Sassy Ever After_Sassy Faerie Princess

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Sassy Ever After_Sassy Faerie Princess Page 8

by Nicole Austin

  At the counter, he paid for their new swimsuits and two towels then took her hand and led her back through the cavernous room. Serena felt strange walking in the bikini when everyone else was fully clothed, at least until they reached the water park. Brady opened the glass door, and all she could do was stare in stunned amazement.

  The noise of so many people laughing and squealing with delight in the enclosed space was deafening. Yet it was nothing compared to the astounding surroundings. A glass roof allowed the sun to shine in on all those enjoying the park. The floor was covered with sand in some places and large pools of water in others.

  Everywhere she looked a flurry of activity occurred. People slid down blue chutes which twisted, curved, and plummeted into the pools. Others rode on bouncy circles with holes in the middle or flat yellow boards. Colorful flights of stairs lead to the tops of the chutes. People of various ages, who were all dressed similar to Brady and her, splashed and frolicked in the water. Everyone appeared to be having a marvelous time.

  Brady laid their towels down on a nearby chair, and they walked toward the center of the room, fingers interlocked. She’d just started to become acclimated to the raucous atmosphere when a loud, harsh siren began to wail. Glancing up, she noticed a large wooden barrel with a red light flashing.

  “What’s going on?” she asked Brady in alarm, but he didn’t seem hear her over all the other noise.

  Serena covered her ears with her hands, trying to block out some of the noise. She looked up again as the barrel began to tip over. There was no time to get out of the way. Endless streams of water pounded over them, leaving both drenched.

  Her entire body shook as she turned toward Brady, who he was laughing, as were all the others that had been doused with the water. His boyish grin lit up his face. She found his smile so charming and infectious that she smiled back.

  He grabbed something he called a tube from a large bin and dragged her up a set of stairs. The tube was made of two air-filled circles hooked together creating a figure eight. At the top of the stairs, she discovered a platform with a shallow pool of water.

  Brady placed the tube in the water and showed her how to sit in the first circle with her ass hanging down into the cool water. He sat in the circle behind hers with his legs stretched out on either side of her. She wrapped her arms around his calves and held on with a fierce grip, unsure of what would happen next.

  A lad in red trunks gave the tube a little push, and they began floating along a gentle stream. Serena started to relax and enjoy the ride. That is, until she noticed the drop they were headed toward.

  Clutching Brady’s legs in a death grip, she screamed as they hurtled down an endless series of drops and twists that seemed to go on forever. When finally at the bottom, another lad had to help peel her fingers from Brady and assist her from the tube.

  “Oh shit! Serena.” Brady shook her. “Are you all right, baby?”

  She grabbed his biceps, fingernails sinking into thick, corded flesh. Her entire body vibrated with barely contained excitement. “I want to do it again,” she yelled. “Please, can we do it again?” She bounced lightly on her feet, unable to hold still with the exhilaration zipping through her body.

  Throwing back his head, Brady laughed. The lad who’d helped them shook his head and walked away.

  They spent the rest of the day running from one ride to another, laughing and playing with exuberance. Serena found it to be both exhausting and thrilling at the same time. They lay on little rafts in a wave pool, rocking and rolling over the mechanically created swells while watching the brilliant colors of sunset explode outside the windows, then grabbed some tubes and floated down the gentle river encircling the water park.

  She was reluctant to leave when Brady dragged her away to the room he’d rented. Riding in the elevator was another new thrill for Serena. She didn’t understand how the square box could lift them high within the structure.

  The suite was large and comfortable with rustic, homey furnishings. They took a leisurely shower and had a wonderful time with her new favorite new activity—shower sex. Once dressed, he took her to the hotel restaurant. Sitting at the table with Brady reminded her of their lunch with Trevor, and a pang of regret that he hadn’t been there to share the wonderful day with them squeezed her chest.

  “When are we going home to Trevor?”

  Dark shadows passed through Brady’s eyes, making her think he felt a little guilty, too.

  “I figured we’d stay the night here.”

