Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance Page 11

by Taryn Quinn

  If she hadn’t loved him before, the care he took in initiating her to lovemaking would’ve sealed the deal. As would the soft, almost tender smile he wore when he leaned down to kiss her temple. He drew his cock out and then sank back in, as slowly as the breath that shuddered out from between her parted lips.

  “That,” he murmured. “That noise. Make it again.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him deeper, and linked her arms around his neck. “You’ll have to be a little more specific.”

  She loved the sound of her voice right now. A little breathless, a lot husky. The voice of a woman who’d been thoroughly fucked.

  “Actually, maybe you could make that noise for me,” she added, grinding against him. She hadn’t come yet while he was inside her, but with every stroke, she was that much closer. That much wetter.

  His pained groan proved that fact undoubtedly.

  Bowing up, she nibbled on his ear, pulling the lobe between her teeth. “Nice, but don’t think I can sound like that.”

  God, how had she gone so long without knowing this? Without feeling this? Even though he stretched her in ways she knew would hurt tomorrow, the burn was incredible. She’d never experienced such a powerful connection with someone else before. And later she’d get to share the same bond with Tristan—

  There it was. The one thought that could dilute her pleasure. Tristan. The man she’d wanted forever, the man who wanted her for forever and wouldn’t settle for anything less.

  The man who scared her to death and she loved as much as life.

  “Hey,” Matt murmured, slowing his strokes. His gaze stayed on her face while he eased out and slid so deep she sighed. “You still with me?”

  “Oh yeah.” Determinedly, she tightened her sex, working his cock until he hissed and dragged her nipple to his mouth. He bit and suck, still powering into her.

  “You gonna come for me?” His voice was so sexy, so intense. “Gonna yell my name so loud Tristan can hear it out in the freaking woods?”

  “You’re mean.”

  “He’s. A. Moron.” He punctuated every word with a thrust, swiveling his hips so the angle was a little different each time.

  She gasped at the renewed need spiraling through her belly, pounding in her clit. “So deep,” she whispered. “So good.”

  “Wanna feel it, baby,” he said against her cheek, his movements increasingly more rough. “Can’t hold on.” He scraped his finger over her swollen flesh. “There we go. Oh yeah.”

  “I’m coming,” she managed, crying out.

  Shudders racked her body, and all she could do was dig her fingers into his shoulders. The ecstasy seemed to go on forever, extended by the continual strokes of his cock. He didn’t stop. She panted his name over and over, writhing beneath him.

  He finally groaned through his own climax, the muscles in his arms flexing while he drove himself to the limit inside her. She moaned, loving the way he gave himself over to his release.

  “Oh shit, baby, you’re…” He didn’t finish the statement, instead burying his face in the curve of her shoulder as his body melted into hers.

  Still wheezing herself, Cait undid the little band around his honey blond hair and tossed it aside. She threaded her fingers through the ends, smiling when the firelight gave him a halo he so didn’t deserve.

  “Can I cut your hair?” she murmured when she could speak again.

  His laughter rumbled through his chest. He shifted slightly to look down at her, but he didn’t pull free from her body. Instead he cuddled closer. “You just rocked my world, and now you want to maim me?”

  With a contented sigh, she turned her cheek against his. “Make you a deal,” she said impishly.


  “I cut your hair, you get to shave me.”

  His eyebrow winged up as he lifted his head. “You’ve got a deal.” He trailed his fingertips over the soft thatch of curls above where they were still connected. “Never figured you’d still be natural. Since you love the damn salon so much.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “They don’t do Brazilians there. And there’s no way I’m having some stranger wax my pussy.”

  She only stumbled over pussy a little. Must be she was already shedding her prude skin.

  “Ah, Caity. You’re—”

  The door opened, and they both turned their heads to look at Tristan, who was already staring at them. As if he’d expected the scene he’d stumbled in on. As if he’d been watching it.

  Cait’s gaze shot to the window beside the door, and she swallowed. He had been watching, she just knew it. “Welcome back,” she said quietly.

