Dissolute Resorts Las Vegas

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by J. Richards

  Dissolute Resorts

  Las Vegas

  By J. Richards

  Copyright © 2017 by J. Richards

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Reader note: contains adult language and casual sex situation.

  J. Richards


  Editor: Avril Stepowski/Ave’s Edit Service

  Cover Design: JC Clarke of The Graphics Shed

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017


  To a dear friend, who was taken from us far too soon.


  I know you’re smiling down on us. Hugging your loved ones and shining light on those of us who are stuck in dark times. Your kind words and thoughtfulness is something I’ll carry with me forever and always.

  Until we meet again, sweet lady, I love you my friend and pray that you are finally at peace.


  About the Author

  I'm J. Richards, a twenty-eight-year-old mother and wife. I like to joke that I am a Yankee born, southern raised, Cali Girl.

  One of the pleasures of being a military spouse is being able to travel and live around this great country of ours. I was born in a small town in New Hampshire and moved to North Carolina when I was eighteen to marry the man of my dreams. Shortly after, we were stationed in Central Georgia and I met so many new and exciting people.

  Against all odds and the doubts of many, we have been happily married for nine years and are raising one wild child.

  I have always loved reading and enjoy writing the stories I want to read. In 2015, with encouragement from a friend, I submitted a short story to a publisher (Etopia Press) and was beyond surprised when they wished to publish the title “Yes, Sir”.

  More than anything, I love each and every one of my readers and greatly appreciate the time people take to leave me reviews and offer feedback on my work. I know everyone says "without you, I wouldn't be who I am," but it’s more than true. If the feedback I've received wasn't as great as it is, or the support I've been blessed with wasn't there, I'm not sure I would have kept pushing to bring you more titles.

  Keep checking up on me, I have lots more in store for you!

  Author Links






  J. Richards Titles Published by EtopiaPress

  Yes, Sir

  Burning Submission

  An Agitated Gentleman


  Drenched in Dominance

  Soaked in Pleasure

  Dripping in Desire

  Self-Published Titles

  The Hunted Fox – A Submissive’s Game

  My Best Friend’s Soldier

  Boy Toy

  Erotic Delusions

  Dissolute Resorts

  Dissolute Resorts Denver

  Freak Show

  River Submission

  Table of Contents












  The End.


  I met a man on a vacation I didn’t even want to go on. By met, I mean I was drunk, fell into the ocean and he saved my life. His name is Darius Williams, the owner of all five Dissolute Resorts worldwide, and the sweetest man I’ve never known. Our relationship began in Cancun, Mexico but so much has happened since then.

  Darius is kind of a big deal and that’s even before we start talking about his sinfully tall, dark, and handsome looks. Darius is well over six feet tall and built like an NFL quarterback, all defined muscles made sexier by the milk chocolate tone of his skin. He has these amazingly lean set of abdominals that just beg for my tongue to trace their outlined six pack and below that, Lord have mercy on my soul, but the boy is hung. Like, seriously hung. His bald head and wide shoulders make him appear intimidating until he smiles that brilliant smile of his that weakens the knees of any female seeing it.

  I probably fell in love with him the night we met but I didn’t know it. Or didn’t allow myself to admit it since he was just supposed to be a vacation fling. I was so broken when we met that any attention given to me by the opposite sex felt immeasurable. He didn’t just pay attention to me though, he sought out the pain in my soul and healed it with patience and honesty.

  I spent that first weekend being spoiled by him and thought maybe he treated all the girls he rescued like that, but four months after the weekend ended, he invited me to spend another weekend with him, this time at his resort in Denver, Colorado. It was then, while soaking in a hot tub under the snow-covered stars, that he told me I was special to him and that he wanted to build a real relationship with me.

  With me! The drunken mess he’d plucked out of the ocean.

  I was no longer the abused, sad girl he met in Cancun, though. No longer the girl who was looking for vacation sex to drown out the miseries of her reality. I had now grown into the toned, brave, and brilliant woman that his kindness had given me the permission to blossom into. It sounds weird to say that, but it’s the truth. It was as if before we met, the real Evie Parks was hidden under the weight of my own expectations and Darius took the time to peel free the layers of self-doubt and reveal the true me underneath.

  Just like before, the weekend with him passed too quickly with cocktails and late nights filled with him fucking me senseless. People say they need a day between Saturday and Sunday and that is never more true than when I’m in Darius’ arms for a weekend.

  My best friend Lilly and her gay “husband”, Jimmy, had accompanied me to Denver and the three of us had plans to meet Darius again in November for the Thanksgiving holiday at his Las Vegas Resort.

  Until then I was learning how to be a long-distance girlfriend and video sex vixen. Thanksgiving isn’t far off now and I’m counting down the seconds until I see my sexy man again. I wonder what he’ll have in store for me this go ‘round.



