Spellbound with Sly

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Spellbound with Sly Page 23

by Shelley Munro

  “Sly,” Liam said hoarsely.

  Sly turned toward Liam’s voice.

  “Your eyes,” Liam whispered. “They’ve turned a deep blue. I can see pinpricks of stars. Are you truly blind?” He sounded broken.

  Sly swallowed. Time to admit the truth. “I can’t see you. All I see is the night sky.”

  Clothing rustled, and Liam’s fingers curled around Sly’s forearm. “I’m so sorry. I’d undo it if it were possible.” Liam’s voice broke.

  His feline pushed in his mind, grabbing Sly’s attention. “Stand back and give me room to shift. Shifting to feline helps heal injuries quicker. Perhaps it will repair my sight.”

  Liam stepped away and Cinnabar released his hand. Sly fumbled with his footwear and clothing. A frustrating process. He’d never realized how much he relied on his eyes.

  Eventually, he stripped and called up his feline. The beast stretched beneath his skin until the pressure grew painful. His bones in his body, his face, popped and crackled as they changed shape. A grunt escaped him, and a memory from the past flickered into prominence.

  Don’t fight the change, son. It makes it more painful. More chance of getting caught in between.

  His father. Peace fell over him and Sly ceased struggling. He relaxed, and the transformation flowed through his body. He toppled forward and big paws held him steady. He flicked his tail and opened his eyes.

  His vision…he was still blind.

  A hand stroked along his back, soft and tentative. The floral and spicy scent told him it was Cinnabar. A purr erupted, her touch diverting the tendrils of panic threatening to overtake him. She repeated the caress over his shoulder.

  “Did that help?” Liam asked.

  Unable to communicate in this form, Sly gave a testy growl and shook his head.

  “I have a suggestion to get around the spell,” Calvin said from Sly’s right. “It’s not perfect but it might help until Liam and I can research for a way to break Iseabal’s spell.”

  “Do it,” Cinnabar said.

  Despite the circumstances, Sly wanted to smile. She hadn’t realized it yet, but she was ordering around a king.

  “Hold still,” Calvin warned. “This might burn.”

  Sly caught a whiff of pungent amber seconds before a blast of energy seared him. A snarl ripped up his throat. The energy ball consumed the air, and a sneeze erupted from him. His eyes watered and he blinked rapidly, and blinked again when the heat dispersed.

  “Sly, are you all right?” Cinnabar crouched beside him and ran her hand over his head. “Can you see?”

  Her face was wet with tears and he pressed his nose against hers, his tongue lashing out to gather a tear.

  “Your eyes. They’re green again.” Joy suffused her voice and she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.

  “It worked,” Liam said. “Hellfire, Calvin. Thank you for thinking of it. I thought…I thought Iseabal…” He shook his head, seeming young and broken. “It’s bad enough now. I don’t know how Sly can ever forgive us.”

  Sly gently shunted Cinnabar away and shifted to speak. His return shift wasn’t quite as painful. It was as if his body had taken time to remember his identity and abilities.

  As the transformation completed, his vision faded to midnight blue.

  “Sly! Sly!”

  That sounded like Joe. Thrilled, Sly turned in the direction of the shout, his feline rumbling at the familiar voice. “Liam, describe them.”

  “They resemble you,” Liam said.

  “Sly, your clothes,” Cinnabar said in a soft voice.

  “Hold still. I’ll dress you,” Calvin said. An instant later, clothes covered his body.


  “Sly, it really is you!” Joe sounded excited. Happy.

  Sly found himself in a solid embrace, the familiar scent of his twin filling his nostrils. Tears ran down his face, so great was his relief.

  “Sly, where the hell have you been? You vanished! We’ve been searching everywhere for you.”

  That sounded like Leo. Joe moved away and another hard hug told Sly he was right.

  “He was here?” Calvin asked, seeking confirmation of his theory.

  Leo stepped back.

  “Yeah,” Joe said in a who-the-hell-are-you tone. “You were in the Sleeping Beauty boudoir. What’s wrong with your eyes?”

