ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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ALIEN ROMANCE: Kalazaron Jaylin: SciFi Alien Abduction Invasion Pregnancy Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 13

by Maia Starr

  Why was I here being captive when the rest of my ship was killed off? I wondered if I were on the Kalazaron space ship or if we had landed on the actual planet of the Kalazaron. There was no way for me to know. There were no windows in this building. There was hardly any real light except for the glow of the holographic projections on the ceilings. I moved back to the front of the cage to see if I could see a door or an elevator or anything that would be a clue as to what this space was.

  As I moved I heard voices, deep male voices. I quickly moved to the corner of my cage and sat on the floor behind the bench. Maybe if I stayed quiet and unassuming they would just pass me without noticing my existence. I did not want to taken advantage of by a bunch of brutes having fun with these creatures.

  Then I overheard words that chilled me to the bone, “Master Bresh learned of a new female captive from the race of humans of Earth. He wants this to be your gift. You will need a slave to keep your house, as you will be busy. He did not want to give you a standard Kalazaron slave, so he wanted you to have this.”

  Could this be real? Had I really heard them say female slave? Was I a slave now? No, that could not be. I would not accept it. I was a scientist damn it. I would not be carted away to be some house slave for a Kalazaron brute. Two Kalazaron males stopped in front of my cage though I was hoping that there was another female human that they spoke of and that they would keep walking. I was surprised by what I saw when the light hit them. One was in a long robe of sorts, almost like a monk. The other one however was bare chested with leather like straps of sorts almost like a gun holster around his back and abdomen. There was long leather like black sleeves on his forearms from wrist to just below the elbow, the standard warrior wear of this warrior race of aliens. His hair was jet black and almost blue and longer than what I had seen on the military Kalazaron that had invaded our ship. His eyes were a light brown and he was actually an attractive specimen. But I could not think of such things at the moment, I could only think of hate.

  “Stand up,” the bare chested alien warrior said to me.

  “No,” I said letting him know that I would be no slave and no one would order me around, not even a simple command like stand up.

  “What are you doing?!” a loud voice echoed in the long hall and it was very familiar to me. I knew instantly that it was the commander that had taken my ship. I was frightened as I remembered his menacing grin as he had looked at me on the ship.

  “That one is mine. I am taking her now,” the voice continued to shout as the commander came into my view and stood beside the other two. What he said echoed in my ears, “that one is mine.” My heart went cold and I filled with fright. I belonged to no one, only myself, but that thought of belonging to that beast was unbearable. I would die first.

  Over the next few seconds I watched as the two warriors talked about my fate.

  I was pleasantly surprised at the humor of the attractive warrior. He was taking a shot at the commander by poking fun. I sort of liked that. The commander was my enemy too, and this warrior seemed to dislike him.

  But when the Commander got face to face with the other warrior I thought the commander was going to kill this warrior. He had no problem killing at whim. He was a dangerous Kalazaron. I knew that my fate would be an awful one if the Commander killed this Kalazaron warrior. I held my breath as I watched them.

  I quietly exhaled when I heard that the attractive male had more power than the terrifying commander. The commander dropped to his knee and said, “Consulate.” I quietly smiled at the sudden obedience. I knew that the Consulate had power here and I was glad for it. However, I was boiling with anger. How dare they all decide on my life and my future as though I was a piece of meat to be traded and given as a gift?! I wanted to stand up and get in their faces and demand my release, but I knew that would be foolish.

  I hoped that Commander Nankor Yun did not have a rightful claim on me. Was this because he was the one that captured me? I quickly looked to the Consulate for his words to rescue me. After much tension between them the Consulate convinced the Commander to leave us be and I was glad for it, for now.

  I did not want to be in the Commander’s presence any longer. I wanted to be far from him and to be forgotten.

  Then the Consulate did some strange scanning of me and I wanted to slap him away from me too, but then he reminded me of something very important as he said,

  “Do your duties in my house to keep it kept and that is all that I will ask of you, nothing more. Now, what will it be female human?”

  I didn’t have to think about it. With those two choices in front of me I knew exactly which one was the lesser of the two evils. I had also longed to see the city of Konthos. It would be a dream come true, only I did not imagine I would be a captive slave when I saw it. I had read about the Buildings of Order in my study, but I did not believe that such a place could actually exist. I sighed as I looked up into the eyes of the tall Kalazaron as he squatted down but still towered over me as I said, “Jade.”

  “Jade?” he asked.

  “That is my name, Jade,” I said as I placed my hand in his accepting his offer. As I did so he sucked in a sharp breath of air that almost startled me. He was quiet as he stared down at my hand. Then he looked back at me and said, “Jade. I am Consulate Dalik Moscurn, but Dalik you may call me.”

  Then he pulled up on my hand and lifted me to my feet as though there was magic in his hands. I followed him out of the cage into the long hall of the galaxy zoo. I was sad to see all these magnificent creatures in cages and felt guilt that I was suddenly free and not them. Though being a house slave was not exactly free. Soon we were in an elevator of sorts that went up, down, and sideways. It was more like a personal compartment on a high speed train. It was so fast that I could not see anything outside the glass than a blur. I was disappointed. I longed to see the city. Finally we stepped out of the compartment into a grand lobby of sorts. There were heavy guards.