  Anxious to see Trevor again, a wave of disappointment washed over her. Their meal was fabulous, but Brady turned quiet, no longer in his playful mood. He ordered a bottle of wine, which they sipped while dining on tender steaks, potatoes, and grilled vegetables.

  “The steak is delicious. What is it?” she asked.

  “Uh…” Brady bit his lip and seemed reluctant to tell her. “Steak is beef.”

  “And what is beef? Where does it come from?”

  She narrowed her gaze on him, frowning until he gave a one-word answer.


  Shoving the plate away, she refused to eat another bite. Her stomach roiled, and she wondered how anyone could kill and eat such an adorably sweet creature. Her upset combined with Brady’s sullen mood made her want to leave.

  “Can we go home?”


  While Serena already considered their house to be her home pleased Brady, the word made his heart ache knowing Trevor was there alone.

  All afternoon he’d managed to avoid thinking about Trevor and feeling guilty. Trevor’s bullshit at lunch about setting rules royally pissed Brady off. That’s why he’d stolen away with Serena, driving like a bat out of hell to the water park hotel. He’d needed to put some distance between them, let Trevor stew for a while.

  He could understand the need to discuss what they were all comfortable with but setting rules… What the fuck. As far as Brady was concerned, once they’d fucked her together that morning nothing was off-limits with their new lover. Why did Trevor have to go and complicate things?

  Ignoring his guilt as they splashed and played in the water had been easy. Overlooking the white elephant crowded at the table with them or the near-constant vibrating of the phone in his pocket was much harder. Trevor had to be worried. The mere idea sat on Brady’s chest like a boulder. Not wanting confirmation of his lover’s hurt feelings, Brady ignored the texts and voicemails.

  Agreeing with Serena, he got on the bike and headed for home, not arriving until almost three in the morning. He discovered Trevor curled on his side in their bed, facing the wall. He didn’t move when Serena and Brady crawled beneath the covers.

  While the whole mess bothered Brady, he didn’t feel ready for the inevitable confrontation. And he wouldn’t wake Trevor up to argue. Morning would be soon enough to hash things out then have some mind-blowing makeup sex. And he knew from experience their makeup sex was always incredible.

  Brady fell asleep grinning with anticipation.

  Chapter Nine

  What a mess! Serena had no idea how to clean it up either. Brady had expected to talk things out that morning, but Trevor left for work before Brady and she had woken up. Even Flirt seemed to sense the emotional undercurrent. It was strange to see the energetic animal acting mopey. And now Brady had locked himself away in his art studio, leaving her at loose ends.

  She hated the thought she’d come between the men who were so obviously in love and contemplated what, if anything, she could do to bring them back together. But sitting around the house worrying would do no good. She needed to do something productive while thinking things though and decided to take Flirt out for some fresh air.

  Her mood and worries lightened immediately. She loved being in nature and tending to growing things, which flourished under her loving, magical care. The work was simple and made sense to her when little else did.

  With Flirt close to her side, she strolled around the yard, talking and humming to
the plants, when a commotion at the house next door drew her attention. The door burst open, and four wee ones of varying ages spilled and tumbled out, surrounded by noise and rambunctious energy. No sooner had they spotted Flirt than the children came rushing over to play with the friendly golden dog.

  Serena laughed at the children’s antics and the new vitality to Flirt, who chased after and corralled the youngsters. The two older boys, Kyle and Luke, kept a close eye on their younger sisters while spreading out drawings on the picnic table and debating their plans. They tried to act annoyed by Sophie’s questions about the treehouse they wanted to build, but indulged her curiosity. From their actions, it was easy to tell that the boys would always protect their sisters.

  The youngest girl, Abby, had dressed up in a gown and had makeup smeared on her face, along with a sparkling crown resting among her soft blonde curls.

  “I’m a princess,” Abby proudly told Serena. Keeping a wary eye on her brothers, she confided, “The boys are building a tower and they’re going to lock me in there. In my story books, a prince comes to save the princess.” She snorted. “I don’t need to be saved. I can take care of myself.”

