Married in Vegas (The Townsends Book 3)

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Married in Vegas (The Townsends Book 3) Page 19

by Angie Campbell

  She had her head down when Mike walked in. She was lost in thought and had no idea how long he had been there before he snarled, “So, he had to get you drunk to get you to marry him. Why did you stay with him? Maybe I should have tried that.”

  She had been so startled by both the question and the hostility, at first, she just stared at him. Now, she found herself wishing she had let one of the other three get the copies for her.

  When she just stood there staring at him in mute silence, he snarled again. “Is it the money?”

  She finally snapped out of her daze enough to huff back. “Your questions are out of line.”

  “I could see how it would be hard to give up the money and the house,” he said taking a step toward her.

  “I didn’t stay with Mark because of his house and all the things he can buy me,” she said, shaking her head. “I may not have as much money as him, but I do have my own. I stayed with Mark because I love everything about him. From his face and body to the way his mind works and his heart. Especially the way he thinks and his heart.”

  Mike continued on like she hadn’t even spoken. “Then there’s the car he’s having your brother and Luke fix up for you. You Townsend’s and your cars,” he said, snarling again.

  She gave him a questioning look, doing her best not to panic. “What car?”

  “I think your family is more interested in cars than a druggie looking for their next fix. It really is like an addiction, isn’t it?”

  “It’s a hobby, not a lifestyle. What car are you talking about?” she snapped, starting to feel extremely irritated at him.

  “Oh, maybe that was supposed to have been a surprise. Probably a late wedding gift,” he snarled, using the word wedding like a profanity. “If it’s not the car, maybe it’s the sex. You know, you can get that part elsewhere,” he said leering at her. He had gotten close enough now that he made a grab for her.

  She slapped his hand away and backed up. “Keep your hands to yourself. I don’t want you to ever touch me.”

  “Oh, come on. You didn’t even give me a dress rehearsal. I’m sure I can satisfy you just as well as he can. Maybe even better,” he said bobbing his eyebrows. “I mean, the guy is so big, he probably crushes you. I could be a whole lot more gentle, I’m sure.”

  “Not a chance. Mark knows how to manage his size and strength, very well.” She wasn’t trying to make him mad, but the truth will out, and it did make him angry.

  “How can you know? You never gave me a chance.” He was so angry, he should have had steam rolling out of his ears. She had inadvertently backed herself into a corner, and when he made to grab for her this time, she couldn’t get away. He had grabbed her hair so hard, she was sure she was going to have clumps missing. “Ow! Let go of me!”

  “Come on. Give me just one little kiss.” She had raised her arms up and was pushing at his face with both of her hands when she felt him being lifted away from her.

  She looked up to see the face of her husband twisted with rage. It was the first time she had ever thought of him as scary. She knew his anger was directed at Mike, but it still made her a little nervous.

  It was all Mark could do not to toss the scoundrel across the room. It sounded like he was almost growling. “The only thing that is saving you from me killing you right now, is where we are at. However, I’m sure you understand, you are fired.”

  The smaller man puffed his chest out, giving him a smug look. “I’ll sue you.”

  Mark chuckled at that, giving the man a very predatory smile. “Well, my wife will press sexual assault charges.”

  Mike took a step back, finally realizing just how dire his situation was and turned and ran out the door.

  Jenny walked up behind her husband and took his hand in hers. “Mark?”

  He snapped around and looked down at her. His expression softened, and without a word he took her hand and led her to the front office. He stopped at one of the three desk and looked down at the older woman sitting there. “Jane, call up to security, and have them make sure Mike Collins leaves the premises.”

  “I already have,” drawing a questioning look from him. “Sorry. You were pretty loud.” She looked like she might have been embarrassed for him.

  Mark just snorted and shook his head. “It’s okay. Thanks.”

