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Pursuit Page 10

by Chance, Lynda

  She tried to sit up but the effort was too much and she fell back against the pillows.

  Logan shut and locked the door, and Lauren saw him carrying grocery bags. He dropped a twelve-pack of Diet Coke on the kitchen counter before he stopped at the coffee table that sat in front of her, and began unloading his booty. He had four cans each of three different brands of chicken noodle soup.

  How much could he possibly think she could eat? Watching him in amazement, she glanced up at his face but he showed no expression as he continued to unload the sacks. There was Gatorade and protein water, vitamin-C tablets, five more bottles of assorted over-the-counter medicines, a heating pad, and in a box, a humidifier. A humidifier? She finally found her voice. “How much did you spend?”

  He glanced up from what he was doing. “You don’t need to worry about it. You need to get well.”

  She watched as he wadded up the plastic sacks and then came to the last one. Inside were five paperback books and a stack of magazines. Through the remaining remnants of fever, her head began to spin. Trying to come to terms with everything he’d bought and the care and thought he’d put into the project, she began to get even dizzier.

  She looked back at him and found his gaze on hers once again. His hand went to her forehead and with a gentle touch, he grazed the back of his fingers across her skin. His expression contained worry, the lines of his face taut with strain. “Are you feeling any better yet? Did your fever break?”

  She stared back at him, but speaking was beyond her. She was so taken aback by the concern and care he couldn’t hide. This was just one more aspect of his personality that she was seeing, whether he wanted her to see it or not.

  She sucked in a ragged breath.

  She had one thought and one thought only.

  She was falling in love with the Neanderthal.


  During the evening and night, Logan fed her soup and made her drink Gatorade and lots of water. Lauren knew he’d called someone, she suspected it was his mother, because she’d heard him talking on the phone. After that, he timed her medicine and alternated between giving her ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

  He took care of her, and she left any worries she might have had to him. Since the following day was Friday, she already knew she wasn’t going in to work, and so did her immediate boss. It had been more than obvious when Lauren had left with chills and a fever and he had called out, “See you Monday.” She knew he didn’t want her spreading what she had all over the office.

  So Lauren alternated between sleeping through the evening and night, and being taken care of by Logan. All she had to do on her own was pick her way to the bathroom, and a couple of times, she hadn’t even had to do that. He’d lifted her up when she’d swayed a little too much for his liking, and deposited her in the bathroom and closed the door. He’d been there waiting for her, ready to carry her back after she opened the door.

  They watched some television together, and at about midnight, he carried her through to the bedroom and held her as she slept.

  Lauren couldn’t ever remember having had so much fun being sick. She reveled in his care; she luxuriated in the undivided attention he was showing her. Nothing anyone had ever done for her had ever felt so … compelling.

  The next morning when she realized that he wasn’t going to go to work, she rebelled against that. “I’m okay. I’m going to live. Please go to work.”

  He frowned in obvious agitation. “Your fever might flare up again.”

  “I just took the ibuprofen. I’ll take some more meds in a couple of hours, okay?”

  He watched her as if debating the idea. “I think you still need me.”

  God, yes, she needed him. “I’ll be fine.” She watched him warily, a thousand emotions bouncing around in her head. “You can come back after work if you want.”

  He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “That’s a given, baby.”


  Lauren went back to work on Monday but was slow to fully get her strength back. Two weeks later, however, she was full steam ahead. She’d laid low at work, put a lot of stuff on the back burner as she recovered from what she guessed was a mild case of the flu. Then one day, feeling much better, she took a look at her upcoming calendar and almost flipped out. She had a full schedule packed into the next ten days or so, starting with an out of town trip.

  Logan took her out to dinner that evening, and after they’d eaten and she’d delayed as long as she could, she lowered the boom on him. After she told him about the trip, he turned in his seat to stare down at her. He said nothing for a moment, as if not trusting himself to speak.

  The waiter walked by, and Logan motioned for the check with a jerk of his hand. Every motion of his body indicated his heightened stress level.

  “Logan, you’re overreacting,” Lauren chided softly.

  “Am I?” he asked, staring across the restaurant, out the windows, looking everywhere else but not at her while he drummed his fingers on the table.

  “Yes. It’s no big deal, really, I’ll be home before you know it,” she tried to soothe.

  “I don’t think you understand,” he said flatly as he turned to look at her.

  Oh, Lauren was pretty sure she did understand and told him so in no uncertain terms. “I understand that you don’t trust me.”

  The look he gave her was piercing. “I trust you. I don’t trust all the motherfuckers out there who want to sleep with you, got that?”

  “Then you don’t trust me,” she reiterated.

  “No, it’s two entirely different things,” he said through pinched lips.

  “How do you figure?” she asked.

  Instead of answering, he continued to drum his fingers on the table as he stared at her. His eyes were deep, velvety brown, and the look in them was a little wild. “Three o’clock, Lauren,” he said succinctly, apropos of absolutely nothing as far as Lauren could tell.

  Lauren licked her lips. “What?”

  “Three. Fucking. O’clock,” he said through gritted teeth.

  She shook her head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “The guy at the table in front of us, positioned at three o’clock.”

