Pleasure at Midnight ; His Pick for Passion

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Pleasure at Midnight ; His Pick for Passion Page 32

by Pamela Yaye

  “We worked before. We can do it again.”

  He turned to face her. “We barely saw each other before. Even with you here we barely see each other. That’s why I planned this trip. Now you’re saying you’re willing to go back to Chicago if your company doesn’t open an office here.”

  “Will, things are still early in our relationship. I can’t say I’m ready to completely give up my life in Chicago and move here.”

  “Why not?” he asked, frustrated.

  She jumped up from the chair. Her eyes were bright with her own emotions. “Because everything is happening so fast. We’re happening fast. What if...”

  “We don’t make it? Is that what you were going to say?”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t mean it like that.”

  “Then how do you mean it? Do you not trust what we’ve got can last?”

  “I want it to last. I really do, and I love you, but Will, I can’t tell you right now that I’m ready to give up my apartment and quit my job if they don’t open a Jacksonville office. You’re asking me to give up my entire life.”

  “I’m not asking you to give up your life. I’m asking you to build a life with me. I’m asking you to be with me long term. I’m asking you to be my partner. My wife.”

  She staggered back. “Wife? You want to marry me?”

  The other big question he’d decided to ask her at dinner tonight. The one thing that would prove to her and everyone else he was ready for the next step in his life. “Why else would I ask you to live with me for good? I’m serious about us, Erin. I thought you were serious, too.”

  He moved to walk back into the beach house. Erin grabbed his arm. Her eyes danced with confusion and hope. “You’re serious? You want us to get married?”


  “But I didn’t think... You never said anything about wanting to get married.”

  He slipped his arm around her waist. “Because before we got together, marriage wasn’t something I’d considered. Marry me, Erin. Let’s make this official and show everyone we’re serious about each other.”

  “Will, this is... I mean...what about...”

  “Forget about all of the excuses you’re going to come up with. Just tell me what you want. Tell me you want to be with me. That you love me.” He brushed his lips over hers. “That you’ll marry me.”

  The battle in her brain played out across her features. A frown, a smile, a shake of the head, an uplift of her lips. Then her eyes met his. Excited and happy. A little unsure. But her next words made him rejoice. “I will.”

  Chapter 19

  I will.

  As soon as they’d returned to Jacksonville, Erin had second-guessed her decision. Not because she didn’t love Will. She did. He was fun and and went with whatever impulse struck him. Like the last-minute trip to the Caribbean before the playoffs.

  She loved spontaneity. Isn’t that what all women mentioned at least once in a relationship? For their man to be more spur-of-the-moment with romance? Will was that, and that was exactly the reason why she wasn’t sure about her decision.

  He wanted her to give up her life and trust they would be together forever. She wanted forever with him. But was she being foolish? What if he woke up a week, month or year from now and decided he’d tried marriage and it wasn’t for him? Where would that leave her?

  They’d just finished their morning workout. Getting up at 5:00 a.m. to work out in his home gym after a fantastic weekend on a private island with him had been harder than she’d expected. But in true Will fashion, he’d jumped up at the first blare of the alarm clock and dragged her out of bed with him. She’d come upstairs to make their post-workout breakfast smoothies before they showered and she went to work and he to practice.

  She entered the kitchen and stopped. Juanita stood at the counter, the blender running and the protein powder and frozen fruits they used for the smoothies next to it. Her hips twitched in her cutoff shorts as she hummed to herself. Erin gritted her teeth and took a long, deep breath. Juanita had stopped dumping her shoes in the front of the closet after Erin said something to Will. She also had made no other snide or potentially inappropriate remarks since then, either. Juanita was being nice, so she was trying to be nice.

  The blender stopped and Juanita continued her humming as she poured the smoothie mix into a tall clear cup.

  “Good morning, Juanita,” Erin said.

  Juanita’s shoulders stiffened, but when she turned to face Erin she wore a big, bright smile. “Morning, Erin. How was your workout?”

  “It was good.” Erin pointed to the blender. “You didn’t have to do that. I was just about to make the smoothies.”

  Juanita shrugged. “It was no big deal. I knew you both were down there, and I decided to help out. I know Mr. Hampton starts preparing for the playoffs this week. I like to make things easier for him.”

  Well, aren’t you helpful. Erin bared her teeth in a tight smile. “That’s nice. I can take over from here.”

  “I’ll just make the coffee and then I’ll get started on the other things I need to work on.”

  Will came into the kitchen behind Erin. He placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “You’ve made the smoothies already?”

  “No, Juanita did that.”

  Will looked at Juanita. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know you’re about to get busy. I added flax seeds to your smoothie. The extra protein will help out.”

  Will squeezed Erin’s shoulders and grinned. “Thanks, Juanita. You always know how to take care of me.”

  Juanita brushed a lock of dark hair out of her face and smiled sweetly. “I always try to take care of you, Mr. Hampton.”

  Erin just barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. “Flax seed, huh? I’ve never had that in a smoothie. I’m looking forward to trying it.”

  “Oh, I didn’t put any in your smoothie,” Juanita said. “You don’t need the extra nourishment the way Mr. Hampton does.”

