Captain's Captive

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Captain's Captive Page 18

by C. F. Harris

  There was nothing for it but to do this the old fashioned way. Bodies generated heat, and it was time to press our bodies together and hope it was enough on top of the meager heater I had to keep both of us going. Sure I could keep my combat suit on and that would keep me heated, but it would do nothing for the human.

  I paused and looked down at her before pulling her wet clothes off. She really was captivating, and as I pulled her coat off and set it aside, as I saw her body revealed to me for the first time, I felt an excitement stirring down between my legs that had nothing to do with the excitement of combat.

  I forced those thoughts away. I wasn’t saving her from a monster and the cold so I could have my way with her. That would be the ultimate in dishonor.

  Though if she was ready and willing for a little fun I had to admit I’d be more than ready. I’d had many experiences with the exotic beauties of other worlds, but I had to admit this one was certainly drawing my interest.

  I’m sure there were plenty of ladies back at the court who would rip her apart limb from limb if they had even an inkling of the desire I felt for this woman. A good thing they were all back home at court while I was here on this strange world trying to keep said exotic beauty alive.

  I held her against me and pulled a thin thermal blanket from my utility belt. It wasn’t much, but it would at least prevent the heat from escaping from our bodies into the air above. I looked up and blinked in surprise. The frozen water was really coming down now, and in the short time I’d been working to warm up this human female it had completely enclosed the force sphere.

  I really hoped there was enough power in the sphere to keep all that frozen water from collapsing on us. That would be bad. In the meantime I could only hope there would be enough up there to perhaps provide some insulation.

  I pulled the thermal blanket over us and tried to ignore how delightful the human female felt pressed against me, but it was going to be one major distraction while I waited for her to wake up and the strange storm of frozen water to pass.



  I tingled all over. Not exactly an unpleasant sensation, but not exactly the most pleasant thing I’d ever felt either. I was just starting to wonder why the hell it felt like my entire ass end had fallen asleep when I realized something else was going on that was a lot more interesting than the fact that my entire ass end felt like it had fallen asleep.

  Like something pressing against my front end.

  I smiled and snuggled up against that hard mass. That felt good. Really good. I had a fleeting thought of snuggling up against Travis back when we were still together, only the body I was up against was way harder and way more muscular than anything Travis had ever achieved.

  He was one of those guys who was always buying gym memberships but never getting around to going to the gym.

  Wait a second. Travis. Travis had been dead for over a year now. If I wasn’t snuggling up against Travis then who was this?

  Shit. Did I do something really fucking stupid like going to that resort and getting with a guy? My head was sort of hazy and funky as though I’d been drinking too much even if the thought of drinking seemed somehow wrong. Like that didn’t fit with the narrative my mind couldn’t quite remember of where I’d been and what I’d been up to leading up to this moment.

  That was just what I needed. I spend a fucking year trying to come to terms with my fiance’s death and then I get drunk and hop into bed with some random guy I met at a ski resort.

  Sure he felt like a sexy guy, maybe one of those guys with more money than he knew what to do with, but the fact remained that I shouldn’t be doing something like that. The guilt at what I might have done was already worming its way through my body.

  Though oddly enough the guilt wasn’t as intense as it had been in the past. Weird. I guess feeling something this hot pressed up against me did something for that guilt.

  Funny how that worked.

  I felt like I was swimming through a fog as I struggled to open my eyes. I didn’t think opening my eyes should be this fucking difficult, but boy was I having trouble right about now. I had hazy fevered memories of something important happening. Something big attacking me. A monster or something.

  Like a bear. A thin hungry bear that hadn’t gotten enough pic-a-nic baskets before he went off to hibernate for the winter so he’d never gone into hibernation and decided to make a snack out of me. A bear that charged me and then got chased off at the last minute by…

  My eyes flew open. I looked at the body pressed against mine. The nearly naked body pressed against mine, thank you very much. And what a body it was.

  The guy looked like he was a competitor for the Mister Universe competition or something. We’re talking Arnold back in his prime when he was menacing Sah-rah Kah-nah the first time around. The guy was fucking built with broad shoulders, rippling muscles, and what looked like a six pack though it was hard to tell for sure because he was pressed up against me.

  There was only one thing that was a little off about the whole thing. The guy’s skin.

  Now don’t get me wrong. I’ve always been more about the content of someone’s character than the color of their skin. I’d dated guys of just about every color to be found on earth. The only problem with this guy?

  I was pretty sure purple skin wasn’t a color to be found on earth.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Okay then. Definitely not one of the rich guys with more money than sense over at the ski resort. Not unless I’d stumbled into some weird rich people party where they were throwing body paint around or something, but that didn’t feel like body paint pressed against me and a quick glance down showed it wasn’t rubbing off on me.