  Lauren turned her head to the left and Logan emitted a strangled groan. “That’s nine o’clock, babe. Look the other way. He’s wearing a blue and white striped shirt.”

  Lauren turned her head and felt a frisson of shock that there really was a guy, in a blue and white shirt, staring straight at her. She averted her eyes and glanced away. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind that her face had turned an interesting shade of red.

  “He’s been watching you all fucking night. And you didn’t even notice, did you?”

  “No.” How the hell could she have noticed? Why the hell would she have noticed when Logan Crenshaw was sitting next to her?

  “That’s the kind of shit I’m talking about. I trust you, babe.” He tilted his head toward the table across the restaurant. “It’s them I don’t trust.”

  Logan’s features were grim; he wore the familiar mask that covered his features when he was barely holding onto his control. Lauren took another swift glance at the guy. “He’s with a woman.”

  “Yeah, he is, you know what that makes him?”

  “An asshole? A douche bag?” She threw out recklessly.

  “I’m serious,” he snapped.

  “So am I.” She thought about it a bit more. “Okay, so it makes him a cheater, probably unfaithful.”

  “Yeah, and that’s at the least. At the worst the motherfucker is a predator.”

  “I’m not in danger, Logan. You’re sitting right beside me and besides, he wouldn’t just dump that woman he’s with.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past him. And hell no, you’re not in danger while I’m with you.” He reached down and pulled her face toward his and lifted it until she was looking at him. “And that’s my point entirely. You keep running off here and there and everywhere, someday, you mig
ht get hurt. You don’t take the time to notice what’s going on around you, Lauren. You think the world is peaches and cream and that the bad people live far, far away when in fact, they’re all around you.”

  “What do you want me to do?” She felt a stab of both anger and helplessness. She suppressed the helplessness that wouldn’t get her crap and she focused on her anger. “You’re not upset about that guy over there. You’re angry about my job. But what the hell am I supposed to do? It’s. My. Job. I don’t have a choice. You’re acting as if I’m just out for a good time, running around to happy hour here and there, jetting to this city and that. That’s not what I’m doing. I’m earning a freakin’ living here, Logan, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  At the end of her tirade, the server brought the bill and Logan took care of it in silence. He encapsulated her wrist in his hand and brought her to her feet. Looking down at her as they stood beside the table, he kissed her, long and hard, and Lauren knew he did it just to prove a point to the anonymous man who watched them.

  But still, audience or no audience, she couldn’t help it; she melted in his arms.

  He ended the kiss and his eyes blazed down into hers. “We’ll finish this at the house.”

  Lauren’s pulse skyrocketed and she didn’t know if she couldn’t wait to get there or if she dreaded it altogether.


  The drive to his house was silent, but he held her hand gripped tightly in his, his thumb running around making circles on her flesh.

  It felt as if he was marking her, branding her, forcing her not to forget who she sat next to.

  Like she could possibly forget.

  She swallowed hard as he led her inside, and her palms became sweaty and the moisture between her legs built. She was excited; she couldn’t deny it. There was no question that he excited her when he acted like this.

  He led her through the darkened house, not taking the time to turn any lights on. She followed helplessly behind him, her hand encapsulated within his grasp.

  When they arrived at the master bedroom, he shut and locked the door and pulled her into his arms. He leaned back against the closed door, and wrapped his arms around her waist, spread his legs wide and brought her in, close to him.

  The room was dark, the quarter moon supplying the only light coming in from the sheer curtains and Lauren breathed heavily while she waited for her eyes to adjust to the dimness that surrounded them.

  He slid his hands down to the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head and tossed it away. Lights exploded in Lauren’s head and her heart pounded an erratic rhythm.

  He unsnapped her bra, and pushed it apart. Slipping his t-shirt over his head, he brought her torso back to his, their now naked skin hot against one another. Lauren felt the impact as a current of electricity bolted down her spine. His hand slid into her hair and clenched tightly around her skull. “Have you figured out why they look at you?”

  At the sound of his rough voice and the controlling movement of his hand on her scalp, Lauren began to softly pant. Jesus, she couldn’t figure out if she loved his jealousy or if she hated it. Okay. Loved it, yeah, she loved it.

  “It’s the same reason your motherfucking boss wants you for all the trips, wants you to take the clients out to dinner, wants you to entertain them at happy hour. You figure it out, babe?” She continued to pant, her breath coming in and out as he got on a roll and continued to bitch. She knew she should listen to him, but Christ, his skin was so hot and he smelled so good and it had been two days since they’d done it and her hormones were going crazy.

  When she remained silent, he pushed the bra off her arms and tossed it aside until she was completely naked on top. His thumb brushed once, twice, and then three times across her nipple and Lauren moaned and shifted her body closer to his, trying to align their crotches together.

  He groaned at her movements, but he was on some kind of a mission to get her to understand. “It’s because you’re beautiful. That’s the reason. Yeah, I know you’re smart. I’m not denying that. Obviously you’re intelligent and I’m sure you do a kickass job. But that ain’t it, babe. It’s because you’re fucking gorgeous and your cocksucking bosses are exploiting that fact.”

