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Broken Page 49

by Martina Cole

  Patrick looked fit and well in his tails and Willy . . . Willy looked like Willy in a dress suit. He knew his looks did him no favours in any way but he was confident that his Maureen would love him whatever.

  As the two men stood in front of the altar Patrick was smirking.

  ‘I can’t believe I’m here, Willy, and it’s your first wedding!’

  The big man shrugged. ‘Tell me about it. I hope to fuck it will be me last!’

  ‘Stop swearing.’ Patrick’s voice was full of laughter.

  ‘I can’t help it, me nerves are shot.’

  ‘It will all be over soon.’

  He was interrupted by the Wedding March. They turned to see Maureen and Kate, both carrying small bouquets, coming down the aisle.

  ‘They look handsome, Pat, don’t you think? Old Maureen looks the dog’s . . .’

  ‘Willy! Not here, not now.’

  Maureen did look good but Patrick had eyes only for Kate. As she walked down the aisle he was looking forward to the day she would be walking towards him for their wedding instead of Willy’s.

  But Kate being Kate wouldn’t settle on a date. She wanted him 100 per cent fit first, and her daughter over from Australia into the bargain. But it would happen, he was sure of that. After all they had been through together, it was only right and fitting that they should finally have a happy ending.

  She was also waiting until he had sold everything he owned that was even remotely dodgy - and that included businesses where he was a sleeping partner. He was glad about it, though he pretended he wasn’t. Inside he had had enough of ducking and diving. At least, that’s what he told himself, anyway.

  The service was short and over quickly. Outside they had the photos taken in record time and were all on their way back to Patrick’s and the reception that had been planned for weeks.

  In the back of the Rolls he kissed Kate full on the lips.

  ‘I’ve lost me best mate.’

  She grinned. ‘No, you haven’t. You’ve gained a new one.’

  ‘You like old Maureen, don’t you?’ he said fondly.

  ‘What’s not to like? She’s fun, she’s intelligent, and she’s making Willy the happiest man on earth.’

  ‘When are you going to make me the happiest man on earth?’

  Kate chuckled throatily. ‘I thought I’d already done that - last night and twice this morning.’

  Patrick scratched his chin as if deep in thought. ‘Well, let’s just say that once I’m fully better we can get back to normal, eh?’

  Kate closed her eyes and groaned. ‘You have to be the vainest man on earth.’

  ‘No, I can think of a few who are vainer than me. But it’s hard for other men. I have good reason to be vain, don’t I?’

  ‘Oh, really. Is that so?’

  ‘I am good looking, rich, have a wonderful personality and the best body this side of the Watford Gap. I mean, what more could a man want?’

  Kate was grinning. ‘I don’t know, what on earth could any man want who had all that?’

  He kissed her on the mouth. ‘A nice little bird to keep the crows at bay, of course. And that’s where you come in!’

  She smashed him over the head with her handbag. ‘You are one flash bastard, Kelly.’

  ‘That’s another thing. You’re going to have to stop this swearing when we get married . . .’

  She hit him again with her handbag, harder this time.

  The new driver, who was to take over from Willy, was observing them in the mirror. He was a thirty-five year old who had served time for murder. Patrick had always taken an interest in him. As he watched the verbal sparring in the back quickly become physical he smiled to himself. He had a feeling he was going to like this job. He had certainly never experienced anything like the last few weeks with these two. She might be a Filth but she was all right.

  As for Patrick Kelly, he would never change all the time he had a hole in his arse.

  He had heard Patrick was unloading all his businesses, but would believe that when he saw it.

  He couldn’t see Patrick Kelly becoming too legal. Not for long anyway. It wasn’t his nature.

  They were kissing in the back now and the driver could see a long expanse of shapely leg. He grinned again.

  Yes, he had a feeling he was really going to enjoy this job.




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