Raspberry Kisses (The Bakery Romance Series Book 1)

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Raspberry Kisses (The Bakery Romance Series Book 1) Page 28

by Cecelia Dowdy

  Martin’s heart thundered with delight. After the announcement, he went to the front of the congregation, blinking away his tears. He breathed deeply, eyeing the sea of faces populating the pews. This was his congregation, and he would lead them, delivering the word of God to them every Sunday.

  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, gripping the podium. So many thoughts and emotions swirled through him. Gladness enveloped his heart and a wild feeling of euphoria filled him. Someone touched his shoulder and he looked beside him, spotting his father.

  “Are you okay, Son?”

  He nodded, responding in a low voice. “I’m so happy right now. I’m feeling so good that I’m not sure what I should say.” He paused, gathering his thoughts, again facing his congregation. “I want to thank God for all the blessings He’s given to me.” He bowed his head. “Lord, thank You for this wonderful gift You’ve given to me. Please be with us as I take my father’s place in leading the congregation. Amen.” After he’d finished his prayer, he realized he wished that Rhea were by his side.

  Linda Tucker sat in the front row. Her mouth pressed into a hard line while she squeezed her bony hands together. After Martin had finished speaking, Michael Tucker came to the podium, smiling, thanking the congregation for considering him for the pastoral position. “And,” he said, still smiling, “If you want to visit my church sometime, I’d love to have you.”

  He’d found that over the last few weeks as Michael had preached to the congregation, he’d discovered he liked the young preacher. He was warm and honest. Michael had noticed his Aunt Linda’s hostility and apologized several times on his aunt’s behalf.

  After the service, several congregation members approached Martin. He was engulfed with hugs, kisses, and handshakes from the members of his congregation.

  Later, when he entered the church foyer, he saw Linda Tucker in the corner. Her bony shoulders were hunched, and she openly cried into a handkerchief. An unfamiliar woman stood by her side, patting her shoulder. When the woman turned around, Martin’s mouth dropped open. He blinked. Surely this was a trick of his imagination.

  The woman who stared at him was Serena, his old college girlfriend and the mother of his deceased child.


  “Hi, Martin.” Serena spoke to him, still patting Linda’s shoulder.

  He swallowed, speechless. What should he say? His actions toward Serena had dominated his mind for years. Before he could speak, Michael Tucker approached. “Hi, Serena. Long time, no see.” They hugged, and Michael continued. “Thanks for coming. I’m going to take Aunt Linda home. I think she’s upset about what happened.” He glanced at Martin. “Have you met Pastor Martin?”

  Serena nodded as Michael led a sobbing Linda Tucker from the church. Martin swallowed, finally finding his voice. “I’m confused. I don’t understand why you’re here and how you know Michael and Linda.” He shook his head, his brain still spinning.

  “Martin, I’m sorry. I know you’re confused.” She checked her watch as people exited the church, giving them blatant stares. “Is there someplace where we can talk?”

  “Yes.” After Serena didn’t respond to his letter, he figured she didn’t want to speak with him anymore.

  They left the church together, walking to a coffee shop located down the street from the church. The roasted scent of fresh coffee filled the air of the crowded shop. The place bustled with activity, and several young people sat at tables, drinking coffee and working on their laptops. After they’d found a table and had their drinks, Martin sipped his coffee. “I’m glad to see you, Serena. I’ve been wanting to speak to you for years.”

  “I’m sorry I never answered your letter. I was angry at you for a long time. It took a while for me to get over the way you treated me in college.”

  He sighed, took another sip of his coffee. He looked directly into her brown eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

  She nodded, glancing out the window before focusing on him again. “Before we talk about that, I wanted to explain about Linda. I’ve known her my whole life. She’s my godmother and she knows what happened between us in college.”

  Martin raised his eyebrows. “You told her about our relationship?”

  “Yes. She’s known for years. She’s always been protective of me. A long time ago, I showed her a picture of you, and she remembered what you looked like and knew your name. When her church split and she joined your church, she realized who you were. That’s when she made it her mission to make sure you didn’t come into the pulpit.”

