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Beast Page 11

by KJ Dahlen

  “It was Shadow and his pack,” Cin told him.

  Silas just shook his head. “You and your soft heart. You are still alive by the grace of God, girl.”

  “I know.” Cin grinned. “God’s grace and Shadow’s memory of something I did for him years ago.” She turned to Jackal and her voice still sounded soft and strained as she asked, “We heard gunshots a while ago. Did you stop the threat?”

  Jackal nodded. “We did.”

  “Did any of your guys get hurt?”

  “One or two minor wounds. Theirs’s were more mortal.” He raised a brow to indicate they had taken care of the intruders entirely

  Cin nodded and she looked at Beast.

  He was frowning and glared at his boss. “How many?”

  Jackal shrugged. “A dozen or so.”

  “Is the threat gone now?” Cin wanted to know.

  “I hope so. I’ve had my fill of the dammed Dogs for more than three lifetimes.” Jackal looked over at Beast. “We could use your help with something.”

  Beast started to shake his head but Cin stopped him. “Go do what you need to do then come back to me. I’ll be fine.”

  Beast looked her over and saw the truth in her words.

  “We will stay with her,” Silas spoke up.

  Nodding, George added as he patted his vest. “We know how to watch over her.”

  “Ok. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Cin nodded and watched as both men left. Then she turned to Silas. “Was it bad?”

  Silas nodded. “Bad enough,” he gruffly told her.

  “Is everyone ok?”

  “Yeah baby, everyone here will be ok. I have to ask, are you staying here?”

  “Yeah, I’m staying. Beast is my man.” She grinned. Then she grew somber. “Can I ask you something big?”

  “Ask away,” Silas told her.

  “When things settle down, can you show me where my parents are buried? Then maybe we could move Grandpa and Ms. Katie closer to them.”

  “Absolutely baby girl. It would be my pleasure and if you like, one day I’d like tell you about your mom.”

  “Oh yes, please? I remember my dad and I heard stories about my mom from Ms. Katie but I’d like to hear more about my mom.”

  Silas grinned at her. “I raised her and I still got stories.”

  George laughed. “Stories on top of stories, you old viper.”

  Silas grunted and patted her hand. “I’ll be happy to tell you all about her then.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Beast joined his brothers in the main room and saw a pile of bloody cuts sitting on the table. He frowned then walked over to them and picked one up. His eyebrows rose when he saw the patch on the back of the cut.

  It read Dogs of Hell MC.

  His swung his head over to stare at Jackal. “Are you fucking kidding me? This shit again?”

  “From what we found out last night, when George Norris came here all those years ago, he came here looking for the medallion. Edward didn’t take it but his agent Corey did. Corey stole it looking to sell it for the money but Edward found out about it first. He made Corey give it up to him. I think he was going to return it to Denver but before he did, Denver was murdered.

  Wolf nodded. “Edward didn’t want to give it to George as it was suspected that George shot his father. Then before he could tell him about it George shot him.”

  Beast’s frown deepened. “How do you know Corey took the medallion?”

  Jackal turned to point out something in the corner of the room. That something was a man.

  “I told him,” the man spoke up.

  Beast shook his head. “You caused almost a whole family to die for what you did. I hope you can live with yourself.”

  “That’s just the problem. I know what I did and I can’t live with it anymore,” Corey explained.

  “Too bad for you then, huh?” Beast commented. “You should have stood up to George Norris right away. Now it’s too little too fuckin late.”

  Corey shook his head sadly. “I didn’t want to die back then. I just didn’t realize I was already dying a little bit more each day.”

  Beast looked over at the men of his club. “Is this finally over now? Can we finally fucking bury the Dogs of Hell MC?”

  “Only one yet, to deal with.” Jackal nodded to the basement door.

  Beast growled under his breath and walked over to the door then disappeared down the steps.

  Jackal slowly followed.

  Beast stopped at the front of the cell. He could see Ricky Prentiss sitting there.