  Lauren thought she should probably take offense at what he was saying. But she was too far-gone; she was only hearing his jealousy, which, as much as she tried to deny it to herself, kind of excited her. And damn if what he was saying wasn’t exactly what Heidi told her all the time. So she really didn’t think she could be angry at the content of his words.

  But what the hell was she supposed to do about it? She wasn’t being sexually harassed in a way that made her think her job was on the line, even though, admittedly, she did get attention she didn’t want or enjoy. She wasn’t scared to go to work or to do the things they asked her to do. She was good at her job and she needed to eat. It wasn’t as if she could just quit tomorrow.

  She tightened her mouth and forcing herself to rein in her raging hormones, she pulled away from his arms. “I don’t have a fairy godmother,” she said.

  “What?” He made a grab at her but she stepped away and managed to elude him.

  She slid her arms up and attempted to cover her breasts while she held her hand to her mouth, trying to suppress her nerves. “I don’t have anyone to wave a magic wand over me or sprinkle stardust in my hair and supply me with clothes and stuff. I have to work. I need to eat. Pay my bills. That kind of crap. What exactly are you suggesting I do? Quit my very high-paying job just because my boss likes the way I look and thinks it might bring him some business? Besides, I can’t prove that. He’s never hit on me. He’s freakin’ in love with his wife. If anything, he sees me as a granddaughter. The dude is old, Logan. Yeah, maybe he thinks I’m sweet and pretty and that I know how to help the sales guys get customers to sign contracts. Go figure. It’s the world. It’s out there everywhere.”

  “Lauren—” He began to pull her back into his arms but she backed up a step.

  “Really. I’m asking you what the fuck do you really want from me, Logan?”

  His mouth clamped. “Come back here.”

  “No.” She took another step back and shook her head.

  He followed her, a dark mask clouding his countenance. “Come. Back. Here.”

  “No. And the truth of the matter is that you don’t know what you want, do you? You know I can’t quit my job.” Rancor sharpened her voice. “You’re just pissed because I have a life that doesn’t include you.”

  “That’s not it,” he intoned harshly, both accusation and a threat of punishment glittering in his eyes.

  Lauren took another step backwards, wondering what kind of fire she was playing with. “I think it is.”

  He took a menacing, sexual step forward. “You’d be wrong.”

  Lauren swung away and hadn’t taken two strides before he pounced on her.

  Chapter Seven

  Logan’s hands sank into Lauren’s hips and he lifted her from behind and carried her, vertically, to the bed. He twisted her around, tossed her on her back and followed her down.

  He loomed over her and something intense flared between them as they stared into each other’s eyes. They panted together; they were so close together that they pulled in each other’s oxygen. His gaze raked over her naked chest and without hesitation, he reached down and stripped her skirt and underwear from her body, leaving her completely nude.

  Lauren’s heart beat erratically as her body filled with a pulsing heat that held her in its grip. Logan’s cheekbones tinged a deep red as he caged her in, and the tic in his jaw began throbbing, proving his involvement in the moment. The air around them electrified and her heart lurched with excitement.

  He rose to his knees and then to his feet and shrugged out of his remaining clothes, never taking his eyes away from her. He came back to her fully naked, and Lauren began to feel a mild panic as he began to lift her leg to the position over his arm that he seemed to favor so much. “Stop,” she s

  He halted with effort, fire blazing from his narrowed eyes. His nostrils flared and he shook his head as if to clear it. “What the fuck, babe? You can’t be asking me to stop.”

  Lauren heard the pure agony in his voice and took a deep breath. God, no, she didn’t want him to stop. “I’m not asking you to stop. I’m telling you to get a condom.”

  With a rare moment of discomposure, he pulled away from her, a stream of obscenities leaving his mouth.

  Returning to her twenty seconds later, he crawled back on top of her and pushed her legs apart. He lifted her leg until it was hooked over his arm and his other hand grabbed her wrists and manacled them over her head. He leaned down and kissed her, his tongue going in deep, tasting the farthest recesses of her mouth. His lips continued to cover hers hungrily and as he tasted her, his erection lay hot and heavy on her stomach between them.

  His kiss suddenly became punishing, and Lauren’s heart skipped an extra beat as she realized the depth of the emotions conflicting him.

  He lifted his head and stared down at her. “Someday you’re not going to ask me to wear a rubber; you’re going to want my cum. You won’t be scared of it forever. I promise you that, babe. It’ll happen, mark my words.”

  What he was telling her was blowing her mind. Was he telling her that she was going to want his babies? Was he acting as if that was what he wanted as well? Lauren shuddered as he began to push inside, his manhood long and thick and probing.

  He stopped just an inch inside of her, at the place where he stretched her, at the place where she desperately needed him to go farther. Her eyelids closed but he wouldn’t have it. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  Lauren’s pulse skittered as she opened her eyes. His mouth was flattened, as if he were fighting his arousal, trying to prove a point to her. “I get that you have to go out of town.” His fist released her hands and he sank his fingers into her scalp, holding her hostage. “I get that you have to have a job,” he growled, “for now.” His lips pulled over his teeth in a snarl. “But that doesn’t mean that I have to like it.”


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