  Fascinated, Serena asked, “S,o how will you escape from the evil boys?”

  Abby straightened her crown and held up a wand. “This is a magic wand. I just wave it, say what I want, and it happens.”

  “I wish I had a wand. I’d use it Brady and Trevor.”

  Instead the laughter she expected, Abby turned serious and whispered. “Magic doesn’t work on adults. Only kids.”

  “Oh,” Serena sighed and nodded. “Good to know.”

  “You don’t need magic,” Abby informed her. “Because you’re a princess. I can tell.”

  When their mother wandered outside to check on the kids and bring them a snack, Serena happily discovered a new friend.

  “Well, hello. I see you’ve met my spawn. I’m Jenny Wilson.” She shook Serena’s hand then took a moment to scratch behind Flirt’s ears. “You must be Trevor and Brady’s…friend?”

  She considered how to respond and wound up agreeing with the woman. Lover would be more accurate but friend required less explanation. Not that she got out of explaining. Jenny was a bold woman and explained she spent too much time with kids and needed some adult conversation.

  How the stay-at-home mother managed to keep up with their conversation, four kids, and the dog at the same time was amazing. Her short brown hair flipped and swayed as she moved to prevent one child from falling and broke up a potential fight between two others.

  Abby stayed close, clinging to Serena, and staring up at her in awe. “She’s a princess,” Abby insisted. “A real one.”

  “Yes,” Jenny agreed, while tossing a ball for Flirt.

  Serena squatted and brushed her fingers over the girl’s cheek tenderly. “You can’t tell anyone.”

  “I can keep a secret,” Abby proudly stated. “Can you fly? You’re a fairy princess, right?” she whispered. “I can tell ’cause you’re sooo pretty.”

  Serena chuckled and hugged the sweet girl who was more right than she could possibly know. “Yes, but don’t forget, it’s a secret.”

  Abby crossed her heart then patted Serena’s hair.

  “Honey, go play,” Jenny insisted, shooing the child away. “Abby’s in a princess phase,” the woman confided.

  Relief over Jenny’s easy acceptance of the child’s declaration rushed over Serena. She didn’t know what she’d have done if Jenny believed her daughter. “She’s adorable.”

  Both Jenny and Serena turned as the garage door rumbled and Trevor drove his car inside.

  “I should go.” She worried her lip with her teeth. “Trevor and Brady had a disagreement. I have to try and do something to make things right.”

  “No.” Jenny placed a hand on Serena’s forearm, stopping her. “They’re big boys. Best to leave them alone to sort things out themselves.” She smiled reassuringly. “They never stay mad for long and will need some privacy”—she glanced at the children to make sure they wouldn’t overhear and whispered—“for makeup sex.”

  Jenny arched her brow a few times, making her eyebrows dance, which Serena found a bit disturbing. She supposed there was some meaning behind it, but she had no idea what that may be.


  Trevor was happy to see Serena outside with the Wilson’s. He needed to talk to Bray alone and iron things out. Taking a deep breath, he opened the studio door. Brady sat facing the large windows, furiously sketching an image, his focus so intent he hadn’t heard Trevor enter the room.

  Enjoying the unguarded moment, Trevor remained silent as he watched. Brady’s dark hair shined in the sunlight streaming through the windows. Long, lean legs encased in denim were stretched out beneath the table he hunched over. His T-shirt flexed and rippled over his strong back with the movements of his arms while he worked.

  Moving closer, Trevor looked over Brady’s shoulder, unable to suppress a startled gasp when he saw the charcoal image. While Brady drew and painted landscapes and people, they were always real. Yet, what he worked on now was pure fantasy.

  A breathtakingly beautiful naked woman stood with her back to the viewer. She was slender and had the perfect hourglass figure with luscious long legs. From between her delicate shoulder blades spouted a pair of wings. Long, wavy hair cascaded down her back between the projections.

  Brady moved to cover his drawing when realization finally struck that he was no longer alone. Glancing out the window, Trevor saw Serena’s slender form standing with her back to them. It was obvious who the drawing depicted. He wondered if she had told Brady her wild story or if the image was a product of his fertile imagination?