  “Consulate Moscurn,” the guard bowed to my new master.

  “This is my new human slave. Tag her,” he said.

  “Tag? Whaa?” but Dalik gave me an angry look that made me quiet. The guard grabbed my arm and in a flash held a pen like instrument against it and pushed a button. I felt no pain, but I knew. They had put a tracking chip inside of me.

  “Done,” the guard said.

  “Let’s see it then,” Dalik said.

  The guard rubbed his hand over my forearm. I gasped as words suddenly appeared on my skin as though it was invisible ink activated by the warmth of their hands. The words read, “Property of Consulate Dalik Moscurn.”

  I looked up at my new owner and narrowed my eyes at him. He just grinned.

  “Come human, time you see your new home,” he said leading toward the clear glass tubes that seemed to stretch toward the heavens.

  “Consulate,” the guard said as he did some sort of salute that I had not seen until that moment. He pressed one hand against the middle of chest. It was very interesting and it wasn’t something that had been mentioned in my studies. As we stepped to the glass tube I realized that it was a very tall and fast elevator. The doors slid up and down vertically and met in the middle. They opened and Dalik stepped into the car and I followed. The doors closed and he pressed an object on the holographic screen.

  “Identify,” a voice said.

  “Dalik Moscurn,” he said out loud.

  “Voice recognition accepted,” the voice said and the elevator shot up. I was surprised by all of it. Dalik just looked at me as he cocked his head to the side, analyzing me. I felt like I had been standing there naked as he buried his stare into me.

  “Where are we?” I asked trying to make some sort of conversation out of my awkward and unusual situation.

  “The Buildings of Order, Building Bresh. It is named after our current leader Master Bresh,” he responded as he continued to look at me.

  “This is where you live?” I asked.

  “You ask a lot of inqu
iry for a human. Why?” he asked.

  “What? What do you mean?” I said putting my hand on my hip.

  “I have spoke to a few human males and females before from time to time and they do not inquire so much. They are quiet,” he said.

  “And are they slaves as well?” I said in my sassy tone.


  “Then that is why. They are probably full of fear to say anything except the least amount of speak possible.”

  “And you? You are not in fear then?”


  “Good,” he said as the doors opened. I followed him as he stepped out of the elevator into a long hall. I was confused as I looked at the long white hall. There were no doors or gates. It was simply a smooth wall.

  “We are on the very top of the building. This is where my living quarters are and now your living quarters.”

  “Where? This hall?” I said confused.

  “No, female human,” he laughed. He placed his hand on the wall and a light scanned his skin. “Access granted, Dalik Moscurn,” the voice said.

  Then the wall slid to the side revealing a door that quickly spiraled open. It was very advanced. It was more advanced than anything I had seen on Earth. Though it made sense for a warrior race of alien to have the best security.

  I followed him inside the door and it quickly shut behind me. I could hear the wall moving back into place. The light that filled the living quarters was unexpected to me. I don’t know what I expected. I guess a dark cave like place, but this was the exact opposite. It was all glass and high in the sky.

  “I don’t believe it,” I whispered as I stepped forward in amazement at what was before me. There it was. It was the vision that I had longed to see for so long…the city of Konthos. It was beautiful and almost unbelievable. I moved all the way to the tall glass window and pressed my palms against it. The city stretched as far as my eye could see into the distant cold blue of the land. Below the city looked like an ant farm in layers. The top layer was composed of flying vehicles along orderly lines. Then under that layer were buildings, some tall and some short. Then finally the bottom level was the street level filled with the Kalazaron going about their daily business. It was a thriving and lively place.

  “What is it?” Dalik asked.

  “It is just…breathtaking…” I said.

  “You cannot breath?” he said in a panic.

  “No, it is just an expression,” I said looking at him and seeing the panic on his face. I was suddenly flooded with warmth at his concern over me. However, he still looked at me confused.

  “I do not understand this…” he said.

  “It means, that you see something so beautiful that it feels like you cannot breath, but you still can breath,” I said as he locked eyes with me. He actually seemed touched by my words as he moved toward me, his blue body towering over me.

  “Then it can be said that Konthos pleases you,” Dalik asked.

  “Yes, very much,” I said as I looked out at the large city when something caught the corner of my eye. I moved to the edge of the living quarters and looked out toward the east. “What is that?” I looked down at massive blue blocks, but as I looked closer I realized what it was.

  “That is the shield of Kalazaron,” he said as he moved next to me. The massive blue blocks that I saw were actually battalions of Kalazaron warriors marching. It was an impressive sight but also very frightening. I realized that on Earth, they had greatly misinterpreted the great size of this great warrior nation. No wonder they kept surprising us. We knew that they were great warriors but we thought they were small tribes spread out on Kaethon. This now proved that they were so much more organized than that and a great warrior army. I shivered.

