HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2)

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HIS Choice (H.I.S. #2) Page 35

by Sheila Kell

  She gasped. “You’d give up everything to live here with me? What about finding Jake? It was important to you.”

  “I’ve already given up everything. I’m just sorry I didn’t do it before now. I was wrong to let you go.” He sighed. “I spoke with Emily. At this point, she doesn’t care if we find him. She’s moved on. But, my brothers won’t stop looking. You’re more important to me. Can you forgive me?”

  Her face lit up. He loved the brightness in her. “Of course, I forgive you. I’m glad you’re here now. You get to see our baby grow up.”

  “Does this mean you’ll marry me?”

  “Yes. Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  She reached down and threw her arms around him. He stood pulling himself back to bed.

  Megan pulled back and drew her brows in. “What about all of that work you did? The person you had to be?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You worked hard to bring them down and now there’s no one. You wasted your time.”

  He placed his hand on her cheek, his thumb traced her lips. “I wouldn’t say that, my little dove. I did meet you.”

  She smiled. “Can we go back?”

  He knew she’d ask. He almost hadn’t told her she wouldn’t need to testify, but she’d hear from an agent this week. Going back to Baltimore. He didn’t know. Arthur would never approve. But the FBI didn’t manage this program. The U.S. marshals did. “Is that what you would prefer, Megan?”

  “I want whichever life has you in it.”

  “Well, lucky for you, any choice has me in it. You won’t be rid of me.” He loved this woman and couldn’t believe he’d let anything come between them. He’d had to make a lot of tough choices to be with her. Once he had his head screwed on right, his choice had been easy. There was only Megan for him. Life without her wasn’t a life he wanted.

  She kissed him. “I’m glad to hear that because our little one, and I need you.”

  He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away. “Is it a boy or girl?” Excitement filled his voice and his body. His heart finally beat whole. Now he’d have a family of his own. A family to love.

  “I decided to wait and be surprised. But we can find out if you’d like?”

  “It doesn’t matter as long as he or she is healthy. I wish I had been with you during the first five months.”

  “You’d have hated the morning sickness bouts. I’m just glad you’re here now.”

  “So am I.” He lips captured hers.

  * * * * *

  “Are you ready to head down to dinner, my little dove?” AJ asked affectionately.

  Her heart did a flip-flop hearing him call her that again. As she met his gaze, that wonderful tingle erupted in the pit of her stomach. This man had given up everything for her which accounted for their staying at a hotel in Baltimore instead of his old home. He’d seen to everything, including somehow upgrading their flight to first class.

  Allowing them back to their old lives had taken a great deal of work. Since there was no way his brothers would let him fall off the face of the earth, he’d called them first. They’d done some magic and the hits on them had been removed. The new drug lord appreciated Megan opening the door for him. He did leave her with a threat. No nosing into his business, or he’d change his mind about keeping the hits out.

  It still took a month to get approvals, paperwork and identifications changed. He’d had to pull Arthur into it to smooth the way and speed up the process as the U.S. marshals weren’t happy or cooperative. She’d had some trepidation at the beginning, but having AJ at her side, knowing he felt safe enough to move back, washed it all away. The life she’d worked so hard for would be hers again. This time it would include the love of her life.

  She laughed. “You’re always trying to feed me.”

  He reached out and lightly rubbed her swollen belly. “You’re eating for two. Plus, you bug me for something every few hours.”

  She couldn’t argue with that. He’d been amazing taking care of her and the baby, constantly running to the store to purchase something to satisfy her weird cravings. He rubbed her feet and back daily. How had she survived this pregnancy before he’d arrived?

  “Now that you mention it, I could eat.”

  He chuckled and led her from the room. “I didn’t expect any other answer.”

  On the ground floor, he guided her to a closed door. “This is our private dining room.” His eyes danced merrily.

  “You reserved us a whole room by ourselves?”

