset with her for the way she handled their parents’ estate.”

  “Why is that? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  She grinned at him. “I don’t mind. It’s actually nice being able to talk to someone about all of this.”

  Frost still had his hand over hers on the table. He liked the connection. It felt right.

  “Carlie did some things behind Kevin’s back. She hid some valuables that had been left to Kevin and me, along with half of the money from their life insurance policy and half of the money from when she sold their home.”

  Frost noticed the way she turned up her nose like she was disgusted, and it intrigued him. From the little time he’d spent with Autumn, she always seemed upbeat and smiling. But right now, that wasn’t the case. Her usual bubbly self was gone, and in its place was a woman who looked irritated and somewhat sad at the same time.

  “How much money are you talking about?”

  She stared at Frost across the table, and Frost could see the malice in those green eyes. She definitely did not like her sister-in-law.

  “Three-hundred-thousand dollars.”

  “Three-hundred-thousand, total?”

  Autumn shook her head. “No, three-hundred-thousand each. She walked away with six-hundred-thousand. And that was after taxes, and attorney’s fees and jewelry and whatever else she found in the house that she wanted.

  Frost let out a whistle.

  “Why did Kevin let her get away with it?”

  Autumn gave her shoulders a slight shrug. She had the same question but didn’t want to badger Kevin about it when he was always being deployed.

  “During that time, he was deployed a lot. Our front door was a constant revolving door with him.”

  “Remind me what division was he was in, again?” Frost asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

  “1st Marine Division. His deployments started out six to eight months long. Then a couple of years later, things started to change. He was gone for just weeks or sometimes even just days at a time. However, there were some instances when he was gone for months at a time. It just didn’t seem like he was home much.”

  That didn’t sound right to Frost. What she was explaining sounded like Kevin may have been involved in some special operations unit. Like the Navy had the SEALs and the Army had the Rangers, Green Berets, and Delta Force, the Marines had a few “secret” units of their own. And, now, he wondered if her husband was part of one of those units. He wouldn’t say anything, but he made a mental note to ask his commander about it. Maybe he could look into it.

  “Nathan was there for her as well. He actually took a couple of weeks of leave and flew out to North Dakota to be with her and help her with some stuff. She had some stuff she had to deal with the government, so Nathan helped her out.”

  Again, Frost saw that same look cross her face when talking about Carlie, but she quickly masked it. If he were a betting man, he’d say there was some animosity between the two of them.

  Frost ran his fingers through his hair. She made this Nathan guy sound like he was a god. And, now, he was starting to wonder if there were any intimate feelings between the two of them. Not that there is anything wrong with it. He’d seen it happen several times in his career when a wife loses her husband to war, and then the best friend steps in to help take care of her and the family if there are children involved. Then the next thing you know, they fall in love. Damn, he really hoped that wasn’t the case with her. But if it was, why did she leave California. Why not stay with him?

  “So, anyway, that is my story in a nutshell. I know it’s not that impressive, and I don’t have much, but all that matters is Cody,” she told him with a twinkle in her eye.

  He wanted to ask her more about Nathan, but now wasn’t the time to press the issue. He was grateful for everything she’d shared with him.

  They spent the next hour just talking. When they parted ways in the parking lot, Frost offered to follow her to make sure she made it home safely, but she politely turned him down, saying she didn’t live too far, and they’d be okay. Just like he did when he took her out for coffee, he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  After making sure they both got into the car, and the car started okay, he waved, then walked to his vehicle. He pulled out his cell phone. He needed to call Alex and let her know he’d given Autumn her phone number.

  Pulling her up in his contacts, he dialed. It rang twice before he heard his friend’s chipper voice.

  “Hey! What do I owe the pleasure of your call?”

  “Damn, can’t a friend just call to say hi?”

  “Guys don’t call their friends to say hi. Plus, you hate talking on the phone. And you were just at my house about two hours ago. What gives?”

  She had him there. And he did hate talking on the phone. And why did she sound out of breath?

  “Are you okay? You sound out of breath.”

  “Oh yeah. I was just showing Ace some new moves I learned in my kickboxing class the other day.”

  “Sure…Is that what you kids are calling it now?” He asked with laughter in his voice, and he heard her snicker.

  “No, but some of the moves I could probably incorporate into the bedroom.”

  Frost rolled his eyes. “Alex, just stop right there. I don’t want to hear about you and Ace’s bedroom antics.”

  She giggled. Damn, he loved her and was so glad to have her back in town.

  Her soft voice through the phone had him focusing. “Anyway, you called me. What’s up? Potter just got here to help Ace move the tables back into the garage.”