  Of course you didn’t. “No big deal. You’re probably right.”

  Juanita picked up the two glasses with smoothies and brought them to Erin and Will. Her hips seemed to sway with an extra flare as she crossed the room. Erin stopped herself from snatching the cup from the woman. Juanita’s eyes were trained on Will as he took his cup. Their fingers brushed during the exchange. The corner of Juanita’s mouth tilted up, and she lowered her lashes to look quickly away.

  Erin glanced up at Will. He seemed focused entirely on the smoothie. Had she missed something? Did Will and Juanita just have a moment, or was she being paranoid again?

  “I was thinking about telling Kelly today,” Erin said quickly.

  “Telling Kelly what?” Will asked, then took a long sip of the smoothie. He licked his lips, nodded and stared at the cup. “This is excellent, Juanita.”

  “I’m happy you like it,” Juanita said in what was two decibels up from a purr, before turning and sauntering back over to the coffee machine.

  Erin gripped the cup in her hand. “That you asked me to marry you. That we’re getting married.”

  Will’s eyes lit up. “You are?”

  “Is it a secret?”

  “No, of course not, but I was worried you wouldn’t want to tell people.”

  “I want everyone to know. There’s no reason for us to keep this secret.” She took a sip of her smoothie. Damn if it wasn’t delicious. She wasn’t going to tell Juanita that, though.

  Will cupped her face in his free hand. His smile was like a beam of sunlight straight to her heart. “Then tell her. Tell everyone. My mind is made up. You’re the only woman for me.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her deeply. Erin leaned into him. Her body burned for more contact with his. Passion erupted in her veins until she thought she’d burst into flames.

cry followed by a crash rang through the kitchen. Erin and Will jumped apart. They spun toward Juanita, who was frantically peeling off her shirt.

  “Juanita? What are you doing?” Will asked.

  “Ow, ow, ow,” Juanita chanted, jumping from foot to foot. “I spilled coffee on myself. It’s hot.” She spun toward them and placed a hand on her chest. A large red splotch spread out over her breasts. Breasts that weren’t hidden by the now-wet lace clinging to them. “Am I blistering?”

  Will’s mouth opened, closed, then opened again. His brows raised as Juanita stuck her chest out for inspection.

  Erin stepped forward. “No. You aren’t blistering, but you should go put a new shirt on. I’ll grab some ice.”

  “I’m so sorry about the mess.” Juanita pointed to the broken coffee mug and spilled liquid on the floor.

  “Don’t worry about it, just go get a new shirt,” Erin said.

  Juanita nodded. She didn’t cover herself or seem the least bit shy about standing there nearly topless in front of them. “Okay, I’ll clean this up when I get back.”

  She hurried from the room. Her cheeks nearly as red as her chest. Will watched her go.

  “You didn’t check to make sure she didn’t burn herself too badly.”

  Erin slapped his arm. “Are you crazy?”

  “What?” He rubbed his arm.

  “She did that on purpose.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Because we were kissing.”

  “Are you saying that she doused herself with scorching hot coffee just because I kissed you?”

  She saw it creep into his eyes. Doubt, frustration, the here-we-go-again look. Erin couldn’t do this anymore.

  “You have to let her go.”

  “I thought you didn’t want me to fire her.”

  “Nope, now she has to go. Today was too far.”

  “I’m not firing her, Erin. She spilled coffee on herself.”

  “On purpose, and then stripped so you could ogle her breasts.”

  He waved his hands in front of him. Just like a guilty man searching for the truth. “I didn’t ogle.”

  “You couldn’t speak,” Erin said between clenched teeth.

  “Because I was surprised.”

  She rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. “You’re ridiculous. Is this what our marriage is going to be like? You’re going to hire sexy housekeepers and take up for them every time they do something to hit on you?”

  “She didn’t hit on me. Damn, Erin, will you stop it with the Juanita-wants-you stuff? She spilled coffee. She immediately went to change.” He looked at his fitness tracker on his wrist. “I’ve got to get ready for practice. You check on Juanita and make sure she’s okay before you go.”

  He tossed her one last disappointed look before shaking his head and leaving the room. Erin glared first at his retreating back and then the coffee on the floor. If it was an accident, then why did Juanita automatically have a change of clothes ready?

  Chapter 20

  “Girl, you know he’s so used to women falling all over him that he’s oblivious,” Kelly told Erin.

  They were sitting in Kelly’s favorite coffee shop. Erin had called Kelly and asked her to meet for lunch. She couldn’t shake her irritation from this morning. She was sure Juanita had spilled the coffee and stripped on purpose. But Juanita had come to Erin after Will went upstairs and apologized.

  I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any problems between you and Mr. Hampton. I really am happy for you two. He deserves to be happy.

  Erin had felt foolish after Juanita’s apology. Had she overreacted? Was she letting her own doubts about her and Will cause her to sabotage their relationship? What if he was right and Juanita wasn’t interested in him at all and she’d been looking for signs of a problem that weren’t there?

  “You think?” Erin asked, poking at the tomatoes in the prepackaged salad sold at the coffee shop. “Maybe she really did accidentally spill coffee on her shirt.”