  Martin blinked, still stunned, trying to digest this news. “You’ve known about her actions the whole time?”

  “No. The other day, Michael called me. I live in Florida. He wanted me to fly up and try and talk some sense into his Aunt Linda. He said she’d been acting pretty awful, and he figured something was wrong. He wanted me to come because I’ve always had a knack for figuring out what was wrong with my godmother. I’m pretty good with calming her down, and it’s easiest for me to do this if I see her in person. When he told me everything, I figured out that Aunt Linda was still bitter over the way you treated me in college and that’s why she was doing these things. I’m so sorry, Martin. If I’d known sooner, I would’ve put a stop to it.”

  He blew air through his lips, leaning back into his seat. No wonder Linda Tucker had been dead-set against his taking the pastor position. Now everything made sense.

  He sighed again. In a calm voice, he told her about his struggle to forgive himself for his past actions against her, even wondering if he was fit to be pastor.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over this. I forgive you for what you’ve done. It took me years and I never told you, but, in my heart, I forgave you. I just feel bad about what Linda did. She thinks of me as a daughter, and she was trying to protect me.”

  “Don’t feel bad about what your godmother did. It was all part of God’s plan.”


  “Yes. I think He planted Linda in my church so that you and I could meet up again. If your Aunt Linda had never caused trouble, you wouldn’t have flown in from Florida and I wouldn’t have been able to ask your forgiveness.”

  They spent a couple of hours chatting. After he’d given Serena a ride to her hotel, he processed everything that had happened over the last year. Linda being in his church had been God’s will, but, he’d been too stubborn to see it until he spoke with Serena. Linda had caused so much turmoil and anguish in his life…he needed to use this experience, let himself realize that he needed to deepen his faith further, rely on God’s guidance.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Martin’s graduation day dawned sunny and bright, and he looked forward to seeing his family at the event. He smiled when he heard his name called from the stage. “Martin Louis Lane.” He grinned, silently thanking God as he accepted his diploma, feeling he had taken another step in fulfilling what God had called him to do.

  After the ceremony was over, his family rushed over to him. His brothers, sisters, and parents made a huge huddle hugging and kissing one another. As he scanned the crowd of well-wishers, he searched for Rhea. Surely she’d shown up for his graduation!

  His sister Trina’s voice boomed over the crowd. “Hey, Martin, who are you looking for?”

  He didn’t answer her as he stared at the faces gathered in the outdoor gardens of the divinity school. As scents of lush red roses and pansies filled the air, disappointment coursed through him. Several of the graduates and the audience traipsed to the nearby reception hall for cake, punch, and hors d’oeuvres. He shook his head as his brother placed his hand on his shoulder. “Hey, Martin, who are you looking for?”

  He sighed as he beckoned his family to enter the reception hall with the rest of the guests. “I thought a good friend of mine was going to attend the graduation, but it looks like she couldn’t make it after all.” Sadness weighed upon him like a hot wet blanket and as he mechanically ate his cake while his family and friends chattered around him. The euph
oria of the day evaporated.


  Rhea pulled the pan of raspberry cupcakes from the oven. The warm, inviting scent of berries filled the bakery. Finally, after weeks of trial and error, she’d finally perfected her recipe! She’d even thought of the perfect name for this dessert: Raspberry Kiss Cupcakes. When she tasted these decadent little cakes, she thought of Martin’s hugs and kisses and his kind caring nature. She’d wanted to call him and tell him about her perfected recipe and the new name, but, she’d chickened out.

  Her phone buzzed and she pulled it from her pocket, spotting two text messages. Toni and Sterling had both texted her at the same time, wondering how things were going in her bakery and if she’d patched things up with Martin. She quickly texted them back, letting them know that she was still trying to decide what to do.