  “He’s blind,” Cinnabar whispered, a distressed sob bubbling through. “It’s all my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Sly said gruffly, and slid his arm around her waist, relishing her closeness.

  “He’s right,” Calvin said.

  “These are my friends, King Liam from Seelie and King Calvin from Unseelie. And this is my girlfriend, Cinnabar. What’s a Sleeping Beauty boudoir?” he asked as an afterthought. He didn’t recall any Sleeping Beauty room at the resort.

  “You were unconscious. Have been for almost a month.” Joe sounded plain confused. “What happened to your eyes?”

  “Can we do this back at the resort?” Sly asked. “Then I can tell everyone at once.”

  “Sure.” Joe’s voice indicated he’d moved off.

  Cinnabar gripped Sly’s arm. “We’re walking uphill. I’ll try to describe the obstacles.”

  Joe must’ve heard her speak. When he spoke again, his voice sounded by Sly’s ear. “You really can’t see?”

  “I have vision while I’m in feline form.”

  “Well, that’s something.” Joe gripped his forearm. “God, Sly. I missed you so much, and I’ve been worried. Are they really your friends? Even the blue dude with the horns?”

  Cinnabar gasped.

  Behind him, Calvin chuckled. “I keep telling you. King Blue Dude with the Horns.”

  Sly took a step and tripped over a protruding stone. Joe hauled him back up.

  “Your lady is pretty,” Joe said.

  Sly imagined Cinnabar’s blush, and smiled. “I know. I’m glad she met me first.”

  “Where did you meet my brother?” Joe asked.

  “At the resort.”

  “Oh, wait. I remember. I saw you together,” Joe said.

  Sly grinned. “Yeah, you did. She is my mystery lady—the one who disappeared. It’s brilliant to be back home.”

  “I’m the handsome twin,” Joe said. “You should have bypassed Sly and headed straight to me.”

  Calvin snorted from behind. Liam snickered. Or it might have been the other way around.

  “Sly is fine for me,” Cinnabar replied. “I like him.”

  “He snores,” Joe said.

  “No, he doesn’t,” Cinnabar protested.

  Sly smiled again, this time in Joe’s direction, and promptly tripped.

  “He really is blind.” Leo sounded surprised.

  “You tripped him on purpose,” Cinnabar accused. “I saw you stick out your foot.”

  “I’m sorry,” Leo said. “I thought Sly was joking.”

  “Not kidding,” Sly said drily. A fact that was only starting to sink into his mind.

  “Saber is coming,” Joe said.

  “Look who we found,” Leo called.

  “Where did you get those clothes?” Saber asked. “Where have you been? We’ve been turning the resort upside down to find you.”

  “Calvin, what did you dress me in?”

  Liam chuckled. “The clothes you were wearing when we left the castle. They’re different from those of your brothers. Now I understand why you complained about Iseabal’s suits.”

  “Saber, can you call everyone together?” Sly asked. “I’d like to introduce my friends and tell my story just the once.”

  The story took a while, but Sly managed to answer all the questions with help from Cinnabar, Liam and Calvin.

  “You’ll never regain your eyesight, son?” Ma asked, and her tone told Sly of her concern.

  “Not when I’m in human form,” Sly answered. It hurt to push out the words, yet he’d do it all over again. He didn’t regret helping Cinnabar. She had suff
ered more than him. For an instant, he worried his handicap might repulse her, or she’d prefer Joe or one of his cousins. He’d need to ask her, set his mind to rest.

  The last thing he wanted was her sympathy.

  “There is hope yet,” Liam said. “Calvin and I will search for a spell to restore your sight and check with the medicine crones. I refuse to let Iseabal win this war.”

  “We intend to search every alternative,” Calvin agreed, his tone determined. “We can’t promise a cure, but we will try everything, including interrogating Iseabal again.”

  “Young man, I will cook you a special meal every week if you can restore my son’s sight,” Ma said.

  There was a brief silence, and Sly imagined his two friends exchanging a glance.

  “That sounds delightful,” Calvin said, and he sounded sincere.

  “It does,” Liam agreed. “It will give us a chance to get to know Sly’s brothers and sister better. I’m sorry we missed Scarlett during this visit. Sly has told us much about her and her liking of rocks, and about the rest of your family, of course.”