  Turning in the chair, Brady pinned Trevor with those melted-chocolate eyes he loved and made him want to fall down at his lover’s feet. He needed to beg for forgiveness and grasp at any chance to recapture what they’d had before the pixie showed up and brought chaos into their lives.

  Brady stood and reached out to sweep his fingers along Trevor’s arm then rested his palm over his wildly beating heart. The wealth of love and regret on his handsome face made Trevor’s heart stop before beating double-time.

  “I’m glad you’re home. I missed you.” Brady cupped his cheek and his thumb brushed over Trevor’s lips in a tender caress.

  “I missed you, too,” Trevor said, his voice cracking. “I’m sorry.”

  Pulling him into a fierce embrace, Brady whispered against his neck. “This is what matters, Trev. You and me. There’s no place for jealousy and no need for rules.”

  Never one for many words, Brady instead conveyed his feelings through expression and action. Trevor had glimpsed everything he needed to see in those dark eyes.

  Their heads turned at the same time, lips crashing together in a kiss that spoke volumes. The firm pressure of warm lips was filled with love and caring, and the sinuous twining of tongues blazed with desire. Each gave and took what he needed—acceptance, apology, and forgiveness, their bodies communicating in a language with which no words could compete.

  Hard masculine muscle came up against more of the same, creating an insatiable need neither resisted. The ache to be as close as possible, skin to skin, had them pulling at each other’s clothes in desperation.

  Brady broke the kiss long enough to pull Trevor’s T-shirt over his head. In his haste to reach the solid planes of his chest, he tore Brady’s shirt. They both toed off shoes and ripped at the other’s pants until nothing stood between them.

  “Love you,” Trevor breathed.

  “You, too,” Brady replied, digging his fingers into Trevor’s ass, grinding their hips together. “And makeup sex. Love me some makeup sex.”

  Trevor looked down between their chests. Just above where their lower bodies met, glancing at their engorged cocks. The erotic sight sent tremors of need coursing through him as Brady’s cock jerked and the small, glistening bead of cum at the slit slid down the head. When it touched his belly, T
revor moaned.

  They started to move as one in shallow thrusts, moaning with the pleasure of their cocks stroking against each other. It felt so good, but he wanted more.

  Sensing exactly what he needed, Brady guided him to a thick rug in the center of the room where they lay down in a tangle of arms and legs, lips locking in a scorching kiss as their hands roamed, meeting at their cocks. Each took the others shaft in a tight grip, stroking with the perfect pressure. Trevor pulled his mouth away, gasping for air as they looked between their bodies again, drinking in the erotic sight. Shifting lower, he latched on to Brady’s nipple, tugging at the piercing and swirling his tongue around the sensitive peak, which hardened against his lips.

  When he broke the contact, he stared into Brady’s eyes. “Need to taste you.”

  “Me, too.” Brady gave his cock a firm squeeze.

  Trevor turned and settled over top of Brady. He licked a hot, wet path from root to tip, moaning as Brady nipped at the ridge of his cock. Breathing deeply, he delighted in his lover’s masculine scent then took his balls into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the sensitive sac.

  Pushing his thighs wide, Trevor licked behind Brady’s balls to the tight pucker of his anus, edging around the dark hole. He spread Brady’s cheeks wider and, with firm thrusts, plunged his tongue into the narrow channel, delighting in Brady’s loud moans.

  Brady’s need to dominate had him rolling Trevor under him, taking control. Neither one of them was a true top or bottom. They took turns, doing whatever felt right in the moment, but Brady often controlled their play.

  Pulling back, Brady pinched the base of his cock in a tight grip. “Not like this,” he gritted out between clenched teeth. “Want to be in you.”

  His eyes pleaded and demanded at the same time, and Trevor couldn’t resist. He didn’t want to resist. Having Brady’s thick cock in his ass would be heaven. His tight pucker fluttered in anticipation. With one last lick and pull on Brady’s piercing, Trevor released him.


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