  It’d been kind of nice, texting and emailing her two new friends. They mostly talked about their bakeries, and about new recipes. Speaking to someone regularly about her bakery had opened up a new world for her, and she’d been surprised to see that Sterling had a food blog. He’d not mentioned his blog at the convention. She visited the blog regularly and so did Toni. They often left comments, and she’d been pleased when Sterling gently suggested she set up a Facebook page for her bakery. She’d talked to both Sterling and Toni on the phone, touched when they showed concern about what would happen between her and Martin.

  Surprisingly, Martin had failed to advise her to set up a social media page, but, she wasn’t sure if he even visited Facebook. She now understood why he’d said it was a good idea for her to attend the convention and meet some people in her industry. She imagined that she’d be in contact with Sterling and Toni for a long time.

  She slipped the phone back into her pocket and allowed the cupcakes to cool before removing them from the pan. She then took out her ingredients to make the frosting. A few drops of red food coloring in the vanilla icing would give the treats a wonderful finishing touch.

  Candy poked her head into the kitchen. “Rhea, it’s time for your lunch break.”

  She shook her head, measuring powdered sugar into a huge bowl. “I’m not hungry.”

  Candy huffed, entering the kitchen, putting her hands over her hips. “Are you still upset about Martin? Just talk to him already.”

  “Oh, Candy, it’s just so complicated.”

  The entrance bell tinkled. “Did somebody order a pizza?” Rhea and Candy strolled to the front of the bakery.

  “I ordered the pizza,” Candy responded. She paid the delivery man, accepted the box.

  The spicy scent of pepperoni and cheese wafted from the box. Candy held the carton toward Rhea. “I thought I’d treat you to lunch.”

  “No thanks, I’m not hungry.” Usually when she was depressed, she ate food for comfort, but since her last conversation with Martin, she’d been feeling less hungry, often skipping meals. She’d been hungry at the convention, but, as soon as she’d left the convention and returned to the bakery, she’d gotten depressed and her appetite had diminished.

  “Rhea, you haven’t eaten lunch in two weeks. Have a slice of pizza. It might make you feel better.”

  Candy slid two slices onto a paper plate and opened a can of cola. She marched to the office, setting both items on Rhea’s desk. “Come, sit down, and rest. Have some lunch.”

  Rhea swallowed, realizing her throat felt dry. A nice cold cola and a short break were what she needed. She entered the office, closed the door and plopped into her chair. She stared at the pizza, blinking.

  She had not attended Martin’s graduation.

  Her cell phone buzzed. She saw Taylor’s number. “Hi, Taylor.”

  “Did you go to Martin’s big day?”


  “And I’ll bet you’re still depressed, right?”

  Rhea mentally groaned, not responding.

  “Girl, toughen up. Find that inner strength to do what you need to do.”

  “You sound like Sterling and Toni.”


  She briefly told her about the convention and how she’d surprisingly made two new friends. She then told her about how Sterling admitted he’d wanted to ask her out on a date.

  “Girl, sounds like Sterling’s a nice guy. Maybe you can give him my number and we can hook up some time for a date.” Taylor chuckled.

  “I’d do that for you, Taylor, but he lives in Florida. I doubt you’d be able to go out with him.”

  “Well, I’m not getting any younger. I could always fly over there and visit him.” She chuckled again.

  “Bye, Taylor.” She ended the call, still staring at her uneaten lunch. She closed her eyes. “Lord, I really need Your help. Help me to be strong, Lord, help me to do what I need to do to be happy with Martin.”

  Sighing, she ate her lunch, enjoying the fizz of the cold soda. When she was finished, she pressed her hands together and stood before approaching the office door and opening it. “Candy, do you mind working the bakery by yourself this afternoon and closing up?”

  “Are you going to meet Martin so that you can kiss and make up?”

  Rhea ignored her question, removing her apron. “Well, can you stay?”

  “Of course. But you need to let me know how things go with Martin.”

  Candy had iced the cupcakes while Rhea had eaten her lunch. She placed six of the small cakes into a monogramed box, capping the container with a festive red bow.