  Though there was something huge and rock hard rubbing against me down below, if you get my drift. Surprisingly this guy wasn’t being insistent about it though. It was just there. I felt a stab of disappointment at that and the guilt followed soon after because why should I be disappointed that a guy had his massive purple cock pressed against me and he wasn’t pressing the matter?

  I couldn’t help but smile at that thought. His massive purple cock. I guess the color was the same there as it was on a human guy.

  My eyes traveled back up his body and I couldn’t suppress the involuntary shiver that ran through me as I got a good long look at him.

  That was the kind of body I didn’t mind having pressed against me. He was so warm. So hard. His arms wrapped around me felt so good. It was almost enough to make me forget about the whole purple skin thing, but of course that’s the sort of thing a girl has a difficult time forgetting.

  Finally I looked up and reached his face. For a moment I was afraid it would be something weird. Like I’d look up and he’d have a fucked up face like a movie monster or something, but when I finally got a good look at him he looked pretty much the same as any human I’d ever met except for the weird purple skin.

  Well, the weird purple skin and the fact that his face was just as alluring as the rest of him. Talk about chiseled and handsome. I was so focused on that handsomeness that I almost didn’t notice the bright blue hair that seemed to complement his purple skin.

  Well then. There was another thing you didn’t see all that often down here on earth.

  I must be having a fever dream or something. That was the only explanation. The bear had eaten me and this was a dream coursing through my system as the last few neurons I had stopped firing and I went into oblivion.

  Or maybe the bear had left me for dead and I was sitting in a snow drift somewhere as a blizzard raged around me.

  Either way I figured I was fucked, but it was nice of my body to give me such a nice dream on the way out. Even if it was a little screwed up. It had even invented that whole thing about some guy coming along and saving me from the bear at the last minute.

  Funny what your brain will do when it refuses to accept the fact that you’re about to die.

  “Hello,” the strange creature said when he
realized I was looking at him. His voice was a deep baritone that reverberated through my body. The vibration moved down and let me tell you I felt it between my legs.

  It was at about that moment that I realized something else. I looked down again and saw that even though he still had on an odd pair of boxer-briefs that seemed to shimmer as he moved, I wasn’t wearing anything. This guy had completely removed my clothes as he pressed against me.

  Fucking pervert!

  I scrambled away from him and hit a solid wall that felt cold. It also felt tingly as though my whole body had fallen asleep where I touched the cold. I looked down and around and realized we were completely encased by what looked like snow, but there was something sparkling and shimmering in the shape of a sphere holding that snow back as it packed in around us. I looked down and the only illumination was from a small cylinder that glowed fitfully.

  It created a very cozy atmosphere. Cozy if I wasn’t trapped with a massively muscled purple… something. I had no idea who this guy was or what he wanted, though glancing down at my naked body and looking over to my clothes piled on one end of this strange sparkling sphere I had a pretty good idea what he was after.

  “Um…” I said.

  I couldn’t think of anything else to say. I wasn’t sure how to articulate everything moving through my mind. There were so many questions tumbling through my head that I had no fucking clue which one to start with.

  My purple captor frowned for a moment then got a distant look in his eyes before turning back to me.

  “Ni hao?”

  I stared at him in shock. That sounded a lot like Chinese. Not that I knew much Chinese, but I knew that much. When I didn’t respond he went right on.

  “Hola? Namaste? Hajimemashite? As-salam alaykom?”

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked.

  A wide grin broke out across this strange man’s face. A grin that was quite inviting. He shifted so that he was on his elbow which only served to draw attention to the rest of him. My eyes traveled down the length of his body and I was only just able to stop myself from giving him one hell of an eye fucking as I forced myself to meet his eyes.

  Something told me now wasn’t the time to get distracted by the sexy. The strange purple-skinned sexy, to be sure, but sexy nonetheless. From the way he grinned as I met his eyes he seemed to know I was getting distracted by the sexy too.

  Damn it.

  “So you do speak English,” he said. “I thought that was the language they spoke on this continental mass, but when you didn’t respond…”

  “You speak English?” I said.

  What an odd question. I didn’t have any reason to think this guy didn’t speak English, after all. He was talking to me in English now, after all.

  So what was with the strange skin color? I mean if he was around here then that had to mean he was from around here, right? He didn’t look particularly foreign aside from the purple skin. Even his English was perfect and without an accent.

  So where the fuck did this guy come from?

  I shivered as I thought about where he could be from. I had an idea that was forming in the back of my head. An idea that was fueled in no small part by the shooting star I’d seen the night before with Rachel, but that was impossible. Things like that didn’t happen in the real world. I’d been imagining things then and I was imagining things now. This had to be a dream.

  A dream I wasn’t waking up from. I wondered what that meant considering the last thing I really remembered that was anchored in reality rather than some fucked up science fiction fantasy was a bear charging me.

  Not good. I needed to wake up.

  “Who the hell are you and what are you doing with me?”