  “I wanted to give you a heads up, and I hope you don’t mind, but I gave your number to a friend of mine.”

  “Uh, you do remember that I’m engaged, right?” She teased him.

  He laughed. “Sorry. The friend is actually a she, and I
wanted her to have an emergency contact should she need something, and I’m not around.”

  There was silence over the line, then Alex blurted out, “Holy shit! Are you dating Autumn?”


  “Frost? Are you fibbing? You would never give my number to someone unless you really cared about this person,” Alex goaded him.

  “Damn you, Alex.” She giggled, and he loved it. “Let’s just say we are taking it slow, you know, a friends first kind of thing. She has some reservations about getting involved with someone right now. Plus, she has a son, remember? So, we need to be mindful of him.”

  “Well, she seems very sweet, though I only got to spend a little bit of time with her, and her son is very well mannered. Even Ace talked about him. I’m happy for you. You deserve to have someone special in your life.”

  “So then, you’re not pissed I gave out your number without asking?”

  “Of course not. I know you would’ve only done something like that with good reason. And, please let her know if she needs anything, even if it’s just a girlfriend to talk to, she can give me a call.”

  “Thanks, Alex. That means a lot. I love you, sugar.”

  “I love you too. Ouch! What the hell, Ace? It’s only Frost for Christ’s sake.”

  Frost chuckled as he hung up, knowing that Ace probably slapped her on the ass for flirting. That man was so possessive and protective of Alex, it was hilarious. Then he wondered to himself if he would be that way with Autumn? That was a no brainer…Of course, he would. He hopped up into his Tahoe and headed to his apartment, knowing that he’d be seeing her again in less than a week.

  Chapter Eight

  “So, tell me, how is that man of yours?”

  Autumn rolled her eyes at Nancy. “He isn’t my man?”

  “Really?” Nancy questioned as she took a bite of her Caesar salad. She and Autumn were having an early lunch because one of the other therapists called out sick, and the afternoon schedule was jammed packed with patients.

  “Really,” Autumn stated, trying to downplay her feelings for Frost.

  Nancy raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows at her in question.

  “So, you haven’t seen or spoken to him since your coffee date. Autumn didn’t overlook the way Nancy emphasized the word ‘date.’

  “We had lunch over the weekend, and he is taking Cody and me out to dinner tonight.”

  Nancy put her fork down. “And you are saying he’s not your man? Autumn, what’s stopping you?”

  Autumn set her sandwich down and took a drink of her sweet tea. “I’m really trying, Nancy. But every time I seem to let that wall down a little I can’t help but feel I’m setting myself up for heartbreak all over again.”

  “Is it because of his job?” Nancy asked, covering Autumn’s hand.

  “Yeah. I mean, look what happened to Kevin, and his job wasn’t even a close comparison to Frost’s. He’s a freaking Navy SEAL. You’ve been around here long enough to know what those men go through. Yeah, most of their missions are classified, but we all hear the stories. I met him because he was in here for a gunshot to his leg for Pete’s sake. That has to be a sign, doesn’t it?”

  “Oh, honey. You can’t compare the two.”

  “I don’t know,” Autumn said, shaking her head.

  “Let me ask you this. Are you attracted to him? Do you enjoy spending time with him? Does he make you happy when he’s around?”

  “I am very attracted to him, and not just because of his looks. He’s easy to talk to, and the couple of times we have talked, I find myself opening up like it’s natural to share my thoughts and concerns with him.”

  “What is your heart telling you to do?”

  “My heart is saying to let him.”

  Nancy smiled softly. “Then follow your heart, sweetie. Take a leap of faith. You might surprise yourself.”

  Autumn sighed. She had a few hours to ponder this before her dinner with Frost.


  Frost walked into his apartment. He stopped by to shower and change before he went and picked Cody up from school. He was excited to spend time with him. He was planning to take him to the base and show him some of the areas where he worked. Maybe let him run parts of the famed “O” course. His commander even got it cleared to take Cody out in one of the SEAL Delivery Vehicles. After that, the two of them would meet up with Autumn at Bartelli’s for dinner.

  He walked into the living room and found Stitch sitting on the couch with his bare feet propped up on the coffee table, watching some medical show on the TV. He gave Frost a chin lift.

  “Hey, man. I thought you were taking Cody to the base for a tour this afternoon.”

  “I am. I just stopped home to shower and change. You have any plans tonight?”

  “No. Why? What’s up?”

  “Would you like to come along to Bartelli’s with Autumn, Cody, and I?”