  Rhea left her bakery and drove home, still pensive. Martin’s graduation had ended, but she hoped that she could still show him her true feelings. When she arrived at her apartment, she entered, scanning the numerous boxes packed into her living room. Her lease was ending next week, and she’d found a nice apartment to rent. She’d signed the lease, and she already had her keys. Taylor and some of her friends from church were going to help her move.

  While packing, she’d come across her wedding album. She’d spent hours staring at the pictures over the last few weeks, thinking about Stan while trying to find the courage to accept Martin into her life. She’d also started going to the group grief counseling sessions at her church. Speaking to others about Stan had been therapeutic for her soul, but, she still needed to find the strength to move on. She finally decided to take the advice from one of the young widows that attended the sessions – taking this little trip could help her.

  Going to her closet, she found her favorite pair of blue jeans and the new royal blue shirt she’d purchased earlier that week.

  After dressing and applying her makeup, she gazed at herself in the mirror, making sure she looked nice. She had to see Martin, and she hoped it wasn’t too late. He may have taken her absence as rejection, and already put her out of his mind. She grabbed her digital camera, heading out the door.

  She stopped at the grocery store, bought a dozen yellow roses. She then got into her car and took the half hour drive to the cemetery. She pulled into the lot and walked until she found Stan’s grave. Taking deep breaths, she touched the headstone, caressing Stan’s name. She then unwrapped the flowers, slowly placing them over his grave, one by one.

  Sitting on a nearby bench, she stared at the flowers, vividly recalling how Stan used to give her the blossoms when they lived at the parish. She closed her eyes, memories consuming her. She recalled Stan counseling couples, spending time in the church. In spite of all they’d gone through as a couple, he just wanted her happy.

  She sighed, opening her eyes, staring at the headstone. Stan would approve of her relationship with Martin, Rhea was sure of that.

  “Stan, I know you’re in heaven. Since last spring, I’ve been so confused. I’ve fallen in love again…I just need to find the courage to love a preacher again.” She then closed her eyes and prayed to God for strength. After sitting at Stan’s grave for an hour, Rhea finally stood and slowly walked back to her car.


  The pounding knock on Martin’s front door echoed from the living room. Alone, he’d been in the middle of putting away t
he leftover barbeque chicken and ribs from his graduation party. His despondent mood had placed a damper on the family event, and Trina kept asking him what was wrong, wondering if he’d been lamenting over Rhea.

  He rushed to the door and opened it.

  His heart skipped when he spotted Rhea on his front steps.

  She looked beautiful.

  Her blue jeans gently tugged on her full hips, accenting her small waist. “Hi, Martin.”

  “Rhea…I’m surprised to see you.”

  “Can I come in?”

  He nodded, and when she entered his house, he noticed she carried a large shopping bag and a bakery box. She set the bag on the floor, and placed the box on the coffee table, sniffing. “I smell barbeque.”

  “Would you like some?”

  She shook her head, sitting on the couch. “Maybe later.”

  Still stunned, almost speechless, Martin sat beside her. The familiar scent of her perfume wafted toward him, filling him with euphoria. So, why was she here? He couldn’t get too excited until she told him why she’d come. She glanced around his living room and folded her hands in her lap. “This is weird.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve known you for four months, and this is the first time I’ve been inside your home.” She eyed his leather furniture. “I like it.”

  “Thanks. How did you know my address?”

  “You entered your address when you did your online cupcake order.”

  “I see.” He took her hand, caressed her fingers. “Rhea, why are you here?”

  She bit her lower lip, before meeting his gaze. “Martin, I wanted to go to your graduation, but I just wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do. Then, this afternoon I realized that I’ve been miserable since we had our coffee in the donut shop. I’ve been sad and upset, but it’s my fault. I’ve started going to grief counseling.”

  “Really?” Wow, this was a huge step for Rhea to take.

  “I needed to do it. Talking to others in the group is helping me. I’ve also realized that having you in my life makes me happy, Martin, and I want to be with you.”


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