  His hands were tied behind his back and he was sitting on a chair. His face and chest were covered in bruises black and blue but he was still glaring at him. “What the fuck do you want?” Ricky asked.

  “Just to tell you Cin is still alive. We found her and brought her home.”

  Ricky sneered. “I know that’s a lie. She wouldn’t have survived the night where I left her. When I left, the gators were already eyeing her up for their dinner.”

  “They never touched her. In fact, the gator ended up being dinner for a pack of wolves. I saw his remains when I found my woman.”

  “Oh, she was your woman big guy? Too bad for you.”

  “Too bad for you maybe.” Beast nodded.

  “Oh, why is that?” Ricky asked. “I heard some shooting earlier. Did my men get through your lines?”

  “No they didn’t.” Beast held up the bloody cut in his hand. “They died but at least they died with their boots on.”

  Ricky paled. “You wiped them all out? There’s no one left?”

  “Only one left is you, fucker.”

  “I don’t believe that!” Ricky blustered. “You’re lying to me and for what? Your whole team is nothing but murders and liars. First, Edward Shay steals the medallion then you destroy our club.”

  “Edward Shay never stole your fucking medallion. He killed the wrong man that day,” Beast informed him. “That was on Corey.”

  “Did you find the medallion? George spent five years looking for the fucking thing and never did.”

  “Yeah we found it. My men already told you this.”

  Ricky hissed. “So it was here all along. Edward could have just handed it over to George and been done with it. He wouldn’t have ended up dead then.”

  Beast threw his head back and laughed.

  Ricky halted and stared at him, his eyes widening.

  When he looked at Ricky he told him, “He would have died that day anyway. Your father was just that much of a bastard.”

  Ricky shrugged. “Yeah, probably. You could be right about that. He was a bastard, after all. He threw me and mom out when he became President, just because he could. He told her she wasn’t ever going to be the club’s queen because she was nothing more than a club whore.”

  “Aww poor Ricky, tough break for you huh? You went from being a club prince to a nothing. Poor you but guess what?” Beast snarled. “That doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the whole world. Your reign of terror is over douchebag. It ends today, right here and right now.”

  “Fuck you and the bike you rode in on.” Ricky snarled.

  “You might like that but I have to refuse your offer. Cin is waiting for me to come back to her bed.”

  “So are you going to kill me now?” Ricky snarled.

  “Nope. Me and my MC are so done with the Dogs I can’t even tell you.” Beast shook his head. “I will tell you what I’m going to do though. You’ll get to die the exact same way you planned for Cin. Only, you’ll have half a chance where you gave her none.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Ricky asked.

  “We’re gonna leave you tied to a tree in the woods. You’ll be able to move around and defend yourself the best you can.”

  “You can’t do that.” Ricky blustered. “If I’m tied to a tree, I’ll be fair game to anything wild that comes along.”

  Beast shrugged. “It’s more than you were willing to give her,
isn’t it? At least you’ll have the freedom to defend yourself.”

  “Are you going to give me at least, food and water?”

  “Did you extend her that much common decency?” Jackal asked from behind Beast.

  “Then don’t expect us to do it either.” Beast glared at him.

  “That’s murder any way you fucking slice it.” Ricky growled.

  “You reap what you sow, bastard. Good luck.” Beast grinned at him.

  “You can’t do that to me, you lousy bastards!”

  Beast ignored his shouting as he walked up the steps slowly.

  Jackal followed and Ricky was still screaming when they finally shut the door behind them.

  “Is that what you really want?” Jackal asked as they stood at the top of the steps.

  “I can live with it if that’s what you want to know,” Beast admitted. “What did you do with the other bodies?”

  “Wolf thinks we should burn them.”

  Beast nodded. “Wolf always was a smart man. Sounds good to me. We can’t leave any trace of them and that’s the best way.”

  Without saying anything else, he walked back down the hall to his bedroom.

  Silas and George turned to look at him.

  He gave them a nod that all was taken care of.