  Sly snorted, and Cinnabar giggled, the warmth of her body seeping into his side.

  Mate. Mate. His feline twisted beneath his skin. Cinnabar might be his mate—hell, she was his mate. Now that he’d returned to his world, he knew it for certain. No. Stick to his plan. A slow courtship. Give her a taste of freedom, a chance to learn herself. He wanted that for her.

  To give her a choice.

  At absolute worst, he had a friend.

  And with his new handicap… Yeah, the future might suck for him.

  “Young man, your sister sounds like a terrible woman. Are you sure that bottle is strong enough to hold her?”

  Sly smiled inwardly. Only his mother would dare lecture a king.

  “Calvin and I will take it back to Seelie for safekeeping,” Liam promised.

  Over two hours later, after Ma had fluffed around after him and shed tears on him, Liam and Calvin departed with promises to visit. Saber allocated Cinnabar a room in the staff area, and Joe led them to her new quarters.

  “Do you want to show Cinnabar around the resort by yourself or would you like me to come with you?” Joe asked.

  “Cinnabar has been here before. I’ll shift so I can see. Is that okay, sweetheart?”

  “Of course,” Cinnabar said. “I’ll unpack our clothes while you speak with your brother.”

  “Where are your bags?” Joe asked.

  Cinnabar patted her bag, or at least it sounded like it to Sly.

  “Show Joe,” Sly said. “Start unpacking.”

  Sly cocked his head, listening and letting his imagination roam. It was easy to picture his brother’s shock.

  An instant later, Joe whistled. “Have you taken to wearing lacy bits of nothing, Sly?”

  “Not that,” Cinnabar said, her tone half-horrified and half-embarrassed. “That’s mine. Here. This is one of Sly’s suits.”

  Sly grinned at his brother’s teasing. “You didn’t tell me you’d packed lace.”

  “Shush,” Cinnabar said, sounding mortified.

  “It’s hard to believe this princess spirited you away. Lucky for you we’re shifters and she didn’t realize we are dual-natured. We’re fortunate that part of you remained at the resort. I admit it.” Joe cleared his throat. “I was worried. I thought you’d die. It was better after we did the Sleeping Beauty thing.”

  “It’s no wonder my mouth was sore, with all that kissing. The servants gave me salve to help the dryness.”

  Joe gripped his shoulder. “I didn’t know what else to do. But on the plus side, we have enough currency to purchase cattle.”

  “Really? I fetched that much? That’s brilliant. We’ll research the Scothage people on the mainland to learn more before we approach them. Liam has contacts too.”

  “King Liam and King Calvin both gave me message globes. We can contact them at any time,” Cinnabar said.

  “I liked them,” Joe said.

  “They’re first-rate men, although Scarlett should take care if she wishes to remain single. They were disappointed to miss her. Cinnabar, are you ready to go for a walk?”

  “Wait, I need to change my gown.”

  “Whoa,” Joe said. “How did you do that? I didn’t see a bit of skin.”

  “Magic,” Cinnabar said. “My magic isn’t powerful, but I can do the basics.”

  “You’d better not have seen anything,” Sly growled.

  “I’ll collect you both for dinner. Eva and Ma are organizing a celebration meal for you and Cinnabar.”

  “For me?” Shock and disbelief colored Cinnabar’s words.

  He fumbled for her hand and squeezed it. “You’re my girlfriend. They want to get to know you and introduce you to the rest of the relations.”


  The wonder in her voice caused a constriction in his throat. She hadn’t received the same opportunities as him. He’d make up for that lack.

  “Catch ya later, bro,” Joe said. “Don’t disappear again. My heart can’t take it.”

  “Promise,” Sly said with feeling.

  His brother strode from the room, his footsteps sure and confident.

  “I like your family, although your big brother is scary.”



  “He has a lot of responsibility. Eva, his mate, is perfect for him. Can you magic off my clothes for me? Pack them in your bag, so I can dress—no wait. We’ll stop by the bungalow I share with Joe and pick up shorts and a T-shirt.”

