Cowboys in Her Heart

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Cowboys in Her Heart Page 2

by Jan Springer

  She yelped as the spray was suddenly aimed at her tender left nipple.

  “It appears we won’t be having any water shortages around here,” Dan teased as JJ convulsed against the impact.

  Rafe laughed and JJ jerked when Brady cupped her right breast, lowered his head, and sucked her nipple into his hot mouth.

  Just as quickly, Rafe stepped to her other side. He laved a hot palm under her breast, moved his head closer and slid her right nipple between his warm lips.

  She moaned and closed her eyes at the scorching impact of a mouth attached to each nipple.

  "Looks like I am missing some action,” Dan complained from behind the guys.

  JJ tried to respond by telling him to find any spot on her body to suckle, but she couldn’t speak. They were sensually massaging her breasts and teasing her very sensitive nipples to the point where she was gasping.

  She didn’t know how Dan managed to get between Brady and Rafe, but suddenly there were a couple of hands sliding between her thighs. She opened her legs, and yelped as a gentle spray of water snapped against her clit. Fiery sensations whipped through her making her quiver and convulse against her restraints.

  Dan was using the shower head on her!

  The muscles in her abdomen tightened and her pussy clenched at the scorching impact. Then Dan spread her labia and she writhed as the pulsing stream of water entered her vagina. He angled the spray of water to her clit again, tenderly massaging and expertly teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves until her pussy was on fire and she danced against the restraints.

  Her heart raced and she bucked as Dan’s heated mouth replaced the spray of water. Having three mouths making love to her intimate parts made her blood sing. She was at their mercy as their tongues licked and lapped and their stroking fingers massaged and rubbed until pleasure burned her alive.

  Her breaths increased and soon she was keening, needy and begging for that hot and heavy penetration that would bring her release from this sizzling agony.

  Suddenly the two men at her breasts let go of her. Her nipples ached and throbbed and her vagina was hot and sticky from her arousal. She barely noticed that Dan was untying her and then Rafe was leading her out of the stall. She could barely stand on her trembling legs, as Rafe held her arms so the men could towel dry her. Then she heard Dan’s and Brady’s quiet goodnights as they disappeared from the bathroom.

  “Now I have you all to myself,” Rafe whispered as he lifted JJ into his arms and carried her into her bedroom.

  She whimpered softly in answer. She burned for Rafe. Yearned for him to take her and extinguish the flames that they had created with their hot, probing tongues and heated mouths. Her nipples ached from Rafe and Brady’s suckling and her pussy felt puffy and heavy with need.

  The soft mattress met her back as Rafe lay her upon her cool sheets. When he settled in beside her, she rolled onto her side and reached out to him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she urged him closer. He turned onto his side, facing her. He reached behind her and brought the sheets and blankets over them.

  “Hey baby, just wanted to tell you how much I love you,” he said softly His brown eyes sparkled with such love it squeezed her heart.

  “I love you too, Rafe. So much,” she replied.

  Happiness and giddiness shifted through her as she watched him sheath his cock with a condom. Then he reached back and shut off the bedside lamp. When he turned to her, she lifted her leg and brought it over his hip. He moved against her and quickly pressed his rigid flesh into her.

  She sucked in a breath at the pressure of his engorged shaft sliding into her. He kissed her lips, sweetly and then harshly, and JJ moaned at the tingles and dug her fingers into his taut back drawing him closer. As he slid in deeper, her vaginal muscles protested and then welcomed his thick intrusion.

  He groaned as her inner muscles clenched. He quickly rolled both of them until he was on top of her.

  He kept kissing her as he withdrew. He moved his chest off hers and erotically rubbed his cock over her clit. As he thrust into her again, he brushed his hairy chest against her already sensitive nipples, creating a sweet shocking pleasure.

  He left her and then plunged into her faster and deeper, his thick shaft sparking shudders and pleasure all along the length of her vagina.

  They furiously gyrated against each other, each moving closer to their own orgasm. Rafe bucked and pistoned and JJ tensed as arousal built with lightning speed, snapped, and then burst.