  “You must be cold. I have remembered that humans are not adapted to this cold planet as we are. Earth is hot,” Dalik said as he put his hand on my shoulder. Suddenly I was no longer thinking about the warrior army and the amazing view. I was only thinking about his cool hand on my warm skin. He smiled and as he did so his gaze shifted to his hand. As he lowered his head a piece of his thick blue black hair fell over his eyes. I restrained myself to not reach up and push it back into place. His light brown eyes seemed to change color and lighten to a gold as he looked at me. Then he quickly pulled his hand from me and said, “Come human. Let me show you the living quarters and your assignments.”

  “Jade,” I said. “Please call me Jade.”

  “Yes, of course. Apology,” he said as he moved toward the center of the room.

  “This is the basic,” he said.

  I looked around the vast room and asked, “The basic?”

  “Yes, the basics of the living space. The large table for meals and working is here. There is the seatings for guests and leisure,” he said as he pointed out what I would call a dining area and a living room but I said nothing, only smiled.

  “In the back here is meal preparation and water,” he said filling a cup of water and handing it to me. I was thirsty and hungry. Sensing this he pressed a button. A prepared meal on a dish appeared in the box. Then he moved to the back of the room to an empty wall and said, “This is my sleeping quarters behind this wall.”

  I was glad that he did not say ‘our’ sleeping quarters. Then he moved to the far side of the vast room near the east windows and pushed a button. The wall slid open and I followed him into a room where the lights automatically came on.

  “This is the slave washing room,” he said as I looked around the equivalent of the bathroom. There was a very large glass cube without a top lid that I could only assume was a bathtub of sorts. Then we walked back into the basic room.

  “Have any questions…Jade,” he said. I was glad he was using my name and I was deeming myself lucky that this warrior was kind in his own unusual way. If I had been with Commander Yun I would no doubt be treated savagely.

  “I only have one question,” I said.

  “Yes, what is that?”

  “Where am I to sleep?”

  Chapter 4


  As she followed me inside my living quarters I had to restrain myself from taking her in my arms and carrying her to my sleep bed. Since I had first seen her huddle in the cage only a few moments before, an infatuation was starting to grow for her. It was happening fast in the pit of my stomach. I could not. I had promised this human slave that she would not be treated barbarically and with unwanted attention, even though it was within my power to do so. I owned her. She was my property now. She had been tagged with my identification and that fact turned me on. Seeing that brand come up on her arm with my name, Dalik Moscurn was complete foreplay for me.

  I was starting to feel my staff harden but was also filled with guilt. I had prided myself on being different than the barbaric brute attitude that defined our race of Kalazaron warriors. Yet, here I was, eyeing my slave and thinking about how I wanted to do things to her, very filthy things.

  As she moved forward in front of me I took this time to let my eyes roam over the fitted suit that she wore. It hugged her ample backside and slim waist. It made her breasts perky and bouncy and I longed to cup them in my cold strong hands. She was small and delicate and I wanted to press my body on top of hers, but I was scared that she was too fragile for that. She was definitely too small for the Kalazaron sizes. Her eyes widened as she moved further in. I wondered what a human would think of it. I had not spent one night in this new place for the Consulate. The habitant coordinant’s team had moved and unpacked my items for me except for a few personal trunks that were in my sleeping quarters, only to be touched by me.

  Therefore it was just as new to me as it was for her. However, I found myself wanting her to approve of it, which was not normal. I should not be under any needs to make a slave feel in comfort. Yet here I was. I stared at her as she walked forward to the glass. Did she think she could walk right off the edge? I could not tell from her reactions. Was this typical to her? Was it dull? I panicked and moved toward her. Pe
rhaps she did think it was open to the sky and she was in a state of arrest!

  Then she looked at me and her face seemed pleasant enough as though she was still breathing, so I relaxed a little. As I conversed with her and she told me her thoughts on my planet, it filled my heart with pride that she thought it was beautiful. It moved me enough to touch her. In that moment I realized that I had never touched a human before, especially not a female human. It was an exquisite feeling to have her warm soft skin underneath my hand. I wanted to rub it down her arm, but instead I smiled at her. Her blue eyes were the color of the Kaethon sky and seas and I was quickly lost in them. I had to remember, she was my slave. I quickly pulled my hand from her because if I didn’t I would get heated. I had not planned on spending this much time with the new slave. I was to get on with the Consulate duties and yet my mind was now occupied with this female human. I went into work mode and showed her around the necessities she would need to be acquainted with. Then I before I was to leave I asked, “Have any questions…Jade,” remembering to use her name and not call her human.

  “I only have one question,” she said.

  “Yes, what is that?”

  “Where am I to sleep?”

  I was silent. I contemplated having her sleep in my rest bed with me even though it was not what I originally had planned for a slave. Though that is what many did, but it was not a requirement. It was always up to the master to decide. Her eyes began to grow wider and her breathing grew heavy.


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