  Tristan opened his mouth to respond, but his cell phone went off before he could. He paced toward the tree and answered in a low voice, turning his back on them.

  “What the hell time is it?” she asked. “He’s never off the damn clock.”

  “Twelve thirty,” Matt confirmed, glancing at the clock above the fireplace. “Must be Abe. He freaks out every Friday night. He knows no one else would listen to his bitching this late.”

  Friday night again. She swallowed, thinking of last Friday. The night that had changed her life forever. “He’s expecting a proof of those designs first thing Monday,” she said instead of the much more pressing worries threatening to spill from her lips. “We’ll have to—”

  Matt covered her mouth with his fingertip. “You’re giving us the weekend. And Sunday’s your birthday. We have presents. And cake.” He grinned and finally left her body, wincing. “Shit. Coulda stayed in there all night.”

  She laughed as he pulled off the condom. Aches were already appearing in interesting places. “I’ll make you feel better,” she promised, waiting until he settled beside her again to rise to her knees and bend her head to his lap. She let the long ends of her hair trail over his abs, his tensed thighs, between his legs. The contrast of her hair against his golden skin turned her on. Hell, everything did. She licked his flagging cock, the spent traces of his release making her belly tremble.

  Since when had she become such a horndog?

  “I know you will. If I can get it up again. Then again…” He trailed off as it became glaringly obvious he already was up. And gaining fast.

  “That’s my boy,” she said, cupping his sac in her palm. She touched him gently, trying to pretend part of her wasn’t acutely aware of Tristan pacing back and forth in front of the window as he talked Abe off yet another ledge. “I loved having you come in my mouth.”

  His lips quirked. “Worked for me too.”

  “Think we—” She looked up as Tristan approached, already pocketing his phone. “Abe?” she asked.

  Without a word, he kicked off his shoes and socks, then shucked his jacket, shirt, and pants. He knelt behind her and gathered her hair in his hands. Pulling. Teasing. Waking up the nerve endings along her scalp and everywhere else.

  She glanced at Matt, who just lifted a shoulder. His expression said just go with it.

  So she did. Forcing her spine to relax, she lowered her mouth to Matt’s shaft. She nurtured his erection, taking her time to get him wet before she applied suction to the tip. He let out a long breath, but whether it was from what she was doing or what Tristan was doing behind her, she didn’t know.

  The crown of Tristan’s cock circled her sensitive opening, sans condom. God, that brush of hot, forbidden skin felt so damn good.

  “You’re sore,” Tristan said. It wasn’t a question.

  “No,” she whispered, though she was a little. Of course she was. Matt wasn’t a small guy. But she wanted Tristan more than she cared about a bit of pain. “I want you,” she said firmly, glancing over her shoulder so he could see her eyes. So he knew it was true.

  Again he didn’t respond. He got to his feet, and her breath caught as she glimpsed the thick weight of his cock, standing up against his stomach. Ouch, that would hurt. But she wanted it. Already she was tight and quivering, desperate for what he would give her. He’d probab
ly seen and felt the wetness smeared all over her thighs. He had to know how much she ached for him, how badly she wanted to share the same closeness with him she’d shared with Matt. Didn’t he?

  Then he strolled out of the room.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, unable to quell the urgency in her tone.

  “It’s okay, Cait,” Matt said as Tristan returned. “See? Just had to go get something.”

  What something, she wondered, but she didn’t ask. She didn’t care. Whatever it was, she wanted it.

  Before Tristan resumed his position behind her, he opened his hands, letting her see what he'd gotten from the bedroom. A frisson of excitement shot through her system. He held a handful of condoms in one hand and a tube of lube and long, slim vibrator in the other. The condoms fell to the rug before he uncapped the lube, squeezing a healthy dollop on the end of the vibrator.

  She swallowed. “What are you doing with that?”

  “You’ll see,” he said, directing the lube at something else now. Namely her ass.