  She came apart, shuddering, and crying into his mouth at the agonizing explosion. She gyrated against the beautiful waves that pummelled her.

  It was good. So good.

  He kept kissing her. Kept moving and thrusting, sending JJ into her pleasure. Shudders rocked her and love caressed her. Tremors ripped her apart and his groans made love to her as he reached his climax.

  After awhile, the savage shudders ebbed away, leaving them wet with perspiration and their breaths echoed fast and furious throughout the dark room.

  “Wanna sleep? he muttered a long time after they’d quietened. He stayed within her, his cock impaling her, as he rolled them both back onto their sides.

  "Never,” she heard herself mutter.

  She held him tighter and then she slept.

  Rafe grinned and closed his eyes. He listened to the lullaby of her breathing as it mingled with the faraway hoots of an owl. Somewhere in the house he thought he heard one of the guys moan as one or both masturbated themselves to sleep tonight, just as he’d done many nights while listening to Brady or Dan making love to her on each of their nights. He felt sorry for Brady and Dan not having JJ in their bed tonight, but his sympathy did not last for long.

  Tonight, she belonged to him and having her lying here with him made him the happiest man alive.

  Chapter Two

  “She looks different,” Rafe muttered beneath his breath.

  He stood at the stall entrance and kept a close eye on an older cow who had nestled herself on a bunch of straw. Her pain-filled bright brown eyes stared back at Rafe, most likely telling him to get lost because she didn’t need an audience. She was ready to give birth and he was waiting to see if she would need a helping hand.

  Overhead, rain pummelled the barn roof and slapped against the window panes. Thunder boomed somewhere south of the lake.

  Today had turned out to be a washout with the weather, so they’d kept themselves busy in the barn with work.

  Rafe had been thinking about JJ since he and Dan had returned yesterday. There was something different about her and he hadn’t been able to pinpoint exactly what.

  From nearby, Dan set the shovel against the wheel barrel where he’d been heaving cow manure from one the empty stalls. He chucked off his gloves and met Rafe by the stall door.

  Suddenly the Angus mooed her distress.

  “She looks okay to me. She’s doing great,” Dan said as he peered into the stall.

  “Not the cow. I mean JJ,” Rafe said in a lowered voice. He didn’t want Brady to hear. He was standing at the workbench repairing a pitchfork handle that had snapped in two a couple of days back.

  Dan frowned.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Something is up with her.”

  Dan swore softly and then grimaced.

  “What? Like another secret? The last time she had a secret, she was flying planes without telling us. Although I didn’t show visual distress at that, I’ve had many sleepless nights worrying about her flying solo. I don’t think my heart can take another secret like that.”

  At any other time Rafe would have laughed at Dan’s comment. But not today. Something was seriously different about her.

  “I mean her looks. Sometimes she looks as pale as a ghost. I found her in the main floor bathroom this morning. She was tossing water on her face.”

  Dan frowned. “She always washes her face in the morning.”

  “I don’t kn
ow. Just like yesterday she took off into the bathroom so fast, saying she was air sick. She never gets air sick.”

  “She’s always been a bit on the pale side. And thin side. And it was pretty windy yesterday…” Dan hesitated.

  Rafe turned to look at him. There was a weird look on his face that sent Rafe’s stomach into a not-so-nice somersault.

  “What?” he asked. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear what Dan thought might be up with her.

  “She does seem a little more…plump,” Dan said.

  Rafe felt his eyes widen in surprise. In a split second, understanding rolled over him in one tumultuous wave.

  “She’d tell us if she was…”

  “She would tell you if she was what?”

  Rafe tensed as Brady’s voice boomed from right behind them. Hell, he hadn’t even heard the guy walk up.

  Rafe glanced at Dan who shrugged his shoulders.

  “Might as well tell him, unless he knows something already?” Dan proposed.

  “What do I know?” Brady asked with a curious smile. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out Brady probably was clueless to any secrets JJ might be hiding. Or he had a damned good poker face because if he knew something, he wasn’t letting on.