  He walked the rest of the way to his office door, pulling Jenny along with him, leaving three somewhat surprised faces behind him. Just before the door closed, Jenny heard Stephanie, the youngest of the three, mumble, “That was intense.”

  Mark locked the door and walked over to the sofa by the far wall and sat down, pulling her into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against his chest and buried his face in her hair. “I was afraid he would hurt you before I got there. You are okay, right?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. I was afraid I was going to lose some hair at first, but you got there just in time.” She snuggled in closer, trying to absorb his body heat, just then realizing how chilled she felt. She managed to snake her arms around his waist and lean in and kiss him on the neck.

  She felt his arms tighten and heard his breath catch. She was already too close to let the reaction go unanswered. She ran a line of kisses up his neck and across his jaw. He met her mouth with his own. The last few minutes had been too emotional. She knew if they kept going now, they weren’t going to stop.

  She pulled back a fraction of an inch. “Mark, we’re at work.”

  “I don’t really care right now,” he growled, and pulled her back in. This time, when their lips met, she went under fast.

  The next thing she knew they were on the floor, and half her clothes were gone. And as mindless as she was, she had still managed to get his shirt off.

  She tried again to reason with him. “Mark...”

  He stopped her before she could finish her sentence. “Stop thinking.” This time when he kissed her, her wits scattered, and she gave in completely.

  Chapter 20

  Saturday, September 28

  Jenny’s parents had decided to have a family get together on the spur of the moment, and the whole family was there. Mark had long suspected they just liked having all their children home with them as much as they could. Zane and Phillip, along with Luke were out back helping Carl with the grilling. James and he were out there, as well, but had been told by the rest of the group not to touch the grills. He had just chuckled and shook his head. He knew he couldn’t cook without someone holding his hand through the process. There was no way he was going to take a chance in messing up the steaks he had managed to talk the others into grilling when he offered to buy the meat.

  He watched his brother-in-law walk away from the rest of them with a sour expression on his face, his cell phone pressed to his ear. “Mandy, what’s going on? Call me as soon as you get this message.”

  When he heard those lowly grumbled words, he decided to follow after the other man. “Zane, what’s wrong?” he asked when he heard him growl and snap his phone shut.

  “I can’t get a hold of Amanda and she’s not at her apartment,” Zane said, turning toward the gate that led out to the front yard. “She wasn’t supposed to have to work today. She should be home.”

  “Maybe she’s went to the store,” Mark said, trying to calm him down, but knowing it wasn’t going to do a bit of good. This thing with Amanda had been going on long enough, he knew the only thing that was going to calm the guy down was seeing she was alright with his own two eyes.

  “I have a bad feeling about this,” Zane said, pushing through the front gate with a determined look on his face. “Something is wrong.”

  “Zane, where are you going?” Mark asked, jumping up to follow him so fast, his lawn chair teetered backwards before falling to the ground.

  “Ruby Falls.” Zane didn’t even bother to turn back to look at his brother-in-law.

  “You think she’s went back to her apartment there.” It was a statement, not a question, and Mark was starting to become r
eally concerned about what Zane might try.

  “I haven’t been able to get a hold of her since yesterday afternoon,” Zane said, sounding like he thought that should be proof enough.

  “Well, let me go with you,” Mark said, just a step behind Zane when he reached his jeep. He knew the guy was normally a very level-headed cop, but when it came to Amanda Carter, he tended to lose all perspective.

  “Mark, you need to stay here.” Zane was thinking if he killed the guy, he didn’t want Mark getting in trouble with him. He wasn’t thinking about his enormous brother-in-law being able to stop him.

  “No. If she is there, and Austin has anything to do with it, you’ll kill him. I have to go with you,” Mark said, having one of his rare pushy moments.

  “Fine,” he huffed, throwing his hands up in frustration. “Suit yourself. You need to let Jenny know you’re going with me,” Zane said, hoping Mark would fall for his attempt to side-track him long enough for him to get out of there.