  An instant later, he was naked. This time his shift was smoother, easier. And Cinnabar. She was so beautiful with her russet hair and bright blue eyes. They shone with tears. He wanted to say so much to her but it was impossible while in feline form. Instead, he licked her hand and ambled to the door. He waited for her to open it and led the way to the bungalow.

  With his clothes in Cinnabar’s magic bag, he trotted through the resort with Cinnabar at his side. The pink foliage seemed brighter than usual, the bark on the trees holding more texture. The scents. The panorama. He’d never appreciated them more.

  He headed to the private part of the beach reserved for family and staff. To his relief, it was empty. The briny scent filled his lungs and the gentle swish and retreat of waves soothed him.

  “It’s so pretty. I like the lake, but this is lovely,” Cinnabar said.

  Sly stood back and shifted, the lack of vision an abrupt shock. “Can you magic on my clothes for me?”

  “Of course.” Her bag rustled and clothes slid across his skin.

  His stomach did a twirl. Anxiety. Hell, he had it bad for her. If she didn’t want the same thing…

  No point dragging his feet. He’d ask her if he had a chance with her, if they might have a future. He sank downward until his backside met the warm sand. Cinnabar settled beside him, her body heat comfortable against his side.

  “Do you think you’ll want to stay here?”

  “If I’m allowed.”

  Sly floundered, unable to read her body language. “Of course you can stay. Even if you don’t want to be with me.”

  “You don’t want me?”

  “No. Yes. Wait, I can’t interpret your body language and it’s making it difficult for me.” Hell, he was making a mess of this. He sucked in a deep breath, hoping to quell his anxiety. “I want you to stay here at the resort, for you to be happy and safe and to choose the path of your future. The last thing I desire is for you to stay with me because of what Iseabal did.”

  She took his hand and squeezed it. “Sly, you gave up your vision for me. No one has ever cared about my well-being, but from the moment we met, you’ve shown me kindness and friendship. You gave me self-worth. Because of you, I’m no longer cursed to spend my life as an owl. I would be an idiot if I walked away from you.”

  “I’m blind.”

  “For now,” she said and her tone was determined as she squeezed his hand again. “King Liam and King
Calvin will find a way to restore your sight. I know they will. You stood with me when I was powerless, and I will do the same for you.”

  “But my blindness will make things difficult when I am in human form.”

  Her fingers tightened around his. “Stupid man. Don’t you understand? I am happiest when I’m with you. It doesn’t matter if you can see or not or if Iseabal managed to turn me back into an owl. My feelings for you won’t change. I love you, Sly.”

  Every muscle in Sly’s body relaxed. She loved him. Joy and contentment curved his lips to a smile. “I love you too. But I want to take things slowly, get to know you. I need to explain to you about feline mates and what it means. But most of all, I want you to enjoy your freedom.”

  “What will I do here? I can’t laze around while everyone else works.”

  “Don’t worry about that. If you want to do something useful, you can spend time with each of my brothers’ mates until you discover a job you enjoy. You can help Joe and me with our farm or Scarlett on reception once she returns. She’d love a helper, so she can concentrate on her jewelry.”

  “Oh, Sly. That sounds perfect.”

  To his relief, she sounded thrilled. She cupped his face and mashed her lips against his. He fell back against the sand, taking her with him, taking over the kiss.

  Hope. Love. A future.

  He tasted all these things in the kiss.

  He still intended to take things slowly, but now confidence filled him as he directed their kiss into tender and sweet. Cinnabar’s presence made him whole, despite his lack of sight. She gave him purpose. He was under no illusions. Adapting to his blindness would take time, and no doubt bring frustrations, but at least he had hope. Together, they’d beat Iseabal. Liam and Calvin would do their best to discover a way to restore his sight, plus he had Cinnabar. A beautiful woman full of courage, willing to stand at his side and love him as he loved her.

  The owl and the pussycat—the perfect mates.

  A match made in fairy tales.

  Note To Readers

  I hope you enjoyed reading Sly’s story. In the first version, I had Sly permanently blind, but my wonderful editor said, “You can’t leave him like that. You can’t let Princess Iseabal win!”


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