  “Yes. I wanted to be alone with you. We’ve been apart too long.” He opened the door, took her left hand and ushered her into the room.


  Megan’s breath caught, and her right hand flew over her racing heart. Happy tears sprang to her eyes and the room wavered slightly. AJ placed an arm around her to steady her. He’d organized this for her. He’d known how important these people were to her, how much she’d missed them and couldn’t wait to see them again.

  She loved him more each day.

  Kristen come forward and hugged her. “I’m so glad to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  Megan fought back her tears. “I missed you too, Kristen.”

  They separated, each with a small sigh.

  “I won’t keep you. There are a lot more people here to say hello.” Her old boss’s smile turned serious. “We’ll talk later.”

  “Okay.” What could it be? Her fingers were crossed it was a job offer. She wanted to return to her old job. It’d been a long time though. She had no idea if her position had been filled. AJ had reminded her there was more than one newspaper in Baltimore, but she’d loved working at Baltimore News First.

  “Megan!” A slender Janet approached her and engulfed her in a tight hug. Pulling back, she laughed. “We’ve changed places since we last saw each other.” Her friend patting her trim belly.

  A single tear slid down Megan’s face unchecked. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you and go to the FBI.”

  Janet waved her hand. “Don’t sweat it. Things turned out fine. You got the hunky man out of it.”

  Megan laughed. She did have the hunky man. “Does Selena have your eyes?”

  “She does. I have lots of pictures to show you, but I’ll do it later. Everyone will kill me if I tie you up as soon as you arrive.” Janet glanced over her shoulder.

  Megan looked in that direction and gasped. She turned to AJ. A playful wink accompanied his sexy smile.

  “Mom. Dad.” She flew into her father’s arms.

  “Hi, sugar pie.” Jeffrey Rogers kissed the top of his daughter’s head. “It’s so good to see you.”

  His familiar smell reminded her of times long gone by when she’d sought comfort in these strong arms.

  He handed her off to her mother. “Oh, honey, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Oh, Mom. I missed you.” Tears of joy rapidly streamed down both of their faces, dropping on each other’s shoulder, leaving behind a damp spot filled with love.

  She surveyed her parents. They’d changed since she’d last seen them. Her father’s hair was grayer and a little thinner. Her mother had lost weight. She figured losing two grown children would do that. She’d have to ensure she and AJ made regular visits to see them. It would be good for their little one to grow up knowing his or her family.

  “Your sister sends her love. She’s due to deliver any day and couldn’t travel.” Her mother wiped tears from her face and looked down at Megan’s belly. She clasped her hands together. “Megan, honey, you’re finally giving me grandchildren.”

  She laughed remembering all of the times her mother asked when she’d have them. “Yes, Mom. AJ and I will be parents. We had a sonogram and asked the doctor not to tell us the gender. I’d heard of this fun way to find out. We brought a sealed envelope and planned to hand it
to a bakery with the specification that they’d make two cupcakes in either blue or pink. I hated waiting, but AJ convinced me that it’d be more fun around family and friends. We’ll do it tomorrow. I can’t wait much longer.” She cast a loving glance at AJ.

  He took her hand. “Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, your daughter has agreed to marry me. Your grandchild will have my love and name.”

  “Well, it’s about time you found her then,” Tonya said.

  Butterflies bumped around in her stomach at the loving look he cast her. “Yes. It was about time.”

  * * * * *

  AJ kept an eye on Megan as she moved around the room greeting colleagues, family and friends. He loved seeing her happy. They’d made the right decision to move back. She never would’ve had a fulfilling life being unable to write. He knew Kristen planned to offer her a place back on the team. Minus one Victoria Bell and one Merissa Attenborough who had also been planted by Marcus. Merissa found out about Victoria and turned on him. Apparently, Marcus had also proposed to her, and he’d promised to take her out of the country. The same promise he’d made to Victoria.

  Megan made her way back to him. He pulled her close.