  The big guy just shook his head, eyeing him hard. “Are you trying to run me off, so you can sneak out of here without me?” he asked, giving the other man a grim look.

  Zane just breathed a deep sigh, and accepted defeat. Mark knew him way too well for it to be easy for him to sneak off without him and he had known that to start with, but it never hurts to try. “Fine. I promise I won’t leave without you. Just hurry.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back,” Mark said, finally turning to run back in the house to let Jenny and the others know where they were going.


  Twenty minutes later they pulled up in the driveway to her old apartment. Sure enough, her car was sitting there. He could hear fighting long before he even got the jeep shut off. He didn’t figure the two in the building had heard him pull up, they were shouting and screaming so loud. When he jumped out and started for the door, Mark stopped him. “Let me do this. You’ll kill him.”

  Zane just stopped and glared at Mark, but he didn’t take another step. He just stood there waiting, glaring back at him.

  Mark walked up to the door and didn’t bother knocking. He just walked right in. “Hey, Amanda. Do you need any help?” He wasn’t sure what caused him to say what he did next. Somehow, he just knew Austin didn’t need to know that Zane had any involvement with this. “Jenny was wondering if something was wrong. You’re late for the barbecue. She sent me to pick you up. She thought you might have had car trouble and wasn’t getting cell service.”

  When Amanda looked up at him, he realized he had been right not to let Zane come in. He wasn’t in love with her, and he wanted to wring the idiot’s neck. She was so terrified she was shaking, and she wasn’t able to say a word. She just looked at him like she was lost and grabbed her purse off an end table and walked toward the door and right on out it.

  Once she was outside, Mark just stood there staring at the little coward for a few seconds, then turned and followed her out. When he got outside, it was to find Zane and Amanda getting in her car. Zane just looked up at him, pointing at his jeep and said, “The keys are in the ignition.” Without another word, he backed the car out of the drive and pulled off.


  “Amanda, what happened?” Zane asked, trying unsuccessfully to hide his frustration.

  “Please, Zane. Not right now,” she pled, shaking from head-to-toe.

  “Why did you go back?” he asked, truly sounding perplexed.

  “I didn’t,” she sighed, knowing he wouldn’t stop until she gave him the whole story. “I stopped at the apartment to get some stuff and he came by while I was there. Apparently, he had been looking for me. He wouldn’t let me leave. I’ve been stuck there with him since yesterday, after I talked to you. I was pulling into the driveway when I hung up with you. He took my phone the second he walked in the door. You don’t understand how relieved I was when Mark walked in.”

  He eyed her hard with worry. “When was the last time you ate? There’s no food in that apartment. Does that idiot not realize you get sick if you don’t eat regularly?”

  “Yesterday, at lunch time. And he knows, he just doesn’t really care. He’s always telling me I need to lose weight,” she answered rubbing her belly like she just realized how hungry she was. She’d been so terrified for the last twenty-four hours, she hadn’t really thought about it.

  “That idiot. You don’t need to lose weight. Your weight is perfect for your height and body type.”

  She smiled shyly, blushing to her roots. “I was so terrified, I wouldn’t have been able to eat, even if there had been something there.”

  He nodded his head in understanding. “Do you have your phone now?”

  “No,” she mumbled, dipping her head. “He took a hammer to it.”

  Zane huffed, doing his best to keep his anger under control. “We’ll get you a new cell tomorrow. Next time you need to go get something, come and get me first,” he said, glancing over at her for a split second. “We can go back together. Don’t do that again. Please.”

  “I won’t,” she said, her voice still shaking from the remembered fear.

  “I’m just glad your safe now,” Zane said, reaching over and taking her hand in his. He didn’t even realize what he had done, but the action had a remarkable effect on her state of mind. For the first time in over twenty-four hours, she was able to take a truly deep breath and relax.