  “JJ and how nice she’s been looking lately,” Rafe offered.

  “What do you mean lately? She always looks nice,” Brady replied.

  Rafe noticed the slightest furrow between Brady’s eyes as his brows dropped.

  Man, Brady wasn’t kidding? He really hadn’t noticed anything different about JJ? The man was the only one not wearing a condom with her.

  “She’s looking like she might be—ompf,” Dan said as Rafe gave him a quick kick to his ankle.

  “What the hell is with you two? You’re both acting weird. I don’t have time to play right now,” Brady said with a shake to his head. Then he turned and headed back to the workbench.

  They stared after Brady. When he began hammering on some wood, Dan made a funny face and whispered low enough so just the two of them heard.

  “He’ll have to make plenty of play time when the little ones come along.”

  Rafe chuckled and then let himself into the stall with the mooing cow. It was time to check on this mother-to-be and think about ways on how to find out from JJ if she might be pregnant.

  Brady swallowed back as a wave of intense uneasiness swooped over him. He could barely hold the hammer as he banged a nail into a piece of wood that he had no idea what he would be using it for. He just didn’t want the guys to discover how shaken he was at what he instinctively knew Dan had been about to say.

  He’d overheard Dan say the word plump as he’d approached them. Then there had been mention of JJ’s looks and the instant Rafe had hit Dan to cut him off, the idea that JJ might be pregnant had slammed into Brady.

  She did look different now that the guys mentioned it. Sometimes there was a nice glow to her face and yet other times she looked a bit pale and sick. Then there had been yesterday when she’d practically run to the bathroom.

  Oh man, she would tell him if she was pregnant. Wouldn’t she? They’d been trying since she’d asked him right after the cattle roundup this past fall. It had just felt right and natural that he give her a baby. Until that night when she’d asked him to father her child, he hadn’t really given such a serious step too much thought.

  A baby or two or three with JJ would be something he would just accept. He loved her. He had no doubts about their relationship. Had no jealousy that some day she might want a kid or kids by Dan or Rafe.

  Had he still been living in the city, he probably would be straight-laced and stick with a monogamous relationship. But living out here, in the middle of nowhere, there were no constraints.

  He just acted on his instincts. He was free to live life as he chose. He knew he would never go back to the city. Would never want the tether of a boring day job ever again. Who needed a white-picket fence in front of the townhouse?

  He had this ranch. He had JJ and he had the guys who would take care of JJ if something bad ever happened to him. This life was freedom.

  He smiled as the rush of uneasiness quickly faded. Yeah, making a baby with JJ was a good thing. He just hadn’t really wrapped his head around the fact that the time might have come for her to be pregnant.

  Shit! Had he been in denial?

  He blew out a breath and whacked the board a few more times for good measure. Just because he didn’t know what the hell he was doing with this piece of wood, didn’t mean he wanted the other two guys to figure it out either. Now, he just needed to find out if JJ was pregnant or not. He couldn’t come right out and ask her. Could he?

  Brady shook his head. No, he would wait until she came to him with the news. Until then, he had a ranch to run.

  JJ’s heart crashed against her chest as she stepped into the small airport pharmacy. She’d done some research on the Internet the other day about pregnancies and learned there could be a possibility that she might be pregnant even if she had a period. Since discovering that tidbit of information, she’d been a nervous wreck. She’d never been one to have a normal monthly period. It had always been light. A couple of days. The women in prison had been envious.

  She frowned as she stopped in front of the shelf containing pregnancy test kits. There were so many to choose from. Which one should she pick?

  “JJ! Oh wow! It is you! Long time no see!”

  JJ jumped as Kelly came walking down the aisle toward her. Kelly was a pilot who worked for North Country Air. She’d been the one who’d transported JJ to Moose Ranch to start her life there, over a year ago. She’d also helped JJ with her anxiety issues. JJ liked her and enjoyed her company. But not now! Not when JJ was standing right here in front of the pregnancy kits!