  “Megan, I’d like you to meet FBI Deputy Director Arthur Hall.

  “Hello, Ms. Rogers. It’s good to finally meet you. Highly unusual, but good. I’m glad to see AJ. Although I wished he’d returned to us instead of joining his brothers, but I understand family comes first.”

  Her smile broadened. “I’m glad he can work with his brothers. Whether he admits it or not, he loves them.”

  “I do believe he loves someone more. He walked away from everything and everyone.”

  AJ spoke up, smiling, “It doesn’t matter who or what I love more. You’re both stuck with me.”

  “So, I’m guessing I’ll be attending a wedding,” Arthur said with a twinkle in his eye.

  “You bet. She’s agreed to be my wife, and I’m holding her to it.” AJ turned and kissed her temple. They couldn’t get married fast enough for him. Kate and Megan had spoken at length and his sister-in-law had taken care of things here to speed up the process.

  “We’re under time constraints so it’ll be real soon.” She placed her hand on her belly.

  Arthur laughed. “Yeah, well, that can definitely do it.”

  She walked over and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for helping us stay alive and for letting AJ find me.”

  With a reddening face, he cleared his throat. “Well, um, I’ll take your thanks for one and tell you that I know nothing about the other.” He winked at her.

  AJ turned her to face him, holding her shoulders. This had to go well. It was one of two surprises he had for her today. “Megan, you know how sorry I am for not being there to save your brother.”

  She closed her eyes and bit her lip. She opened them up and looked at him. His gut clenched at the pain in them. She nodded.

  “I was able to save someone else.”

  A woman walked up behind Megan, and he smiled. “Megan, I’d like to introduce you to Teri, your niece.”

  She spun around, almost losing her balance. “Oh my God! Jenny! You’re alive!” Megan reached to hug her, but stopped when a baby was placed in her face.

  Holding the baby she turned back to AJ with narrowed eyes. “Why did you lie to me?”

  He took a deep breath and knew this would come. No matter his answer, he’d be in the wrong. “You only asked about Kevin, and I couldn’t volunteer the information on Jenny.”

  She opened her mouth to retort, but he beat her to it.

  “I’ve another surprise for you.” He hoped doing this without asking would be okay. He’d hate to sleep on the floor in their room.

  Her eyes brightened. Her face was aglow. He’d been an idiot to walk away from her.

  Kate moved forward. “You’ll need to give the baby back and follow me.”

  He followed as his sister-in-law led his future wife to a table. He pulled out a chair for Megan. She looked up at him inquisitively.

  Reagan bounded forward, followed by Mrs. Kessler, the woman Jesse had hired to help take care of his daughter before he’d married Kate. The family loved her so much, they’d kept her on after the marriage. She kept his brothers in line. She’d also created this surprise.

  He held his breath as the older woman placed a cake in front of Megan who gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. She looked back up at him. “Is this what I think it is?”

  He nodded. “It’s up to you, but if you’d like, we can cut this cake and find out if we’re having a boy or girl.”

  “Guess what, Ms. Megan?” Reagan bounced beside her.

  Megan looked on the little girl with a wide smile. “What?”

  “Mrs. Kessler made the cake, and she let me add the color to it. But she said I can’t tell you what color I used.” The girl huffed. “She says it a surprise.”

  AJ leaned over her and spoke to his niece, “Well I guess we’d best open this surprise.”

  She giggled. “Uncle AJ, you don’t open it, you cut it.”

  He widened his eyes in fake astonishment. “Really? Okay. Let’s cut it.” He turned his gaze to his little dove, hoping she wanted to do this now. He’d lied when he’d told her he could wait until she gave birth. He wanted to know now.

  “Reagan, where’s the knife to cut it?” Megan asked.

  The girl heaved a heavy sigh. “Mom has it. No one would let me carry it even though I’m big enough.”