  The strange man held a hand up and when he spoke his voice was soft. Soothing. That bass rumble ran through me again even though I wasn’t pressed up against him.

  His voice was like a lover’s caress running through my ears and straight through every nerve ending in my body down to between my legs where he was setting me on fire with words alone.

  “Please be calm,” he said. “I won’t harm you.”

  That voice might have been pure sex in auditory form driving me wild, but it wasn’t enough to overcome this crazy fucked up situation. He might have the voice of a god, but that didn’t change the fact that he was a strange man who’d stripped me naked and was pressing up against me in this strange snow fort he’d created.

  I had to keep myself grounded in reality even if it had felt fucking nice having him pressed up against me.

  “Um, how the fuck am I supposed to be calm? I want some answers. What the fuck is going on here? Who are you? You never answered that question!”

  That tingling threatened to overwhelm my whole body. I looked down and blinked. The weird sparkling all around us was more active wherever my body touched it. Like there was some sort of force field or something pressing against me as I pressed against it.


  “You were attacked by that monster,” the strange man said. “I saw you running at the monster with a stick and I couldn’t let a creature that valiant be killed by that monster, so I stepped in and saved you.”

  “You mean the bear?” I asked.

  “Is that what they call it? I’m sorry. I’ve studied the languages of your world, but I don’t always have a name to go with an object,” he said.

  I blinked. He’d studied the languages of my world? Did that mean he actually knew all those languages he’d just been talking in? And what the fuck did he mean when he said “my world” as though it wasn’t his world?

  “Don’t you mean our world?” I asked.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You said you learned all the languages of my world, but shouldn’t that be our world? Where else would you be from?”

  “I’m afraid that might be difficult for me to…”

  “Difficult my ass!” I said. “You’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on and you’re going to tell me now or else I’m going to put you in a world of fucking hurt that you’re not going to forget.”

  It was an empty threat. I didn’t think there was anything I could do against this guy. No, he looked like he could snap me like a twig if he wanted to.

  Looking him up and down I couldn’t help but think that it would be nice to let him snap me like a twig. A part of me was willing to let him do whatever the hell he wanted as long as I got to feel him against me again.

  I kept that part in check though. I needed to keep my senses about me and not go running around like a girl with a stupid crush. More than anything I needed to figure out what the fuck was going on here, because that nagging voice in the back of my head screaming about shooting stars and men with strange colored skin was starting to sound pretty reasonable. Even though I knew it was impossible for this man to be what I thought he was.

  “Perhaps I should explain myself,” he said finally.

  “You’re damn right you should! This better be good or else!”



  Truly this woman was a wonder. I couldn’t help but stare. I was so used to women bowing and scraping and throwing themselves at me that it was refreshing to have a woman who treated me as though I was a normal person.

  No, more than that. She was talking back to me. Acting as though she was somehow superior to me, or at the very least my equal.

  And as I tried to avoid the fire burning in my cock as I stared at her I realized that in a way she might have a strange power over me that hadn’t happened with other women I’d known at court.

  Those women were simpering courtesans trying to curry favor with royalty. I could never be sure if what they wanted was me or the crown prince. I could never be sure if there was any possibility of something more with them and because of that there was never a possibility of something more with them.

  I didn’t delude myself into believing there was actually a possibility of something more with this strange woman. She was an exotic
beauty from a strange planet that wasn’t prepared for contact with the wider galaxy.

  Still, I couldn’t help but think that I might have some fun with her. I couldn’t deny the fire burning inside me. The desire.

  I had to have her.

  “Perhaps we should start with names?” I asked, speaking very slowly so as to not set her off.

  “Perhaps we should start with what the fuck you were doing snuggling up against me naked in the middle of a blizzard,” she said.

  I held a hand up and fixed her with my most imperious gaze. It was a look that usually got anyone to quiet down back home, but I was also well aware that part of that might be that everyone back home knew who I was and that my position meant I could have anyone liquidated at any time for any reason.

  Not that I ever did that. That was more my sister’s style. It was one of the many ways I’d tried to set myself apart from her since I was expected to actually rule the kingdom at some point in the far future.

  Surprisingly the look worked on this human. She tried to scramble back, but of course there was only the forcefield for her to press against. That and the frozen water beyond.

  I was pleased with how warm it was in here. The frozen water served as insulation of sorts, and it seemed to pack in tight enough that it was holding itself up rather than pressing against the forcefield and collapsing it.

  Small blessings on a trip to a world that had proved to be far more hostile than I’d thought when I initially visited.

  “I will tell you everything you need to know, but you will be silent and you will hear me out without interruptions. I expect better behavior from a woman indebted to me for saving her life,” I said.

  There. That sounded very much like father delivering one of his pronouncements. It wasn’t my style, but I could admit that there were times when it was better to go for a little imperiousness.


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