  Her joy that he’d answered her disappeared in a rush of nerves. Cripes, hadn’t she gotten over those yet? Nothing they’d done tonight had been anything but wonderful. She trusted them.

  “Oh,” she gasped when he squirted the cool lube around her puckered hole, using his fingers to spread it around. But then his coated fingertip snuck deeper, past the first ring of muscle, and she jumped as if she’d been struck.

  “Easy,” Matt murmured. “You’ll like it.”

  “I’m not ready for anal,” she blurted, and then felt like an ass when Matt grinned at her.

  “Not doing anal,” Tristan said from behind her, his finger already moving farther. Stretching her pleasantly. And not unfamiliarly either, which he must’ve gathered because he flexed his digit inside her. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

  “Just fingers,” she said, realizing her reaction probably seemed odd, considering. But Tristan was being so silent and spooky. He was freaking her out.

  Yet she was still horny, big-time. Her libido wasn’t worried about anything.

  “You’ve let lovers touch you here.” Tristan slipped the nozzle of the lube just inside her and squeezed, releasing another stream of cool liquid. Holy hell, it felt amazing.

  “No.” She absently stroked Matt’s cock, now fully erect. “I make myself come that way sometimes.”

  “No wonder we love you,” Matt said, making her laugh.

  “I can’t come just from playing…back there. One hand on my clit, a finger in my ass. Works every time.”

  Tristan moved back so fast her head reeled. “Get up on the love seat, spread your legs, and show us.”

  She couldn’t. No way. Masturbation was personal, private. She bit her lower lip and glanced at him over her shoulder again. “Only if you come inside me when I’m done.”

  A corner of his mouth lifted, and he glanced at his massive erection. “Think that can be arranged.”

  Before she could argue herself out of it, Cait rose and went over to the couch, jolting at the tingly feeling of the lube as she sank to the cushions. Her lube didn’t feel that good. But she’d never had Tristan put it on her either.

  She swallowed hard and waited for the two guys to take their seats on the sectional across from her. Both already had their hands on their cocks.

  Yeah, this wasn’t the least bit intimidating. Or hot.

  “Here,” Tristan said, tossing her the vibrator.

  She caught the toy. It was the kind meant to be inserted, with just enough girth to make things interesting. She wet her lips, about to flick the on switch, when Tristan added, “That’s for your ass.”

  She wet her lips. “This’ll be over quick, then.”

  They had no clue how sensitive she was back there. She’d used her vibrator a couple of times during solo anal play, and she’d nearly cried out enough for her two neighbors to hear.

  The buzz of the vibe seemed unnaturally loud, though she knew they’d used it on her earlier. Maybe Tris had slipped in fresh batteries, the sadist.

  Anticipation coiled inside her as she spread her thighs and braced her feet on the coffee table. Even after sex with Matt, even after her orgasm earlier on his mouth, she was about a dozen climaxes behind from their night of sensual torture. And if they wanted to watch her be a little naughty—a lot naughty—she’d happily give them what they desired.

  She slid the vibrator along her seam, intending to tease them first. Up and down she rode her pussy lips, inching closer to her ass on every trip. It wasn’t long before she was panting. Before they were panting. She smiled as she noticed they were giving her some inspiration, jerking each other off while keeping their gazes firmly directed on what was happening between her legs.

  Her heart racing, she let the circular head of the vibrator graze her clit. She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed hard on the distended flesh. Within two passes, the vibe was soaked with her juices. Tristan’s low groan indicated he’d seen the evidence.

  All the evidence. If she didn’t slide the vibrator down fast, she’d be coming in a hurry.

  And then it was too late.

  Cait cried out, helpless in the throes of the sudden orgasm. She extended the moment by holding the slick toy against her pulsing clit. God.

  Once the waves of sensation ebbed, she went straight for her target, slipping the vibe down between her ass cheeks, slick with both the lube and her own arousal. She figured she’d have to circle around for a couple of minutes, but her body proved her a liar. The instant she slipped the head of the toy inside the tight ring of muscle, her pussy contracted again, her whole body contorting as she moaned her way through another powerful orgasm.