  Kelly’s blonde hair was pulled back in a pony-tail, her cheeks were red and her blue eyes sparkled as she suddenly wrapped her arms around JJ and hugged her tight.

  “How’s it going? I’m so thrilled to see you here.” Kelly asked as she pulled away and looked around. She was all smiles. Eager to see JJ’s men?

  For a split second, JJ was glad the guys hadn’t flown in with her on this trip. Your jealousy is peeking through, JJ silently chastised herself. But she just couldn’t help herself with Kelly. The woman was so sweet and pretty that JJ wondered why she wasn’t married yet. Or maybe it wasn’t jealousy she felt concerning Kelly? Maybe it was guilt? Someone like Kelly should be happy, just like JJ was happy.

  “Where are the guys? Did they come along with you? I’d love to say hello.” Kelly said as she turned her attention to JJ.

  “I’m on a solo trip. We needed an emergency part for one of the tractors.” JJ replied.

  Kelly’s face brightened with surprise.

  “Oh wow! You are here by yourself? You’ve come so far, JJ. And so quickly. You look absolutely glowing. You look so different than when I flew you over to the ranch that first time. Wilderness ranch life really agrees with you. You’re not the skinny girl anymore.”

  JJ managed a smile and tried like crazy to think of a way to get Kelly out of this particular aisle.

  “What brings you here? I would have thought you’d be enjoying that new cabin you had built out on your land?” JJ asked.

  Kelly had hired some builders to build her a lovely little cabin on a lake an hour away from Moose Ranch and JJ had been meaning to go over to visit but she simply was too busy. But right now, her focus was getting Kelly out of this isle. JJ took a couple of sideway steps up the isle hoping Kelly would follow. She didn’t. Instead, she now eyed the exact spot where JJ had been looking.

  Kelly made a small O with her mouth and then her cheeks went pink and she gazed at JJ with curiosity blazing in her eyes.

  “For a friend?” Kelly asked softly.

  Wow, she was giving JJ an out. She should just answer yes and be done with it. But she also needed to confide in someone.

you have time for a coffee?” JJ suddenly blurted.

  Mixed emotions ran through her. She wasn’t sure exactly how much she should tell Kelly. If anything. No one knew that JJ was having sex with three men. No one knew she and Brady were trying for a baby. She’d prefer to keep that to herself. But still, it would be nice to talk to Kelly about things.

  “You’ve got me for two hours. Long enough?” Kelly’s sweet smile almost made JJ cry and she had no idea why.

  JJ nodded and Kelly hooked her arm with hers and pulled her out of the pharmacy.

  “Hmm,” Kelly said and then bit her bottom lip as minutes later they sat in the airport restaurant, at a secluded corner booth, nursing steaming cups of coffee.

  “When a woman is pregnant she no longer has a period,” Kelly continued in a low voice. “But yes, I have heard a woman can still bleed vaginally while she is pregnant.”

  JJ’s tummy hollowed out in a twisting feeling. Now she had Kelly confirming stuff she’d read on the Internet. So, it must be true. She might actually be pregnant? Now that the time had come, she wasn’t sure if she was happy that may be pregnant? Or sad because she hadn’t even realized that she actually might be.

  “So exactly how far along are you?” Kelly asked.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I’m not sure if I am. I thought they were just periods.”

  “Well you told me you have had nausea. You could count that as morning sickness. It can start already within weeks of you getting pregnant. Are you showing?”

  “Showing?” JJ blinked at that question.

  “Getting a baby bump? I’ve heard that sometimes women can tell at four months.”

  Four months!! Could she be that far along?

  “You should take that pregnancy test. In fact, you need to get your doctor to confirm it. You need a thorough exam. Bleeding can be from different reasons. Infection or rough sex or who knows.”

  Fear shot through JJ.

  “I could be miscarrying?”

  Kelly shook her head and her eyes twinkled with a reassuring smile.

  “No, no, I’m sure you’re fine. You said you don’t have any pain. But you need to see your doctor to rule out anything like an infection or something else that could be serious. And, also if you are pregnant, you’ll need pre-natal care, right?”


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