  The Gallery is quiet today, matching the world outside my work place. No appointments are scheduled, there isn’t even a showing on the books for two more days. The phone hasn’t rung even once since I unlocked the door, and yet, here I sit. At my desk, twirling around in circles in my office chair, just counting down the long ass minutes that’ll turn into even longer hours until I can clock out.

  The weeks of November are always really slow for The Gallery. Starting the week after Thanksgiving artists and clientele start booking showing after showing and holiday party after holiday party. A whirlwind of artists and buyers, paintings and champagne, that always forces me to end up looking like a crazy person trying to keep all of t
he details straight for each event during the super busy holiday season. I’ll have the pleasure of skipping out on the rush this year.

  No fully booked holiday themed events for me this year. I’ll be in sunny Las Vegas with my man and two B.F.F.’s. Only four more days until my scheduled vacation can begin and someone else can spend nights looming over my carefully sketched out planner.

  Rain drizzles down the windows to puddle on the sidewalks, not a single person is walking out there today. The sky is grey and pouty, making me feel even more restless and alone in here where time has frozen in place. A growl of thunder shakes the glass panes at the same time as a burst of wind blows the leaves from the perfectly planted trees lining the sidewalk. A few colored leaves stick to the rainy glass for a moment before blowing away with the rest of their friends.

  I lean back in the chair and let my head roll side to side, stretching out my neck. Last night’s work out with Lilly has my shoulders incredibly tense. They are tight enough that I can feel my neck bones popping back into place as my head lolls from side to side. After a few more slow rolls, I glare at the clock on the wall again.

  I need to do something or I’ll go insane watching that clock move like molasses. Pushing out of my chair, I meander to the small closet by the front door and pull out the dusting rag. I’ve already wiped down all of the exhibits this morning before I opened the doors but dust is relentless and I’m sure I can find a bunny or two.

  Lazily, I stroll up and down the long, empty hallways swatting the cloth at the white walls while listening to my high heels make pretty little clacking sounds on the tiled floor. I can vaguely hear notes of music coming from the front of the Gallery and pause to tilt my ear in that direction.

  The beat is familiar, but whatever is playing the soft notes begins to replay only a small section of the song. Then it dawns on me, it’s my cell phone! I skip back to the front desk, happy to welcome something that will pass the minutes. I throw my body back into the chair and grab the desk to stop myself from rolling by. My phone is buzzing around the surface of my giant receptionist desk and I grin at the picture of Darius flashing up at me.

  “Hello!” I squeak a bit breathlessly. Running in heel’s is a lot easier now that I work out in them for my pole fitness class several times a week but catching myself in the rolling chair always spikes my heart rate. One of these days, I just know I’m going to miss the edge of the desk and the chair is going to dump me out, ass over bandbox.

  “Busy day, angel?” I settle back into the chair with a smile for the pet name he’s given me. Before meeting Darius, I never would have thought of myself as an angel of any sort but I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am his angel. In every way that he wants me to be.

  “Just the opposite, actually. I am dying of boredom.” He chuckles through the ear piece and it makes my skin tingle. His voice is always deep and sexy, but his laugh is more than just sexy. It travels down my spine and wakes up every nerve in my lower body, dampening my panties and making me squirm.

  “We can’t have that, now can we? Mind if I keep you on the phone for a bit then?” Silly question. I live for his phone calls. Every one of them. Now that we are officially dating, I know, so crazy, right? Anyway, now that we are dating he calls me every night to say good night. We usually end up having some seriously hot phone sex and then I fall asleep like a rock and wake up to a text message from him telling me how beautiful he thinks I am or how much he misses the angles of my face.

  I’ve never masturbated so much in my life, but with Darius telling me how and when to touch myself, it doesn’t feel as naughty as I used to think it was. I still struggle with some aspects of my old, second guessing myself personality, but exploring my own body under his guidance has my confidence growing even more. I know just how to curl my fingers to find and stroke my g-spot now and I know just the right speed to rub my clit to make me explode in a record breaking orgasm.

  “I would love it.” The front door to The Gallery opens then with the chime of the little bells hanging over it and a gust of autumn wind and rain. “Oh, just a minute.” I grind my teeth, hating that whoever is here waited until just now to show up. I lower the phone into my lap and offer a fake smile to the wet man entering my work place. “Hi there, welcome to The Gallery. How may I help you?”

  The man is carrying a brown box just big enough to fill both of his hands. “I have a delivery for,” He looks down at the top of the rain splattered box and then up at me. “A Miss Evie Parks.”

  “That’d be me.” It’s not unusual, really. Boxes are delivered here all day long, just not normally to me. I stand up, laying my phone down to reach across the desk and accept the soggy box.