  A round of feminine giggling and male chuckling filled the air. It was good to be home. Megan and his family were his future. They’d manage anything together. He finally knew in his heart that his brothers didn’t blame him for their foster brother leaving. It’d taken this special woman to help him open his eyes and see what was before him.

  Kate moved forward and handed him the knife.

  His glowing fiancée reached for his hand. “Cut it together?”

  His heart expanded. He nodded, closed his eyes for a second praying the family hadn’t played a trick on them and colored it yellow. Together they held the knife over the cake with shaky hands. He wasn’t sure whose hand trembled more. The silence of the room didn’t help his nervousness.

  They’d just touched the icing when Devon burst into the room. “We’ve found Jake!”

  The quiet room exploded into cheers and people attempting to speak over each other. wAJ froze, his body tensed, his mind spinning. Had Devon said what he thought he’d said? Could it be true that finally things would be right? He opened his mouth to speak but nothing emerged.

  He closed his eyes tight. He had a great deal of groveling to do with Jake, but he’d do whatever it took to repair their relationship, and bring him back into the family fold.

  Megan pulled him close. He hadn’t noticed her stand. She whispered in his ear, “Now your life is complete. Now you can live fully.”

  With her at his side, he knew he could do anything. He reached his arms around her, holding her tight. He felt something in his hand, looked at it and smiled.




  As in my previous novel, I could not have written HIS Choice without the assistance of many people. I’d be remiss if I didn’t include them in these acknowledgements. My hope is that I have not missed anyone.

  I am first and foremost thankful to Author Stacy Reid for recommending AuthorsDesigns. They were my one-stop shop that assisted me in releasing a professional novel. Dusean Nelson, you are extremely creative. I love the cover you designed for this novel. I also appreciate your time formatting the novel for all platforms. Thank you, Stacy Nelson and Gina Fiserova at AuthorsDesigns for painstakingly editing HIS Choice. I look forward to working with AuthorsDesigns on future novels.

  Locally, I share my appreciation with The Panolian Publisher, John H. Howel
l, Sr. for not tossing me out when I said, “One more question,” over and over again. Thanks to the Batesville Police Department Chief of Police Tony Jones, Detective Thomas Crutcher and Detective Lieutenant George Williford for taking time to answer my odd questions. Gentlemen, any deviance from policy and procedure is entirely my doing.

  Gratitude is sent overseas to Dr. Wilson at Withybush Hospital, Dagmar Bancroft and the staff who answered my inquiries about shooting different body parts. Thank you for not sending the police to my or Dagmar’s homes concerned over what we may do with that knowledge.

  There are many people who I can’t thank enough for their assistance in making this novel what it is today. I’d be lost without my critique partners and friends, Author Christine Ardigo and Kelly-Jo Resseguie, who never hesitated to tell me something was crap or provide me with incredible ideas. Author Sharon Gibbs, you are a patient and kind soul who listened to me, motivated me and helped me write the dreaded synopsis. Thank you.

  And to my beta readers, Dawn Tohill, Author Kelly Hamley, Author Teri McGill, Dianne Hamilton, Debbie Attenborough, Merissa Sheppard, and Amy Zuberbier, you are top-notch ladies who had a big hand in my completing HIS Choice. I hope to have captured all of your valuable insight.

  May I offer much gratitude to my PA, Lucii Grubb, for putting up with my moods and my forgetfulness without complaint. Your creativity in designing teasers and keeping me writing did not go unnoticed. You are a gem.

  Indie Visible, I am still in awe of the wonderful publishing package prize you assembled. I was able to take advantage of the services of Red Coats PR, The Creatives’ Haven and Whit & Ware. I am excited about working with the other professionals to publish HIS Return. Thank you to all who donated to this amazing gift.

  Kimberly Jill and Chris Van Solkema, I loved your suggestions for naming the gang and cat. I know I did not use them, but they sparked the names I decided upon. Lee Harper, again, your location insight was invaluable. I do miss Baltimore.


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