  They nodded back as Beast went over to sit in the chair next to the bed. He grasped Cin’s hand gently and kissed her knuckles as he sighed contentedly.

  Cin looked at him and tried to smile as she winced.

  He patted her hand and raised it to his lips. “I will be here at your beck and call. Whatever you wish for I will try so very hard to do for you.”

  Cin smiled up at him. “Just what you’re doing now, is all I need.”

  A week later, Silas and the others led her to an area they had mowed and fenced in for her.

  Every one of the Devil’s Advocates lined up along the fence line in respect for what was inside the area.

  Beast picked her up and carried her the last few feet, so she could see what they had done.

  There were four headstones all in a row. Two of them were double headstones and the other two were single headstones. Each one held the name of her family member. Edward and MS Katie were finally together again, as were her parents Elijah and Morgan. The other two had the names Ethan and Gabriel were also etched in stone.

  It was a beautiful place and someone had even planted a weeping willow tree inside the fence. Eventually, it would grow and give shade to the resting places of her family.

  Tears ran down her face and as she saw what they had done. She turned to look at Beast. “Thank you for this. It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  “I would give you the world if I could but at least we could do this for you.”

  “Can we go back to the clubhouse?” she asked. “I have something for you guys too.”

  Beast looked over at Jackal then back to her. “You don’t have to give us anything, you know that right?”

  Cin smiled softly. “I do know that, but this is something I have to do.”

  He shrugged then led the way back to the clubhouse as he carried her all the way in his huge arms.

  When he put her down, she disappeared inside for a few moments. Coming back, she presented Jackal with an envelope.

  He studied it for a moment then tore it open. Then he dropped is hands to his sides and just stared at her.

  Noelle came over to stand next to him as he raised the paper up for her to see. As she read it, she placed her hands up to her mouth in shock.

  “Are you sure you want this?” Jackal asked.

  Cin nodded. “I am and I do. You made this place your home and for however long you live, it will be your home, no matter what.”

  Jackal handed the paperwork to the Wolf who stood next to him. He read it then passed it along to the Cobra.

  Cobra shook his head in surprise and passed it to Gunner.

  Gunner passed it to Viper.

  This went on for a few minutes as all the men there read what the paper said.

  “What did you do?” Beast asked her.

  “The property now belongs to the Devil’s Advocates,” she stated.

  “You just gave the farm to the club?” he asked. “Why?”

  “My grandfather came here with barely anything to call his own. He worked the land and built his empire with the help of his family. When their blood stained this ground, it didn’t feel like a home to me anymore. Your brothers took it back and made it a home again and now, I’m entrusting they will keep it. The land is a living thing, with care it will give back what effort you put into it. It laid dormant for so long and now, it finally has someone to care for it again.” She cupped his cheek. “I can’t take care of it but you guys can. I’m hoping I can live here with you and enjoy it again.”

  “If you ever try to leave this place, I’ll follow you and drag you right back here,” Beast assured her.

  Cin smiled and shook her head. “I didn’t hear the growl this time.”

  He grinned as he straightened his wide shoulders. “Sometimes, I can be a gentle beast.”

  She actually laughed louder.

  Wolf and Cobra just snickered.

  “You will always have a place here,” Jackal assured her.

  Silas stood in the corner with George next to him. He just smiled. Fate had brought his little angel home again and he was just fine with that.


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  Bastards MC Next Gen Series>>>




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  Did you love Beast? Then you should read Jackal by Kj Dahlen!




  (Pappy and Hell's Fire Riders play a huge part in this story)

  I found her alongside the road, thrown away like trash. Barely alive, she fought for life.

  I knew the moment she opened her eyes that she was the woman for me, but she needs more from me than just love. She is a hunted woman with death on her trail.

  Through her, my MC gets the heads up on some nasty plans to wipe out The Devil's Advocates and The Kings. She also reveals a secret that lies in our own compound. A secret two desperate men will kill to protect.

  I call in the best MC that I know. Hell's Fire Riders MC to battle by our side.

  Can we all survive the attacks from our enemies?




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