  “Really, Erin, who spills an entire pot of coffee down the front of their shirt? Did she trip?”


  “Did the pot jump from the coffee maker and attack her?”

  Erin laughed. “I don’t think any of Will’s appliances are cursed or possessed.”

  “Then how could she have spilled coffee? I think you’re right. Especially since you said she was already pulling her shirt off as soon as you two kissed.”

  “Will thinks I’m overacting. He says I’m acting jealous. I’m not a jealous, possessive person. He knows that. Why would he think that?”

  Kelly shrugged and lowered her eyes. “I don’t know. Maybe he’s used to that with some of the other women he’s dated. Will used jealousy as a sign to end things quickly. He could be getting cold feet about this entire relationship thing and is ready to call it quits.”

  Erin frowned and thought about their time on the island. “You think?”

  Kelly reached over and placed her hand over Erin’s. “This is why I was concerned when you two started dating. I didn’t want him to treat you like he does every other woman he deals with. I don’t want his dumb behind to ruin our friendship.”

  Erin pulled her hand back. “If he wanted to end things or was having doubts, he wouldn’t have asked me to marry him.”

  Kelly fell back in her seat. Her eyes bulged like swollen cotton balls, and her jaw unhinged. “What?”

  That wasn’t exactly how Erin planned to reveal the news, but she couldn’t get down with Kelly’s assumption.

  “That’s the other reason I asked you to lunch.” She grinned. “Surprise, we’re really going to be sisters.”

  The happiness she’d hoped would sprout over Kelly’s face didn’t come. Disbelief warred with frustration and disappointment. The fight was quickly replaced with a moderately pleasantly surprised smile, but Erin had seen it. Kelly wasn’t happy about this announcement.

  “He asked you to marry him. Like, legit get married?”

  Erin nodded. “He did. He wants me to take a permanent position here in Jacksonville so we can be together.”

  “He just told our dad he wasn’t ready to get married.”

  “I don’t know what changed.”

  “What changed is Will had another spontaneous, let’s-do-this idea. He’s not thinking this through.”

  “I thought you’d be happy for me. For us?”

  “I am... I mean.” Kelly frowned and looked at the sandwich she’d barely touched. “Erin, you’re my best friend. I only want you to be happy, and you deserve to be loved. Are you sure Will is the right guy for you?”

  Erin waited for the doubts that had plagued her ever since Will asked to rise up. For the fear she was making the wrong decision, or that Will wasn’t serious about them. But in the face of Kelly’s doubt she realized she wanted to be with Will. She wanted to stay with him. To wake up beside him. To encourage him to reach for the goals he never thought were possible. Will had spent so much time surrounded by people who only saw the surface and didn’t expect much more from him. He was so much more than a basketball player. She wanted to be there for every victory and to lift him up after every failure.

  “He is the right guy for me. And I know I’m the right woman for him.” This time she took Kelly’s hands in hers. “Kelly, this won’t change anything about our friendship. You’ll always be my best friend. The sister I never had. My maid of honor.”

  Kelly’s eyes softened, and the corners of her lips tipped up. “You want me to be your maid of honor?”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Girl, please, you know you’re my maid of honor. We planned our weddings when we were twelve. Nothing’s changed.”

  Kelly held up a hand. “Please tell me you’ve finally gotten over the burgundy and green colors.”

  “What’s wrong wit
h burgundy and green?”

  “They’re atrocious colors! You should have outgrown that. No ugly colors.”

  “They aren’t ugly. They’re perfect.”

  Kelly shook her head. “You’re hopeless. I hope this wedding is at least a year away. That’ll give me plenty of time to try to convince you to pick more tasteful colors.”

  They laughed and the tension between them evaporated. Erin let Kelly steer the conversation to other things, but as they talked Erin couldn’t shake the memory of the frustration and disappointment that had flared in her best friend’s eyes.

  * * *

  Erin finished the day meeting with the public relations director for the local hospital system about handling their new marketing campaign. The meeting had gone very well, and Erin was confident she’d be able to secure their business for the next account.

  She smiled as she left the hospital and walked with a skip in her step toward her car. Securing the hospital’s account, along with the marketing for two new trade shows coming to the area, would go a long way toward proving the company needed an office in Jacksonville. She was also pursuing other accounts to make the deal even sweeter.

  Her cell phone rang just as she got to her car. She pulled it out of her purse and looked at the screen. Her boss’s number.

  “Hey, Roxanne,” she answered, and unlocked her car.

  “Hi, Erin, do you have a second?”

  “Yes, I just wrapped up the meeting with the hospital.”

  “Good. How did it go?” Eagerness crept into Roxanne’s voice.

  “Really well. I think they’ll consider us for their marketing campaign. I’m going to put together a proposal and get it to them early next week. I think we’ll be really close to justifying opening the Jacksonville office.”

  “Any headway on getting marketing business from the Gators?”

  “Not yet. I haven’t approached them. I’m working other leads. But I am going to meet with the PR team for the Jaguars next week.”

  “When next week?”

  “Tuesday, I believe. I have to check my calendar.”


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