  She dropped back against the cushions, the vibe rolling out of her trembling fingers. Dammit, she was going to have to bronze that thing.

  “Come here,” Tristan demanded, his voice stirring her from her semidoze. “Come sit on my lap.”

  She opened her eyes and let out a soft cry at how hard he was. She could see every vein and ridge of his cock. She wished for enough energy to suck him off, but her feet felt weighted to the carpet. She couldn’t even move to go to him.

  “I’ll do all the work,” he added with a smile, patting his thigh. “Come here. I need you.”

  With those three little words, she found strength she hadn’t known she had left. She’d crawl to him if she had to.

  She all but hurtled across the space separating them, about to straddle his legs when he nudged her around to face the other way. Matt had risen too and stroked his cock as he waited for her to take a seat.

  “A new position already,” she murmured.

  “We have a lot to work through,” Tristan agreed with a soft laugh.

  He quickly put on a condom and pulled her down until she hovered above his cock.

  “Spread those pretty thighs for me. That’s it. Take me in—” He stopped and grunted, holding her still.

  “What? What did I do?”

  “Can’t. I’ll lose it.” He forced out a breath. “Gotta do it slow. You’re drenched.”

  “Well, duh. Did you see me come over there?”

  Both men laughed, and the sound warmed her through and through. She’d started to get a chill, but now it was gone, lost in the heat of the man sliding inside her. He went achingly slow, but she still jolted as he filled her. Fuck, he was huge. So aroused, so hard, so—

  “Good,” she whispered once he was seated.

  He caught her hips in his hands as he started to thrust and retreat. He didn’t go deep, not at first. Taking care of her as always.

  “All right?” His fingers spanned her stomach, pulling her backward a little to change the angle. She gasped, and he immediately stilled. “Want me to stop?”

  “No, stupid. Can’t you feel how she’s creaming around your dick?” Shaking his head, Matt knelt in front of them. When she thought she couldn’t deal with any more sensation, he leaned forward and licked her right above where she
and Tristan were linked. Then he licked Tristan’s cock too, before her juicy pussy swallowed it again.

  “Christ, that’s so hot. You’re incredible. Watch him fuck you, Cait.”

  Shocked at how indescribably dirty it was to watch Tristan’s cock push in and out of her, she stared. She bit her lip at the mini explosions that went off inside her, trying to hold back. Not yet. She didn’t want to come so soon. Tristan was inside her. Finally. She didn’t want it to end.


  Matt’s tongue flattened against her clit. Fiery need gripped her as she fought to get more of Tristan’s cock and feel more of Matt’s talented tongue.

  “Baby, I can’t hold on. Can’t. Sorry,” Tristan grunted, almost shocking her out of her own impending orgasm. He was sorry? “Oh fuck. Oh Caity.”

  When he shouted her name as he came, his hips thrashing madly against hers, his breath a hot gust against her back, tears sprang into her eyes. She loved him so much. She hated that she’d hurt him. Worse, that she’d likely do it again.

  But she couldn’t concentrate on tears, not when Matt was still between their legs, licking Tristan’s balls, sucking her clit, driving her crazy. An inferno of heat swept over her body, and her painfully erect nipples tightened even further. Then Matt sealed his lips around her clit and pulled.

  Pleasure drenched her as her body clenched and released, her pussy flooding yet again. From what seemed like far away, she heard Matt groan and figured he'd probably made himself come too. The climax shot through her harder than all the rest, leaving her weak and sweaty and damn near unconscious.

  This orgasm—the best of the best—had come from all their efforts. Something the three of them had shared, had given each other. There was no point in denying it.

  A few minutes later, one of them picked her up and carried her off to bed. By then she couldn’t even open her eyes to check which. Soft lips glanced off her temple, along with words of love that followed her into sleep.


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