  Mark watched his brother-in-law sitting across the table from him with Amanda sitting beside him. He hadn’t let her get two feet away from him since they walked in the door. He could tell by the way Zane was acting, the cop side of him was telling him this thing with Austin wasn’t over. At least for the time being, he was smiling and more relaxed than he was earlier. He just shook his head, praying things worked out soon, before Zane caught Austin out alone and did a number on him, or even worse, killed him.

  He glanced over at his mother-in-law when he heard her chuckle. “Lisa, what are you feeding that baby? He keeps making a face,” Jamie said, laughing at her daughter.

  “That’s the green beans. He likes the applesauce,” Lisa said, as she wiped green beans off of his chin.

  The older woman just shook her head. “I’m not sure he doesn’t like the green beans. It’s more like he can’t decide”

  “Here, give me my nephew. Let’s see if he likes mashed potatoes,” Zane said, picking the baby up off of his mom’s lap to sit on his own knee. He picked up his spoon, scooping the potatoes up with it.

  “Zane, watch it. Don’t give him too much at one time. His mouth isn’t as big as yours,” Lisa said, getting alarmed when she saw how much he had on the spoon. “You don’t want to choke him.”

  He chuckled, laying the spoon back down on his plate. He reached over and took the smaller baby spoon. This time when he scooped up potatoes, he had a much smaller bite. “Are you saying I have a big mouth?”

  “Well, I wasn’t. But now that you mention it...” Lisa said, trailing off, knowing she didn’t need to finish her statement to get her point across.

  “Oh, Zane definitely has a big mouth,” Phillip said with a smirk.

  “No one asked you, Old Man,” he shot back, not looking up.

  “Old Man? I’m not that much older than you. Wouldn’t that make you old, right along with me?” Phillip asked, giving his brother a strange look caught between humor and irritation.

  He just shook his head. “Nah, I’ll never get old. But you act old.”

  “How do I act old?”

  “Why won’t you even consider getting remarried?” Zane asked, giving Andrew another bite of mashed potatoes. “That’s good, isn’t it, buddy?”

  Phillip gulped, looking a little antsy, all the sudden. “I never said I would never get remarried. I’ve just not found the right one yet.”

  His brother raised an eyebrow at him before asking, “Are you lying to me, or yourself?”

  “Look who’s talking?” Phillip asked, finally getting truly irritated at his brother. />
  “What’s that mean?”

  “This thing with you has been going on since high school, Zane.”

  “What thing are you talking about?” Now Zane was starting to growl, and he had jumped up to glare down at his older brother, still holding Andrew in his arms.

  “Okay,” James said, standing up, and reaching for the baby. “Give me my son. I know you wouldn’t let him get hurt on purpose, but I don’t think he needs to be caught in the middle of you and Phillip’s argument.”

  “Okay, Zane. I’ll back off for now. But just think, before you go pointing fingers, you need to take a harder look at yourself.”

  “I don’t need to take a look at myself. I know exactly what I want in life,” he answered back, glancing down at Amanda, who had her head down, staring at the table, before glancing back at his brother. Phillip caught his brothers meaning without asking any questions. He just gave a single nod and went back to eating.

  Chapter 21

  Friday, October 4

  It was Friday night, and deciding they would rather stay home instead of going out to a movie or a restaurant, Jenny and Mark had gone to the grocery store together to get steaks for supper. Wanting to talk to his dad, he had run off to the office to find him. He was going to ask if he, his mom and little sister wanted to come over for dinner sometime next week. He was hoping they could start having dinner together on a regular basis like the Townsends did.

  Jenny was standing at the meat counter by herself, waiting for Chris to finish up with her order when she heard an all too familiar voice behind her. “Are you here by yourself? Did he actually let you out of his sight for a few minutes?”

  She jumped and spun around and stared into the face of Mike Collins. “He’s here. He’s talking to his dad right now.”

  “Oh, so he hasn’t really let you out of his sight, then,” he sneered. “Why is that? Doesn’t he trust you?”


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