  “Great. I’ll just need you to sign here, please.” He holds out a clip board equally wet with today’s weather and I scrawl my name in the place where his finger points. “Thanks. Have a good day.”

  “You, too.” I half wave at his back then pick my phone up again. I wait for the door to close behind him before speaking to Darius. “Sorry ‘bout that.” Turning the box over with one hand, I look for a shipping label or something that’ll tell me where or who it’s from but there is none of either. It’s just a simple brown box that weighs almost nothing.

  “It’s alright. Was something delivered to you?” He asks with a thick undertone to his voice. It’s the same heaviness that comes over his voice when we are phone fucking at night. My legs press together and I rub my thighs against each other. Is it awful that I’m getting turned on at work?

  “Yeah actually, I did. The poor delivery guy was all wet.” I pinch the phone between my ear and shoulder to have the use of both my hands and pick up the letter opener from a cup on my desk. I stab it into the tape sealing the box closed and drag it down to let the flaps pop open.

  “Mmm,” He moans and my eyebrow raises as I lift the top open more to look inside. It’s filled with pale purple tissue paper. The same color that covered my last surprise gift from Darius. “I’m hoping that you’ll be wet as well.”

  “I’m not going out in the rain.” I scoff and then ask, “Is this from you?”

  “Unless someone else sent you something today as well, then yes. Also, I wasn’t talking about the weather, Evie.” I can hear the smile in his voice. My eyes clamp shut and the heel of my hand bonks my forehead. The sex pun flew right over my head. I feel like a dork and decide to ignore my blunder and move forward.

  “What is it?” I ask equally as stupidly while plucking at the thin paper inside.

  “Can you turn your video calling on please, angel? I’d like to see your face as you open the gift.”

  “Oh,” I lift my hand to move the phone from my shoulder then press my thumb over the green video camera button. I swipe it sideways across the screen and after a few seconds of scrolling dots, Darius appears in my hand. He’s shirtless and the bright sun is shining over his shoulders, making his skin look as delicious as a milk chocolate bar.

  “Ahh, there’s my girl.” He smiles and I feel a blush burning over my pale cheeks.

  “Where are you? It’s so sunny!” A bite of jealousy sneaks into my voice over the fact that he is bathed in the heat of the sun when I’m practically drowning in this dreary rain. I hold the phone up higher to locate the angle that makes my face look best. My long blond hair is tied up in a sock bun at the very top of my head, making my face look thinner than when its down around my shoulder. My make-up is light and appropriate for my position during the day. During night events at The Gallery, I wear much thicker eyeliner and bright colors over my eye lids. Turning myself into just another art piece that’s displayed within these walls.

  “I landed in Vegas early this morning and just got into my room. I’m missing you terribly today and thought I’d surprise you in the best way I could think of, from way out here, that is.”

  “You’re so far away.” I push out my lips in a pout. “And in just what way are you surprising me, from all the way out there?” My eyebrows lift in que
stion and his chin nods to indicate the box I just received.

  “Open it, please, angel.” Holding the phone out so that Darius can continue looking at me while I pull out the rest of the tissue paper with one hand, I lean over the open box and gasp. My eyes flick up to my phone’s screen as I press my lips together when I realize what’s inside.

  A vibrator!

  A big, purple, expensive vibrator.

  With a little part that looks like it would hug my clit with each and every stroke of my hand.

  “Darius!” My eyes are wild with excitement and a touch of anxiety when I look at myself in the small square on my phone’s screen.

  “I want to watch you come, Evie.” I’m stunned by his words and by his special delivery. We’ve been having phone sex a lot since I left Colorado but never on video calling or while I was at fucking work. He tilts his phone down, giving me a view of his hand on his painfully hard cock. His thick shaft fills his hand and his cock head is a beautiful purple color with its need for release.

  “Oh, my God.” I gush. My knees get weak at the sight and I drop back down into my chair. “Darius, I’m at work!” I think my cheeks are as red as a firetruck but I can’t pull my eyes away from where he fills the phone’s screen long enough to confirm for sure. I cross my legs, feeling the telling squish in my panties that confirms he has indeed made me very wet.

  “I know.” He grunts as his hand slowly moves up and down his long, black cock. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, angel.” My tongue swipes over my suddenly dry lips while I’m hypnotized by the sight in front of me. “But I need you to be here with me while I jack off for you.” His breath catches, making mine hitch. My thighs clench tighter and heat floods into my system.

  I glance at the front door and out the windows, there’s still no one outside. No shoppers shopping or people walking their dogs. No one. My gaze then falls on the box with my gift lying inside. I could lock the door and slip into the break room. My body shifts in my seat as I become more and more needy for the cock in my boyfriend’s hand. Another spike of jealousy rolls through my heated system. I want it to be my hand jacking Darius’s beautiful cock instead of his. I want it to be him who is about to slip that new toy into my body, not me.


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