  “Aww…Feeling a little insecure, and you need a wingman?” Stitch chuckled, and Frost picked up his Guns and Ammo magazine from the table and threw it at Stitch’s head.

  “Fuck you!”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you’d want to spend some alone with them.”

  “I do, but I think it might be good if I start incorporating some of the team into some of the outings. You know, to get her used to everyone. And also let her see that we live a normal life when we are home.”

  Stitch nodded his head. “I get it. And, sure, I’ll meet up with you guys. But you’re paying, and I get my own buffalo chicken pizza. Just text me when you’re heading that way, and I will meet you there. Does Autumn know I’m coming?”

  “No, but I’ll text her and let her know.”

  Stitch gave him a serious look. “You really like her, don’t you?”

  Frost set his hands on his hips and let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, I do. I just wish she’d let me in. I’m going to keep trying, though.”

  “She’s been hurt before, Frost. Give her time; I’m sure she’ll come around. Look at it this way. Would she really be letting her son spend time with you alone if she didn’t at least trust you?”

  He thought about that, and Stitch had a point. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “On another note, how’s the leg? You ready for the PRT next week?”

  “It’s good. I only have some slight discomfort where the incision was. The doc said that was to be expected, and it wouldn’t cause any delay to return to the team as long as I passed the required tests. This sitting around shit is driving me fucking crazy.”

  “I’m sure. I’m just glad we didn’t have to pull another guy in. Not that I mind other team members, but it just messes with the team’s dynamic when someone new comes on board. I know Ace will be thrilled to have you back.”

  “Speaking of Ace, he mentioned Mia was coming for a visit in a few weeks.”

  “Really? I didn’t know that.” Frost noticed Stitch seemed to sit up a little straighter and pay more attention to him than the TV.

  “You didn’t know? Huh, the way you two have been talking lately, I thought she would’ve mentioned it to you.”

  “Why? It’s not like we’re dating or anything. Plus, it’s been a few weeks since I last spoke with her. She’s been studying for her boards. I think her exam is coming up in the next month or two.” He shrugged his shoulders like he was trying to play it off that he wasn’t ‘that’ interested, but Frost knew better.

  “So, you don’t have any feelings for her?”

  Stitch shook his head no. “Even if I did, she’s Ace’s sister. Team members don’t poach family members. Plus, she’s dating some guy, remember. The fucking former Green Beret. She must have been pissed off at Ace to date an Army dude.”

  “I don’t think she’s dating him anymore. At least that’s what I heard anyway,” Frost said, shrugging his shoulders as he walked into the kitchen to grab a drink.

  “When did you hear that?” Stitch shouted loud enough for Frost to hear, and it made
Frost smile. Apparently, his best friend had more of an interest in Mia than he’d let on, although he had a feeling; Stitch had the hots for her since Christmas last year. They spent a lot of time together over the holidays and kept in touch quite frequently. But according to Stitch, it was to help with her medical studies.

  He walked back into the living room and took a swig from his bottle of water. “A couple of weeks ago. Alex mentioned something about it. She caught him in bed with another woman.”

  Stitch dropped his feet to the floor. “What?”

  “Yeah, major asshole. Alex said Mia had to convince Ace not to travel to New York to teach the guy a lesson.”

  Stitch ran his fingers through his hair and stared at the television. Frost stood up. He needed to get in the shower now if he didn’t want to be late getting to Cody’s school. He looked back at his friend. He wouldn’t be surprised if Stitch were on the phone calling Mia the second he walked out the door.

  “Hey, but it’s not your problem, right? She’s still young, beautiful, and brilliant. She’ll have no problem landing a great guy. Hell, working in New York City, she’s probably got men flaunting all over her.”

  Stitch mumbled something under his breath, and Frost chuckled to himself as he walked to his bedroom to get ready. God, it was too easy to mess with him. Most of the guys had a feeling Stitch had a thing for Mia. If he were going to make a move, now would be the perfect opportunity.

  Chapter Nine

  Autumn was laughing so hard. “Oh my gosh! You two are hilarious. It’s like you know exactly what each other is going to say, so you finish each other’s sentences,” Autumn said as she took a bite of her pizza. Frost and Stitch had been entertaining her for the last hour with their stories from when they were younger and wilder. Although Autumn had to disagree on the wilder part because she would imagine being a SEAL most likely put “wild” to shame with the things they probably got into.

  “So, Autumn, what do you do when you’re not working? Do you have any hobbies?” Stitch asked in-between shoving another slice of pizza in his mouth. Autumn looked down and noticed there was only one slice of the large buffalo chicken left. She couldn’t believe Stitch had eaten the entire pizza himself.


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